Destiny Immortal Way

104 Calculations

104 Calculations

"Sea of ​​fog?"

Lin Xiao was taken aback for a moment, he could naturally see that this was probably the purpose of the other party coming down, that is to invite them to the sea of ​​fog, but he was somewhat suspicious of the other party's words.

"Brother Liu is right. Our cultivation base is higher than yours. It must be much better to follow us than you!"

At this time Qian Duo spoke with a proud face, shaking the folding fan from time to time, but he didn't know that he didn't look personable at all.

"Then I will trouble Brother Liu!"

At this time, Lin Xiao also figured everything out and decided to follow the other party. He stood up and hugged the group of people. He had already seen that although playing the beauty card was effective, Xiaoqian and the wily Liu Biao Fighting against each other, obviously nothing useful can be asked at all.

The secret land that Xu De mentioned is near the city of God. Even if Lin Xiao and the others are faster than this group of people, it may take a month to go back. If they encounter a strong dinosaur family on the way, I am afraid that everything will be another variable. , compared to the teleportation array provided by Liu Biao, it is the best choice.

Of course, Lin Xiao still has another choice, which is to kill this group of people, and then get what he wants from Brother Liu. This was originally what Xu De wanted to do, but Lin Xiao stopped him from killing innocent people indiscriminately. He can't do things.

Seeing Lin Xiao standing up, Liu Biao was taken aback for a moment. After all, many people would think that they were a wealthy family ### with two followers when they first saw these three people, but now that they spoke, it was obviously a The appearance of the leader is naturally surprising.

But this Liu Biao, who is also a well-informed person, soon smiled and said: "You are very polite, Lin Daoyou. You should rely on your brothers when you go out. It's just that our mission is dangerous this time, and I hope all of you You must obey our arrangements!"

Lin Xiao snorted coldly in his heart. He had already observed Liu Biao's every move very carefully. The other party invited them to join, obviously with ulterior motives, but he didn't care about it. After all, with the strength of the three of them, only the It could be this group of people.

Although Lin Xiao was vigilant in his heart, he showed a smile on his face. He hugged Liu Biao and said, "I don't know what task Brother Liu is going to do this time?"

"Boy! You have only grown out of the sky, so be careful when talking to our boss!"

Qian Duo spoke with a displeased face. After all, Xiaoqian ignored him just now, which made him very unhappy, and now he has some resentment in his heart.

"Brother Qian, they are also humans, we should be united here!"

Zhang Yang whispered a word of persuasion, but Qian Duo gave him a hard look, so he could only continue to choose to remain silent.

Liu Biao also glanced at Qianduo coldly, then looked at Lin Xiao with a smile on his face and said, "Friend Lin, this time we are going to the center of the sea of ​​fog to build a teleportation array, so that we can go to and from the city of God conveniently." , so if there is any crisis on the road, I hope you can take action!"

"Boss, they just reborn from the third heaven, and following us is just a burden. Except for Fairy Xiaoqian, we don't want to take care of the rest!"

Qian Duo spoke angrily, and the rest of the monks also chose to remain silent, obviously supporting Qian Duo's statement.

In the sanctuary, having more people is not necessarily an advantage, because the more people, the bigger the target, so it is easy to attract the attention of the dinosaurs. This is undoubtedly an adventure. In this case, joining three people at the same time, Undoubtedly a risky move.


At this moment, a black figure suddenly appeared in front of Qian Duo in an instant, and then a resounding slap resounded across the valley. It was the neglected Xu De.

Although Xu De suppressed his cultivation and was only reborn from the third heaven, he was enough to instantly kill the existence of the same level. If Lin Xiao hadn't reminded him at a critical moment just now, I am afraid that the person in front of him would already be a dead body.

"Be polite to our young master!"

Xu De said in a cold voice. Naturally, he wasn't really complaining about Lin Xiao. After all, if anyone could kill Lin Xiao, he would definitely worship three times and nine times. But obviously this person cannot be rich, so he wants to please Lin Xiao. Xiao.

Xu De's sudden attack caused Liu Biao's pupils to shrink instantly, because he couldn't see clearly Xu De's skill. You must know that theoretically, if there is a difference of two heavens, the strength must also be two heavens apart, but at this moment he There was a feeling that if the slap was not a hand but a sword, he wouldn't be able to dodge it.


Qian Duo froze in place at first, but soon burst into anger. The pain on his face, coupled with being humiliated in front of the woman in his heart, made him wish he could tear Xu De's body to pieces. The precious fan in his hand suddenly With a flash of inspiration, a big battle is about to break out.


Liu Biao sneered coldly, and at the same time, his body flashed, and he stood in front of the two of them in an instant. He hugged Lin Xiao and said, "Friend Lin, it was my little brother's fault just now, what an offense!"

