Destiny Immortal Way

Chapter 192 Where is the future?

Lin Xiao, who was manipulating all this, was also a little surprised. After all, he didn't know what the role of the runes of the divine map was, but now he has isolated the imprint of the Dao on Long Shaoqing's body, which has already been given to him. A big surprise.

When the blood sword fell, Long Shaoqing's body was swept away, and at the same time, the bones around him made crackling noises. The restrictions from the wild ghosts on the human head tower disappeared now, and he recovered his body. free.

This human head tower is completely a quick product. If it is possible to fight against Long Shaoqing by relying on this one, then the title of Long Shaoqing, Hua Xiajiao, is a bit of a vain name.


Lin Xiao sighed softly, he managed to gain an upper hand, but the harvest was very small, he was sure, if he was a man with a strong sense of heaven like Yang Yong, even if he did not die, he would be seriously injured by this sentence. But Long Shaoqing was just a little embarrassed, and didn't hurt the root.

This made Lin Xiao's eyes full of solemnity. It has to be said that Long Shaoqing is the strongest opponent he has ever met. He is similar in age and far superior in combat power. This battle is destined to become extremely difficult.

It can be said that many people are sad to be in the same era as a genius like Long Shaoqing. After all, he is too radiant and carries all the brilliance on his body. No matter how amazing you are, you will be dim in front of him.

Lin Xiao was able to sing all the way to the present level, and he has been able to prove that he is strong enough, and he has completed a slight counterattack. Even if he fails now, it will not be because he is weak, but because the opponent is too strong.


At this moment, Long Shaoqing, who was severely injured by the blood sword, pointed out ten fingers in the void one after another, and ten wind blades pointed towards him strangely. He felt shameful for being injured today, and he didn't want to do it again. Was cut off the second sword.

"This is?"

Although Lin Xiao's eyes were not opened, his senses were still there, and he could clearly see what happened on the battlefield. He would naturally use these ordinary and extraordinary wind blades, but it was only Long Shaoqing who used them. When he came out, he always felt a little weird.

The blood sword pierced the sky, making shrill sounds. They were forged by ancient sages. Although they are not sacred weapons, they also possess extremely strong spiritual intelligence. If they do not appear, they will definitely kill the opponent , otherwise unwilling to return.


The five fingers in front of the wind, without the slightest suspense, were directly collapsed into the air, and the blood sword's momentum was like a rainbow, and it seemed to sweep everything at this moment.


At this moment, Long Shaoqing let out a soft groan, and when he moved his ten fingers, the five finger winds that had dissipated originally condensed again. If a monk saw it just now, he would definitely find that these wind blades are actually , collapsed before touching the blood sword, and now gathered again, surrounding the blood sword.

"What an amazing ability to control spiritual power?"

Lin Xiao sighed softly, he was ashamed of himself, at least the current him could not do it.


The blood sword roared, trying to break through the blockade, but as if it was stuck in the mud, it was impossible to break through immediately.

"This is your last chance. What you can really compete with me is the blood transformation technique. If you can't sublimate your blood transformation technique, then I will draw the blood from your whole body, although what you get in this way will be different." Incomplete, but enough!"

Long Shaoqing said indifferently, even though the purple gold crown on his head was cut to pieces by the blood sword, his long hair was dancing messily, and the blue robe on his body was already covered with bloodstains, but he was still strong, like a king, Even at the bottom of his life, it is still enough to look down on the world.

"Blood change?"

Lin Xiao was slightly taken aback, this was the first time he heard such a title, even though it was the first time, he believed in Long Shaoqing's words from the bottom of his heart, but his heart was full of helplessness, his blood cultivator The exercises were taught jointly by the Lord of the Blood Palace and the Blood Slaughter back then, so it is only natural that he has not grasped the essence of them.

However, now this is a life-and-death struggle, Lin Xiao naturally cannot allow himself to be distracted, because in such an environment, thinking about the sublimation of skills is undoubtedly fatal, so he just pondered and chose again There was silence.

Long Shaoqing did not kill Lin Xiao all this time because of the nine great thaumaturgies in the cultivation world, and the blood transformation technique and thunder transformation technique he mentioned are exactly the two thaumaturgies.

Those who get one of these thaumaturgies can rule a domain, and those who get both can become kings in the world. As for whether someone has collected them completely, it is unknown. It has become extremely powerful, so naturally no one dares to ask about the secret.

The technique of thunder transformation, gathering thunder from all over the world, can evolve all kinds of laws in the world. As long as you see others perform it, you can simulate it. This is an abnormal characteristic, so even though Long Shaoqing is only in his 20s, he already has With hundreds of spells, this is no longer something that can be done with enough aptitude.

The profound meaning of the blood transformation technique is to restore one's own wounds, which coincides with the blood cultivation technique, or the blood cultivation technique itself is a kind of reverse of the blood transformation technique, and even reaches the extreme. , may touch a trace of the mystery of the blood transformation technique, which is why, the key to being pushed to the altar by the world as soon as the blood cultivator appeared in the first place. At that time, such things were completely against the sky.

