Destiny Immortal Way

Chapter 214 The Holy Maiden


The stone sword made a roaring sound, and a coercion came like a sea wave, blocking all those who tried to rush into the stone gate.


Zhang Kai looked hesitantly at the man in black standing in front of him. Although the figure of the man had changed, and even the clothes on his body had changed, the feeling was still there.

"My name is Xu De!"

Lin Xiao's eyes flashed, and he said calmly, it would not be too difficult for him to break into the stone gate today, but there are many strong heavenly sense masters in Dao Jianzong, which makes it inevitable that even if he walks in silently, will attract the attention of others.

"Senior brother Xu De has been in seclusion for more than 20 years, and now he has finally achieved the sense of heaven. It is really gratifying!"

Zhang Kai's eyes flashed, and he immediately understood the meaning of Lin Xiao's words, and he clasped his fists at Lin Xiao and bowed.

"It's a pity that the years have passed, and the brothers in the same period are actually hard to see now!"

Lin Xiao let out a soft sigh, and there was a sense of vicissitudes in his words, and he took a step forward, heading for the stone gate.


The stone sword roared, and it contained unyielding willpower. Unless it really possessed the strength of heaven, it would not be recognized by the opponent at all. At this moment, it could not feel Lin Xiao's cultivation, so naturally it would not allow Lin Xiao to step in.

"Who is it? Going to break into the stone gate?"

On the second floor, in a room less than ten feet away from the stone gate, a monk in metal armor was making the sound of bones colliding. Without hesitation, he stepped out of the room he was in and appeared in the passage When he saw Lin Xiao walking into the stone gate, he was slightly taken aback.

Just when the other party found Lin Xiao, Lin Xiao also noticed this monk, but he didn't choose to turn around, but walked forward slowly, and at the same time his heart was roaring, this is the first step for him to succeed , he does not allow mistakes.


Lin Xiao was less than ten steps away from the stone gate, but when he took the second step, a stronger coercion than before emanated from it, and at this moment, there was a slight movement on Lin Xiao's shoulders. shaking.

"Isn't it divine?"

The monk in the armor had his throat trembling, and his eyes were watching Lin Xiao's every move nervously. The date of the sword test meeting was approaching. Countless monks wanted to break into the stone gate and fight for the eruption at the last moment. He was one of them. One, Lin Xiao's behavior is a kind of experience.

"Overestimating one's abilities! This stone gate was set up by the sect master himself. It is very difficult for even a strong man with a sense of heaven to get through it. He actually wants to rely on his body. It is simply wishful thinking!"

When the second sound sounded, more than a dozen monks came out, among them was an older man with a half-step sense of nature, who spoke contemptuously.

"This person can take four steps at most, the coercion of this Shimen is constantly getting stronger, and four steps is already the limit of this person!"

A Taoist nun who looked a bit unflattering spoke bitterly, as if she was watching a joke.

"Boom! Boom!"

As if to mock the nun's ignorance, Lin Xiao took two steps in succession, which was undoubtedly a slap on the nun's face.

"Bang! Boom!"

The entire second floor was boiling, and the originally closed stone door actually walked out more than half, and the sound of opening the door formed a thunderous sound, which was constantly reverberating, and no one would care about it at this moment. Their eyes were all on Lin Xiao who was about to rush into the stone gate.

"Four strengths?"

Lin Xiao whispered, he has already seen the mystery of this stone sword at this time, if a person's strength is one, then the double strength is two, and the triple strength is naturally three, all this seems to be a math problem , but if you want to achieve the triple strength, it is extremely difficult, beyond the scope of the bodiless strong.

At the beginning when Lin Xiao practiced the extreme way, he only reached the seventh level of strength. That's it, it was already strong enough to resist the existence of the heavenly sense. And this kind of power is not as simple as the superposition of power, but needs breakthroughs again and again to let his A qualitative change in strength is the coincidence.

When he was in the Blood Palace, Lin Xiao also analyzed that if he reached the Ninefold Strength and then made a breakthrough, he might reach another level, even extremely strong, but unfortunately he didn't have the chance to try it in the end.

"If I only rely on this physical body, how much can I reach?"

Lin Xiao opened his mouth lightly, but took another step under his feet. What he needs today is publicity, so publicity that everyone will remember Xu De's name.

The best way to hide is not to wrap yourself in darkness, but to stand in the sun so that others cannot see your shadow. This is exactly the effect Lin Xiao wants.

Daojianzong's disciples, although the data is huge, but if you really want to find out the extra person, it is a piece of cake. In this case, Lin Xiao chose to tell them an identity, so with the character of a person, he will definitely not doubt A man who is so flamboyant.

"Brother Xu De, come on!"

Zhang Kai let out a roar of excitement. Although he didn't understand Lin Xiao's purpose, he would not refuse the opportunity to help Lin Xiao. At this moment, he couldn't help guessing: "Maybe I guessed wrong, This senior brother must like to pretend to be cold, but he is actually a person who likes to show off, I must do some homework on this in the future!"


