Destiny Immortal Way

Chapter 190 Layout

The thunder dragon had a ferocious face, but he could vaguely see that it was Long Shaoqing. When Xia Yuan returned, he thought that the other party had also broken through the limit. Now he was less than a thousand feet away from Lin Xiao, and it took only an instant to catch up with him.

"After five breaths, he will come, and I will naturally prepare a generous gift for him at this moment!"

Lin Xiao sneered, and glanced at the monks present, as if looking at each of his own prey.


At this moment, a series of screams erupted from the crowd, and everyone showed a look of panic, because Lin Xiao was still there, but behind them, there was an inexplicable existence, harvesting life .

"not good!"

The first monk reacted, and his face was full of horror, and he made a reminder, but he fled in the opposite direction at the first time. After all, all this was too weird, which made many monks have the idea of ​​​​running away.


The crowd fell down like straw, but in an instant, more than a dozen people died, their heads flew high, and rushed straight to where Lin Xiao was.

"It's that cat...!"

At this time, some monks saw some clues. During the battle just now, everyone only had Lin Xiao in their eyes, but ignored the whereabouts of the lightning leopard under his crotch. cold sweat.


The Lightning Leopard, as a monster in the realm of heavenly sense, is undeniably powerful. While this group of people surrounded Lin Xiao, they used the darkness to surround these people in turn, and have been hunting and killing the monks who are alone. Now Only after receiving Lin Xiao's order did he begin to hunt and kill the monks surrounded by it.


I saw the Lightning Leopard's body like lightning, and when someone said it was a cat, it roared in dissatisfaction. The hairs on its body stood on end, like a large hedgehog.

All the people who thought they had the chance to win were all a little flustered at this moment. They didn't know who yelled, and they were all running for their lives. They didn't want to stay here any longer, and they were being hunted and killed.

"Want to leave? It's too late! Your grandpa De hasn't had a good time yet?"

At this moment, another cold voice came. Xu De was clinging to an old Taoist body, gently twirling his beard. He looked like a fairy, but he was grinding his teeth. It makes people feel cold all over.

"Puff puff!"

Xu De's attack was even more tyrannical, his sword swept across a large area, blood flowed into rivers, everyone on the ground screamed, Lin Xiao couldn't take it anymore, and now three people jumped out, all the benevolence and righteousness at this moment are all thrown behind their heads, Just fleeing desperately.

At this time, Lin Xiao, unwilling to be reconciled to haste, slashed forward with a sword. When the sword light fell, he could clearly see countless dead souls struggling in pain on the blood sword. This was their soul. I don't know why. , was sucked into the sword, and let out a roar, like a magic soldier.


Yang Yong gasped in the distance, Long Shaoqing was still five hundred feet away from here, but there were hundreds of casualties in an instant, and as a monk with a sense of heaven, he naturally saw the difference here, the endless The blood was actually gathering at Lin Xiao's feet, and at a glance, he seemed to be standing on a bloody carpet.

His long black hair fluttered, majestic and majestic. Wherever he looked, there were screams, and heads rushed out one after another, gathering in front of Lin Xiao. His condensed human head tower was as big as two Mi Gao, blood-red all over, screaming with hundreds of souls, is shocking.

"Jie Jie! Your Grandpa De hasn't killed anyone for a long time, and he's even a little rusty. You must not hide, or Grandpa De's sword will be deflected, and your face will be ruined...!"

Xu De laughed triumphantly, and hugged a female cultivator into his arms. These days, he has been very unlucky, and he is treated as a slave by Lin Xiao every day, but he likes killing people very much. Let him find the sense of accomplishment he once had.


Seeing Xu De's soul rushing into the female cultivator's body, a trace of satisfaction appeared on his face, but the female cultivator couldn't bear such a powerful soul body at all, and exploded directly, turning into a A fog of blood.

"***...Grandpa De hasn't stimulated enough yet...!"

Xu De scratched his ears and cheeks angrily, and slapped the female cultivator's remaining head, as if to retaliate against the other party for not stimulating him enough.

Lin Xiao did not stop Xu De's actions, but put all his energy on the head tower.

At this moment, Long Shaoqing has broken through the distance of five hundred feet, and if he wants to come, I am afraid it is unavoidable, and he can arrive in an instant.

"Long Shaoqing, I, Mr. Lin, seldom make plans in my life, but this time I worked hard to prepare a big gift for you. I hope you will like it!"

Lin Xiao opened his mouth plainly, and pointed at the Tower of Human Heads. A strange grimace suddenly appeared on the two-meter-high tower. The moment this face appeared, he screamed excitedly towards the sky. Just like a prisoner who has just been released from prison.

This is the immortal soul that Lin Xiao condensed and removed by using the ghost cultivation technique. His appearance surprised Lin Xiao a little. After all, he didn't believe in reincarnation, but a soul appeared out of thin air, which naturally surpassed him. range of knowledge.


The moment the grimace appeared, the human head tower roared, and the more than 300 heads inside it all wailed, which made people feel creepy.

"go with!"

