Destiny Immortal Way

114 Xu De Captured


The moment Patriarch Guang'an rushed out, the scenery in front of him suddenly changed, and he encountered a scenery like Lin Xiao, and even he was moved by the roar, and his heart turned pale with shock, knowing that he underestimated the enemy. Weird.

"Old man, if you have the ability, you can rush forward, this girl can allow you to bite my little flower!"

Now, although there is only a distance of [-] meters, as if the two worlds are separated, it is difficult to catch each other's breath, but you can let the sound pass in the past. start.

"Xiaoqian, what's the little flower you're talking about? Why does that old thing like to bite so much?"

Lin Xiao was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, so he rarely cooperated with Xiaoqian's nonsense. After all, he was not the opponent's opponent, and he had to disgust the opponent. At the same time, he was also speeding up his healing.

"Oh! Lin boy, you don't know, my Xiaohua is a purebred little bitch, this old thing naturally likes the same kind, but it's a pity that my Xiaohua doesn't even bother to look at her!"

Xiaoqian had a smug expression on her face, and her pair of canine teeth were grinding wildly, she already held a grudge against Guang An for hurting Lin Xiao.

"You two bastards, when the ancestor rushes over, you will definitely die without a whole body!"

Guang An was so angry that he vomited blood, but there was nothing he could do about it. He felt sorry for the old ancestor, even though he was allowed to do his best, he could only fight hand-to-hand with a group of corpses.

At the foot of the bloody palace, Ancestor Mei and Ancestor Fuyun had also arrived, staring at the seven sages in the sky, in a daze for a while.

"Aren't you really going to help Guang An?"

Ancestor Fuyun's small eyes flickered for a while, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Why bother to pretend to be confused. Although the sea of ​​fog has changed, the legend of the holy artifact must be true. Since we have already come here, won't it be beneficial to you and me if he loses some of his strength?"

Old Ancestor Mei sneered, showing disdain for Old Ancestor Fu Yun's hypocrisy.

"Hey! I didn't expect that the seven sages who were supposed to quell the chaos and leave, but now they are all dead here. I don't know if the chaos of the year has been suppressed!"

Ancestor Fuyun smiled awkwardly and changed the subject directly.

In the history of China, people who can be stained with a holy word must not be ordinary people, and their strength has reached the pinnacle, reaching the extreme state, but it is such seven strong men who died here at the same time. It's frightening, and of course I'm even more afraid of the cause that can cause them to die.

Old Ancestor Mei also remained silent for a long time before he said with a fierce look in his eyes: "They used to be sages. If they were alive, they should respect them naturally. But since they are dead now, they can't stop our plan, even if the cause is still there. , for the sake of the holy artifact, we have to sacrifice everything!"


Ancestor Fuyun was slightly taken aback, pretending to be hesitant, but sneered in his heart: "Well, you old lady Mei, you actually have such a plan, since you are so cruel, I'm afraid you won't do it to me." Well, if I take the lead, don't blame me!"

At this time, Lin Xiao's location is very far away from where the two ancestors are. Naturally, he doesn't know the plot of these two people, but he is also a little uncomfortable at this time. No kidding.


Lin Xiao spat out a mouthful of blood, and his face turned even paler in an instant. If he hadn't had to, he would not have chosen to do this, but he didn't care too much. healing.

Facing the coercion from the sages behind him, and the death threat from Patriarch Guang An in front, Lin Xiao has no time to waste, and must always maintain the best condition, otherwise it may be really difficult to get out of here.

The Blood Cultivator's skills are running quickly, and the injury on Lin Xiao's chest is recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. This is the charm of the Blood Cultivator. As long as it is not a fatal injury, this simple injury can be recovered in an instant. Lin Xiao's own body transformed by the Tianbei is more suitable for blood repair, so even if some old monsters encounter him, he can only sigh with emotion.

"Only one person? Where did the other two go? Or is there a quarrel between them?"

Half an hour later, Lin Xiao slowly opened his eyes, revealing a trace of hesitation. He believed in the accuracy of the spirit plate, so he had some guesses about the appearance of only one ancestor, but it was close to [-]% of the truth .

"If they are of one mind, I definitely don't have the slightest chance of winning this matter, but if my guess comes true, then I can plan something!"

Lin Xiao whispered, facing the three strong sense of heaven, he was still strong enough to fight, but he would not fight recklessly.

At this time, Xiaoqian seemed to be tired of cursing, panting, and said in a low voice: "It seems that the old thing can't get over it anymore, it's quite safe here!"

"It's a question of time, we should think of some countermeasures!"

Lin Xiao stood up slowly, and the injuries on his body were no longer serious. If it was another reborn strong man, even if it was not fatal, he would be seriously injured for a long time, but Lin Xiao is a freak .

With a slender figure standing on the steps, there is a fairy in white next to her. If it weren't for the crying ghosts and howling wolves in front of her, there would be a blood palace that would still tremble with fear even if you didn't look at it. Maybe you would imagine it as a pair of gods and immortals But now they are more like a pair of fateful mandarin ducks.

