Destiny Immortal Way

Chapter 219 Wrong Position

Hurry up, Lin Xiao's speed is too fast, like a gust of wind blowing by, leaving behind afterimages in place, so what if he doesn't have cultivation base, with a strong physical body and majestic blood, he can still play the best Strong blow.


The black robe fluttered, his hair fluttered, and he punched the big man quickly with a simple and direct punch.

"Who is this person?"

Linghuxu's eyes were full of shock. He was the person with the highest cultivation level in this place. Even because of the special place, he was more powerful than ordinary people because of his spiritual consciousness. He could see things that many people couldn't see.

"Evil spirit! There is a kind of evil spirit on his body. This kind of evil spirit is not because of how much he has killed, but because of the strength of killing the enemy. The evil spirit on his body is definitely not a single one, but what about his cultivation?"

"This person's aura is elusive. It's not a sense of heaven, but it can strike a blow that surpasses the sense of heaven. Maybe this person used to be a sense of heaven, but later fell to a lower level, or fought over a higher level... "

"This person is mysterious. He obviously didn't reach the heavenly sense, but it made me feel scared. If it's the former, I'm sure I can fight this person. If he's the latter, when he comes here now, once he breaks through the heavenly sense, Is my position secure?"

For a moment, Linghuxu thought a lot, his city was very deep, and originally wanted to use that big man to test Lin Xiao, but he didn't expect that this result made him even more entangled.

The big man was wearing a gray Taoist robe, his body was extremely burly, his face was full of coldness at this moment, he was not Linghuxu, he couldn't see the evil spirit on Lin Xiao's body, but he could feel the humiliation, a For a bodiless monk, if he dares to attack him, this is a naked humiliation. No matter what the opponent's purpose is, he will kill the opponent.


As Tiangan, how could he be defeated so easily? At this moment, his body was shaking like a hill, and the whole Stegosaurus was trembling slightly. This moment is like a hammer, smashing straight ahead.

"You talk a lot!"

Lin Xiao opened his mouth lightly, his body had already boarded the tail of the stegosaurus, he raised his feet and continued to move forward, it seemed slow, but the distance from the big man was shortened in an instant.

Just when Lin Xiao was about to climb on the back of the stegosaurus, the stegosaurus seemed to reverberate again, vaguely unbearable, as if something was about to awaken.


The big man came over, his arms were very long, and at this moment, all runes appeared, which was very strange. When he punched out, the void was trembling, and with the help of the strength of the Stegosaurus here, his strength, he got A bonus of [-]%.

"Dongfang Kuang is a cultivator of body training. This punch is hard to resist even if it is a heavenly sense. Now this kid has not reached the heavenly sense, but he wants to fight hard. It is too arrogant!"

At this time, beside Xia Yuan, a monk wearing a white robe and dressed as a scholar, with a sophisticated expression, shook his head helplessly, as if he had already seen the end.


With just one punch, Lin Xiao's body was forcibly knocked back three steps. After all, he has no cultivation base now, but with his physical body, he is proud enough to resist the heavenly sense of a body trainer. This is nothing. shame.

"Today I will teach you a lesson!"

Dongfang Kuang sneered, punched out, his body paused slightly, and just as he was about to strike, he suddenly saw a figure flash by, his pupils shrank instantly, his back was covered in cold sweat, without the slightest hesitation, he slapped He pressed down on his chest.

Lin Xiao's body rushed out like a sharp arrow. He only has strength now, so competing with the opponent in strength is his best choice. Although he is not an opponent for the first time, his tyranny lies in his speed that he can be proud of.


At the moment when Dongfang Kuang paused, Lin Xiao's body had already rushed forward, his palm was like a monument, which contained heaven and earth, and he struck down with force.

This scene was too sudden. Everyone had already decided that Lin Xiao was defeated, but they never thought that this was not a competition, but a kind of struggle. Who is standing there.


Dongfang Kuang's body was directly shaken back, his face was full of ferocious expressions, as a god, he was actually shaken back by a little monk, this scene made him unbearable, he roared angrily, and was about to charge forward.


Lin Xiao's hand was like lightning. After the palm fell, there was no pause at all, and he quickly slashed downward. This is a kind of fighting consciousness honed on the battlefield. Will give the opponent a chance to fight back.

I saw that Dongfang Kuang's hair shot up into the sky because of anger, and he retreated again. Although there was no real damage to his body, he was shaken back one after another in front of a low-level monk. Such a situation is humiliating. It made him want to roar up to the sky.


Lin Xiao's body was swept like a gust of wind, and instantly landed on the dragon's back, while his right hand was slamming at Dongfang Kuang, his left hand fell from the sky like a heavenly knife, piercing Dongfang Kuang's heart.


Except for Xia Yuan who was able to maintain his composure among the onlookers, the rest of them gasped. It took only a very short time to start the battle. With a low-level cultivation base, the Heavenly Sensation strongmen who were forcing them kept retreating. At this moment, they They are all thinking about whether they can get rid of the current embarrassing scene if they are themselves.

I saw Lin Xiao's imposing manner like a rainbow, his moves were coherent without any flaws, but what was even more disappointing was that these moves were not exquisite, all of them were simple and direct, revealing a kind of domineering, obviously this was not some boxing technique, It's a fighting instinct.

