Destiny Immortal Way

Chapter 180 Blood Transformation

Lin Xiao has experienced too many tribulations in his life, many of which were life and death disasters, so he does not believe that strength determines everything.

He has the ultimate way of cultivation, which is just a rare cultivation method, but it has fatal flaws. He does not believe that there is no other cultivation method in this world. The opponent is practicing ordinary exercises.

Under such a comparison, Lin Xiao's cultivation of extreme way has almost no advantage in front of the opponent. Even in the realm, the opponent has already reached the realm of heavenly sense, and he is blessed by the heavenly way. In front of such a strong man, head-on, It can only be crushed by being hit.

He is not an ignorant person. He used words to stimulate Long Shaoqing's state of mind first, and then he was able to find the way to win under the opponent's anger. A proud person always has such a fatal weakness. Even if he knows, I'm afraid And he can't control it, because this kind of arrogant person wants to tell others that it is his reverse scale, and he will die if he touches it.

"Too fast!"

Lin Xiao sighed softly. The time he had to think was extremely short, but the Suzaku had already flapped its wings and flew over. The feathers and feathers all over its body were like bloody long swords, sharp and gloomy. how much blood.


Lin Xiao's body flew five steps backwards, a huge crack was torn directly on his chest, and his body was almost cut into two with a single blow, and he was horrified in his heart. He didn't try his best, but Long Shaoqing And why was it not the case.

"Even if you irritate me with your words, so what? Even if the ant bites the giant elephant, it will still die, and the giant elephant will not feel any pain!"

Long Shaoqing's aura rose, and her hair was losing its shape rapidly.

This is an extremely frightening phenomenon, as if he has merged with the heaven and the earth and controlled the will of the heaven and the earth. At this moment, it seems that the gods are pronouncing the life and death of mortals.

Lin Xiao was silent, any words at this moment were so feeble, so he would rather leave that sliver of strength to fight than to scream, because what he saw that day was always the tallest person.


The flames roared, and Lin Xiao finally chose to strike the palm. This was the Tianbei Hand he had comprehended. His body turned into a shooting star, and he went straight to slap the rushing Suzaku.

When you meet on a narrow road, the brave wins. No matter what situation you are in, the most important thing is to have the courage to strike. Since Lin Xiao stepped into this fairy road, he has never lost his courage. Although Suzaku is powerful, he has no scruples .


Suzaku's feathers trembled slightly, and it slashed towards Lin Xiao's head. At this moment, Long Shaoqing was full of disgust for Lin Xiao, wishing to kill him immediately, and he was not willing to let him stay in the world.


On Lin Xiao's shoulder, blood spattered everywhere. At the critical moment, he dodged the fatal blow, and at the same time, he slapped the Suzaku's body with a palm, and a large number of feathers shattered, making the Suzaku look radiant. dimmed.

At this moment, Lin Xiao was in severe pain, and the wounds on his chest and shoulders were fatal, but his expression was still calm, as if he was not himself in these situations, and he did not choose to back away when he was approaching Suzaku. Instead, he rushed up again.

He exchanged a serious injury for this near opportunity, so he was naturally unwilling to retreat like this, because he didn't know if the price to be paid for the next opportunity would be more residual than this one.


The palm of the hand was like a monument, and the hand of the Tianbei sublimated to the extreme in an instant, and even the aura of Lin Xiao's expression also changed, his expression was indifferent, without a trace of emotional fluctuations, just like a war machine.


Suzaku let out a mournful cry, and its body shattered loudly. After all, it was not the real Suzaku, but Long Shaoqing's supernatural power. It might be enough to deal with ordinary people with strong sense of heaven. Its attack power was fierce, but in the face of Lin Xiao's disregard For those who suffered casualties and battles, it has no physical body, but it has become a fatal flaw.


Lin Xiao's Tianbei hand tore apart Suzaku's body, and his whole body passed through that body, but he didn't stop there, or chose to heal his wounds, his palm remained the same, and chopped towards Long Shaoqing who was behind Suzaku.

At this moment, the sky and the earth turned dark instantly, and the black magic sea gushed out, quickly submerging Lin Xiao, and above the magic sea, a creature like a small island quickly hit Lin Xiao.

"Do you really think that killing a few monks with a sense of heaven is against the sky? I have [-] kinds of secret techniques, and I can attack and kill them with any move!"

Long Shaoqing spoke with disdain, he didn't want to see Lin Xiao's indomitable appearance, he wanted to deny everything about Lin Xiao, even if he died, he would let Lin Xiao die with humiliation.

This is a huge basalt. The tortoise's body is like a hill for defense, but its tail is a triangular black snake with a vertical eye, like a black spear, for attack.


Xuanwu's tail made a piercing sound, leaving afterimages in the black sea of ​​magic, exuding fierce murderous intent, and fell down in an instant.

Accompanied by Xuanwu, there was also the raging sea water, and the sound of the turbulent waves crashing was deafening. The moment it was about to fall, the ground trembled slightly, as if this blow could shatter mountains, rivers and the earth.

"Is this the true power of Tiangan?"

Lin Xiao was fearless, and yearning was revealed in his eyes. Originally, the strong sense of heaven he met, in his opinion, was just a stronger use of magic weapons, a higher level of cultivation, or the ability to teleport, but at this moment , but he knew that he was wrong.

