Destiny Immortal Way

Chapter 263 Passing by


Death can no longer be changed, all the corpses exploded, and a bloody breath immediately permeated the world with the sea breeze, making all the monks retreat under Lin Xiao's gaze, feeling as if they were in the eighth heaven. Cultivator, the result of death made them despair.

"Don't get angry, fellow Taoist, we're just passing by!"

"Yes! We are really just passing by. I don't know that Fellow Daoists are here to meditate. How offended you are. Let's leave now!"

"Fellow Taoist has a high level of cultivation, so he must be a person of high morals and respect. He will certainly not have the same knowledge as us little people. Resign!"

Lin Xiao's strength has frightened the monks who originally wanted to fish in troubled waters. At this moment, they don't care about the incomplete spiritual treasure. It is fundamental to leave safely. Even if Lin Xiao wants them to kneel down, they can leave. Believe it Many monks present will not hesitate, all this is for survival.

However, at the moment these people spoke, Lin Xiao's body rushed out again. He didn't care what kind of posture these people came here. He didn't allow anyone to peep at him. In his eyes, there might really be innocence. But definitely not these people.

"Boom boom boom!"

Figures collapsed one after another, mutilated corpses flew in the sky, the blood rain stained the ground red, and the screams turned the place into hell. Lin Xiao is the creator of all this, he is like A huge fighting machine that is simply invincible.

"If you are passing by, then why am I here!"

Lin Xiao's words echoed in the world, his ten fingers were like ten huge halberds, each finger could penetrate a monk's eyebrows and smash his head into pieces.

And from the beginning to the end, Lin Xiao didn't blink his eyes, and didn't even look at the dead person. He was used to this kind of killing, and it even became an instinct.

"The rules of killing, how many people has this person killed, and such bloody, it seems that he has killed too many high-ranking monks, otherwise the evil spirit will definitely not be solidified into a rule!"

A young man stood in the clouds of the Fengyun Canyon, his clothes fluttered, and he was as agile as a fairy. He was only seventeen or eighteen years old, but he was full of fairy spirit, as if he had stepped out of the fairy world, which was extraordinary.


Lin Xiao spoke faintly in the battlefield. Although his voice was calm, under this calmness, on the red-stained ground, an evil spirit was rapidly gathering towards him. Such an evil spirit was enough to make Yue The monks in the dragon realm were shocked.

"Don't back down, everyone, kill this demon, or we will all be killed!"

An old man flashed his eyes and let out a loud roar. Instead of moving forward, he quickly retreated. He was already full of fear of Lin Xiao, and he was unwilling to touch Lin Xiao at this moment.

"Don't keep hiding, everyone. Let's join forces. No matter how strong he is, he can't kill us all in an instant. Moreover, although this place is some distance away from Fengyun Canyon, it is not impossible to find it. Once it takes too long, it may change. !"

Just as the old man's words fell, a long rainbow flashed across the sky. It was a middle-aged man with a sense of the eighth heaven. After a cold roar, he rushed straight to Lin Xiaochong.


With the appearance of this person, there was a roaring sound from the distant sky at the same time, and six rainbow lights rushed out at the same time. They are all existences of the eighth heaven, and they can be called ancestors in their respective sects. Originally they disdained to join forces, but they were moved by the middle-aged man's words, and they all surrounded Lin Xiao at this moment.

"Just seven people want to kill Lin?"

Lin Xiao smiled coldly, and with a sway of his body, he disappeared from everyone's sight in an instant.

This scene happened too fast. Just now, the seven people also saw the horror of Lin Xiao's space rules, but at this moment they didn't expect Lin Xiao to be able to display it without restriction. They all thumped inexplicably in their hearts, and gathered towards the center at a faster speed. .

They are all elites of various sects, or extremely strong among casual cultivators. At this moment, they have already seen that Lin Xiao wants to defeat them one by one, so they are unwilling to give Lin Xiao this chance.


The shrill screams reverberated between the heavens and the earth, such screams are no longer unfamiliar tonight, but this time, it made the six eighth-heaven powerhouses who rushed out all have big expressions on their faces. Change.

The person who made the sound was the middle-aged man who appeared first, and his cultivation of the eighth-level heaven could not stop Lin Xiao's blow. Cutting up and down, his body was divided into two halves along the way, with brains, blood, and all kinds of weird things splashing around.


Following the shattering of the body, the middle-aged man's primordial spirit let out a roar, and was about to rush out of the broken body, but at this moment, Lin Xiao took out something, which made his dead soul tremble.

"Don't you want it? Then be sealed in it forever!"

Lin Xiao sneered, and with a wave of his big hand, the primordial spirit seemed to be frozen out of thin air, and Lin Xiao pushed it into the Tianyin Magic Lamp in his hand.


"you do this delibrately?"

"You are so vicious, you actually lured us here and wanted to hunt us down!"