It is rare for the world to know who created the nine great thaumaturgy, because it has existed since ancient times, and its age is terrifying, so it is extremely difficult to verify.

Long Shaoqing has always had reservations about Lin Xiao, because he felt that Lin Xiao possessed blood transformation in his body. This is the mutual induction between people who possess the nine great thaumaturgy. It can be said that this is a very speechless rule. , because once these people meet, there will inevitably be a bloody battle, and the confrontation of the most powerful spells will inevitably cause someone to fall.

At this moment, Long Shaoqing stimulated Lin Xiao time and time again, just wanting Lin Xiao to stimulate his own blood transformation technique, and then imitate it with the help of thunder transformation technique. At that time, he would have the strongest magic technique in the world, plus the most With a strong recovery ability, he will not be just the arrogance of the Huaxia clan, but even more radiant.

It’s just that Lin Xiao’s backhands made Long Shaoqing change his mind, just like he chose to smoke fire dragons at the beginning, he didn’t mind if the thaumaturgy was complete, what he needed was to have it, this was for him to face the rest of the world in the future. The owner of the nine thaumaturgy is paving the way.


At this moment, although one of the blood swords had been restrained, the other one did fall down again, and its sword soul let out a sharp wail, and burst out a dazzling blood light in an instant.


I saw that Long Shaoqing was unhurried, and waved out a golden magic weapon. He actually blocked the blood sword with one blow, but under the instant collision, the golden light of the magic weapon became dim, revealing The truth of the period.

As soon as a square tripod tempered by golden divine gold rushed out, the nothingness seemed to be torn apart, and the golden light enveloped the world, swallowing mountains and rivers with anger.

Inside the cauldron, sitting cross-legged is a blurry figure, it is Long Shaoqing's ray of primordial spirit, who has the best control over his natal magic weapon. Although the rank is not as good as the blood sword, it is still very strong .

In China, the meaning of the tripod is too heavy. The shape of three legs and two ears contains the most complete interpretation of the Tao, and the tripod has always been a heavy weapon in China, representing the supreme rule. Therefore, Long Shaoqing put his own life It is obvious that the meaning of this golden tripod will be more far-reaching.

"What are you waiting for?"

Lin Xiao's voice was cold, and he slowly opened his eyes, looking at a certain place in the void, and the whole person stood up in an instant, like a sword about to be unsheathed, showing its sharpness.

"Is there any needless follow-up?"

Long Shaoqing spoke disdainfully, although he lost the blessing of the Dao, but the realm of being a strong man with a sense of heaven is still there.

The human head tower blocked his way, making his body hesitate, and the blood sword gave him a head-on blow, and now he is in the seal, unable to fully exert his ability, but these are for him. None of it matters because none of this lasts long.


At this moment, a shrill ghost screamed, and Xu De's figure walked out of the void, but his target was not Long Shaoqing, but the ghost face on the human head tower. In his eyes, Full of greedy taste.

"It's another wild ghost. It seems that you haven't realized the power of your exercises, you are just borrowing external power!"

Long Shaoqing's body turned into a dragon shape, and he used the golden cauldron in the roar to shake back the two blood swords. His strength was undoubtedly strong, and even with his hands free, he also had to retreat from the two blood swords that were operating independently.


When the blood sword retreated and Long Shaoqing was about to step out of the seal, the human head tower collapsed directly because of Xu De's devouring, and this made Xu De and Long Shaoqing face each other for the first time.

"***...Master De has put his life on the line this time. Kid Lin has made a note of this hatred of Mr. De. When Mr. De becomes prosperous in the future, he must avenge him!"

From Xu De's mouth, he roared with a voice that only he could hear, but his body quickly ran towards Long Shaoqing.

On the pure white altar, a pure white lotus flower is blooming. That beautiful figure always only has her back facing everyone, but even so, she still gives off a holy aura, as noble as a fairy.


She is Ni Yun, the Goddess of Tianji Sect. At this moment, she spit out a mouthful of blood, and the blood flowed down the mask, and on her white robe, it was like blossoming plum blossoms, with a shocking beauty.

"Wrong...wrong again...!"

Ni Yun murmured. At this moment, the veil on her face was gently blown up by the wind, revealing her beautiful face, which was so beautiful that no man could bear to hurt her anymore.

At this moment, her eyes were full of confusion. On the white jade platform, there were some black blood stains. Obviously, this was not the first time she vomited blood, but nine times, but it was not difficult to see from her eyes that she was deducing An extremely important matter.

"Where is the future? Is this battle a turning point? Otherwise, why can't I see the future..."

Ni Yun frowned, looking at the area where Lin Xiao and Long Shaoqing fought, as if trying to find the answer.

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