Destiny Immortal Way

Chapter 181 Tiangang Formation

A cold light flickered in Lin Xiao's eyes. Long Shaoqing's physical body was too terrifying. Now that he has become a strong man with a sense of heaven, I am afraid that even the younger generation, there are not many people who can compete with him. Too many people, ruthlessly left behind.

"Warrior, kill the Quartet, be a hero, don't be confused!"

"Student Wuwei, scholar, away from home, I am king!"

A soft chant echoed in Lin Xiao's mind. He had read these sentences before, but he didn't feel the way he does now, as if all the blood in his body was burning in his heart.

He is a child who has run away from home, he has had enough of the bumps, and he is eager to break out of a world to prove himself, no matter how many bumps in the road ahead, he will still move forward.


"Battle! Fight!"

Lin Xiao roared loudly, and every word of war made his momentum rise. When the last word of war echoed in the sky, his fighting spirit was high, and his murderous aura rushed straight to the sky, like a bloody Shura .

"Sure enough, it is worthy of the blood transformation technique, but it is a pity that I have not yet comprehended its magic!"

Long Shaoqing spoke contemptuously, and with a sway of his body, he rushed forward again.

The invisible killing intent surged like a tide, and the terrifying aura was like a volcano erupting without restraint at this moment. Long Shaoqing did not exaggerate, his second blow was actually stronger than the previous two.

He is like a god king, with every step he falls, the mountains and rivers will tremble, and he seems to be able to cut off the mountains and rivers with a wave of his hands, possessing an irresistible power.

Lin Xiao sneered, his body didn't flinch, and quickly went up to meet him. At this moment, he didn't allow himself to retreat. Even if he died in battle, he still had to fight, because he never left himself a way out.


Long Shaoqing's technique was like lightning, and he slashed three palms quickly, one palm faster than the other, and even the last palm, the speed was like surpassing light, and they all blasted and killed Lin Xiao's body.


Lin Xiao's body immediately left two bloodstains with bone deep visible, and his whole body was sent flying again, and he was rolled upside down three feet away.

"How did he do it?"

At this moment, Lin Xiao's eyes flickered. He didn't care about his own injuries, but quickly summed up his combat experience. He didn't believe that this was the innate speed of the opponent. There must be some traces to explore.

"You can't do this! When your blood is exhausted, you will inevitably die. I don't know if you have an idea and become my slave, so that I can save you from death!"

Long Shaoqing didn't continue to approach, not because he couldn't, but because he didn't want to spend so long, and it was resolved in just a few seconds. It was like premature ejaculation, which was frustrating. He was humiliating Lin Xiao to the utmost.

"What good is being your slave?"

Lin Xiao asked curiously, he didn't really want to surrender, he was just delaying the time to heal his injuries quickly, and at the same time he thought of some ways to deal with the opponent.

"Being my young master's slave, no one will dare to provoke you in the future, and this young master can use a lot of medicine stones to let you break through the heavenly sense, what do you think?"

Long Shaoqing spoke seriously.

In his mind, once Lin Xiao no longer has the fighting spirit in his heart, he can completely rely on his own kneading if he wants to be round or square. As a slave, he has no right to bargain with his master.

"Really? Then I want to choose death! Because I haven't tasted death yet!"

There was a sneer at the corner of Lin Xiao's mouth, and his body swayed, leaving an afterimage on the spot, which quickly rushed towards Long Shaoqing.

Preemptive attack is the only way Lin Xiao can think of now. His palm is like a knife, and he slashes down with force. He must grasp the initiative of the battle. Only in this way can there be a chance of survival.

"You are courting death!"

Long Shaoqing shouted, the cold light in his eyes was like a sword, he couldn't bear it anymore, Lin Xiao unexpectedly uncovered his scars again and again, which made him wish to trample this ant to death.

"Crossing the clouds and turning the rain!"

Lin Xiao also let out a loud roar, and the cyan rain rushed out from his right arm, and splashed down on Long Shaoqing.

"This technique is useless to me!"

Long Shaoqing snorted coldly, and a venomous light flashed in his eyes. The nine divine rings behind him, like nine suns rising, atomized all the rain in an instant, making it impossible to get close at all.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xiao's heart sank. Although his ups and downs are powerful, it seems that everyone who fights with him has been prepared for a long time. This is not a very good thing. Even if it works, it's all empty moves.


However, Lin Xiao would not let go of this rare opportunity to attack, and rushed forward, shooting out five wind-like black sharp blades from his fingers. It is the ghost ghost that he has rarely used since he comprehended the Tianbei Hand. claw.

Long Shaoqing, who was among the nine divine suns, did not panic, but showed a playful look, looked at Lin Xiao and said, "Do you like to collect other people's magic weapons?"

While speaking, six top-level magic weapons flew out of his storage bag, the ancient big clock, the golden magic whip, the purple pagoda, the pure white spear, and the blue jade ruler. Five ghost claws, and a black token, smashed directly towards Lin Xiao's position.


As soon as he touched it, the magic weapon was so powerful that it directly smashed Lin Xiao's ghost claws, and the trend continued unabated. Following the black token, it was as if Lin Xiao had been locked.

