Destiny Immortal Way

Chapter 215 Stimulation

Shimen, the moat that separates the third and second floors of the Sword Cave, without the guidance of monks from Heavenly Sensation, it would be impossible for low-level monks to get close, let alone open the door and walk in.

Just like the words of the mysterious old man, there are very few people who can take five steps in five years, and all of these people are extremely strong in the realm of rebirth. sky.

"Senior brother Xu De hasn't used magic weapons and exercises so far, so he should still have some strength left. It's a pity that he is too hypocritical. In order to make a big splash, he chose to slow down, but he also gave the saintess the opportunity to suppress him." Chance!"

"Being able to enter the sense of heaven, which one is not the existence of Tianjiao level, how can they allow someone to step on their head, otherwise how can they have the courage to enter the sense of heaven, the saint is not wrong in this matter?"

There was a burst of discussion among the crowd, no doubt almost no one is optimistic about Lin Xiao, this is related to a secret that almost everyone here knows.

The existence of Shimen is a kind of restriction, and it is also a kind of hindrance, so that all monks who have not reached the heavenly sense cannot enter the third floor, which prevents the abundant aura of the third floor from being consumed excessively, and those who enter The monks in it will not be distracted, providing a better environment.

Naturally, everyone is well aware of all this. There is absolutely no reason for this stone gate to be pushed open by a monk under the influence of heaven. The eighth step is already the limit, but even so, there will still be people who will try it crazily, because the rules are there. If you can't break through the sense of nature, you have to break through. This is a chance.

Since ancient times, there have been many outstanding people. They have thought of a way, that is, several people rush up at the same time, so as to relieve the pressure on Shimen, but this idea does not work at all. The more people there are, the greater the coercion of Shimen. , There were even casualties that time, so that more monks would choose to rush when there was no one else.

As the leader of Dao and Sword Sect, the holy girl naturally understood this truth, but she still chose to take the first step, which shows that this girl's intentions were very vicious, and she was not at all willing to let Lin Xiao take the eighth step.


At this time, Lin Xiao whispered, without anyone's reminder, he could feel that the strength he was enduring had actually doubled. If it was said that one mountain was pressed down at first, then there are now two.

At this moment, Lin Xiao's legs seemed to have taken root in the ground, and it became extremely difficult to take another step. His eyes turned coldly to the saint and said, "You owe me an explanation!"

"Hmph! This saint has always acted arrogantly, and I don't need any explanation!"

The saint snorted coldly, and with my biggest expression here, she took another step directly.

"That's because you didn't meet me!"

Lin Xiao sneered, but all the muscles in his body were agitating, and the blue veins were beating like blue dragons. Outsiders couldn't see this scene, but they could see Lin Xiao's black Taoist robe bulging rapidly.


Lin Xiao's right foot fell quickly. Even if the eighth step doubled, it was only the pressure of the ninth step. Since Lin Xiao dared to enter, he would be able to push open the stone door, otherwise he would This kind of publicity turned into a joke instead.


The moment Lin Xiao took the eighth step, in his dantian, the source of yin and yang originating from flat peaches was running crazily at this moment, making the original 30.00% recovery of dantian reach 30.00% in an instant seven.

Although this is a very small number, it still takes a day for Lin Xiao to complete his homework even if he is on the third floor of the Sword Cave, and this recovery is still going on.

In the distance, everyone held their breath. Lin Xiao only took half a foot. If he took all the steps, it would be equivalent to the fulfillment of the mysterious old man's words. It also means that the saint's plan just now, It became a joke.


At this moment, even some monks have their hearts beating violently. This is beyond their control. After all, they can see someone take the eighth step with their own eyes, as if they have experienced it themselves. Many people look at Lin Xiao's gaze was hot.

"Step over! Step over! It's only half a step away!"

Zhang Kai also roared excitedly. There is nothing more exciting than seeing someone who was about to lose suddenly complete a counterattack.

"Can't you go out?"

The saintess frowned slightly. She was the closest to Lin Xiao, and she could feel that there was still no trace of aura overflowing from Lin Xiao's body. If he was in the outside world, he would definitely think that he was an ordinary person, but at this moment, the other party But it became unfathomable.

Lin Xiao was calm and frightening. He didn't care about anyone's words, but slowly closed his eyes. He came to the sword cave for the purpose of recovering himself. Now that he has found such an opportunity, he naturally cannot miss it. .

In just a very short time, Lin Xiao's injury recovery has reached 40.00%. This is because facing the threat from the outside world, his physical potential is being rapidly stimulated, and half of his dantian is already blooming with divine light.

"Recovery! Recovery is only a thread away. What I need is pressure. This is what I need!"

Lin Xiao murmured, only he could hear the voice, but at this moment, his eyes opened instantly, a ray of madness burst out from them, and he slowly raised his left hand that was left in place. foot.