Lin Xiao once tried to forcibly detain the celestial tablet from his body. After all, it is a life-saving weapon. In the past, when encountering a crisis, the existence of the celestial tablet could save the day, but no matter how hard Lin Xiao searched, he could not find it. The whereabouts of the monument seemed to have disappeared from his body at this very moment.


Fan Tianyin shivered for a while. Facing the coercion of the Blood Palace, it had supported for too long, and now there were cracks on it, looking like it was about to be crushed at any time. It is conceivable that the coercion of the Blood Palace , if there is no magic weapon, just relying on oneself, I am afraid that even a person with a strong sense of heaven will have a headache.

"Go! Going in is a good fortune, and going back has no chance of winning!"

Lin Xiao figured everything out in an instant, roared, and went straight to the Blood Palace. Now the coercion is not only aimed at him, so under the mutual checks and balances, it is not impossible for him to fight against the strong sense of heaven, but he will definitely not is here.


Just as Lin Xiao stepped forward, a huge coercion came from the Blood Palace, like a mountain, directly hitting Lin Xiao's chest. This blow was unavoidable, because this road , all within the attack range, unless you want to leave.


The Fantian seal let out a mournful cry, and was smashed directly, leaving only half of it. You can see what it used to be like in front of you. This seal has been with Lin Xiao for a long time. The invisible coercion was crushed.


At this moment, Xiaoqian let out a soft drink at the same time. From her storage bag, the black long sword rushed out instantly, and a soft sword light radiated, quickly protecting the two of them. Get up, or the two of them will die here.

Lin Xiao looked at the broken Shattering Seal, feeling a burst of sadness in his heart, but without the slightest love for his children, he waved his hand to put away the remaining fragments.

Now, although there is a magic weapon to resist the coercion from everywhere for the two of them, the oppressive atmosphere still exists, just like the two of them are carrying a big mountain forward and are struggling.

At this time, the outside world, the two ancestors of Meihua, have also arrived at the foot of the mountain where the blood palace is located, but behind them, there is an extra figure shrouded in black mist. , there will be a burst of distortion.


When they stepped onto the location where Lin Xiao and the others were initially, there was a shrill scream in the mist, and the black mist inside was completely blown away in an instant.

A man with a completely unrecognizable face, his whole body was covered with black wooden needles, the needles were as thick as a little finger, and the exposed part was also a finger long, exuding a strong black breath, like a small snake, She was desperately drilling into that body.

Black blood was flowing from all the seven orifices of this person, and because of the distorted pain, there would be bursts of roars from his throat from time to time, only in this way could he be able to relieve the pain.

"That's right! The old man's poisonous dragon diamond is only inferior to the sorcery of the Beiming family, but no one has ever been able to persist for such a long time. It seems that you must be the boy's friend. Tell me, why did you want to use it in the future?" We are the enemy of the Loose Cultivation Alliance!"

Ancestor Mei said in a gloomy voice, this person is Xu De, although he chose to leave first, but there was the opponent of these two ancestors, he was quickly searched out, and now he is in the mode of torture.

"Hmph! This old woman, if your grandpa Xu really speaks out, will he still have a chance of survival? It's just a poisonous dragon drill, this kind of torture, grandpa has already played it when he was three years old!"

Xu De sneered inwardly, but he still pretended to be in extreme pain.

"I think this kid is a bit interesting. Such loyalty is very rare. I wonder if Fellow Daoist Mei can sell this old man to save face. How about letting him go?"

At this time, the ancestor Fuyun on the side seemed a little bit embarrassed, and opened his mouth with a compassionate face, but his appearance was not flattering, and the way he smiled did not have the slightest atmosphere, but gave people a very uncomfortable feeling .

Old Ancestor Mei was taken aback for a moment, but didn't say anything. He waved his hand and took out the poisonous dragon drill from Xu De's body. After all, to her, torturing Xu De was just out of curiosity. Naturally, she won't really refuse to change the favor of the first class.

The moment Xu De was released, the ancestor Mei didn't take another look. To her, it was just an ant. The dragon-headed staff in her hand emitted a dazzling golden light, and she went straight to the blood hall and said, "Go help me!" Help fellow Daoist Daoist Guang and An, this matter has been delayed for too long, I'm afraid there will be a change!"

"it is good!"

Ancestor Fuyun laughed loudly, waved his hand and slapped a restraint on Xu De's body. Obviously, he is also a very careful person, but it was only a restraint, so he never looked at Xu De again, and went straight to the blood palace .

"Damn it, he dared to torture Lao Tzu, wait for Lao Tzu's supernatural powers to be perfect, and turn you all into mice!"

Xu De cursed dissatisfiedly, and although the pain remained in his eyes, there was a glimmer of light hidden in them.

After all, even if Xu De possessed all kinds of thaumaturgy in the face of an ancestor's attack, it would be impossible for him to be fine. As soon as he was banned by Fuyun's ancestor, he collapsed immediately.

"Hmph! The old man can actually see the blood of loyalty flowing in my bones. It really is the eye for a hero! Hehe!"

Soon there was a smug smile on Xu De's face, he hesitated for a moment, and followed him directly. After all, he had already run once, knowing that running away under the hands of the ancestors of Tiangan was undoubtedly digging his own grave , so you can only choose to walk in.

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