
The two ancestors made a move, and it can be said that the sky collapsed and the earth was cracked in an instant, and the world trembled under pressure. Now they are the most powerful existence in this world. It is said that the aptitude is against the sky, but it is also a rare existence.


Patriarch Fuyun let out a loud roar, and the golden saber appeared, and a golden unicorn rushed out of it, shaking its head and tail, and went straight to hit the prohibition left by the saints outside the blood hall.

They are all existences in the realm of heavenly sense, and the magic weapon can already be used at their fingertips for them. Only when they reach their level can they truly exert the power of the magic weapon to the extreme.


At the same time, inside Old Ancestor Mei's Dragon Head Staff, a huge dragon head manifested, like a high mountain, the exposed part was towering. Its eyes were always closed, but from the forehead bone protruding from its head, a huge dragon head burst out. A shocking ray of light directly hit the sky.

In the Loose Cultivation Alliance, Mei Patriarch is good at the art of prohibition, so she was appointed here. Now she did not choose to try with the body like Lin Xiao and Guang An Patriarch, but directly chose to use Wisdom to break the prohibition.

Although the methods used are different, the effect is the same. From the frontal bone of the dragon head, the shocking divine light shot out, and the pressure from the physical body of the seven sages melted instantly like ice and snow meeting the scorching sun. , revealing a road leading directly to the Blood Hall.

All this seems very simple, but it was the ancestor Mei who studied for a long time and found the correct method after many complicated attempts. Therefore, even when she saw that the restriction was forcibly opened, her face was still full of caution. , the sages cannot be deceived.

"Haha! You finally made a move, help me kill that kid!"

The voice of Patriarch Guang'an came from the position of the steps, and as Patriarch Mei's restriction was broken, he finally got rid of the illusion that seemed real and fake.

"Don't blame Daoist Guangan, we are the ones who made you suffer!"

At this moment, Patriarch Fuyun jumped out with a proud expression on his face, and saluted Guang An, but there was a fierce light in his eyes, apparently seeing that Patriarch Guang An was intact, he was not satisfied.


At this moment, in the void, the oldest of the seven sages, the iron chain behind him made a sound of thunder, hanging there like a blood-colored galaxy, and a beam of light on it went straight to The three ancestors came, and at this moment, it was as if the world was about to be destroyed.

In the distance, Lin Xiao's pupils contracted, full of horror. He had always wondered why the seven sages were imprisoned here, and now they were a kind of carrier.

As Namei ancestor said, sages cannot be bullied, but after all, the dead cannot block the way of the living, and there are still loopholes in the end, which is why they can break through. Now these seven sages suddenly issued One blow, for them, is undoubtedly the world's extinction.

"Not good! There are also backhands here!"

Old Ancestor Mei turned pale with fright, and realized his mistake. Although he had unlocked one restriction, it was the code to unlock another restriction. No one who could hunt sages was without a doubt easy.


When the bloody light fell, the three patriarchs were all swept away, dripping blood all over their bodies. After leaving the range of the Blood Palace, the bloody light quickly weakened, otherwise they would have to pay a more tragic price.

"The owner of the Blood Palace should be dead, otherwise, if someone controlled the attack just now, we would definitely not be able to survive!"

Patriarch Guang An licked the blood dripping from his face with his tongue, and looked at Lin Xiao and Lin Xiao in front of the Blood Hall with hatred. He thought that the reason why he was so embarrassed was because of these two people.

Now that the first layer of restriction outside the Blood Palace has been broken, all the hallucinations just now have disappeared. Lin Xiao is only more than 200 meters away from the three ancestors. Originally, at such a distance, the three of them could kill Lin Xiao with a wave of their hands. Now it seems like two worlds are separated.

At the beginning, the ancestors of Guang'an naturally thought about crossing over with the help of Lin Xiao's letting go, but they were not stupid, they could not do such a thing by handing over their lives to others, so they could only look coldly at the place in the sky. sages in.

This elder, with kind eyebrows and kind eyes, was wearing an ancient Taoist robe, which was decorated with white cloud cranes.

With the roar of the iron chain behind him, the Taoist robe on the elder's body is shining. This must have been a spiritual treasure, a majestic momentum, completely blocking the road, this is a sage, even if he is dead now, without sanity And monstrous magic power, but with its corpse, it can also exert the strongest power, and the overwhelming person can't breathe.

Lin Xiao's eyes and pupils contracted. He didn't expect that things would turn into this step, that there would be a sage revived, but then his face became gloomy. It was just that at the critical moment, the treasure clothes were fighting and did not take the initiative. attack.

"Is this place the same as Guanghan Palace, is it a bureau?"

Lin Xiao whispered, with a puzzled expression on his face, because all of these are so similar, but the blood slaughter back then was not as powerful.

The moment this thought appeared, Lin Xiao looked at the Blood Palace again, and suddenly felt chills down his spine, and had a very bad illusion, as if there was a pair of eyes watching him invisible.

"Boy Lin, what shall we do?"

Xiaoqian spoke with a worried face, and she had already seen that although the sages were there, once the energy of Baoyi ran out, what awaited them would still be a disaster.

Lin Xiao took out the jade slip obtained from Liu Biao again. He believed that since the other party left this jade slip, it would not be so simple as just leading them to find the teleportation array. There must be a way to enter the blood palace, otherwise Liu Biao He is so vigilant, he will not take the risk to come here, and he will definitely give this jade slip in exchange for a more practical fortune.