The remaining six monks were horrified, and retreated quickly without any hesitation. If they couldn't figure out Lin Xiao's plan at this moment, then their lives would be considered useless. Their minds that had been lost by the treasure instantly came to their senses. They naturally understand that the existence of them as prey is not something they can deal with.

"Let's go now, don't you think it's a bit late?"

Lin Xiao sneered, and the law of wind immediately appeared on his body, and his body disappeared from the original place in a flash, passing seven afterimages in the air before seeing his original figure dissipate. reached the extreme.


Lin Xiao made a decisive move, the Tianbei hand swept across everything, and killed the nearest monk with one palm. The opponent's resistance could not make Lin Xiao pause for a moment. With just a touch of his index finger, his primordial spirit was sucked into the In the dark lamp that day.

And after doing all this, Lin Xiao's body did not stop, and entered the void again. This is his hunting, and his prey is the existence of the eighth heaven, which is unattainable in the eyes of these ordinary monks. .


When Lin Xiao's last palm landed, the whole area fell into a deathly tranquility. At his fingertips, there was a pure white skull. This was the third monk he killed in the eighth heaven. What he got, actually contained a ray of the rules of the moon that he was familiar with.

This can be regarded as an unexpected surprise. After all, there are not many people in the world who can comprehend the rules of the moon, and most of this person should be a monk of the Liuyue Sect. It can only be a dumb person eating coptis.

The bright red blood stained the ground, and the white bones floated in the blood. It was a sad and beautiful scene, and it belonged to the winner. But at this moment, Lin Xiao didn't smile at all. Instead, he stared into the distance, coldly. He snorted and said, "You guys have been watching for so long, should you come out?"

"Hehe! I didn't expect that it's just the existence of the second heaven, but the spiritual sense is so sensitive that it can discover our existence. After I want to catch you, I can study it carefully!"

In the sky, a black figure stepped out. This was an old man whose waist was already bent. He was holding a pale golden cane in his hand. His whole body exuded the vicissitudes of life, as if he was going to grow old at any moment.

"Thank you, old monster! Do you really think that you will be able to take down this kid in the end? He is very tricky. I guess even if we come, he has already planned it, and wants to treat us as prey?"

Immediately following the appearance of the old man, from the void, a wonderful figure slowly walked out, its voice was full of charm, giving people the illusion of femininity to the bone, and the moment she walked out, blossoming flowers under her feet The golden lotus flower bloomed, just in response to the saying that lotus grows step by step, which is very extraordinary.

This is a girl, only about seventeen or eighteen years old, she is extremely hot all over her body, and she is only wearing a touch of tulle, which can barely cover her figure. The exquisite curves in her walk are like a blue veil. The snake is swimming.

"Shui Mei'er! That Shui Wuqing is your Taoist companion. The old man will help you avenge you today. I will reluctantly accept that incomplete spiritual treasure!"

The muscles on that old monster Xie's face had degenerated, and the smile on his face at this moment gave people the illusion of a dry and cracked orange.

"Hey! Brother Xie, why don't you let the little girl agree with you?"

Shui Meier opened her mouth shyly, just like a girl who has never left the court, but a trace of crow's feet at the corners of her eyes revealed that she was not as young as she appeared on the outside.

"Farewell! You vixen, old man, I'm with you, and I won't be sucked dry!"

Old Monster Xie hurriedly waved his hand to refuse with a nervous face, but his body instinctively chose to distance himself from the opponent.

These are the existence of the two heavenly senses of the ninth heaven. Although they are only one level higher than the strong man who sensed the eighth heaven that day, their combat power cannot be doubled, because the other party has cultivated to the realm of harmony. He has already reached the extreme, and it is because these two are old monsters of a hundred years. Although their monks have not broken through, they are more difficult than all opponents.

When Lin Xiao was setting up the situation, he naturally wanted to take such a group of people into consideration, but at the moment, he was not surprised at all. Seeing the two arguing there, he glanced in the direction of Fengyun Canyon with a smile on his face and said: "Little brother, after watching it for so long, why don't you come down and try two tricks?"


"Anyone else?"

Both Old Monster Xie and Shui Meier were startled by Lin Xiao's words. After all, they had reached their level, but someone was hiding in the dark from them. This kind of concealment made them startled, and they hurriedly looked around. Doubts arose in my heart.

"Friend Daoist, you have killed too much, and you will eventually reap the rewards. I am just passing by, so I will leave!"

The young man on the Fengyun Canyon heard an icy voice, but he fled away in an instant. It was obviously not as easy as his words said, but he was scared away by Lin Xiao.

This scene made Old Monster Xie and Shui Meier stunned, but at this moment, their faces changed drastically. In the void, Lin Xiao had already killed him, and he came up to be the killer, and his hands evolved into Tianbei Hands at the same time. , and quickly suppressed the two of them.

All this happened too suddenly, and neither of them expected that Lin Xiao would dare to attack both of them at the same time. Under the panic, an angry expression appeared on his face.

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