The end of the world has just ended. Today's ancestors of Tiangan are all monks in their pockets. They can be regarded as strong in the realm of Tiangan if they can possess supernatural powers. , is even less pitiful.

At the same time, Lin Xiao naturally felt that the Long family's wealth and power were able to give Long Shaoqing so many secret arts. Although he felt that the other party's words were exaggerated, these two secret arts were already amazing enough.

"call out!"

The black snake tail, like a javelin, appeared in front of Lin Xiao in an instant. With one blow, even the void created waves of ripples.


Lin Xiao caught it with his palm, and he flew upside down, his palm was bloody and bloody. At this moment, he felt a crisis coming from behind him.

An ancient blue sword, green all over, only the sharp white blade, cold light piercing, without a trace of treasure, directly fell from the sky, as if calculating the direction of Lin Xiao's retreat.

At this moment, Lin Xiao finally understood that he still underestimated Long Shaoqing. Although the other party was already angry, it didn't seem to affect the other party's judgment. If it wasn't because of his own perception, once he retreated to the position of the sword, he might be in danger. It's really beyond redemption.


Without the slightest hesitation, Lin Xiao pressed his storage bag with a wave of his hand, and a golden shield covered with inscriptions rushed out of it, snorted coldly, and threw it at the ancient sword.


Like the sound of cloth being torn, the golden shield, although it is not high-level among magic weapons, faced Long Shaoqing's blue ancient sword, it was like paper, and it was destroyed without holding on for a single round. Lose.

"It really is a treasure!"

In Lin Xiao's eyes, there was a gleam of light, and in an instant, he was running the blood cultivation technique to the extreme, and his whole body was glowing with blood, and the scars that were deep enough to see the bones were wriggling quickly, and he had recovered in an instant.

"Blood Alteration!"

Long Shaoqing, who had been standing in the same place without moving a bit, suddenly had a bright light in his eyes. The peak figure among the proud sons of heaven, searching the world, it is difficult for anyone to have the same experience as him, but at this moment , but he was full of jealousy towards Lin Xiao.

"I am the darling of the Dao of Heaven. I realized the Dao at the age of three, refined Aiki at the age of five, was born at the age of 17, and was born at the age of 20. Who in this world can have the speed of my cultivation, but God, you have given me so much, why? I also want to pass on the technique of nine transformations to others!"

Long Shaoqing pointed to the sky and sneered. At this moment, his expression was almost insane. This is a man who demands perfection in everything, and he does not allow anyone in the world to surpass himself.

However, Long Shaoqing's abnormality was just for a moment, and when he looked at Lin Xiao, he became cold and cold, and said with a sneer: "Since the sky is wrong, then I will erase you, and take away the blood change by the way." The technique, the game is over!"

At this time, Lin Xiao was trying to subdue the blue ancient sword, but suddenly he had the illusion of needles on his back, and turned around hastily to look, at this moment, Long Shaoqing's cold eyes just happened to solidify.

"Jingle Bell!"

Lin Xiao didn't understand the reason for Long Shaoqing's accident, but he didn't want to be curious, because he had something to do, and the Hunyuan Bell in his hand made a light ring, which was the second power that Lin Xiao had never used. The bell quickly became bigger, and then sucked it in, and quickly put the blue ancient sword into the Hunyuan bell.


Long Shaoqing was already approaching at this time, and his body forcibly smashed the basalt vision into pieces. That cold snort echoed like the sound of thunder, and in an instant, his body once again pointed at Lin Xiao's eyebrows. .

If they are both in the realm of rebirth, Lin Xiao may be above the physical body, comparable to Long Shaoqing. Even if he is not as good, he will not be completely suppressed as he is now, but this is fighting, and there is no absolute fairness.

"Crossing the clouds and turning the rain!"

Lin Xiao shouted loudly, unwilling to keep anything. The gap between him and Long Shaoqing was too large. If he didn't use strong means to reverse the situation, he might be killed with just one blow from the opponent.

The blue palm was condensed in an instant, but he didn't use his supernatural powers like before. Lin Xiao's face was serious, and he swung his right hand and pressed it on the blue palm.

This is an attempt by Lin Xiao. When he was fighting, he tried to evolve the routine of Tianbeihand based on the scene he saw Tianbeihand at the beginning, but it is conceivable that the person who created this unique skill must have reached the pinnacle No matter how much Lin Xiao tried, he always felt that something was missing.

Today, with the help of the pressure from Long Shaoqing, he was going to try to fuse the cloud-turning palm. The moment the palm touched, the cyan arm turned into a liquid and melted into the surface of Lin Xiao's arm, a tyrannical wave The breath came from Lin Xiao's arm.


At this moment, Long Shaoqing's body turned into a dragon shape, and even the curves made by his palms possessed a kind of Taoist charm, which made people feel terrified. He directly abandoned Lin Xiao's eyebrows and smashed at the blue arm.

"Cough cough...!"

Lin Xiao vomited blood continuously, his body flew upside down more than ten feet, his eyes were full of solemnity, he couldn't bear just one blow, this kind of tyrannical comparison, if it was someone else, I'm afraid he would have already despaired.

Long Shaoqing stood upright in the air, his majestic body was filled with divine light, his eyes were full of cruelty, and he showed his snow-white teeth and said: "You are very good, you have spent so much effort to find me Come out, if you don’t want to, you will die, because this is just a random blow from me!”

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