Destiny Immortal Way

039 Cloud Turning Palm!

039 Cloud Turning Palm!

A high-level magic weapon is enough to make the blood of those killed here flow into rivers. On the casual cultivator's side, there are ten masters who have emerged from the bodiless state and surrounded Lin Xiao. On the flying sword in Xiao's hand, there is a flying sword of high-level magic weapon, which can replace the flying sword of a master of the Embodimentation Realm. It can be said that it is an ideal flying tool and attack weapon in the hearts of every Emergence Realm cultivator.

There is no one present who is not envious. The strong men of the big families and the many monks on the casual cultivator side are all very envious. The fight was temporarily stopped because of this, but this is probably just the calm before the storm. The atmosphere in the arena is very depressing. , The murderous intent was looming, and many people couldn't even hold back anymore. If it weren't for the fact that there were ten bodiless masters blocking Lin Xiao's surroundings, someone would have taken action long ago.

The temptation of high-level magic weapon is too great.

"That fellow Taoist! My Ouyang family is willing to give you satisfactory conditions in exchange for your flying sword!"

At this time, Ouyang Ling, a master of the Ouyang family, came out and smiled kindly.

Hearing the words, the other monks couldn't help but change their expressions slightly. Although this Ouyang Ling looked kind, but he raised the family behind him as soon as he opened his mouth, and his tone was very strong. It was Lin Xiao himself, and there were other monks present.

The Ouyang family is the largest family in China's Dragon Dynasty. Under normal circumstances, many people are unwilling to offend such a big family, even super masters in casual cultivation.

After all, if it weren't for the cultivation base reaching the sky, facing a behemoth like a family, manpower would be limited after all.

"Hey! The kid from the Ouyang family, what he said is very high-sounding. If this fellow daoist really exchanges with you, I am afraid that not only will he not get anything in the end, but he may even lose his life! Fellow daoist, don't listen to his words. These big families are masters who cannibalize people without spit out their bones!"

The white-bearded casual cultivator raised his eyebrows slightly, said with a smile, and advised Lin Xiao kindly.

Lin Xiao was noncommittal, and his thoughts changed sharply. He knew very well that the white-bearded old man seemed to have good intentions, but in fact he was not interested in drinking. He was afraid that Lin Xiao would really agree to the exchange.

"Old guy! Don't spout blood. My Ouyang family has a big business. It's not enough to kill people for a mere magic weapon. On the contrary, it's you, hum! Don't think I don't know what you're up to, I'm afraid What you want is to rely on your cultivation to snatch this fellow Taoist's magic weapon!"

Ouyang Ling's face suddenly darkened, his eyes showed murderous intent, and he said coldly, he had wanted to kill this old guy a long time ago, but the latter was about the same level as him in cultivation, and he was also a strong man in the third level of the Embryo state. It is almost impossible to keep such a strong man.

"Ouyang Ling! This fellow Taoist is one of my loose cultivators at first glance. You should not overwhelm others with power! Could it be that your Ouyang family dares to be an enemy of the casual cultivators in the world?"

On the casual cultivator's side, another Embryo Realm master sneered, this is a dark-skinned vulture old man.

Lin Xiao kept silent all the time, watching these people's hypocrisy with cold eyes. He was locked by the aura of ten masters of the Embodied Realm. He consumed a lot of energy, almost emptied him, and now he just took the opportunity to recover.

"Brother Ouyang, what are you doing talking so much nonsense with these casual cultivators? None of you can leave today at 40! Hmph!"

Suddenly, a tall figure appeared out of the crowd, this person looked less than 30 years old, he was very strong, his whole body was intimidating, and he threatened to leave all these loose cultivators behind.

"Longze! I didn't expect you to come here!"

Ouyang Ling's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he smiled and said, the other nine Emerald Realm masters all nodded when they saw the person coming, showing that they are extraordinary.

"Boy! I won't make it difficult for you. Give me that flying sword, and my Long family will give you corresponding compensation!"