"Is it over?"

At the moment when Lin Xiao threw nineteen punches one after another, and the Dongfang Man was forced to almost fall off the Stegosaurus, Lin Xiao spoke calmly, and a round of silver moons indeed appeared in his eyes instantly.


Dongfang Kuang screamed, but his words were abruptly interrupted. His eyes were full of confusion, and even the hand that raised his hand to resist also stopped at this moment.


Lin Xiao's finger pierced through the air like a long spear, but pierced the center of Dongfang Kuang's forehead with one finger, causing blood to splatter everywhere.

"how come?"

This scene made all the monks above Stegosaurus stand up in shock. They couldn't believe that Lin Xiao would win in such a way. After all, although he had the advantage just now, it was extremely difficult to win Disaster.

But in such a situation, instantly distinguishing the winner from the loser, using the realm of rebirth, and defeating the sense of nature by leaps and bounds, this undoubtedly set off a huge wave in their hearts.


Dongfang Kuang's body hit the ground directly, and the entire third floor shook for a while, and a large pit in the shape of a human appeared. If this was an ordinary monk, he might have died with just one blow, but the other party was a god , so that even if the eyebrows explode, he can still survive.

At the moment when his body collided with the ground, Dongfang Kuang's eyes woke up. At this moment, he looked at Lin Xiao, full of horror. At this moment, he felt the danger of death. For the first time after entering the Heavenly Sense , I feel that death is so close to me.

"Are you still fighting?"

Lin Xiao spoke lightly, and glanced at the awakened Dongfang Maniac. Although this battle might be difficult, there would be no major problems. It was just his own restraint that prevented Lin Xiao from truly killing.

"Hehe! Fellow Daoist Xu really knows how to joke. I was just joking with you just now. Are you so serious?"

Contrary to everyone's expectations, Dongfang Kuang didn't become angry from embarrassment. Instead, he looked aggrieved, just like a young daughter-in-law who was being bullied, cleaning up her clothes with a sad face, and at the same time waved her hand to give the wound on the center of her brow. Fixed it.

"Hmph! I really think I'm stupid! If you can beat me down once, you can beat me down a second time. I can't afford to lose this kind of person!"

Dongfang Kuang rolled his eyes, and comforted himself in his heart, the strong are respected, and he was unwilling to provoke this powerful enemy.

"Congratulations, Fellow Daoist Xu, we still need to take care of each other in the future!"

Xia Yuan at the side naturally wouldn't miss this opportunity, stood up hastily, and threw an olive branch at Lin Xiao.

"That's right! Fellow Daoist Xu's physical training is really powerful. If you have any questions about training in the future, you should discuss it with each other!"

The white-robed scholar also nodded kindly at this moment, but his eyes were flickering, and he didn't know what to think.

The other two monks, led by Xia Yuan, were unwilling to offend Lin Xiao. After all, it didn’t matter whether they had a sense of heaven or not. People are willing to take risks.

Lin Xiao returned the salute to the four of them one by one, neither arrogant nor impatient. This was the plan he had discussed with Xia Yuan. Lin Xiao came up to show his prestige, and then Xia Yuan came out to smooth things over. That would prevent Lin Xiao from fighting with too many people. After all, his body was injured, which was flawed, and if someone found out, he might be in danger of killing himself.

At this time, the three monks at the neck of the sword dragon also nodded to Lin Xiao, but they were not really interested in talking. On the contrary, Linghuxu, the chief of the sword sect, hugged Lin Xiao with a smile on his face. : "Fellow Daoist Xu looks a little strange, I don't know which master's uncle he is from?"

"Xu is just an ordinary disciple without any mentor. He has retreated for 20 years and is just leaving today!"

Lin Xiao spoke lightly, but there was a sense of vicissitudes in his words.

Originally, he and Xia Yuan also thought about choosing a master, and they wanted to find a dead one, but the situation of Dao Jianzong was a bit strange, all the monks of the older generation seemed to have disappeared, so they finally chose such a master. Answer, it can be said that everything that enters here has already been thoroughly researched.

"Oh? I said that Fellow Daoist Xu's physical training is so domineering. I have never seen it before. I think it must be a romantic relationship. In the future, this place can be your training place. If you need anything, just ask! "

A trace of hesitation flashed in Linghuxu's eyes, but he quickly continued to express his kindness to Lin Xiao.

"In this case, how about borrowing the position of chief?"

As soon as Linghuxu's polite words fell, Lin Xiao stepped forward without the slightest hesitation, with a serious expression on his face, as if he didn't know that the other party was just being polite.

This sentence stunned all the monks present. They did not expect that Lin Xiao would really crawl along the pole, and the gaze they looked at Lin Xiao became weird. After all, the position of leader, but many people What he dreams of is that no one can sit on it except Linghu Xu.

Linghuxu was also in a panic. He said politely, intending to win Lin Xiao over, but he didn't expect that the other party would really make a request immediately. The monk's bearing and self-esteem seemed to be lacking at the moment, so he also appeared for a while. He was in a trance, and even more shocked in his heart. He couldn't figure out Xu De.

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