Destiny Immortal Way

Chapter 262 The Killing Begins

The sea breeze blew gently, blowing up Lin Xiao's hair, looking at the blue lake, Lin Xiao's mood was unprecedentedly dignified.

The inexplicable vibration of Fantian Seal made him unable to guess what was the reason for a while, all of this needs to be solved by Yue helping him get back the Lost Love Stone without anyone noticing.

Originally, he really wanted to make a deal with Na Shui Wuqing, but unfortunately the other party was too greedy, so he naturally didn't want to let the other party take advantage of such a person, combined with his simple understanding of the Love Stone, he set up such a trap.

But even though Yu Yue understood everything, he didn't realize that this was the beginning of Lin Xiao's game. What really caught his attention was the situation below.

Situ Guang originally wanted to accompany Lin Xiao, but was rejected by Lin Xiao. Now he is walking silently like an ordinary person, walking farther and farther along the coastline.

"Brother, don't you still do it?"

Behind Lin Xiao, there are many people who have followed secretly at this moment. They all followed from the trade fair, and now seeing Lin Xiao on the order, they all feel a little ready to move.

"Hey! This kid actually chose to leave the position of the Five Great Sword Sects. He is looking for death. When he goes a little further, we will do it. We will divide the things we get at that time!"

A monk in the realm of heavenly sense laughed triumphantly. They had reached an agreement in secret, but each of them was very clear that there was only one Yin magic lamp that day. There is bound to be a fight, so they all walk a long way, and they are not willing to approach easily.

This kind of following, until the sunset, the world was shrouded in darkness, and Lin Xiao also walked to an extremely barren area, looking up, the Fengyun Canyon was already far away, and it was difficult for a monk around to find it, Lin Xiao Only then chose to stay.

He naturally knew that there was someone following behind him, which was the reason why he came here. These days, he studied the Heavenly Yin Magic Lamp and found that it was a ghost weapon. If he wanted to use it, he needed the help of powerful soul energy.

Back then in Leifeng Pagoda, he got a complete ghost cultivation technique. Although he had never practiced it before, he could use some scriptures in it to control the Heavenly Yin Magic Lamp.

It's just that when Lin Xiao was different from the ancestor Yin that day, he didn't want to kill for no reason, so he exposed his wealth at the trade fair, just to attract those greedy people to come, this is another plan of his, It's just that he himself is more aware, and this is not all of his calculations.


In the distant sky, there was a burst of roar, and three rays of divine light shot straight at the bullfighting bull, the golden jade book, the purple writing brush, and a huge black inkstone, echoing each other from a distance, and the divine light scorched the sky.

The three monks who sensed the fifth level of heaven rushed out immediately. After all, under such circumstances, although they would be tricked by others, it was the easiest way to succeed. Moreover, the three of them had already confirmed it after observing all the way. Xiao is just a second-level existence with a sense of heaven, and the only thing he worries about is his own internal strife.

With the appearance of these three people, the tyrannical power of rules instantly spread to the surroundings. This is the power of a real strong man with a sense of heaven, and these three people are even better at teaming up. They will kill when they come up. Sensing the existence of the sixth heaven, they had no intention of fighting back from Lin Xiao, and wanted to kill with one blow.

Lin Xiao glanced at the three people with a calm expression. He had seen these three people on the platform before, they were three casual cultivators, but he did not expect that they would be the first to attack, but there were not many Surprised, after all, facing enough interests, he believes that many people will enter this game and become part of his plan.

Lin Xiao slowly raised his footsteps, and there was a roar in the space around him. He took a step forward, and the entire void shook violently, as if it was unbearable, and it was about to split open, and this was just the beginning. When Lin Xiao's footsteps fell completely, his body instantly disappeared under the sky.

"What about people?"

The sudden loss of the target shocked the three of them, and for some unknown reason, they felt uneasy.


The headed cultivator just showed a look of surprise on his face, his body was immediately blown up, and his soul was sucked into a strange space by a strong force. From the beginning to the end, he did not With the slightest strength to fight back, the sky feels like an ant.

All this happened too fast, and with the death of the cultivator, his shrill screams were still echoing, a slender finger pierced directly between the eyebrows of the person next to him, his skull cracked instantly, and the brain burst out instantly, Blood blurred vision.

In a very short period of time, two monks from the fifth heaven of heaven have lost their lives in Huangquan. All of this makes people feel so unreal. After all, in the existence of the realm of heaven, such people can be considered strong, but They came so far without seeing where his enemy was.


The remaining monk, although he didn't see what happened at this moment, felt a crisis of death. With a sway of his body, a large amount of ink was sprinkled on the black inkstone in the sky.

This is an extremely precious material that can confine space. At this moment, in this kind of battle where he cannot see the enemy, he knows that even if he runs away, he has no chance. The only thing he can do is to confine his own space and wait for the secret People come to support.


Just when he saw that the ink was about to fall, and he was about to gain temporary safety, suddenly the sound of bone shattering rang in his ears. The crackling sound was like a movement, but this movement represented Death, a big hand slapped on his chest at some point, blood spattered everywhere, even his primordial spirit couldn't escape.

