Destiny Immortal Way

Chapter 156 Opening the Altar

The appearance of the God Map is an anomaly, and it is destined to be inevitable. The general trend of the world is like this. The God Map has been scattered for too long, and now a brand new world is ushered in. It is combined again, and the ancient secrets contained in it, It will also be opened by people along with this era.

There are 36 fragments, four of which are luminous, fixed in the four directions of east, west, north, south, and manifesting a boundless land, almost dreamlike, with real dragons flying into the sky, red birds fluttering their wings, and all kinds of tyrannical creatures are actually here It appears in the picture, and it does not hesitate to change.

"Is this a divine map?"

Sirius looked a little dazed, he hesitated at this moment when he was drinking, he hastily rubbed his dim eyes, with an incredulous look on his face.

"Senior, what is a divine map?"

Xu De sounded it carefully, after all, the fragment used to belong to him, and Lin Xiao snatched it away, which filled his heart with resentment.


At this moment, Shentu trembled slightly, and countless golden runes overflowed from it, all of which were poured into Lin Xiao's body. At the same time, its own golden light shone, as if trying to combine them.

"I'm wrong……!"

Lin Xiao didn't die, he kept murmuring, like a child's dream, falling into a kind of self-slumber. He is a blood cultivator, and he is extremely powerful. His life would be in danger, just because he found that his way was wrong, he couldn't accept it for a while, and fell into a coma.

When the golden rune rushed into Lin Xiao's body, there was a roar in his mind, but his corpse-like body trembled slightly, exuding a strong vitality.

"I was wrong. Missing should not be pain, but warmth. And that month, it was not longing, but the longing for home after the collision between reality and ideals. It was also warm!"

"Although I have seen all kinds of lives, all of them are full of sadness, but that is not the time they miss the most. They are sad because of the pain after that sweet period. I was wrong!"

In Lin Xiao's mind, the voice was constantly echoing. This cognition can be said to be a kind of subversion, which made him fall into a deep sleep automatically. Only when he realized it, could he truly wake up.

"I use pain to remember the past, and I use reminiscence to make myself real. This is wrong, because the pain will eventually become numb, and because of remembrance, it will eventually fade. How should I remember and become real?"

"The past is like clouds and smoke, and the dust of the past gathers and disperses. Is it really the only way to abandon it? Then why do I want to live forever, just to live in the cold? In the world, there are really immortals who can live through the cold Universe?"

In Lin Xiao's mind was a blood-colored figure, sitting in the center, muttering to himself, when a monk reaches the sense of heaven, a primordial spirit will be born, and if there are powerful monks who can see this blood-colored figure, they will definitely be born. Surprised, because this is the prototype of Yuanshen.

Although Lin Xiao's enlightenment failed, it does not mean that there is no gain. If his thoughts did not collapse at the end, it is not impossible to enter the realm of Tiangan. As long as he wakes up, he will be able to get closer to Tiangan. .

"Hey! My little brother Lin! Why did you die so miserably! The Buddha still wants to go with you to open the tombs of those ancient powerful people? This is what the Buddha himself should do!"

Monk Jianren flew over from a distance with a sad face, two tears were forced out of his eyes, and he looked distraught, but the light in his eyes was staring at the divine figure suspended in mid-air.


Linley spoke in a cold voice, the long sword in his hand was out of its sheath, and the iron clothes on his body radiated a cold light. He could feel the strength of Monk Jianren, but he knew it, so he wanted to stop it. Interruptions are allowed.

"Amitabha, why did the donor block the way of the Buddha?"

Monk Jianren asked knowingly. After all, he is an outlier of Buddhism, wherever he goes, people he meets, don't have to guard against him like a wolf.

"Monk, don't you chant sutras in the temple, come here to chant sutras for ghosts?"

Xu De looked at Monk Jianren with disdain. He keenly felt that the monk in front of him was not simple, but he was unwilling to fall behind Linley, because he also believed that Lin Xiao would not die.

"What nonsense are you talking about? When Buddha and Kid Lin met, you didn't even have full hair! Why don't you hurry up and let Buddha out of the way?"

Monk Jianren rolled his eyes directly. A monk like him would reveal his secrets in just two or three sentences. It really makes people wonder if some scoundrel handed over his Buddhist skills.

"Damn! Your Master De has been in the world for half his life, and he has never... except for the master and Senior Sirius, no one has dared to be so arrogant to me, monk, stay away!"

Xu Degang wanted to brag, but when he felt the cold gaze of Sirius, he immediately changed the topic.

"Ahem! Xiao Dezi, you are too modest. This old man can barely bear the title of senior!"

Sirius didn't blush, his eyes didn't jump, he flew up, looked at Monk Jianren carefully, shook his head and said: "Monk, the old man is missing a boy when I sit down, I see that you have good qualifications, or you can go from here Is it over?"

"Buddha still wants to save you into Buddhism!"

