Time flies, and Lin Xiao has been in a coma for a month. During this period, the monk Jian Ren finally took out two fairy peaches, which were cultivated by a god general for tens of thousands of years. Possessing unpredictable power, although I don't know if it will help Lin Xiao, it is still a choice.

This day was another full moon night, and the ability of the monk Jian Ren could not be ignored, he had already become a brother and brother with Sirius, which made Xu De envious for a while.

What made Xu De speechless was that Monk Jianren also discovered that Sirius loves storage bags. He would often take out some storage bags and ask the other party to go in and out of some caves in this world with him. Quite abundant.

You must know that this place used to be a world sealed by the ancient great god Kuafu, and there were some ancient monks in it. The owner of the ancient tomb is more or less at the level of a sage.

Within a month, the divine map was finally assembled completely, but it was still a remnant image. The scene inside it was astonishing. Due to the lack of scriptures, it was impossible to see why. The battle, too much remains, the divine map is damaged, and the rest is already a miracle.


Shentu trembled slightly, and one rune after another was poured into Lin Xiao's body. This has almost become a daily homework. With the power of moonlight, Shentu is helping Lin Xiao cleanse himself. Now his body is not full of blood. There was a faint golden light.


Just when the scriptures of the divine map were transmitted, Lin Xiao’s body suddenly let out a roar from the stele. In the position of his dantian, there were two powerful auras, black and white, which revolved around the stele. This is the purest spirit in the world. The origin of yin and yang, under the operation of the Tianbei, unexpectedly evolved a chaotic atmosphere. For a while, it seemed as if the heaven and the earth opened in its dantian.

"I understand!"

At the same time, the bloody figure in Lin Xiao's mind suddenly uttered a loud cry of excitement, and Lin Xiao's eyes suddenly opened, and two silver moons appeared in his eyes.

"I understand that pain is a feeling and a thought. Just like my blood repair, it can only become stronger if it absorbs more blood. This kind of strength is not because of the strength of the external force, but because My own blood is constantly strengthening, and what I have obtained is a kind of willpower that constantly strengthens myself, not a bloodthirsty monster!"

Lin Xiao murmured, and his hands kept imprinting. This is a kind of imprint transmitted from the fragments of the divine map in his sleep. It contains a broken ancient scripture. He can feel that there is a kind of imprint in it. The most powerful technique in the world.


Following Lin Xiao's opening, the aura in his body reached its peak, and the blood in his body flowed rapidly at this moment, pouring into his right eye, making the originally silvery moon take on the color of blood.

"My cultivation is blood, so my longing is blood. When I see blood, I will think of hatred, and I will make myself no longer numb!"

At the same time, outside of Lin Xiao's body, the aura that had been attracted by the divine map was also injected into Lin Xiao's body while Lin Xiao was awake, causing his body to undergo an extremely short period of time. In order to change, he quickly entered the eighth heaven of rebirth, allowing his three cultivation bases to quickly achieve a balance.

"Memory is beautiful, but it will be a fleeting firework in the end, but I can't bear it to dissipate, so he obeyed my will and turned into a moon!"

Lin Xiao opened his mouth lightly, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. After thinking for a month, he finally understood that many things in life are actually helpless. unfair.

"I used to live for you and made you suffer. Now I want to live for myself. I'm not avenging you, I'm avenging myself!"

In a trance, the moonlight condensed in front of Lin Xiao into a young girl, all over the country and the city, as if a fairy descended, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, and gently waved towards Lin Xiao.

"It's because I'm too persistent, which made you suffer. If there really is an afterlife, I'll wait for you!"

Looking at the former figure, Lin Xiao murmured, whether there is reincarnation in the world, he doesn't know, he doesn't know if the girl he saw is Qin Yue's soul, but at this moment, he let go of his hatred , restored the true self, and saw the truest side of the heart.

In the eyes of countless monks who have been killed by Lin Xiao, this enemy is fierce, and no one will even believe that Lin Xiao is actually cowardly. He survived because of a hatred, and became stronger because of the hatred. The ruthless behavior has lost the most real courage of a person, to be born and to live.

If a person is unwilling to live for himself, and keeps talking about who he is going to avenge all day long, such a person, even if he takes revenge, is still cowardly in the end, because he is born, and he is doomed to work hard to survive. Only a strong self-survival will can make oneself have the strongest will to survive when facing danger.

At this time, Lin Xiao experienced the most important change of heart in his life. He came out of the abyss of hatred and truly faced himself. Even if his cultivation was not strong enough, he could still unleash the strongest fighting power .

"Tsk tsk! This friend Daoist Lin has a good chance. I don't know how many monks can't understand this truth in their entire lives!"

Sirius had a leg of lamb in his mouth, but he still didn't forget to comment on Lin Xiao's position, took another sip of wine, and wept while eating.

"Old man, what do you think the divine map is? My master has recorded it. He snatched it from an old monster. Later, he encountered a big enemy, and finally the divine map was destroyed. For my master's sake, Suppressing that great enemy consumes oneself, so there is no comprehension!"

