The cracked earth, the withered old trees, as soon as he entered the small island in the middle of the lake, Lin Xiao could feel a strange force, madly absorbing the vitality in his body, and quickly pouring it into the green coffin. Inside.

She used to be Emperor Ziwei's most beloved princess, but for some unknown reason, she fell into a deep sleep. She didn't breathe, didn't have a heartbeat, and didn't even have a wave of soul, but her body was endless, surrounded by wisps of Tao, making her People can't get close.

"This is the power of Emperor Ziwei's rules. Except for the celestial tablet on your body, it is difficult for anyone in the world to break through it. I need your celestial tablet to help me block the secrets of the sky and let me use the secret technique of resurrection on her!"

Zi Shanxian said with a sincere face, the purpose of helping Zhang Yang was to obtain the secret technique of resurrection in the taboo chapter of the Eastern Emperor's exercises.

Originally, he ordered people to leave the black coffin, just to lure the Eastern Emperor. Such an approach was extremely risky. After all, the Eastern Emperor was not an ordinary Supreme. The Jade Emperor, his combat power is bound to be good, so the Donghuang came, the outcome is really unknown.

This is also the reason why he didn't control Lin Xiao at the beginning. If there is no Donghuang's resurrection secret technique, everything is empty talk, even if Lin Xiao is left behind, it would be meaningless.

At the beginning, Zhang Yang seemed to have already calculated all this, and secretly learned the secret technique of resurrection. Although he could not perform it, he deduced the formula and exchanged it with Zishanxian in exchange for a chance to leave. kind of transaction.


Since entering here, the Tianbei has never been calm, trembling in Lin Xiao's dantian, it was once accompanied by Emperor Ziwei, and it contains a wisp of Emperor Ziwei's will, and it has completely recovered at this moment.


Lin Xiao did not suppress the stele, but took it out of his dantian, otherwise his dantian would really be broken by the stele.

After undergoing the baptism of Qingluan's true blood, the celestial monument is like a piece of pure white jade. At this moment, a vague image of the celestial monument has evolved around his body, but only the palm-sized part is real, and that is Lin Xiao The stele in his hands.

"It has been said since ancient times that when Pangu became enlightened, he left behind a celestial stele, but when he opened up the world, the celestial stele shattered for some unknown reason. If you unite, you will be able to obtain the complete way of Pangu, so the conquests of the heavens will continue!"

"This may be the beginning of the ancient disasters. Is it true? But there is some smog hidden. I can't see through it. But after that battle, the Supreme is full of fear for the Tianbei. It seems that the Tianbei is united. It's as simple as you can imagine!"

"I have bathed in the blood of Emperor Ziwei, studied the scriptures left by him, and those who won the stele are honored as the destiny, but there are nine people, so their destiny is to fight each other, so that the stele can be united. !"

While setting up an formation on the small island, Immortal Zishan talked eloquently, mentioning many secrets of ancient times, just like an old man in his twilight years explaining his funeral.

Exercising the secret art of revival itself is extremely harmful. Even if Donghuang uses it, he may not be able to have full confidence, and the secret art he controls is not complete, so when he uses it, the chance of failure is even greater.

Lin Xiao listened to all this silently. He was very calm. It was not the first time he had heard about the fateful person. Even if it was said that he was competing with the other fateful people, he didn't care. Do your best to communicate with Tianbei, otherwise, this time, there is really a danger of falling.

"I've set up a Yang-returning formation here to gather the pure yang energy between the heavens and the earth, but once this formation is in operation, it will inevitably attract a large number of catastrophes. This catastrophe needs you to resist for me, and at the same time, it needs to break through. The rules left by Emperor Ziwei!"

For a month, Immortal Zishan had been arranging a large formation according to Zhang Yang's scriptures. At this moment, the formation was finally completed, and she spoke with a serious face.

Bringing back the dead, this kind of thing is impossible to be allowed by heaven and earth at any time, and Donghuang's secret technique of resurrection can only achieve the greatest degree of mixing souls, and what Zi Shanxian is betting on is the girl's body. , the seal has a wisp of soul.

"it is good!"

Lin Xiao nodded calmly. He could feel the vitality in Zi Shanxian's body was passing away. Obviously, this secret technique of resurrection is not as simple as the other party said, and a huge price must be paid for it.


Ziwei Peak trembled violently, and its peak collapsed directly, filling up the azure lake in an instant, allowing the small island that was originally sealed in the center of the lake to slowly surface.

This small island is like a huge tortoise, carrying a green ancient coffin on its back, exuding a breath that belongs to the great emperor, and heading straight for the starry sky outside the five great sword sects.

This is the array pattern of Emperor Ziwei, even after thousands of years, it is still intact, and as the tortoise goes away, five fierce fairy swords rush out from the direction of the five great sword sects, each of which The murderous aura is awe-inspiring, as if it has slaughtered hundreds of millions of creatures.


