Destiny Immortal Way

Chapter 191 Calculations

With a loud bang, Lin Xiao rushed out of the area he was in, and punched Long Shaoqing who was about to step forward.

These methods were laid out by Lin Xiao hard, and it is no problem to deal with the general sense of nature, but when encountering Long Shaoqing, I am afraid that he will be destroyed one by one by the other party, so the first thing Lin Xiao has to do is to stop the dragon. Shaoqing, so as to reduce the impact of the opponent, and play a role in decompression for his own layout.

When Lin Xiao rushed forward, he slapped the pagoda with his left hand, and a mark in his hand sank into the pagoda in an instant.


At this time, there were more than 400 heads in the human head tower. At this moment, they all uttered a mournful sound. This was the roar of countless ghosts, as if they were telling their unsatisfactory death.

The lonely soul condensed from the human head tower, even under this palm, its face was distorted and became abnormally ferocious. A ghost horn rushed out from its forehead, and instantly merged into the human head tower.

It was just a matter of an instant. The black ghostly aura spread out ten feet, catching up to Lin Xiao's speed, just like a huge black cloak, following Lin Xiao closely. There were hideous faces rushing out, making people creepy.

"A mere innocent soul, do you really think that you can stop me?"

Long Shaoqing's expression was indifferent, and he waved his hand to greet him with a palm. The superiority of his realm made him determined to win against Lin Xiao. The only worry was that Lin Xiao's many methods would waste his time.

Behind him, the endless sea of ​​thunder boiled, and the electric light was as hot as the morning sun behind him. The power of Thor's reappearance swept across the entire Montenegro.


More than a dozen miles away, Human Sovereign murmured, with a look of relief on his face. In his eyes, although Lin Xiao was outstanding, he could kill him with a single finger, but he didn't do that, because such The strong are disdainful.

In front of the Human Sovereign, the vortex condensed into a size of a thousand feet, and from time to time there was a chaotic fairy light, flickering in it, and fairy flowers that had never been heard or seen before bloomed in it, and then submerged in an instant.

This is like the creation of the world before the ages, everything is created from nothing, those who adapt survive, and those who do not adapt will wither. This is a strict and suffocating rule.

Mo Wuyan's body has completely dissipated, leaving only a pure white skull emitting a purple light. Although it is only normal in size, it gives people the illusion of being as huge as a star.

At this moment, he is struggling against the evolutionary power from the vortex. Although he knows very well that unless a miracle happens, he will eventually be obliterated by the Emperor, but there is still an unyielding force in his empty eye hole. strong.

This kind of willpower that would rather die than surrender, it is difficult for anything in the world to obliterate him. Even if he dies this time, this willpower can still remain in the world.

"Very strong...!"

Inside the mysterious magma, Tianlongzi opened his mouth with a majestic face, able to devour the former sages, his cultivation base is also a generation of meritorious fortune, the entire Montenegro, at this moment, is all under his observation.

"Then Long Shaoqing should be cultivating the legendary Nine Transformations...!"

The Dinosaur King opened his mouth with a look of surprise. A strong man like him would naturally not let his mouth slip. He doesn't like Long Shaoqing and Lin Xiao. After all, the grievances between them and the human race are too deep. , It is not a good thing for the dinosaur family.

He deliberately revealed the secrets of Long Shaoqing in order to arouse Tianlongzi's selfish desires. He knew that the human race is best at intrigue, so he used the highest skill of the human race, the Nine Changes, to lure him, maybe Tianlongzi would try to snatch it.

"Nine transformations are useless to me, but you are about to cross the catastrophe. If you can grab this lightning transformation technique, it will increase your possibility of advancing!"

Tianlongzi's eyes flickered undetectably, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He didn't have a good impression of Long Shaoqing in the first place, but he couldn't do anything because of face. At this moment, he meant to instigate the dinosaur king to trouble Long Shaoqing.

The Dinosaur King couldn't help being shocked when he heard what Tianlongzi said, but soon he smiled wryly and said, "The Emperor...!"

"A child is just playing house, if you are afraid, then bear with it!"

Tian Longzi sneered endlessly in his heart, he was only responsible for lighting a fire in the opponent's heart, as long as Long Shaoqing lost the protection of the emperor, this guy would probably attack Long Shaoqing.

The Dinosaur King trembled inadvertently. I am afraid that in this world, there are very few people who can comment on the Emperor like Tianlongzi. After all, they are all outstanding generations who have lived from the ages to the present. Only they are qualified to treat a younger generation like this.

Long Shaoqing was too conceited. Even if he knew that Lin Xiao was well prepared, he still didn't allow himself to retreat. He had already lost one game when he let Lin Xiao run away just now, and he absolutely didn't allow a second time at this moment.


A flash of thunder flashed across, and Long Shaoqing was like the reappearance of the god of thunder, waving his hand to grasp the punishment of heaven, and punching out, a bloody battle was about to break out when he came up.

"Slap!" Lin Xiao's palm swept across, nearly breaking Long Shaoqing's hand bones with one palm. At the same time, he himself felt uncomfortable, and was kicked by Long Shaoqing in the chest, and flew back quickly.

"If you and I were in the same realm, the victory or defeat might be unknown, but now my realm is higher than yours, which is doomed to your sorrow. There is no suspense in this battle. All you need to do is choose what kind of death method !"