Monk Jianren glanced at Sirius with a displeased face, his gaze flashed undetectably, just now he saw the god general calling the owner of that voice, and he was surprised to hear Sirius' voice Similar, how can he not be afraid.

If Lin Xiao woke up at this time, he would definitely have a headache. There seemed to be no one around him who was normal, except for Linley and himself. They were all full of mantras and looked like bandits.

The moon in the sky is already hazy, and above the eastern sky, a bloody sun is breaking through the clouds and mist. A new day is about to begin again, and the bloody mist above the forest seems to be dissipating at any moment.

The appearance of the divine map has triggered a series of changes in this place. Now this world is becoming more and more strange. Although the spiritual roots of the five elements are lacking, the spiritual energy seems to be more and more abundant. It is like a spiritual mountain that is about to break the seal. out of general.

"Have you heard? The Goddess of the Heavenly Mystery Sect deduced that the altar leading to the next secret realm is in the vast mountains. If you can find a clue, you can exchange for a magic weapon!"

At this time, on the outside of the seal, among the black mountains, rainbow lights flew by from time to time, and a large number of monks poured in here.

"Hey! This is certainly a good thing. It is much easier than finding a monk named Lin Xiao last time. Although the reward was very generous, it was fatal at every turn. It is said that the ancestor of the Liu family died at his hands!"

On a purple Shenzhou, there are six monks sitting upright, four men and two women, the men are handsome, and the women are refined. At this moment, the four men, in order to show their knowledge and knowledge in front of the two women, talk and talk And Tan, hoping to get the favor of the two women.

"Brother Yinhua, the Lin Xiao you are talking about, but a month ago, he massacred hundreds of monks in Shencheng, killing the Liu family, the Wang family and the Long family, hurting people with deep background?"

The girl in the blue long dress, with a light veil brushing her face, could vaguely see the beautiful outline, and opened her mouth curiously.

"Miss Qin, you are asking the right person. At that time, the eldest brother was in the city of God and watched the battle from a distance. Although Lin Xiao's strength is strong, it was not his personal strength that defeated the ancestor of the Liu family. !"

The leading young man, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, is suave and suave. I don’t know how many women have been obsessed with him. Now he speaks slowly, and he exudes an easy-going aura, which makes the girl’s heart flutter, and even has a feeling of wanting to throw herself into the girl’s heart. The urge to hug.

"Beside Lin Xiao, there is a person who should be a ghost cultivator. I once witnessed that this person's strength has reached the peak of the heavenly ghost level transformation. Once he transforms, he will be able to become an existence like the ancestor, with strong strength. Without this person, Lin Xiao would not have been able to win!"

"Beside him, there is also a powerful leopard-shaped monster. It has a straight eye between its brows, piercing the primordial spirit. In addition, its speed is too fast, which will create an opportunity for Lin Xiao. Without these two things, I'm afraid that Lin Xiao is not the opponent of our four brothers!"

The young man named Yinhua is quite knowledgeable, but this person is too self-willed. Although Lin Xiao borrowed Xu De's power at the beginning, but with the realm of rebirth, how many people in the world can win against the sense of heaven? Deliberately digitalize strength, but do not know that in a battle, strength is important, but the willpower in it also represents a kind of strength.

"Brother Yinhua is amazing, it's a pity we didn't meet Lin Xiao, otherwise he would have killed him to receive the reward!"

The girl in Tsing Yi had an excited look on her face, and she was full of admiration for the boy. After all, she was still young and ignorant, and she would always be blind.

Beside the girl in Tsing Yi was a woman in a purple dress. From her body, she revealed a ladylike aura. From the beginning to the end, her expression was flat and she didn't open her mouth. And the girl in Tsing Yi , like its handmaid.

The woman in Chinese clothes wears a cloak, not to mention her gaze, even if she looks at it with her spiritual sense, she will be blocked. This is a rare hidden secret treasure, which can resist all detection. After hearing the words of the maid, The eyebrows under the cloak frowned slightly, but said nothing.


At this moment, the pitch-black mountain in the distance collapsed, as if the mountain had been cut off in the middle, and fell into the valley as a whole, and with all this, the remaining part of the mountain was roaring, Rays of divine light shot up into the sky above it, like a large lotus platform.

"The altar is open!"

I don't know who yelled, and a large number of monks frantically rushed there. At the beginning, there were ancestors in the realm of heavenly sense, which made them miss the first time to rush into the ancient world. The city of God was occupied by the nine great families, and now they all want to enter the next secret realm as soon as possible.


At this moment, the originally calm mountain suddenly shot out one after another of extinction light. The fastest monk, before he came and was happy, turned into fly ash in an instant, making the originally crazy monk feel like a pot of light. Cold water poured down.

At this moment, the Baili area where the entire mountain peak is located is different. The divine light of destruction inside it rises and falls, making people feel unprecedented fear. In the blink of an eye, this place has become a dangerous place, and it is difficult to advance.

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