Destiny Immortal Way

Chapter 220 Sister Yuner

Linghuxu has never been in such a mess before. His city is extremely deep, and his experience is also extremely rich. Among the people he met, he was arrogant, gloomy, resourceful, and almost all personalities. face.

In his cognition, the most difficult person to deal with should be the kind of gloomy person. Such a person hides everything in his heart, is good at forbearance, and once the best time is reached, he will erupt with the strongest power. And his master is such a person.

With such a person, it is like walking on thin ice all the time, but because of this, he will be very careful in everything, so he is listed as the most difficult person to deal with, but today he found out that he was wrong.

Cold people are easier to serve, because this kind of personality is doomed to be difficult to get close to. Once you gain the trust of the other party, it will be difficult for someone to replace you. Therefore, this has created the biggest breakthrough for this kind of personality, becoming a person trusted by the other party.


At this moment Linghu Xu's heart was shocked, he thought of how to describe Lin Xiao's character, but this kind of character also instantly made him surpass the coldness before that.

A moody person, you can't see the other person's true thoughts, even this person is extremely fickle, he can laugh and kill people, or tell you jokes with a head, and even drink with you a moment ago, the next moment He will kill you in a moment, such a person is the role of a hero, no matter how careful he is, he will definitely not be able to guess everything.

At this moment, Linghuxu already felt a little regretful in his heart, he was his chief, why did he go down to befriend a monk, now that the other party spoke, if he refused, he would definitely offend him, but if he agreed, he might be the chief dignity will be shaken.

"If Fellow Daoist Xu likes it, then you can go up and practice it, it doesn't matter!"

In the end, Linghuxu opened his mouth lightly, and his words had already been spoken. If he broke his promise at this time, it would be a bit dishonest and affect his image, so he had to choose to take a step back.

As Lin Xiao walked in, he could feel the coercion from Linghuxu. This kind of coercion, as Lin Xiao got closer to the other party, would become more intense, even when Lin Xiao was only three or three feet away from the other party. The moment he took a step, the coercion was already undisguised, like a mountain was about to knock Lin Xiao down.

This is a kind of temptation, a temptation without the slightest concealment. Linghu Xu looked at Lin Xiao with a smile on his lips. Lin Xiao made a bold move.

"The head of the Stegosaurus is the strongest place here. Only the most powerful can ascend, and the ordinary cultivators can only go outside. Since Fellow Daoist Xu wants to come up, you can give it a try!"

Linghu Xu was trying his best to hide his anger, just to maintain his approachable image.

"I like this location!"

Lin Xiao spoke calmly, and under the astonishment of all the monks, he raised his footsteps and took another step forward.

"This Xu De is really evil. He dared to challenge the chief when he first came here. Fortunately, he didn't fight hard just now. Otherwise, even if he wins, both sides will suffer. I am still smart!"

Dongfang who was not far away murmured wildly, his eyes were full of excitement, as if he had long forgotten the joy of being abused by Lin Xiao just now.

With Lin Xiao's steps, the black robe bulged, and the long black hair covered his appearance, but the cold eyes pierced everything, and a mysterious aura overflowed from his body, accompanied by the roaring sound, Take the second step again.

At this moment, Lin Xiao was already on the edge of the dragon head, only one step away from Linghu Xu, so that everyone present could hear the beating sound of the heart, no matter whether Lin Xiao succeeded today or not, They will all be listed as beings that cannot be provoked, at least among this group of people, no one will challenge them.

Just when Lin Xiao was about to take the last step to replace Linghuxu's position, a more powerful aura erupted from Linghuxu's body, and directly smashed towards Lin Xiao, making this step seem like Unable to fall, even the body seemed to be shaken back.

But at this moment, in Lin Xiao's eyes, the strange crescent moon appeared again, because the moment Linghuxu looked at each other, a confused look appeared in Linghuxu's eyes, and this coercion , also at this moment, a loophole appeared.


It was just a simple step, but at this moment it seemed as if stepping here, in the hearts of all the monks, it filled their hearts with a sense of astonishment, Lin Xiao's mystery and strangeness, as well as the ability that could make people lose their minds, made them feel astonished. Everyone is afraid.

If Lin Xiao confronted Dongfang Kuang for the first time, the supernatural power would work, it can be said to be a sneak attack, but now facing Linghu Xu, the opponent must have been prepared long ago, but they also knew the way. Xiao's supernatural power gave birth to a feeling of being irresistible.

What is a strong person with a sense of nature, what is strong, is broken down at this moment, even if your cultivation base is higher than the other party's, it doesn't matter, once you are pinned down, you are not going to be slaughtered.


At this moment, Linghu Xu, who realized his abnormality, bit the tip of his tongue forcibly, and a bloody arrow flew out. His eyes regained consciousness instantly, but the horror in his eyes became more and more obvious.

"Thank you, Chief, for your acceptance!"

Lin Xiao opened his mouth lightly, punched Linghuxu, and sat down cross-legged as if no one was there, as if he really didn't care about anything and went to meditate.

