Destiny Immortal Way

103 Sea of ​​Fog

103 Sea of ​​Fog

The weather in early autumn is full of withered yellow, even in the autumn wind, there is also a breath of desolation, which makes people feel a sense of sadness in their hearts. This is a season of homesickness, especially for this For a group of monks far away from their homes, this feeling is even more sensitive.

At this moment, a group of monks wearing gray Taoist robes slowly flew across the sky. From the position on their chests, the handwriting of the Alliance could be seen. Obviously, this should be a team joining The monks of the Loose Cultivation Alliance.

"Brother Liu, I'm homesick, it's almost Mid-Autumn Festival!"

A slightly immature voice sounded, it was a fifteen or sixteen-year-old little monk, a boy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a very cute appearance. Before the end of the world, such a child should be a carefree existence in school, but now But he has to bear his own destiny alone.

As the words of the little monk sounded, the entire team fell into silence. The arrival of the end of the world will completely destroy everything in the original world. Do not choose to embark on the path of Taoism.

In this world where people cannibalize people, how much they long for the life they once had. There is no such kind of flying into the sky, no killing to obtain the continuation of life, and when they are tired from work, they can go home and greet their families, and The wives huddled together and watched TV.

People in the world yearn to cultivate immortals because they feel that the happiness of a lifetime is not enough, and they want to be forever. If the people around them no longer exist, and happiness is gone, then the so-called feathered immortals, isn't it just a joke?

In this crisis-ridden world, they are always struggling, who doesn't want to have a home?

There are nine people in this group, the leader is a very rough and rough man with a beard and a green flying sword under his feet. In the fifth heaven, although he is also wearing a black robe, two golden lines can be clearly seen on the cuffs, which is obviously different from this group of people.

This kind of dress, anyone who knows the Loose Cultivation Alliance knows that the gray clothes are only the outer disciples of the Loose Cultivation Alliance and are not reused, and the gold thread on the cuffs is just a person in charge.

The blue ones are the elites of the Loose Cultivation Alliance, most of whom are in the seventh and ninth heavens, while the black clothes belong to the elders of the alliance, and only those who have made special contributions can get them. As for the purple clothes on it, they are It is the existence of those ancestors of Tiangan, but there are as many as six of them so far. It is because of the existence of the realm of Tiangan, which surpasses all families, so they can exist as a special force in the city of God.

Obviously, this group of outer disciples are not valued, so they were sent here, making them feel less belonging to the Loose Cultivation Alliance, full of complaints, but there is nothing they can do about it.

The big man in the lead was called Liu Biao. He frowned slightly at this time, but he didn't blame these people. Instead, he said earnestly: "Everyone, don't complain any more. Although there are many crises in this trip to the sea of ​​fog, there are many dangers. This is also to do our part for the city of God. When we came here, the elders told us that as long as we can succeed, we will be promoted to disciples in Tsing Yi, and then we won’t have to suffer anymore!”

The sea of ​​fog is a dangerous place in the sanctuary. It is rumored that when the sages of the human race opened up the sanctuary, it already existed. It has been shrouded in fog all year round and has never been blown away. Survive this weird creature called Shura Bee.

Rumor has it that any monk who has been stung by a Shura bee will have the illusion of falling into the Shura's underworld. Even if some ancestors of the heavenly sense go there, they will fall if they are careless, so it is a veritable dangerous place.

The ancient sages tried to disperse the fog, but they failed in the end. In order to prevent the fog from the sea of ​​fog from spreading and affecting the entire sanctuary, it is said that they left behind a holy artifact ###, what is the specific situation, because it is so old , is already unknown.

Originally, all of this should be a mystery, but I never thought that the ancestors of the Wang family found a handbook when they controlled the city of God, which recorded this incident. Now that the city of God is surrounded, monks in the realm of the ancestors cannot go, so He asked the Loose Cultivation Alliance to send people there.

Liu Biao and his party naturally couldn't find the holy artifact. The purpose of their trip was only to establish a teleportation array there, so that the ancestors of the Loose Cultivation Alliance could appear, but even so, it was full of dangers. crisis.

"Brother Liu, this...!"

A young man, holding a folding fan in his hand, wanted to say something more, but when he saw Brother Liu's eyes, he immediately choked back all his words, obviously very afraid of Brother Liu.

Liu Biao withdrew his staring gaze at the young man, looked at the young man, and said softly, "Zhang Yang, you are still young, but you should know that you are a man now, and you can only protect your family if you become strong enough. So strength is what you should pursue!"

"Yeah! Brother Liu, I know!"

Zhang Yang nodded firmly in his eyes, obviously stimulated by Brother Liu's words.

"Hey! Why are there other monks here!"

At this moment, Liu Biao was surprised, because he glanced down casually, and saw three monks having a picnic. You must know that this is the edge of the sanctuary, and monsters and beasts are rare, let alone humans. .

As Brother Liu opened his mouth, everyone in the team stared at the three monks below, and their expressions became strange. In this wild world, meeting people is the scariest thing, because monsters are fine as long as you avoid the territory. But killing people and seizing treasures does happen from time to time.

"Brother Liu, let's bypass it!"