Monk Jianren looked at the divine map with fiery eyes, and he has been paying attention to the divine map so far. If it hadn't been for the past month, when Linley had been on guard against him all the time, he might have already snatched it.

"Hehe! This matter involves too much, and I don't know much about it, but it is said that there are nine copies of the divine map, each of which involves the greatest secret in the world. Once the demon god Chiyou created the Jiuli map. Copying these nine copies of the divine map is only the final result, but it is unknown!"

The origin of this wolf son is mysterious and unpredictable. The more you get in touch with him, the more you will find that this person is more and more unfathomable. Especially the familiarity with the ancient secrets made people suspect that this old guy may be from the ancient times. One of the few old immortals who survived.

At this time, Sirius was hairy when Xu De and Monk Jianren looked at him. He hurriedly drank a drink and laughed: "What are you thinking? If the old man is that ancient god, why would he hang out with you guys, but It’s my teacher’s sect, and the records are comprehensive!”


At this moment, within a radius of ten meters with Lin Xiao at the center, the moonlight fell like a galaxy, covering Lin Xiao completely, as if celebrating his new life and washing away the dust for him.

"Clouds and Rain"

Lin Xiao stood up slowly. The black clothes were so torn that they could barely cover important parts. Her hair was dyed golden by the moonlight, dancing with the wind, exuding a pure air.

Following Lin Xiao's words, a golden arm slowly condensed from his chest. It was only the size of an ordinary arm. up green.

"Catch the stars and take the moon!"

This was supposed to be the end of Lin Xiao's supernatural powers, but he opened his mouth again at this time, and the blood moon and silver moon in his eyes suddenly rushed out, spinning continuously on both sides of his arms.

The moment the scene appeared, the entire forest became silent in an instant, and no wind could be heard, as if at this moment, this arm became the core of the world, and Lin Xiao waved that arm directly to the sky. go.


The endless rain rushed out, like blue sharp swords, piercing through the entire world, and the entire world that was stirred made the sound of rolling thunder.

"Although the supernatural powers are still the same, the feeling is different!"

Xu De looked at this scene, the muscles on his face twitched unceasingly, he had seen the ups and downs countless times, but at this moment, he felt a sense of fright, as if he saw his own reflection on the countless green swords.


In an instant, Xu De suddenly bit the tip of his tongue, and he woke up instantly, with hairs all over his body. The scene just now was too dangerous. He was in a state of vigilance. If he suddenly fell into a deep sleep, it would be fatal on the battlefield.

"That's right! This supernatural power is good, and it can almost make me fall into it. It's a pity that I have already looked down on my past and present lives, otherwise it would be really dangerous!"

Monk Jianren kept clicking his lips, looked at Lin Xiao's palm, and was in a daze for a while, not knowing what he was thinking.

Although Lin Xiao is awake at the moment, he is immersed in his own way. Naturally, he does not know the thoughts of the people around him. He has comprehended some of Yue's rules, which doubles his supernatural power. However, this illusion is not an illusion. All his changes.


The golden palm soared into the sky in an instant, and the blood moon and silver moon accompanying it on both sides gave off a dazzling light at the same time. For a moment, it seemed that the sky was about to be torn apart. Stars fall.


At this moment, above the sky, a layer of black light curtain slowly emerged, exuding water patterns, heading straight for Lin Xiao's cloud and rain palm, this is one of the restrictions of the small world, Feeling threatened now, it manifests itself.


Lin Xiao let out a shout, and the big golden hand above the sky, as well as all kinds of visions, dissipated in an instant. At the same time, he waved his hand to hold the divine map, and went straight to the position of Sirius.

He just woke up, and he didn't step over the threshold of the realm of heavenly sense, but because of this, his supernatural powers were further perfected. Now he is confident that he can face the existence of the realm of heavenly sense alone without defeat.

He just wanted to verify his supernatural power, but he didn't think about consuming the seal of this place. After all, although this place has been sealed for thousands of years, if the seal is really opened, any strange things may happen.

Lin Xiao's body flickered, and he appeared in front of Sirius in an instant. With a wave of his hand, the wine gourd of that day fell directly into Lin Xiao's hands. Before Sirius was about to go crazy, Lin Xiao directly threw a gourd. When the storage bag passed by, Sirius suddenly became angry and turned into a flattering gesture.

"Bitch 40, let's meet again!"

Lin Xiao looked at Monk Jianren with a smile on his face, and threw the wine gourd directly to him. Being in a different place, being able to see an acquaintance from the past is naturally worth a glass of wine.

"Bah! Remember to call me Buddha in the future, otherwise Buddha will save you!"

Monk Jian Ren didn't mind Ling Qigang at all, he directly threw the wine gourd to Lin Xiao, not forgetting to shout out his guilt.

Lin Xiao laughed, but he looked at Xu De coldly and said, "Where is the fortune you mentioned?"

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