Destiny Immortal Way

Chapter 288 Yingtian Pavilion

In the space on the sixth floor of the Sword Cave, Lin Xiao sat opposite Yin Xu. When Lin Xiao in his dream dissipated, Yin Xu's eyes slowly opened, and a ray of enlightenment appeared inside.

When Lin Xiao captured Yin Ruins, he was inexplicably involved in time and space. All these experiences made him feel incredible, but when Yin Ruins opened his eyes, everything Lin Xiao did was worthwhile, because He took an extra life out of thin air.


Nine lines of rules flickered outside Yin Xu's body. Years of nurturing in the dream made Yin Xu more adaptable to Lin Xiao's power of rules. This was unexpected to Lin Xiao, and what surprised Lin Xiao even more was that , Yin Ruins' cultivation has not degraded, but there are signs of a breakthrough.

"A surprise?"

Lin Xiao slowly opened his eyes, stared at Yin Xu, and spoke calmly. Although the appearance of the other party was different from his own, he had the illusion of looking in a mirror.


At this moment, when Lin Xiao woke up, the fire spirit next to him also opened his eyes suddenly, and rushed towards Lin Xiao quickly. This scene was enough to make many monks in the realm of heavenly sense shy away, but Lin Xiao Going up to meet him, he knew that the other party didn't want to hurt him, but was just acting like a spoiled child to him, but few people could bear this kind of acting like a spoiled child.

This is the weirdness of Hunyuanling. It is not only to make the monster get closer to him, but also to want the monster to recognize the existence of its master. It's hard for him.

"Leave this treasure to you!" Lin Xiao said flatly, took out the Hunyuan Bell, and threw it to Yin Xu. After all, it was actually himself, and since he had already refined his avatar, he was naturally going to see Zi When he was a Shanxian, such things were of little use to him.

This avatar not only has its own primordial spirit, but also has Lin Xiao's unyielding will and nine rules. This kind of cultivation talent is extremely rare. If it can break through to the leaping dragon realm, it will have a brighter future. Therefore, Lin Xiao Xiao is confident enough that even if his real deity dies, this avatar can break through the world.

In the end, Lin Xiao handed over all the storage bags to Yin Xu, then turned around and walked out of the sword cave, heading straight for the eighth-floor space where Guo Xiangyi was.

Even Ye Yun'er didn't know what the two of them talked about, but after Lin Xiao left, Guo Xiangyi chose to retreat, with a gloomy and scary face.

The ten years in the dream are actually just one day in reality, just like that yellow beam dream, even though Lin Xiao doesn't believe it completely, he won't completely deny it.

The azure lake was rippling, and in a hidden corner of the blue boulder, there was a line of hidden small characters engraved: Lin Xiao came here for a visit!

These handwritings are too old to be seen clearly, but Lin Xiao touched the handwriting gently with his hands, and his mood became more and more restless.

He engraved this handwriting in his dream. He never thought that when he woke up, everything here was true. He had to believe that fate already existed, but few people knew about it.

"You came?"

Zi Shanxian walked over step by step from the void. His face was covered with wrinkles and his body was bent. He has lived for countless years. Even if he cultivated into a human form, it would take nearly ten thousand years. , is enough to make any living being, a layer of dust is cast in the heart.


Lin Xiao said plainly, he had already guessed Zi Shanxian's idea, he was unwilling to persuade the other party to change something, because he firmly believed that if it was him, he would not change, love is often selfish, just like back then Guo Xiangyi.

"This matter is only [-]% sure, but I can't refuse this kind of thing. You should be ready, right?"

Zi Shanxian gave a wry smile, without the freedom and ease of the past, there was a kind of helplessness, he originally thought that he could be by her side, but when he learned that there was a chance to bring her back to life, his heart could not be calm .

"I do things all my life, and I emphasize that I have no regrets. This time, I owe you. If I succeed, I will definitely treat your relatives well. If I fail, I will definitely send you a fortune!"

"The celestial tablet in your body was once favored by Emperor Ziwei, so the celestial tablet contained Emperor Ziwei's way. Now he is crazy because of love, and he can no longer find it, so he can only take out the celestial tablet and put it in hers." in vivo!"

Zi Shanxian waved his hands, and the two of them had already appeared in the center of the lake. The matter had developed to this point, and it was not important to say anything else. Originally, Zishan Xian had no hope, but Lin Xiao's arrival made them The fire in my heart was lit.

In the Yingtian Pavilion, Zhang Yang sat cross-legged, and opposite him, Mo Wuyan stood calmly in the air, his eyes were empty, without the slightest brilliance. This was once one of the strongest methods in the Heavenly Court. The descendant of the pulse, but now it is difficult to go against the sky.

In ancient times, the ancient heavenly court had many means to rule the nine heavens and ten lands, and besides the five great emperors, it also had heavenly soldiers and generals. .