From the appearance of the three of them to their hands, and then to their death, everything happened extremely quickly. At this time, Lin Xiao's figure slowly walked out of the void, with his snow-white long hair dancing, as if walking out of the underworld. The emissary, whose clothes were not stained with blood, was full of bloodthirsty cruelty.

When Mr. Qin left, he told Lin Xiao completely about his understanding of the rules of space. This was the other party's thinking for thousands of years, coupled with the other party's unique insights as a powerful person, after half a year of comprehension, Lin Xiao has already reached extreme strength.

Now this is Lin Xiao's true fighting power. With his own nine lines of rules, coupled with the perfect use of the rules of fate, as well as his perverted physical strength, he has no strength to fight back against the existence of the five heavens. .

The expressions of the monks in the distance suddenly changed at this moment. They never expected that the three of them would die so quickly under the joint efforts, and that kind of death was full of strange feelings.

But even if there was death, none of the following monks chose to back down, but roared and rushed out even more frantically.


At this moment, a violent voice came from the far horizon, and following that voice, endless murderous intent locked on to Lin Xiao from a distance, and a figure rushed over quickly.

Immediately after the appearance of the voice, Lin Xiao's murderous intentions were locked on to increase rapidly. After seeing Lin Xiao's powerful combat power, those people who were hiding behind the scenes were unwilling to be robbed of their opportunities. At this moment, most of them chose There are more than a dozen people in the shot.

Lin Xiao himself is a monk who has come out of the killing. He has never been afraid of fighting, because killing will only make him grow. At this moment, he did not have the slightest word, nor did he have a word with those people. He had been looking forward to this scene for a long time. , even a little bit of excitement in his heart.

Taking one step forward, Lin Xiao shuttled back and forth in nothingness. His expression was already numb, and murderous intent was in his eyes. When these people thought he was the prey, they didn't know that this was Lin Xiao's hunting ground.

"Everyone be careful, it's the rules of space!"


During casual cultivating, someone just reminded him, but he found that his head had been flying three feet away, and the ground was stained red with blood, and at the same time as his primordial spirit wanted to rush out, a big hand stamped down, His head was broken, but Yuanshen fell into a coma directly.

"It's been a long time since I killed!"

Lin Xiao smiled faintly. The beauty of the blood spurting out made him miss this moment. The moment his body stepped out of nothingness, his body did not stop, and went straight to the nearest monk.

Once, a strong man with a sense of heaven could force him to go to the sky with nowhere to go, but now after he broke through the sense of heaven, he discovered that those strong men at the beginning were vulnerable to a single blow in his eyes. , this is a kind of growth in Lin Xiao's heart.


Lin Xiao is like a tyrannosaurus rex parading. He doesn't need magic weapons at all. He just relies on the strength of his body. None of the monks below the ninth heaven can resist. All spells and magic weapons, in the face of real battles, They have all become weak.

"Damn it, how could he be so strong? Is he still a monk in the realm of Heavenly Sense?"

"Fight it, we can't let him continue to kill, otherwise we won't have the courage to fight!"

Among the group of monks, bursts of roars erupted. Lin Xiao felt as if he had entered the land of no one. The mysterious and unpredictable space technique and the simple and direct attack made them feel uneasy. At this moment, they even felt regretful. idea.


Just when Lin Xiao pierced through a monk's chest and took out the beating heart, there was a sudden roar in the void, and the strong man in the dark finally couldn't help but shot, holding a heavenly knife with both hands, and went straight to Lin Xiao's Tianling Gai Force chopped down.

The opponent was good at hiding, and he attacked when Lin Xiao was caught in a melee. Under this kind of sneak attack, he was confident that even if Lin Xiao might be really powerful, he would still pay the price.

"Can't you stand it?"

Lin Xiao opened his mouth with a cold expression, and crushed the monk's heart. He waved his hand and went straight to the monk in the sky. , and instantly melted into the palm, it was Lin Xiao's killing rules.


The two of them collided instantly, and there was a loud bang that shook the world, but it was also at this moment that Lin Xiao's body flew up, his white hair danced, and his free palm directly lined up with the rushing out. The monk's chest.

The monk looked middle-aged, his face was full of viciousness, but his eyes were wide open at this moment. He didn't see how Lin Xiao made a move, and he didn't even see how Lin Xiao came, but he could feel that he His body was torn apart under the opponent's palm.

This kind of flesh and blood shattered inch by inch, pointing at the power of collapse, which penetrated his whole body in an instant, but this was not the reason for his panic, but when the palm fell, it seemed that a breath penetrated into his body In the soul, since his soul disintegrates himself, and with the appearance of this kind of injury, he will inevitably perish physically and spiritually.

This is an existence with a sense of the eighth heaven, a rare strong man on earth, once appeared, it was enough to make Lin Xiao despair, but now he is under a sneak attack, and he cannot withstand Lin Xiao's blow Well, this feeling of excitement cannot be felt by those monks who grew up in the sect, because they can't experience the twisted nature of struggling in pain.

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