The smell of blood permeated the cave, making all the people who were about to make a move stop. After all, bleeding means death. As a monk, few people go back and risk their lives if it is not necessary. act dangerously.


The threat of death just made them flustered, but when they saw Lin Xiao still standing there majestically, everyone gasped.

"Five weights of strength are enough to crush an existence that has been reborn from the Ninth Heaven, so how much weight is on his body?"

Someone in the crowd exclaimed, which immediately aroused all kinds of speculations from the onlookers, even the last two people who entered had their faces turned embarrassing.

Now their bodies are all bearing the fivefold energy, but their minds are like mountains pressing down, the gazes they look at Lin Xiao are no longer so naked, but with deep fear .

"Now it's only the five-fold strength, and I can't bear it anymore. His body now has the twelve-fold strength. Is he still a human?"

The last cultivator who entered had a feminine and feminine beauty on his face, but because of the position he was in, he became ferocious. In his heart, monstrous waves rose, and he wished he could retreat immediately.

"Twelve levels? Is there no one who is willing to fight side by side with Xu? My bottom line is the thirteenth level. As long as you come in with one more person, I can't do it!"

Lin Xiao's face was full of sincere words, but in his heart, he wished for another person to come in immediately. The greater the pressure from the outside world, the stronger his chance of recovery.

"He's a madman!"

Some monks who are not determined are almost crying at this moment. All this is too heart-pounding. Originally, everyone thought that Lin Xiao would lose, but they did not expect that the other party would actually enter another person. Indeed it can be crazy.

"You want excitement, you want pressure. If that's the case, then the old man will help you. How many people do you want?"

At this moment, the originally silent old man finally spoke again at this moment. It is not difficult to hear the other party's anger from his words. Lin Xiao's behavior has touched the other party's bottom line, but it is difficult for anyone to hear that these words A hint of excitement in it.

"Thank you brother for your help 21"

At this moment, the Saintess was aggrieved to the extreme. She was supposed to shine today, but she didn't expect that today she would become a supporting role. Her hatred for Lin Xiao had reached an irrepressible level.

"Let's have one first! I feel like I'm dying!"

Lin Xiao spoke lightly, with no expression of wanting to break the myth, just like bargaining in a vegetable market.

"it is good!"

The old man agreed in a cold voice, and then felt two eyes coming from the first room, and instantly fell on a cultivator wearing a purple robe, and said slightly angrily: "Xu Wei! At the time, the old man Save your life, don’t you pay back at 40 today?”

The purple-clothed monk, who looked over 40 years old, had already touched the bottleneck of the heavenly sense, and in his body, there were even more regular lines condensed. After a wry smile, he didn't have any explanation. past.


With just one step, the Shimen had a reaction, and the power was raised by another level. The three monks except the saint and the purple-clothed monk actually vomited blood in an instant.

This kind of strength improvement is not aimed at one person, but all those who have been tested. In other words, even if you want to add unlimited people, it is impossible, because the people who join must be able to bear the pressure, and at the same time, you must also consider , and then someone joins, whether I can bear it.

At this time, Lin Xiao's body was shaking even more, but there was no trace of ridicule in the crowd, but all of them looked serious. Lin Xiao had already broken a myth, even if he failed now, he would not Some people think it is a failure, but it has become inevitable. At such a height, the people present have never even heard of it, not to mention their experience.

"70.00% nine?"

Lin Xiao frowned slightly. If he really resisted the pressure, it would not constitute too much resistance, but he chose to stand still to bear it, which is equivalent to several mountains colliding at the same time. He, and he couldn't take a step back.

"Thirteen layers of strength, this is my limit now!"

Lin Xiao spoke hoarsely, his back was covered with sweat.

Those who are strong in the realm of rebirth, their limit is the nine-level strength, because that is the limit of the human body. To reach this level, all you need to do is to sublimate to the utmost and let yourself break through the realm of heavenly sense, otherwise a person's body will be destroyed. unbearable.

Because of Lin Xiao's physical training, he has already reached the ninth level of strength, so the first step of the Shimen has no way to achieve the effect for him now. ,

At the same time, Lin Xiao is naturally not an ordinary body training monk, he is also a blood cultivator. Although his strength has disappeared due to the loss of his cultivation base, his blood is still powerful. This is the horror of blood cultivators. This is Lin Xiao. The roots can be restored.

Now his blood is boiling in his body, and a tyrannical force seems to be awakened, this is the power accumulated in the blood in Lin Xiao's body, no matter how long it has been dusty, it will eventually appear.

"My stimulation is not enough!"

As the blood boiled, madness appeared in Lin Xiao's eyes, and there were two vague figures manifesting in them, which were his former Tao, and now under the tremendous pressure, the former Lin Xiao was about to awaken Generally, just this kind of awakening requires too much pressure, and it is far from enough now.