This is a race, they were born destined to be able to control the great avenue of the sky, and they were favored by the gods. Later, they were subdued by the Jade Emperor and became the means of the heavenly court. Wherever they passed, the heroes retreated, and they truly achieved the deterrent effect. .

There are even rumors that it is a kind of sadness to fight Daitian Xunshou, because such an existence is almost invincible in the same realm, but for some unknown reason, after the collapse of the ancient heaven, such a lineage also It fell down, and it was even suspected that the clan had been wiped out, and it was envied by heaven.

And Mo Wuyan is a clan member of the generation of Tianxunshou, but the world has changed drastically, even if he is favored by the world, he can't set off any turbulent waves, and he doesn't even know what kind of entanglement he had with the Emperor before, and he was finally killed .

Although Donghuang once continued his life, his body is dead after all, and his soul has dissipated between heaven and earth. Even if Immortal Zishan separated him from Zhang Yang, he still couldn't wake up.

"Master didn't wake up. This is because the sky does not allow the appearance of two surrogates. Originally, I could give up this identity, but I have not overcome the disaster that awaits me in the future. I cannot give up this identity!"

Zhang Yang whispered, and slowly stood up, his body was emitting a soft light, as if there were worlds being deduced outside his body, mysterious and unpredictable.

He is no longer a child now, maybe he was not when he met Lin Xiao. He has mastered too many things that ordinary people cannot know, and he can even peep into the corner of the future. Courtesy, after all, too many people cannot let go of their attachment to the future.


At this moment, there was a slight tremor between his brows. It was a black stone that drilled out of his head, and black rays of light converged behind his head, giving him the illusion of traveling through time and space.

"Immortal Zishan activated the Tianbei in my body. This is a grievance between me and Lin Xiao. It's just that the top priority now is to go back to the ancestral land of the Gouchen Starfield and find the inheritance of the generation of Tianxunshou!"

At this moment, Lin Xiao was not here, otherwise he would definitely break out in a cold sweat, because this stone with raised eyebrows was actually made of the same material as his celestial monument. What is even more incredible is that there is not only one celestial monument. It's about owning at least two yuan. This matter was not considered a secret in ancient times, but with the disappearance of Supreme, this secret has been hidden.

With the appearance of the Tianbei, ripples suddenly appeared in the space around Zhang Yang. This is a kind of fluctuation of the power of the rules of space. This is to build a powerful teleportation array, and the power of space transmitted is too large It's too majestic, and it seems to be preparing to cross the star field.

"Yingtian Pavilion used to be the main teleportation array of the Heavenly Court. There may be other well-preserved teleportation arrays in this Southern Star, but this place is the safest. Even if there is a lack of array foundations here, because of the Tianbei, it can Reluctantly teleport!"

Zhang Yang muttered to himself, the sky tablet between his eyebrows rushed out like a sharp black sword, making his face look ferocious, and his long hair danced wildly, each strand seemed to run through a world .

"Master, there are too many methods in the ancestral land of hunting on behalf of the sky, I need your help!" Zhang Yang's eyes were bloodshot, and he was deducing crazily. Not enough, there are too many things in the world that he can't speculate, otherwise he will have to pay too much.

Mo Wuyan's body was floating in the air, but at this moment when he heard Zhang Yang's words, he paused slightly, as if he had a feeling, he flew towards Zhang Yang slowly, and behind him, a huge Cosmic map.

Ancient monks in this picture must be familiar with it, because it is the coordinates of the Gouchen Starfield, which is what Mo Wuyan defies the sky. This starry sky art is not just as simple as supernatural powers, but has a special meaning.

"Thank you, Master!" A smile suddenly appeared on Zhang Yang's face, but his hands danced quickly, making calculations even faster.

Following Zhang Yang's calculations, the entire Yingtian Pavilion is glowing, and even the crack that was knocked out by the black coffin is rapidly healing. It is like a huge monster that is about to wake up, and the five peaks are trembling violently , with the abnormality of Yingtian Pavilion, there is a vague danger of collapse.

This kind of sign lasted for three days. On the night of the three days in the local area, Jienanxing entered a moonless night, and the sky was full of stars twinkling. This trembling reached its peak.

"What exactly happened?"

Countless monks walked out of the mountain where they were. This sudden change made them a little worried. After all, this was something that had never happened since ancient times.

"This is the time!"

In the secret room, Zhang Yang's eyes slowly opened, and a map of the galaxy in the universe flickered rapidly, which was actually the same as the scene in the galaxy, and when he opened his eyes, the yellow planet , suddenly exuded a dazzling brilliance, and came straight to this place.


The Yingtian Pavilion roared, and rushed out in its entirety, just like a flying saucer hovering in the air, with streaks of golden light falling down.

In an instant, a gap of nearly a thousand feet was broken in the space, and the huge cabinet of Yingtian Pavilion disappeared directly from everyone's field of vision, leaving a huge hole in the distance.

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