Long Ze strode directly towards Lin Xiao's position, and said coldly, this person is not too old, but he is stronger than Ouyang Ling, Lin Xiao saw the shadow of Long Shaoqing in him, and also He is so overbearing that he treats the ten masters of casual cultivators in the Embodied Realm as nothing, and walks directly towards him!

"Junior, are you from the Long family?"

The white-bearded old man shrank his pupils slightly, and his expression was a little ugly. Obviously, he was still very afraid of the prestige of the Huaxia Long family.

"Hmph! The Long family is indeed worthy of being the number one family in China, but you, a junior, shouldn't be so rampant. Could it be that you think you can defeat ten of us!"

Although many casual cultivators are afraid, but a junior is so rampant, can it be that ten of them are no match for him alone?Although the aura of this junior of the Long family is strong, it definitely cannot surpass the second level of the Embryo Boundary Realm. Ten strong casual cultivators in the field are enough to easily ###.

"Hmph! The members of the Long family are really arrogant and domineering. I won't exchange with you!"

Lin Xiao looked in all directions, his expression moved slightly, and he suddenly snorted coldly.

"Did you hear that? The younger generation of the Long family, if this fellow Taoist doesn't exchange with you, you can go back!"

Sure enough, a master of casual cultivators in the Embodied Realm said coldly, although the members of the Long family are arrogant, they have the capital to be arrogant and domineering, and everyone is afraid of them.

"En? What are you talking about, boy? Come here!"

Long Ze's face turned cold, and he suddenly reached out and grabbed Lin Xiao, very forcefully.

"Too arrogant!"

The casual cultivators of Embodied Realm surrounding Lin Xiao finally shot out in anger, and the three masters shot together. Although they didn't use weapons, their momentum was astonishing enough.

"Huh? Do you dare to do it?"

Long Ze frowned, but his face remained unchanged, his palms shone brightly, shaking the three masters hard, and the four masters of the Embodied Realm fought hand-to-hand, a terrifying storm of true energy erupted between the collisions, and the remaining seven masters all changed their colors , Hurry up to protect Lin Xiao behind, and let the latter not suffer any damage now.

"Get out of here—!"

Long Ze shouted in anger, and the three masters shot together, so that he didn't get any advantage. He has a powerful cultivation level of the second level of the Embryoshape Realm, and the three masters who attacked him just now are all at the same level as him, but they didn't suppress Going down to Longze, Longze was full of energy and blood, and he did not lose the wind against three masters of the same level, which really shocked many people.

The members of the Long family are indeed extraordinary, and their combat power is astonishing!Fight against the same level, I am afraid it will be difficult to meet the opponent!

"The people of the Long family are very capable, but I don't believe you can ### all of us?"

The white-bearded old man made the move, he has a powerful cultivation base of the third level of the Embodied Realm, and he wants to use the high realm###Longze.

"Old man, I think you are impatient!"

Long Ze's murderous intentions arose, and his whole body suddenly shone with golden light, as if there was a sun in his body. Under the shocked eyes of many masters, a huge golden palm fell from the sky.


The face of the old man with full confidence changed drastically, and he couldn't dodge it anymore. There seemed to be clouds surging around the golden light palm, and his power was terrifying. He never got up, and his life and death are unknown.


All the powerful people present gasped in unison. This junior from the Long family was too terrifying. He beat the white-bearded old man who was one weight taller to death with one palm. It was too abnormal. What is this golden light palm that is surging with clouds? technique?

"It's Cloud Turning Palm—!"

Finally, the complexion of a casual cultivator in the Embodied Realm changed drastically, and he exclaimed, recognizing the techniques Long Ze used.

Flip Cloud Palm!

All the powers present were shocked and changed color. The prestige of the Fanyun Palm shook the world long before the establishment of the Chinese Dragon Dynasty, because the Fanyun Palm was a powerful supernatural power of the Emperor back then. Those who can be said to have a fierce reputation.

