"Is that Heaven's Extinction?"

Cui###'s sect master let out an exclamation. As a disciple of the Nine Sects, he is no stranger to Tianmie, because this is the ability they once mastered, but this ability has disappeared over the long years. Fill him with longing.

"This is the key to unlock Cui###. This deity has calculated the opportunity for a hundred years, and the opportunity deduced will not be in vain. This deity will spread the message of Liuyuezong!"

The Fallen Heaven Immortal King walked down from the nine heavens in one step, but his words revealed all the doubts. He spread the news about the Liuyue Sect, and the purpose was to attract these Tianjiao, so as to obtain a heavenly destruction. the key.

This kind of practice is extremely dangerous, and if you are not careful, it may cause the Liuyue Sect to destroy the sect, but the world's arrogance is in the hands of the other party, and they don't know that the secret technique they are pursuing hard, even Even Liu Yuezong himself has never mastered it.

"Set things right!"

A shout came from the sky, and a black figure stepped out from the dark cracked world. The other party was wrapped in black mud tires, without a trace of breath, but standing there, it was as if it stood upright.

While speaking, a black figure rushed out. His race and cultivation level could not be discerned, but he could be sealed by the Dao of Heaven. Such a strong man was a strong man who looked down on the starry sky. The other party was very fair. Cultivation shows lore.

This is the rule of Tianmie. If you can't fight across the ranks, what qualifications do you have to call yourself against the sky, so against the sky not only needs a strong willpower, but also has the fighting power to make the world feel dangerous.

It was the second time for Lin Xiao to experience the destruction of the sky, but for the first time, there was no such strong person walking out of the space, but one of them was punishing Lin Xiao because of his Taoism, but even so, he almost killed Lin Xiao , so this time, Lin Xiao did not dare to be careless.


The golden avatar rushed out, and the sky-shattering seal floating above its head was roaring. This is Lin Xiao's talisman. It was destroyed in the last battle, but now it has come back again. The soldier, although damaged, is still extraordinary.


The black figure is like a giant. The three-foot-high body seems to hold up a piece of heaven and earth. Although the blood is surrounded by mud tires, you can feel the beating of the dragons in the body, and it is a slap , and shot towards Lin Xiao's avatar.

Now Lin Xiao is creating his fairy mansion, this kind of thing can't be sloppy, it is related to whether he can become a fairy in the future, so he is not arrogant, but really can't get out.


The sky-shattering seal roared and turned into a black mountain to block the blow of the black figure. A large number of golden runes fell like light rain, and quickly sank into Lin Xiao's avatar, making the already solidified avatar The golden body suddenly condensed into a golden man.

At this moment, in front of that black figure, the space was distorted, and its huge body seemed to come from across the border. The terrifying aura was overwhelming, and a big rough hand, exuding a color like metal, hit it with a palm. On top of that avatar.

This is a kind of lore. The opponent relies on his own level, suppresses Lin Xiao with his understanding of the level, and uses the rules of space to attack. His movement is too fast. With a bang, Lin Xiao's clone explodes, and the golden light shines The moment fell apart.

Although this is the famous golden body of Buddhism, it is invincible at the same level, but in such an unfair battle, it cannot bear such a big body at all, even if there are some runes of the emperor's powerhouse, it cannot be completed.


A sigh came from Lin Xiao's body, and in the space behind him, a figure in a blue robe slowly walked out.

That is the Yin Ruins that was refined by Lin Xiao. Although the Buddhist golden body is powerful, it does not contain Lin Xiao's Dao and Dharma after all, and this Yin Ruins is the avatar that Lin Xiao refined to save his life. It can be regarded as a second life. , able to display Lin Xiao's Dao to the greatest extent.

In the half a year in the imperial capital, Lin Xiao spent a lot of treasures to train the body of this clone to the extreme. It can be said that this clone can exert at least [-]% of Lin Xiao's combat power against the slave of the day. Not enough, but it can last for a while.

"Overcoming tribulation with a clone, you are too arrogant!"

The black figure spoke in a disdainful tone, but it was not surprising. After all, this was the annihilation of the heavens created by the Nine Sects.

"A mere Taoist slave, what right do you have to calm down Lin!" Yin Xu let out a cold snort, waved his hand in disdain, and slapped him fiercely.

"court death!"

The black figure was also furious, and his body speed was so fast that it was incomprehensible, which made the surrounding monks gasp. This is no longer simply shrinking the ground into inches, but shrinking into nothing , Where his body is, is a space, where he can hit wherever he thinks.

His body was still standing on the spot, but his arm came across the void again, and slapped Lin Xiao's chest fiercely.


Lin Xiao vomited blood profusely. If he hadn't used the blood transformation technique to save his life at the critical moment, he might have been wiped out under this blow. , is also unreachable.

"If you can control the wind change technique, you may be able to sublimate your speed and break through the opponent's space. Unfortunately, this secret technique is now missing!" Lin Xiao sighed softly. In this kind of battle, Only then did he truly realize that his secret technique was not enough, and after surviving this catastrophe, he would also embark on the road of finding the Nine Transformations.