"Oh my god! He actually took the eighth step. This Xu De is too heaven-defying. I'm afraid this can no longer be surpassed!"

"Didn't you see it? Brother Xu hasn't cast any spells or sacrificed any magic weapons so far. If the saint hadn't appeared, he might have already taken the ninth step. This is going to be against the sky!"

Everyone in the crowd gasped. Without the appearance of the saint, today's events might not be so good, but this moment made them feel more exciting, and Lin Xiao's figure became more and more mysterious. .

"Not bad! The eighth step has been taken, and you can decide the configuration here!"

The owner of that room still did not appear, but his words were full of appreciation.

Lin Xiao didn't pay attention to the old man's words, because he never thought about practicing here, otherwise, how could there be such a big commotion? Shining light, enveloped his entire dantian in it.


"50.00% Seven!"

At this moment, Lin Xiao could not wait to scream loudly. The injury that had plagued him for half a year was actually recovering quickly. This undoubtedly shortened the time he originally planned. Just a moment saved his long time. time.

"60.00% Seven!"

Lin Xiao let out a comfortable groan, and most of his injuries recovered. He could feel the pores of his whole body being opened, but at this moment, the recovery became slower.

"I need stimulation!"

Lin Xiao's hoarse voice spread to the ears of all the people in the cave in just an instant.

It was just one sentence, but it caused everyone to look shocked. They deeply thought of Lin Xiao as a pervert, and they had already broken the myth that no one in Shimen could take the ninth step. Stimulation, do we have to treat myths as worthless street stalls?

At this time, the first ones who couldn't bear it belonged to the 11 people in the head. They all stopped outside the stone gate and knew the difficulties. Now there is one person who yells comfortably, and only instantly loses their accumulated prestige. , destroyed at once.

"What are you waiting for? Since he wants to be exciting, do you really want to be cowards?"

The saint gave a cold smile, full of disdain for those 11 people.

Originally, she wanted to break through the stone gate, but she didn't expect Lin Xiao to take the lead. If this person successfully passed through the nine gates, then even if she passed through the nine gates, she would lose face even if she passed through. It was the reason why she chose to walk in without hesitation.


The armored monk in the crowd actually jumped out at the first time. From the trance flashing in his eyes, it is not difficult to see that this guy was fascinated by the beauty of the saint, and he was already in a daze at this moment.

"Since Fellow Daoist Xu wants to be exciting, I'll make it possible for Fellow Daoist Xu!"

Among the 11 people, some people chose to go up at this moment, but the moment they took the first step, their faces became ugly, because the three people in front, although it was only the first step at this moment, they were the fourfold energy, A careless, almost did not get out of the shock.


The moment the two of them stepped in, the yin and yang zhenqi in Lin Xiao's body, which was about to stop, started to circulate crazily at an even faster speed.

"70.00%, 70.00% two!"

From Lin Xiao's throat roared like a wild beast. In his life, it was hard to find anything that excited him more than this.

"My God? That's eleven times the power, and he's still fine!"

The crowd completely exploded, this is too subverting people's hearts, before this, there is no one who can take nine steps, but now someone has directly taken eleven steps, I am afraid that they have reached an unsurpassable high.

"Who on earth is he? Why haven't I felt the presence of spiritual energy in his body so far? He just relies on his physical body, so he can't be compared to heaven's sense?"

The saint was terrified in her heart, especially when she thought of this possibility, she took a deep breath, and her body resisted the sense of heaven. I am afraid that such an existence is rare even in other sects.

At this moment, she heard the sound of the sword test meeting two months later, and she couldn't help feeling tense again. At this moment, such a person suddenly appeared, undoubtedly a formidable opponent. The moment she had this thought, her expression changed. He said coldly: "Don't you even have the minimum fighting spirit?"

The remaining ten people were a little bit embarrassed, but Lin Xiao's strength had already been recognized by the vast majority of people, and they were not willing to offend.

Among these people, there were also some who were full of jealousy towards Lin Xiao's appearance. After all, the appearance of this much-anticipated appearance here undoubtedly robbed them of all their brilliance, and even stepped on them severely.

"I come!"

"I come!"

At this moment, among the crowd, two monks chose to step forward at the same time, and stepped into the position where the pressure of the stone gate was.


A tyrannical aura swept over, and the strength was doubled again. The monk who jumped out first, wearing armor, was crushed into a fleshy pulp, and blood splattered everywhere at this moment.

This person was originally unable to withstand the five-fold strength here, but because of the two jumping in, it directly turned into a six-fold strength, which made him unable to dodge, and the armor on his body was crushed. This kind of blatant warning made those monks who originally wanted to step in stop abruptly, unwilling to be the second person.

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