Lin Xiao's footsteps fell, and he stood firmly in the fifth position. The Taoist nun who spoke before became dumb, her eyes were full of fear, and she quickly retreated. At this moment, what she was worried about was not contempt, but Lin Xiao. Xiao's anger.

"He actually took five steps, but in the past five years, 76 people have broken through the stone gate, and there are 11 monks who have taken five steps. This person should become the existence of the twelve under the heavenly sense, but it is not enough to make him The old man will show up!"

In the room closest to Shimen, which is obviously the room with the strongest aura in this place, an old man with white hair muttered to himself, and his words were full of pride.

"Aren't you willing to show up?"

The old man's voice was not deliberately concealed, at this moment Lin Xiao could hear it clearly, sneered, and stepped forward with that leg again, only three steps away from the stone gate.

At this moment, the entire second floor fell into a moment of silence, and a needle could be heard. Even though Lin Xiao only took six steps when he broke into the stone gate, he left most of the people behind. There will be no more disrespectful words before that.

The armored monk who appeared first seemed to stand out from the crowd. At this moment, he moved closer to Zhang Kai's position and asked in a low voice: "Junior Brother Zhang, do you know this senior brother?"

Zhang Kai's face is full of complacency. Although he is also on the second floor, he belongs to the last position. Usually, no one from these people gives him a good face, but now someone posted it on his own initiative. After a while, he didn't mean to speak.

"Junior Brother Zhang, I have recently refined a magic weapon, and I have been thinking about how to give it to Junior Brother Zhang, but now is the best time!"

The armored monk threw a magic weapon to Zhang Kai with a pained expression on his face. Although the resources of this southern star were better than those in the sanctuary, but there were too many monks and less porridge, the magic weapon was also very valuable.

"Hehe! Senior brother is really polite. In fact, this senior brother Xu De is usually too low-key and rarely talks. I only found out that there is such a senior brother after entering the room on the second floor. That's all!"

Zhang Kai waved the magic weapon into his hand, and whispered something in that senior brother's ear, but quite a few ears were all pricked up.


The corner of the armored monk's mouth twitched. He couldn't see where Lin Xiao's behavior was low-key. The retreat caused a big change in temperament? It seems that it is better to go out and walk more in the future!"

Those who exist here are all monks above the third heaven, so even though Zhang Kai's voice is very low, it still reaches everyone's ears in an instant, and the gaze he looks at Lin Xiao at this moment has become weird Looking up, it was obvious that Lin Xiao was a senior who had been in seclusion for too long.


At the same time, Lin Xiao's behavior didn't stop there, but he took the seventh step quickly. The seven weights of strength were like a hill hitting his body, and he was knocked flying out almost at the moment of taking a step. .

"Not bad! If you can enter the eighth step, you can choose any of the top ten rooms here!"

In the first room, the old voice came again at this moment, but it became much softer, and it was no longer as naked as before.

"It is said that the owner of this room is a monk who has existed here for the longest time. His age is so long that even Chief Linghu has to call him uncle. This person's cultivation level has always been unknown, but it is not difficult to guess. He must have already entered the Heavenly Sense, otherwise, how can he make the Heavenly Sense exist?"

It was inevitable that some gossipers in the crowd revealed the identity of the old man at this moment, which made those monks who thought the old man was boastful gasped.

At the moment, there are eleven people standing at the front of the crowd, all of them chose to remain silent. They have all personally experienced the strength of the stone gate. It seems that it is only a step, but it is extremely difficult to take it. Therefore, even if the old man said that the room is free They didn't stop it, or they were dissatisfied.

Moreover, the strong men here have a common secret, that is, there have been fluctuations in their rooms, but the old man's room is the only one. Even if Xia Yuan broke through to the heavenly sense, he did not try to snatch the number one position , This is even deeper, the cognition of the old man here must have reached the sense of heaven, but for some unknown reason, he stayed here.

"Eight steps? If this person can take eight steps, how will we deal with ourselves?"

At this moment, a beautiful voice resounded in the cave, as crisp as a yellow warbler coming out of the valley, as if a clear spring was rippling in the heart.

This is a beautiful female cultivator, who is overwhelmed by the country and the city. She is wearing a starlight robe, and her whole body is full of holy light. At this moment, her brows are slightly wrinkled, and she is even more beautiful.

The appearance of this woman is like the stars arching the moon, located in the center of those 11 people, and these 11 people actually took a step back at the same time. No one dared to stand with this woman. The nobility of this woman comes.

With the end of the words, the female cultivator took a step forward, and the whole space seemed to turn back under her feet. She glanced coldly at the stone gate, and her body went straight to the stone gate.


There was a sudden commotion in the crowd, but no one stopped the woman's behavior, but they looked at Lin Xiao, full of sympathy.

"Brother Xu, wouldn't it be over if you took nine steps earlier? Now that you have angered the saint, the coercion of this Shimen will definitely increase, and your nine steps will become even more difficult!"

Zhang Kai had a mournful face, dissatisfied with Lin Xiao for the first time.

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