You must know that each of these magic weapons is spread to the outside world, and they are all priceless magic weapons, which will inevitably lead to bloodshed. Now on Long Shaoqing's body, it seems that they don't need money, and they can be sacrificed with a wave of hands.

Now even if Lin Xiao thinks that his collection is no worse than that of ordinary families, he still has a feeling that he cannot compare. I am afraid that apart from the sky tablet, the map of the gods, and the subduing magic pestle, there is really no existence that can be as valuable as these treasures, and these he categorically It will not be sacrificed at will like Long Shaoqing.

The six magical treasures, shining brightly, dimmed the whole sea of ​​flames. The three brothers of the Yang family who were fighting outside couldn't help but wait and see. The moment they saw Long Shaoqing, they couldn't help being stunned. , because even they didn't realize when Long Shaoqing arrived.


Without hesitation, Lin Xiao directly sacrificed the subduing demon pestle. The flame on it has a special restraint effect on the primordial spirit, and it is made of unknown material. No matter how strong the collision is, it has not been damaged. Become the best fighting tool.


The black token made a soft sound, and was crushed by Lin Xiao's blow, without emitting the slightest power at all.

"call out!"

From the back of Lin Xiao's head, there was a sudden noise, and the white spear emitted a cold light, which was about to sink into the back of Lin Xiao's head, nailing Lin Xiao to death.

At the moment when the crisis struck, Lin Xiao clenched his left hand tightly and punched it at an unbelievable angle.


The blood rained down, and with just one punch, the back of Lin Xiao's hand was already covered with scars, especially at the position of the arm, which was almost destroyed, but fortunately, the spear was far away from the intended track.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The remaining five magic weapons made Dao sounds at the same time, and they formed a set of formations in series with each other to kill Lin Xiao.

"Is this the Tiangang Formation?"

The youngest of the Yang family was the most leisurely. Seeing the formation formed by the five magic weapons, he exclaimed in surprise, and then his face changed drastically.

"Old man, what can you tell me is Tiangang Formation?"

Xu De posted it with a charming smile on his face, but he didn't dare to get too close, for fear that this was a trick of the other party.


The youngest member of the Yang family already hated this ghost Xu De to the bone, so naturally he wouldn't say it, but he was surprised and said: "When will there be more people like this in the world, but this breath seems a little familiar! "


At this moment, all the five magic weapons emitted dazzling divine light, and there was a rolling sound of thunder in the dark night sky, and there was an illusion that the world was about to perish.

"My young master's Tiangang Formation is used to attract the heaven and earth thunder calamity. This calamity is enough to wipe out the ancestor of Tiangan. It just happens to be able to continuously consume your blood transformation technique. Today is 40, and your death is coming!"

Long Shaoqing let out a cold snort, and waved a thunderbolt that sank into the sky. There was actually a blue thunderbolt that was attracted by him. It was not a vision, but a real thunderbolt with rolling thunder.

"Brother, we were fooled, the one who hurt fifth brother is that kid!"

Seeing this scene, the youngest child of the Yang family was undoubtedly hit hard in his heart, and he yelled out loud. He always felt that this incident was weird, and there was no grievance or hatred. How could Lin Xiao come to seek revenge? .

Under Yang Yong's men, the fire dragon was already covered in bruises. He could have severely injured the fire dragon this time, but he was awakened by the words of the third brother, and his whole body paused slightly in the air. Sweep it away, and with just one glance, you will naturally understand what's going on.

"I've been fooled! But this kid is Long Shaoqing. Just now I sensed the aura of the Emperor and attacked my Yang family. I don't know if this matter has something to do with the Emperor?" Yang Yong muttered in his heart, and he couldn't help but attack It's a little lighter, after all, I've made a mistake in my heart.

"Brother! Even if this kid is not the same person as before, we have already offended him once. In this case, this kid's aptitude definitely cannot stay in the world, lest there will be future troubles!"

Yang Di roared, even though he knew it was a misunderstanding, he didn't intend to stop immediately.

The three ancestors of the Yang family have already seen Lin Xiao's strength, and they didn't make a move. The monster and Xu De alone are enough to delay them for a while, and they have the secret to make the fire dragon rebel. Mistakes come first, they judge others by themselves, and they will definitely not let Lin Xiao grow up and have the opportunity to retaliate.


The first thunderbolt was like a lightning sharpshooter. It pierced through Lin Xiao's chest with a single blow, leaving a scar the size of a fist on his body, which was burnt instantly.


For the first time, horror flashed in Lin Xiao's eyes. He had only heard about the catastrophe, but he didn't expect that the real encounter would be like this. Even his powerful physical body couldn't resist it.

"Boom! Boom!"

At this moment, Long Shaoqing showed a cruel smile on his face, pointed out with a wave of his hand, and two more lightning bolts rushed down, mixed with the power of destroying the world, and locked Lin Xiao.

"Not good! The combination of these five magic weapons actually freezes the space here, making it impossible to teleport!"

Lin Xiao's pupils constricted. Given his current situation, he was naturally unwilling to cross the catastrophe, but it was impossible for him to escape far away. Those five magic weapons were like a cage. Unless he could break through forcibly, he would have to Withstood the pain of thunder disaster.

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