Lin Xiao didn't hesitate at all. Although this grimace surprised him, it didn't affect his plan. With a wave of his hand, the human head tower fell to the distance. The position ten feet away from Lin Xiao was like a big mountain standing on the ground. In front of Lin Xiao.

"Since there is destined to be a battle between you and me, I don't want to lose this battle just like this. I still have the strength to spare, and I must do my best!"

Lin Xiao's eyes flashed with determination, and with a wave of his hand, he inserted two bloody long swords into the ground.

"These swords come from the Blood Palace. I don't believe that they are ordinary secret treasures. Since they are eager for blood, I will let them suck enough. Let me see what kind of surprises they can bring me!"

Lin Xiao's eyes were full of coldness. This was the first time he had fought so solemnly. Compared with the ambush of Wang Chong in Songshan Mountain, this moment was less frivolous and more calm, but deep down in his heart, he was still full of excitement. , because at this moment, he really wanted to use the strongest means to see how strong he could be.

While speaking, with a wave of his right hand, the two long swords roared, and the grievances within them entangled, as if feeling Lin Xiao's will, exuding a tyrannical murderous intent, even if Lin Xiao was too close, he could feel the murderous aura biting.

"This is the second way...!"

From the beginning to the end, Lin Xiao didn't run away aimlessly, he took everything into account, even Yang Yong's pursuit, and his strong enough blood, it couldn't be said that Lin Xiao deliberately lured these people to attack, after all If they weren't greedy for a reward, they wouldn't fall for it.

Lin Xiao's thunderous strike at the beginning, followed by the silence all the way, was to give these people the illusion that he was injured, so as to attract more people to get involved, and then use the darkness to hunt and kill these people thoroughly.

At this time, it was less than two breaths away from Long Shaoqing's arrival. The other party's powerful aura rushed towards him. Even if the distance was far enough, it was still so compelling. If his cultivation base was weak, he might even be suppressed exploded and died.

This is Lin Xiao's first counterattack. He is not willing to be passive all the time. He wants to intimidate those who chase him, so that they can't tell the truth from the fake, so they don't dare to pursue it. The matter of the city of God , told him a truth, the number of people he killed was still too small to be truly feared.

"Since killing seven hundred is not enough, then I will simply kill seven thousand, or seventy thousand, until no one dares to chase after me!"

A dazzling red appeared in Lin Xiao's eyes, and the blood gathered under his feet quickly scattered around.

If a cultivator stands above the sky and watches, he will find that the flow of blood just converges into three runes, and this is exactly the imprint that Lin Xiao comprehended from the fragments. He does not know the specific function, but in his heart There is a feeling that in this battle, I will know their specific functions.

"One head tower, one blood sword, and one rune, but these are not enough, I need to prepare more!"

Lin Xiao murmured, and glanced at the Lightning Leopard and Xu De who were killing non-stop in the distance, and a gleam suddenly appeared in his eyes.


Xu De, who was in the distance, suddenly felt a chill behind him. He had already rushed half of his body into the body of a female cultivator, but he stopped abruptly, and his whole posture became abnormally ambiguous.

"Not good! Master De, I have a feeling that I'm about to be tricked by someone. It's not good, it's not good!"

Xu De kept mumbling, but when he saw the female cultivator with a painful face, he was even more proud, and rushed in directly.

"Xiao Dezi, get the hell out of here!"

Lin Xiao looked at Xu De slightly angrily. What the other party did was inexplicable. He didn't want to pay attention to it at first, but at this moment, he naturally couldn't let go of the resources he got. With a big wave of his hand, Xu De was directly captured by others Gasped back.


The complacency on Xu De's face was gone, replaced by a charming smile, just like the eunuch on TV, who spoke in fear, but was full of dissatisfaction with Lin Xiao's disturbing his good deeds.

"Turn it into the fourth counterattack. If you do well, Lin will give you freedom. If you fail, then you will die with me!"

Lin Xiao spoke lightly, but there was an inexplicable domineering air, not the slightest intention of discussing, but a kind of order.


Xu De was really stunned this time. For some reason, when Lin Xiao said that he would accompany me to die, his half heart beat violently. like average.

Lin Xiao didn't pay attention to Xu De's thoughts. Originally, there was some grievance between the two of them, but when the trip to the Lei Feng Pagoda was over, all of this should also end. Now that Lin Xiao was in a life-and-death crisis, naturally he would not let Xu De go. De, but he also understands that if everything is calculated as usual this time, it is absolutely not a lie that he wants to return Xu De's freedom.

The Lightning Leopard has also flown back, and behind it is a large string of storage bags. Obviously, it played its treasure-hunting characteristics again, and gave those storage bags to Lin Xiao obediently.


At this moment, ten feet away, Long Shaoqing's body manifested. Seeing that Lin Xiao didn't continue to run, but waited for him here, the anger in his eyes was even more uncontrollable, burning blazingly.

He was wearing a blue robe, and he took a slow step. Even though he knew that there was a method arranged by Lin Xiao here, he still didn't care at all. In this regard, he is better than Yang Yong, because he is more determined to kill Drop Lin Xiao.

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