The jade slip is divided into two parts, one part is the owner's description, and the other part is the weird road map. Lin Xiao has seen the first part, but he didn't pay much attention to the second part because there is no matching path.

"Take a dead horse as a living horse doctor!"

Lin Xiao smiled wryly, the only explanation now is that this route map should be the route to the Blood Palace, or the route to enter the Blood Palace, because before this, they have not seen the slightest similar area.

Of course, there is also a possibility that the author who wrote the road map at the beginning must be extremely powerful, and may even resist the coercion of the sages, and did not consider this point. This possibility is also extremely great.

But now Lin Xiao has no better choice, he can only believe that the owner of the jade slip considered all the arrangements in the first place, so he took out the jade slip and began to compare the same routes.

The palace was ups and downs, and the blood-colored brilliance flickered. After the ages, it still could not be dimmed. Now, with the awakening of a sage's treasured clothes, the seven chains spreading out of it are all blooming with divine light , it seems that the entire hall is recovering.

"There is no time, you send me in, I want to kill that kid, otherwise something will happen to this matter!"

The patriarch Guang'an spoke with a gloomy expression, and finally chose to enter the Blood Palace alone and kill Lin Xiao.

"Hmph! Fellow Daoist Daoist Guang'an is a good planner. Now that the saint can be revived, there must be a holy artifact in this blood hall. If we send you in, wouldn't it mean that there is no chance for the holy artifact!"

Ancestor Mei snorted coldly, not giving Ancestor Guang An any face.

Those who can reach this level are naturally not idiots, they are all afraid of each other, whoever enters the ancient temple first will have the chance to obtain the holy artifact, such an opportunity, they will not hand it over to the other party.

"Fellow Daoist Mei, what do you mean? Don't you trust me?"

Patriarch Guang'an's face was so ugly that he couldn't see the limit. Although they were all at the same level, he was also very uncomfortable if the other party didn't show face.

"Hey! Fellow Daoist Daoist Guang and Dark, don't blame me. In fact, I don't believe it very much. When we reach our level, it's better not to talk about those coaxing and nice promises. After all, there is no benefit, and we can't get together!"

Ancestor Fuyun, who had been silent all this time, sneered, and completely stood beside Ancestor Mei, unwilling to believe Ancestor Guangan at all.

The sacred artifact is of great importance, and the three ancestors fell apart in an instant. For them, the matter of face is no longer important. No one can give up the control of the sacred artifact. Even if they can't get it, they don't want to be obtained by the people around them.

"How do the two fellow daoists want Guangan to win your trust? That kid is already one step ahead of us. If we continue to delay, once that kid controls the holy artifact, we will have a hard time!"

Patriarch Guang'an was silent for a long time, and finally chose to escape.

"For a boy who has been born out of the realm, even though he has some talent, wanting to master the holy weapon is simply a dream. We can wait for this!"

Old Ancestor Mei sneered, and looked at Lin Xiao with evil eyes. The reappearance of a ray of divine power from a sage could stop three people with strong sense of heaven, let alone an existence who had not reached their level.

"Fellow Daoist Mei, this kid can survive under my palm. Even if he hasn't reached this level, it's not too far behind. Moreover, this kid has a lot of magic weapons. Maybe he really has some means to subdue the holy weapon." Not sure, if you regret it by then, it will be too late!"

Patriarch Guang An spoke eagerly, hating Lin Xiao to the bone.

In an instant, the three ancestors fell into silence again, because they all hesitated about this point.


At this moment, there was a loud noise from the mountain where the Blood Palace was located, which instantly changed the color of the three ancestors.

"Guang An, hand over three drops of your life's blood essence to me. If you dare to break your oath, I will definitely destroy you physically and mentally with my secret technique!"

Old Ancestor Mei spoke eagerly.

"Give me the natal magic weapon. If you dare to disobey it, even though I am not as strong as Old Ancestor Mei, I can still use this magic weapon to severely damage your Dao foundation, making it impossible for you to make any further progress in your life!"

Ancestor Fuyun also chose to step back and spoke solemnly.

"it is good!"

Patriarch Guang'an just pondered for a moment, and then agreed. Although the demands of the two were a little too much, he knew that if it was him, he would certainly do the same. Facing huge benefits, there is no such thing as fairness or injustice. fair.


While speaking, Patriarch Guang An directly slapped himself on the chest, and three drops of golden blood flew out from his mouth, exuding vitality from within, and fell into Patriarch Mei's palm in an instant, and was captured by her. Seal with a magic weapon.

With the loss of essence and blood, Patriarch Guang'an's body showed signs of shrinking in an instant, and he seemed to have aged a lot in an instant, but his eyes were always clear. The scarlet hammer was handed over to Ancestor Fuyun.

So far, the aura of the ancestor Guang'an has become extremely strange, and it seems that he may fall into the realm of heavenly sense at any time, but he was waved by the other party to take out a jade charm and stick it on the position between the eyebrows, and it was immediately strengthened.

"Boy, the old man paid so much price just to break your body into pieces, wait! The old man is here!"

Patriarch Guang An sneered gloomyly, and flew straight to the Blood Palace.

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