"Aren't you very arrogant? Go ahead!"

The black figure let out a sneer, his words were full of disdain, his own realm must be unfathomable, although suppression has become extremely powerful now, but with his understanding of Tao, it is enough to destroy anyone who wants to break through the sky. People with willpower shattered.

This is the real horror of the Nine Sects. The Heaven's Destroyer they set up did not leave a way for those who survived the catastrophe. Apart from relying on their own strength, they simply cannot break through.

"You're a fart!" Lin Xiao swears directly. He is extremely confident in himself, and he doesn't take this black figure seriously at all. He waved his hands and stared at the world, revealing the conceit and strength that a proud man should have. .

Lin Xiao had seen Supreme before, which was something ordinary people could not experience, and he even saw scenes where the transformed Supreme dealt with the destruction of the sky, so he did not have the slightest awe for the destruction of the sky, because This is not heaven, but a technique created by a group of people.

At this moment, Lin Xiao's body charged forward again, and the endless sea of ​​thunder evaporated under his body, transforming into a thunderstorm, rushing straight towards the black figure.

"It's useless, your realm gap is too large, this kind of space law, you can't break through, this is lore, all attacks will be ineffective!" said the black figure.

The other party was selected by the monks of the Nine Sects, and as the first catastrophe of this day's death, there is naturally something outstanding. It is not an exaggeration to say this now, but Lin Xiao will not back down, because if this day's death is not passed, Death awaits him.


The black figure made a move again, the black palm was like a hill, crossing the space and pressing down, it was impossible to see how the opponent made the move, but it was so strong that everyone who saw it felt fear.


Lin Xiao's two arms exploded. If it wasn't for the critical moment when his body was protecting himself, then this blow would be enough to kill him. The other party's attack was too weird, and it was impossible to defend against it.

"Very strong!" Lin Xiao sighed softly. He was full of admiration for the other party's grasp of space magical powers, but it was not enough to make him flinch. His eyes were flickering, and he was constantly analyzing the opponent's every move when he made a move just now. One move, hoping to peek at the other party's mystery.


The big black hand strikes again, this time he chooses to attack directly in front of the dead, the black figure travels with monstrous murderous aura, making the sea of ​​thunder unstable, and explosions spread everywhere it passes to all around.

This is a terrifying power. The space is no longer stable, and there are surging forces everywhere. Even if it is not the core area of ​​the battle, the space is exploding.

What everyone didn't notice at this moment was that Cui###, which was submerged by the sea of ​​thunder, was not destroyed. Instead, under the tempering of the sea of ​​thunder, it continuously swallowed the light of thunder, and after undergoing the baptism of thunder and lightning, it became more and more crystal clear clear.

Especially where Princess Daxia stood at the beginning, now that stone wall is emitting fluorescence, it looks like a huge door that is about to be opened.


A fierce collision sounded, and Lin Xiao's body flew out again, his chest was covered in blood and flesh, and his chest was almost pierced, but his body was straight, and he did not fall down because of this, blocking the In front of his true self.

"You can't stop it!"

The black figure said coldly, his character is used to obliterate Lin Xiao, so he is not willing to put more effort into a clone, especially in the confrontation of this realm, Lin Xiao's clone is obviously at an absolute disadvantage .

"What you say doesn't count!"

Although Lin Xiao was covered in wounds and many places were already disfigured, his expression was still determined. When he waved his hand, nine rings of different colors appeared on his fingertips, which were exactly the nine ways Lin Xiao would choose in the future.

This is Lin Xiao's crazy idea. Now that his rules have been condensed, he can cultivate nine ways. When the nine ways are united, he may be able to reach the realm of immortals. This is Lin Xiao's idea, but It is very feasible, but his own realm has surpassed all the cultivation systems since ancient times.

Now these nine rules are wandering outside Lin Xiao's body, causing his aura to be raised to the extreme at this moment, the injured area instantly recovers, and he rushed out again vigorously.

"The difference in realm is too great. Since your aptitude is rare, you can't do it!" Hei Ying said coldly, not paying any attention to it, and threw his body forward again.

He used to be a generation's pride, so he is naturally qualified to rely on Lin Xiao's qualifications, and he may even be a person who has broken through the sky, so he is an absolute authority. suppress.

Lin Xiao was very clear about all this, but he did not respond. There is no reason for this kind of thing. If he retreats today, it is tantamount to giving up his way. This kind of consequence is worse than the collapse of his clone. To be serious, he has no reason to choose to back off.

At this moment, Lin Xiao's face was extremely dignified, and he walked forward step by step. This was an unfair duel, but it was a match that had to be won. Only by winning would he have what he wanted. future.

Only the victory of this battle can prove to the world that the Dao he obtained through the bloody storm can be successful, and this is the Dao fruit that he will cherish all his life.

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