The young man was obviously a timid person, and he spoke eagerly at this moment. After all, in this kind of place, seeing three people is the same concept as seeing a ghost.

"Go down and see!"

Brother Liu just hesitated for a moment, and actually took the initiative to fly downwards, causing the people behind him to follow after hesitating for a while.

This group of monks quickly landed on the mountain peak, and looked at the three of them quickly. There were two men and a woman. The girl was wearing a long white dress, and she was as beautiful as a fairy. The fairy fell into the world of mortals, which made the group of men look excited.

And the two men in black robes behind her were directly ignored by them, because their looks were too ordinary, and their cultivation bases were just reborn, so they really didn't care too much After all, Liu Biao came from the fifth heaven, and except for Zhang Yang who was reborn from the first heaven, the rest were from the third and fourth heavens, so naturally he would not be afraid of anything.

Liu Biao scanned the three of them with his eyes, and when he looked at the two men in black behind the girl, his expression froze for a moment. His body instinctively felt that these two men were very dangerous, but this feeling was quickly overshadowed. He dispersed, laughing in his heart that he was too suspicious.

Although the world has changed and is suitable for cultivation, it can only be said that it is rare for the three people in front of them to reach the realm of rebirth, and he naturally does not believe that such a person will cause any crisis to him.

Liu Biao is not a daring person. He chose it because he has a treasure in his arms. Once there is a strong aura fluctuation around him, it will attract its attention. This is how he can survive in this chaotic sanctuary. , the root cause of such a long distance.

Now he can feel that the thing in his arms is still calm and unresponsive. A smile appeared on his face and said: "I don't know what should be called the three fellow Taoists? Next, Liu Biao, I have seen the three Taoists." Friends!"

"Call me Xiaoqian!"

The girl opened her mouth with a smile on her face, took out a tissue from the storage bag, and gently wiped her greasy mouth. The group of monks who watched were all swallowing their saliva. After all, in the wilderness, Being able to meet a woman who is so beautiful naturally makes the hormones of this group of people stronger.

It's just that they don't know that the three people sitting in front of them can kill their team with any one shot. These three people are Lin Xiao and the others. Originally, they wanted to leave, but Lin Xiao sensed it. The appearance of this team.

Lin Xiao was naturally surprised by the appearance of such a group of monks in the border area of ​​the sanctuary, so he wanted to learn about the outside world through this group of people. Can suppress the cultivation base.

"Lin Xiao!"

"Xu De!"

At this moment, Lin Xiao and Xu De also spoke one after another, but the effect was obviously not as good as Xiaoqian's. It seemed that no one cared about it at all, and chose to ignore it. After all, no matter how they looked at it, they both looked like Xiaoqian's However, Lin Xiao didn't care too much about it.

"Fairy Xiaoqian, I don't know why you appear here?"

Liu Biao glared at his subordinates fiercely, and asked cautiously, he was much more sober than his subordinates, some people were not easy to mess with although their cultivation base was low, so he didn't want his subordinates to cause trouble.

Xiaoqian is eccentric, she probably thought that someone would finally play with her, she still pretended to be a lady, rolled her eyes and said: "We came in from the outside world, so we were teleported in somehow, big brother Do you know where this is?"

"Fairy Xiaoqian, don't you know that this is a sanctuary? Now the dinosaur clan and the god ape clan are besieging the god city, but it's very dangerous. Your cultivation base is so low, it's very dangerous here!"

That young man made an expression that he thought was chic, and he rushed to speak in front of Brother Liu, even if he was glared at by Brother Liu, he didn't care, a typical guy with the opposite sex and no humanity.

"Dinosaurs and apes, besieging the city of God?"

The three of Lin Xiao were slightly taken aback, but they didn't show much expression. Xu De is a typical core of egoism. In front of him, the so-called carelessness of the human race is simply nonsense, and Lin Xiao and Xiaoqian are even more so. They had once seen a strong member of the dinosaur family smuggled into the sanctuary, so they didn't care much about this scene. In their minds, they should be most worried about the nine families with related interests.

"Fairy Xiaoqian, you are new here, you must not know much about Sanctuary, you can contact me if you have any questions, my name is Qianduo!"

Seeing her own words attracted Xiaoqian, her face immediately flushed, and she declared her family acquaintance.

A smug smile appeared on Xiaoqian's face, but she didn't pay any attention to the money. Instead, she looked at Brother Liu with her big watery eyes and said, "Brother Liu, you should have a map, right? Can you sell me a copy? Let's go back too!"


Although Liu Ge showed hesitation on his face, but when no one saw it, a gleam of light appeared in his eyes, he shook his head and said: "Fairy, I'm afraid we can't help you, here should be at least two miles away from the city of God." month's journey, and most of them are occupied by dinosaurs, there is nothing we can do!"

Xiaoqian didn't know the deceit, and a disappointed expression appeared on her face. She glanced at Lin Xiao and rolled her eyes. The meaning couldn't be more obvious.

Just when everyone thought there was nothing to do, Brother Liu said with a troubled face: "If the fairy doesn't mind, you can follow us to the sea of ​​fog, where there is a teleportation array to return to the city!"

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