Although he only had contact with Linghuxu for a very short time, Lin Xiao could also see that the other party was a hypocrite, and it was because of this that Lin Xiao would not be afraid of the other party and chose to take the other party's position.

Such people are not easy to provoke, because they never really open fire with you, they will always hide behind, but the biggest weakness of this kind of people is this, because of their hypocrisy, so they will not easily Flip.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, you are being polite!"

Linghuxu snorted coldly, and left his position with a flick of his sleeves, but he hated Lin Xiao in his heart, and said with a sneer, "You should be proud first! After you go out, I will definitely ask you to pay back!"

Inside the sword cave, fell into an unprecedented tranquility, and even breathing became unrecognizable. After all, there was such a strong man suddenly, which made everyone a little uneasy.

Facing these gazes, Lin Xiao was very calm. He formed seals with his hands and breathed out the spirit seriously. At this moment, it seemed that he was the only one in the third floor of the sword cave.


Stegosaurus is a huge formation. The moment Lin Xiao breathed out the spiritual energy, there was a roar. The endless spiritual energy, using the sword as the carrier, quickly poured into Lin Xiao's body, and because of the huge spiritual energy, it was impossible to let it go. Lin Xiao absorbed it all in a short time, forming a faint mist around his body, making his figure more and more hazy.

In Lin Xiao's dantian, the aura is even more magnificent like ocean waves. The yin and yang aura is more powerful because of these powerful auras as the foundation. In just a moment, Lin Xiao's injury has recovered 90.00% Fifth, complete recovery is imminent.

"The dantian is the foundation of cultivating the Tao. The first step in cultivating the Tao is to cultivate Qi and build a foundation, but now my cultivation has not reached the level of Qi training. This foundation is like a piece of divine iron. When I build a foundation in the future, this What kind of scene will Dantian look like?"

At this moment, Lin Xiao was able to stay in the state of looking inside for a long time. Even he was amazed by this scene. Another kind of fortune is worth celebrating.

In fact, the three of Xia Yuan are also like this. Surviving a catastrophe will bring blessings. After going through hardships, they can quickly attack the heavenly sense after crossing the void. Although their strength, it will be a day sooner or later, but not so fast.

"The fairyland is thrilling, and only by persevering can we achieve something!"

Lin Xiao sighed softly, all kinds of exercises in the body are running at this moment, there are blood cultivation, body training, Taoism, and Buddhist body training skills, all of which are melted into one, although they are complicated, they are in the final stage. Carefully repair your own flaws.

Today's Lin Xiao has also realized that he has made a mistake on the path of the ultimate path, which he did not realize before. His cultivation method is not a whole, but layered. What you get on the Internet is not complete, and the most core part is missing.

"The inexplicable appearance of the Tianbei in my body gave me a great opportunity. Even if it contains danger, it is worth it. Unfortunately, this Tianbei seems to be incomplete. If I want to obtain the complete extreme skills, I still need to find the rest. The monument, but where should this go?"

Lin Xiao smiled wryly.

In the twinkling of an eye, it took two days, and Linghuxu never came back. After all, he was kicked off the altar by a reborn strong man. Although it was not considered a failure, he still had no face to stay here. This also gave Lin Xiao the best recovery opportunity.

In the gourd, Lin Xiao had devoured the elixir given by Xia Yuan in two days, and now Lin Xiao had reached his most critical moment. On the dantian, at first glance, it looked like a piece of divine iron lying there, Blooming divine light, only by looking carefully can you find a slight crack in the location of the fountain of life.

The crack is not big, and it can even be ignored, but it is like a beautiful handicraft, and a fly droppings appeared on it. The opportunity to re-cultivate will naturally not allow flaws.


Lin Xiao squeezed the formula with both hands. At this moment, a Buddha appeared in his dantian, and he began to chant sutras. This is the Maha Sutra that he got in Guanghan Palace at the beginning. After consulting with the monk Jianren, this sutra became real. It is controlled by Lin Xiao, but it is difficult to use at ordinary times, but now it is the best way to get rid of one's own defects.

In the vagueness, Lin Xiao seems to have a karma with Buddhism. Monk Jianren, the old monk in the pagoda, and Tianlongzi, who was called a traitor of Buddhism by the Eastern Emperor, all have a thread in the dark. Interspersed, making this relationship vaguely achieve the effect of continuous cutting.


At this moment, there was a sudden roar from the outside world, and the area that was originally separated between the two floors was abruptly knocked away at this moment. A big bald man with a naked upper body in his 40s rushed forward with a murderous look. Come in.

"Whoever bullied my younger sister Yun'er, come here and die!"

Thunder and lightning flashed through the eyes of the bald man, so fierce that people couldn't look directly at him. Following his words, all the monks on the second floor vomited blood, but they all chose to remain silent.

"Situ Guang? Why is it him?"

The white-robed scholar immediately recognized the identity of the person who came, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, but he understood the meaning of the other person's words in an instant, and glanced at Lin Xiao indiscernibly. The incident must have something to do with Lin Xiao.

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