"It's okay, Xu De hasn't come back yet?"

Lin Xiao smiled, and waved his hand to call Xu De back behind him. After all, he never thought that when he really started a war with the opponent, Xu De's attack was just a blow to the opponent.

"Boss, they bully people too much, they can't just let it go!"

Qian Duo's face was gloomy, and with a loud roar, he was about to pass Liu Biao and rush towards Xu De. After all, he was reborn from the fourth heaven, and he could be regarded as a well-known character in Shencheng. He couldn't bear such a shame.

"Get out!"

Liu Biao snorted coldly at Qian Duo with a cold expression, but he was also a little majestic. He forced Qian Duo down abruptly, and then he breathed a sigh of relief: "Friend Daoist Lin, I don't know if you can let it go now, let's We can set off now!"

"lets go!"

Lin Xiao smiled, as if nothing had happened, and joined this group of people. After all, with their strength, they were not worried about Qian Duo's revenge.

Three days later, Lin Xiao and his party appeared outside the sea of ​​fog. They said that this is the sea, but in fact it can only be said to be a huge basin. Can't see too far.

A certain day ago in the world, there was a warning on the earth. The fog has been pervasive for more than ten days and has not dissipated. However, compared with this fog, it is obviously not at the same level. possible.

This is because Lin Xiao and the others are monks, and they have good ears and eyes. If they were ordinary people, they might not be able to see anything.

"Let's go down!"

Holding a treasure in the shape of a compass, Liu Biao tossed and tossed in the sea of ​​fog for a long time, finally chose a direction, and fell down.

This treasure is called a spirit-seeking disk, and it is similar to the shape of the previous compass, but it is more sensitive. With this treasure, they have avoided the camp of monsters several times and walked here safely.

Naturally, Lin Xiao and the others didn't have any objections, and followed Liu Biao directly down. In the sea of ​​fog, it is unwise to fly, because the fog is covered with Shura bees, and if you are not careful, you will be caught. , and walking on the ground, you can better avoid it.

"Friend Daoist Lin, there are dangers everywhere in this sea of ​​fog. Please follow carefully. The teleportation array is in an area of ​​this sea of ​​fog. As long as we find it, put in the spirit stone and it will be opened!"

Liu Biao carefully reminded Lin Xiao, and took the lead to walk inside.

"Master? Do you trust him?"

At the end of the team, Xu De looked at Lin Xiao with a puzzled expression. After three days, he found that he couldn't see Lin Xiao through. It was obvious that Liu Biao had a plan, and he still followed him in the sea of ​​fog. In such a place, cultivation will be suppressed.

"Do not believe!"

Lin Xiao spoke calmly, without much explanation, and walked in directly.

The moment he entered the sea of ​​fog, an invisible pressure suddenly appeared outside Lin Xiao's body. His originally diffused perception was instantly pressed back into his body, unable to display it at all, and his cultivation base was also suppressed. It has been suppressed to the ninth level of refined aiki.

This kind of suppression caused Lin Xiao's body to sway slightly and nearly fell to the ground. After all, the cultivation base that he relied on for survival suddenly disappeared, and he would lose his original control over his body.

But this discomfort was only for a moment. From Lin Xiao's storage bag, the subduing pestle suddenly flew out, and he carried it behind his back. He is a body-training cultivator, and the one who is truly powerful is himself, so this kind of suppression can only suppress him. Mana, but it can't suppress the combat power.


In an instant, the blood in Lin Xiao's body boiled. Under the situation where his cultivation was suppressed, the blood cultivation factors in his body also burst out, making his cultivation instantly reach the third level of rebirth. After all, the outside world Suppression is only aimed at spiritual energy, but his power comes from blood and body, but it is completely exceptional.

At this time, Liu Biao and the others in front were also suppressed one after another, but they all released their magical weapons in advance. Although their realm was suppressed, they had magical weapons. Still not life-threatening.

With the help of the faint precious light, Lin Xiao saw Liu Biao's magic weapon, which turned out to be a very rare bell, purple in color, with copper bells the size of three babies' fists.

At this moment, Qian Duo, who was walking in front, quickly walked up to Liu Biao, and whispered, "When will the boss do it? I can't wait!"

"Hmph! Pay attention to me. Not everyone in this group listens to us. We still need to find a way to get rid of this group of people. Since they are all here, there is no rush!"

Liu Biao sneered, but also comforted Qian Duo in a low voice.

"Hey! Boss, although my younger brother trusts you very much, I have told my apprentice that if I die in the sea of ​​fog, your affairs will be reported to the Loose Cultivation Alliance, so you'd better not Treat me like they are!"

Qian Duo sneered, losing the respect he had shown in the past.

(It's back, back to normal ###!)

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