There was silence in the room. Now everyone's strength has reached the sixth floor, and the first three monks could no longer bear to vomit blood. Now it is no longer the question of who enters, but to enter one person, and the rest whether it can bear.

At the same time, following Lin Xiao's words, even the saint showed a look of panic. She has reached her own limit now, but she also knows how difficult it is to fight against the nine-level strength. It is because she knows that she is even more terrifying .

"Senior Brother Xu!"

Compared with the crowd, it was boiling at this moment. They could no longer suppress the thoughts in their hearts. The concept that the strong are respected is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. When a strong rises in front of them, they will all do it for The blood boils.

"Brother Xu, come on!"

"Brother Xu is mighty!"

Among the crowd, Zhang Kai roared with excitement. The stronger Lin Xiao was, the more correct he felt his choice was. Go and stimulate Lin Xiao by yourself.

"Brother, please..."

The saint's face was gloomy and frightening. Now these cheers became harsh in her ears. She waved her hand towards the position of the room and clasped her fists. She spoke with a very sincere attitude. In her mind, since the other party can firmly rank first , must have its unique place, and it is even possible to break through, but her words were interrupted as soon as she opened her mouth.


I saw the only door on the second floor of the entire Sword Cave that was not opened. At this moment, there was a sound of thunder, and it opened suddenly. An old man wearing a white robe with snow-white long hair covering his face rushed out instantly. .

This person's hair grew to his ankles, and his feet were actually naked, and he didn't put on his shoes, but after he walked out, even though he didn't fly high, he didn't touch the ground.

"Heavenly sense strong?"

At this moment, all the monks were dumbfounded. Although everyone had guessed about the first room on the second floor, when a person with a strong sense of heaven walked out of it, the shock was still unbearable. bear.

"I've seen Uncle Meng!"

At this time, the purple-robed monk Xu Wei was obviously not surprised by all this. When he broke into the stone gate, he almost died. It was this uncle who rescued him, so he had already guessed that the other party should be a monk with a sense of heaven , This is also the key to why this person took a step without the slightest hesitation.

"I've seen Uncle Meng!"

There was a cunning flash in the saintess' eyes, and she bowed slowly. Although she didn't know the master Xu Wei was talking about, the other party was an existence in the realm of heavenly sense, so she would not question anything.

"At the beginning, Tianyi laid down this stone gate to prevent monks under the influence of heaven from entering, but in a hundred years, there are still too many people breaking through, and breaking into this stone gate, 30 years ago, has reached a kind of madness. Therefore, Tianyi set up a killing technique!"

Uncle Meng came slowly, allowing the people present to understand the stone gate, but at the same time, they had to suspect that this man called himself the master of the gate as Tianyi, and there was no respect in his words, and even the tone of some seniors looking at juniors. The identity of the old man is probably even more terrifying.

"Breaking through the stone gate is not a competition. There shouldn't be such a killing technique, but this stone gate consumes too much aura, so not everyone is qualified to break through. At the same time, there is another rule for this gate. Anyone who can enter the Nine Step-by-step monk, this old man bestowed fortune three times!"

Uncle Meng opened his mouth casually without showing any expression. After his words ended, he looked at Lin Xiao calmly, and said lightly, "You have three chances, and you have three requests!"

"Get lost! I don't care if you are an uncle or not, just give me a kick, otherwise get lost!"

Lin Xiao sneered. He had a rough life, and he never wanted to be reduced to such a fortune.

Moreover, the role he plays does not allow this kind of charity to be bestowed. Once he accepts it, the shock he left behind when he broke through the stone gate just now will be gone, and more people should be more in awe of the mystery that appeared. old man.

Lin Xiao's words stunned everyone present, followed by a long silence. None of the people present thought that Lin Xiao would reject the good fortune bestowed by such a senior who could stand shoulder to shoulder with the head of the sect, and at the same time I also began to think in my heart, if I were myself, would I be able to refuse.

At this time, the holy girl's eyes were bright and she didn't try to hide it anymore, and even showed a trace of resentment at the corner of her mouth: "Bold Xu De, to be so rude to the seniors, this matter violates the rules of the sect, today the holy girl I will kill you!"

At this moment, the killing intent in the saintess' eyes has reached its peak. After all, this aura that should belong to her was snatched away by Lin Xiao. If the old man hadn't appeared, she might not have dared to do it, but now she uses Words stimulated the old man, but he forcibly shot.

When she thought about it, no matter how strong Lin Xiao was, he would not be the opponent of a strong man with a sense of heaven, and she was fighting in the name of Uncle Meng, so even if she lost, Lin Xiao definitely had no way out. At this moment, she Lin Xiao couldn't figure out what chance he had of surviving, the look in his eyes was like looking at another dead person.

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