The so-called Shadow of the Famous Tree, although the cloud-turning palm that Long Ze displayed was far less terrifying than that of the Human Emperor, it still frightened many people. Time was also shocked, not daring to make a move!

"Hmph! You guys are knowledgeable!"

Long Ze snorted coldly, and glanced contemptuously at the nine casual cultivators who were shocked by his cloud-turning palm and dared not make a move for a while, his brows were full of arrogance.

Turning cloud palm can be said to be one of the symbols of the Long family. He is talented and intelligent. Not long ago, he obtained the essence of the supernatural power that the ancestor of the emperor became famous in the past. He has only made some small achievements. Today, when he uses it today, he has exerted such a huge power .

Feeling the awe-inspiring gazes of the many casual cultivators around him, the arrogance on Long Ze's body inevitably became stronger. He was born in the largest family in the world, with a lot of talent. He often looks down on people, thinking that others are not qualified to talk to him, and even more so. Casual repair.

That kind of feeling is like a royal prince facing ordinary people, it is an innate sense of superiority and contempt!

Lin Xiao was also stunned. The cloud-turning palm and raising his hand seemed to be changing, and contained a kind of influence on the general trend of the world. It was indeed one of the famous stunts of the emperor who looked down on the world back then.

"Hand it over, otherwise, die—!"

Long Ze's eyes fell on Lin Xiao, his brows were slightly frowned, and he was indifferent, as if a high-ranking prince was announcing the fate of his subjects.Lin Xiao felt that Long Ze seemed to be more domineering than Long Shaoqing, which made him furious.

However, in the face of Long Ze, who was at the second level of Embodied Realm, and possessed such a terrifying magical power as Cloud Turning Palm, Lin Xiao once again felt deeply powerless, which was an absolute power gap.

Now he is looked down upon indifferently, he can't even keep his own things, just like an ant, life and death are judged by others.Lin Xiao looked back at Long Ze coldly, feeling extremely angry in his heart, the members of the Long family are more hateful than each other!

"What a domineering Long family, who kills people so openly and seizes treasures, and treats human life like a straw! You really don't treat me like a casual cultivator!"

Lin Xiao smiled back in anger, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Hmph! Mere casual cultivators are just a group of ants in my eyes. If you kill them, you will kill them. You talk too much nonsense. If that's the case, then you should die!"

Long Ze shook his head in disdain, and snorted coldly. The terrifying power of Flipping Cloud Palm shocked the other nine casual cultivators back, and then slapped Lin Xiao. If this blow goes on, even if Lin Xiao is so tyrannical, It also has to be a pile of meat paste.

"What a Flipping Cloud Palm, don't you think that Flipping Cloud Palm is invincible in the world, I will break your Flipping Cloud Palm today!"

Lin Xiao sneered again and again, and suddenly a mouthful of blood sprayed on the flying sword in his hand, pushing it with all his strength, and suddenly a terrifying breath of destruction erupted, and the power of the high-level magic weapon reappeared, and the monstrous power even shook the clouds on the sky above. Give the shock away.

Long Ze's complexion finally changed, because the general trend of controlling the world in Fanyun Palm was forcibly dissipated, which directly caused the power of Fanyun Palm itself to be greatly attenuated.


Lin Xiao yelled angrily, desperately urging the newly recovered true qi in his body, and sprayed out his blood again.

The power of the high-level magic weapon was indeed terrifying, Lin Xiao pushed it so recklessly, even Long Ze's cloud-turning palm was split, and the flying sword even aimed at him.


But Longze is really not simple, a set of silver-white armor appeared on his body, radiant with brilliance, exuding a tyrannical wave, it is actually a first-grade magic weapon-level armor!


The terrifying sword glow directly slashed on Long Ze's armor, bursting out with bright light.

Suddenly, the terrifying sword light collapsed, and Long Ze couldn't help but took two steps back, a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, his face was extremely gloomy, but there was no figure of Lin Xiao on the opposite side, only a voice containing terrifying murderous intent echoed near Songshan Mountain in the space.

"See you next time, and I will take your head!"

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