Long Shaoqing spoke solemnly, as a man with a strong sense of nature, he had full confidence to speak like this.

"Maybe you don't know, anyone who says that to me will end up dead!"

Lin Xiao wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and sneered, but he didn't have the thought of rushing forward again, but crossed his legs to stay where he was.


At the same time as Lin Xiao retreated, the tower of human head passed by him, and now under the control of the ghost, it slammed into Long Shaoqing. The whole world was filled with black ghostly aura, even if it was from the east. The rising sun still gives people a creepy feeling.

"Is this his method?"

Yang Yong spoke hesitantly, feeling very annoyed that he didn't choose to make a move just now.


Long Shaoqing snorted coldly, his hands and eyes were all filled with lightning, and he slapped the top of the Tower of Human Head with a slap. With five fingers exerting force at the same time, five thunder snakes rushed out of it in an instant, making the tower of Human Head that looked very spectacular , as if five cracks had appeared, rapidly spreading downward.

"Stop him...!"

Lin Xiao did not open his eyes, but let out a cold shout, and chose to be silent again. He was trying to enter the environment of enlightenment last night, because he knew that only by comprehending the shaking of the earth, could he completely reverse the situation. This trend.


Grimace let out a frenzied roar. Amidst the ghostly aura, the faces of the people were solidified, ferocious and painful. They all looked at the approaching Long Shaoqing. They were all wronged souls, because they died in Lin Xiao's hands and could not enter reincarnation. And full of resentment, if they are destroyed again this time, they will be completely unable to escape. At this moment, they are burning their soul power crazily.

This is the resentment of the more than 400 people, all passed on to Long Shaoqing. For a moment, these stern roars even overwhelmed the sound of rolling thunder, making the steps he originally wanted to take in the air. pause.

Long Shaoqing frowned slightly. The power of thunder and lightning was the nemesis of ghosts. This was the reason why he was able to crush the tower of human heads with a wave of his hand. However, he ignored the result of those ghosts even sacrificing their soul power for the sake of reincarnation.

"call out!"

The moment Long Shaoqing paused, the two blood-colored long swords in the void slashed down quickly, and the timing was extremely ingenious. It was the situation where Long Shaoqing had no way to dodge when facing the Tower of Human Heads.

"You really want to die...!"

Long Shaoqing's throat roared, and his eyes were as cold as two sharp swords. Although he couldn't do anything, how could he let the blood sword cut him down? With his roar, from behind him, the endless Lei Hai, turned into a series of screens, also wanted to block this blow.


The roar of the killing sword, these are two blood-drinking swords, which were used by Tian Longzi in the past. At the same time, he naturally had the idea of ​​using blood to transform the two swords. Now killing the sword and drinking blood is full of murderous aura.

"This...this is?"

Yang Yong let out an exclamation. It was the second time he saw Lin Xiao take out the blood sword, but at this moment, he felt chills all over his body. Fear spread from the depths of his heart, and his body retreated instinctively.

"Thunder formation!"

I saw Long Shaoqing groaned softly, and the thunder and lightning around his body poured down like a hole, and on his body, it was like watering with iron, and a thunder and lightning battle suit evolved.

The blue battle suit, with a cold light, was forged like a kind of divine gold, covering Major General Long from head to toe, except for his pair of indifference.

At the same time, behind Long Shaoqing, nine divine rings manifested, like nine blue ribbons wrapped around his back, and one after another rules manifested. At this moment, it seemed as if he ruled the world.

All of this is very short-lived. Long Shaoqing's strength is beyond doubt. He is close to the Dao, even standing there, he has a very strong power. They are all far away, and it is not difficult to fight across the ranks.


Long Shaoqing's eyes flickered solemnly, and his whole body burst into divine light in an instant. He wanted to forcibly break through the blockade from the Human Head Tower, and he didn't want to let Lin Xiao play it any longer, because the blood sword gave him a dangerous force. breath.

At this moment, there was a roaring sound from the ground, and countless blood-colored veins flew into the air, instantly condensing into a strange figure around Long Shaoqing's body.

This is Lin Xiao's preparation, which belongs to the method of the runes on the divine map, and it is his third backhand.

When the rune appeared, bloody flames were beating in the void, and at this moment, the many visions around Long Shaoqing's body instantly turned into nothingness, without any residue, as if they were cut off from the way of heaven for a moment breath between.

For the first time, horror flashed in Long Shaoqing's eyes. Even though Lin Xiao had injured him, he had never been afraid of him. No matter how much Shaoqing deceived himself and others, he would treat Lin Xiao equally.

These three methods may not be a big deal alone, but now they are combined to launch an attack at the same time, but they just constitute a wonderful killing array.


The blood-colored long sword slipped, and Long Shaoqing, who had lost the way of heaven to rely on, was directly cut with a scar on his chest, and a large amount of blood was crazily absorbed by the blood sword.


Another blood sword slashed down at the same time. Although Long Shaoqing managed to dodge, the purple gold crown on his head was smashed, and his long black hair danced in the air.

"You are will be the second person I want to kill!"

Long Shaoqing let out an angry roar, like a giant dragon bitten by ants, wishing to trample the ants to death in his eyes, but found that every time he hit with all his strength, the opponent could tenaciously survive, this feeling make him crazy.

However, a dragon will always be a dragon, and the ant can make him hurt, but it can't kill him.

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