The five fairy swords emitted wisps of purple sword light at the same time, enveloping the purple shirt fairy. A huge ancient purple shirt tree instantly appeared above the small island, with thick roots, absorbing the brilliance of the sun and the moon.

This ancient purple shirt tree has five forks in total, each holding a fairy sword at the moment, as if each one is its fruit, tightly surrounding the purple shirt fairy, and making a clanging sword cry, in an instant, Immortal Zishan's aura broke through quickly, vaguely standing in the Supreme Realm.

"My realm is unstable. With the help of five fairy swords, I will break through forcibly. Are you ready?" On the ancient purple shirt, a huge human face spoke with a serious face. This matter is related to his beloved woman , he didn't dare to be careless.

Lin Xiao nodded, and pointed to the sky tablet on his chest. The sky tablet was quickly enlarged, and it was more than ten feet higher, almost breaking through the restriction of this small island.

This is the first time Lin Xiao has used the Tianbei. With just one finger, his body was almost sucked dry, and his face turned bloody white in an instant, but he did not hesitate at all. On the stone tablet, the scriptures of extreme exercises were quickly written.

This process is extremely long. Lin Xiao's blood will be absorbed immediately when it touches the stele. They all appeared old, and this was still his blood-rich ancient man. If it were any other monks, he would have bled to death long ago.

On the seventh day, Lin Xiao's whole body was only skin and bones, just like an old man in his twilight years, his writing fingers became dull, but he didn't stop at all.

To write scriptures, this is to activate the willpower of Emperor Ziwei hidden in the Tianbei, so as to open the rules condensed around the princess's body.


This scene lasted for a month. When Lin Xiao felt powerless and was about to give up, suddenly there was a roar in the green coffin.

"My way is one, strangers should not enter!"

A thick voice, the words contained endless majesty, slowly came out from the green coffin, this is the voice of Emperor Ziwei, the other party has already reached the realm of saying words, saying it in one word , it turns into a rule.

"My way is two, do not enter if you are hurt!"

"My way is three, don't enter if harmed!"

As time went by, the voice of Emperor Ziwei continued to echo between the heaven and the earth. It was a domineering arrogance that ruled the world, but it was undeniable that he was once a father. To protect the daughter in the coffin.

"My Way Four..."

"My Way Five..."

When the voice of Emperor Ziwei appeared nine times in a row, nine rules appeared on the green coffin, each of which was extremely vague, but they could not be dissipated. Even if anyone tried to touch these nine rules , will receive a fierce blow from Emperor Ziwei, which is undoubtedly a catastrophe.

These should be the Emperor Ziwei, who knew that something was going to happen to him, so he deliberately stayed there. After all, there are not many people in the world who can take his blow, but those who can take it are willing to take action on his child's corpse, but not many. It will exist, which also makes the princess almost immune to the slightest threat.

This scene made the towering tree tremble, and the sprinkling of purple light was even more worthy of the glory of the Sun, Moon and Star City. This is a strange existence, and because of love, he embarked on the road of cultivating immortals.

Lin Xiao knew very well that between him and the princess, there must have been no vows of eternal love, nor the experience of holding hands. It was because of the kindness of playing the piano under the ancient tree day and night that made Zishan fairy guard for thousands of years, even Now at all costs to revive it, this love is enough to move the world, especially in this world where human affection is passing away.

"It's started, do it yourself!"

Immortal Zishan's face instantly aged, and she slowly approached with five fairy swords in her hand. At most, Lin Xiao could reveal the nine rules, but he couldn't really cancel them. Xiao.


In an instant, the whole world was roaring. Fortunately, it was in the starry sky. If it was in the five great sword sects, the entire sword sect would probably be destroyed by this blow, and the roar came from the sky above. The dharma was completely removed, and heaven and earth felt this place, and made an angry voice.

Lin Xiao didn't dare to be careless in the slightest. This time, the bones of his body were crackling. He was just an existence in the realm of heavenly sense, but at this moment, he felt that a great emperor was looking down on him, making him want to kneel down and worship him. of###.


In the universe, a pitch-black giant dragon let out a roar, and all the surrounding stars exploded. This was not an illusion, but a real existence. It's like small mountains rising and falling, and everything they pass is destroyed.

At the same time, in a barren mountain range far away in the Gouchen Starfield, the entire earth was torn into cracks. An old man in a tattered Taoist robe, his long hair fluttering, covered his appearance, and seemed to be looking for something thing.

But just when the giant dragon appeared, his head suddenly lifted, revealing his big yellow teeth, and he looked in the direction of Jie Nanxing with a rather horrified expression: "What's going on? The world has changed a lot today, who caused it?" Is the Supreme Tribulation coming?"

At this time, a gust of wind blew by, and the old man's long hair was rolled up, revealing his appearance. He was actually the old fisherman that Lin Xiao met in Fengyun Canyon.

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