Destiny Immortal Way

Chapter 336 The Fairy

The duel lasted for half an hour, nearly ten thousand times of collisions, Lei Hai was dyed red, and Lin Xiao's body was splashed with blood all the time, and his body suffered heavy injuries. Under the opponent's attack, he could only Passively beaten.

But Lin Xiao did not back down because of this, he has experienced many powerful enemies, this kind of situation is no stranger, he used the blood change technique to deal with it, even if his body collapsed, he still recovered quickly, this is a kind of life that does not care about his own life at all Yuanyuan's approach is tantamount to desperately trying.


In the [-]th collision, Lin Xiao's eyes were blood red, and there was a hint of understanding in them. He grabbed the arm of the black figure, and then raised the knife with his left hand, and directly hit the opponent's arm. Chopping, the sound of golden roar echoed.

This is the experience that Lin Xiao summed up after countless failures. Although he can still see the opponent's speed vaguely, but after being hit [-] times, he can see all the changes in the opponent's moves. He no longer needs to rely on his eyes. Just the feeling can do it.

Although Lin Xiao chopped off the opponent's arm, his body was forcibly shaken away by the violent counter-shock force, it was like a piece of divine gold, which could not be shaken at all.

"That's right! I can find my own flaws, but what's the use of this? Ants can avoid being trampled by elephants, but they still can't face elephants!"

The black figure opened his mouth coldly, and there was a crackling sound from the space he was standing in. The stone tire that originally sealed his head was falling off quickly, and the black hair was like a waterfall. Sliding from the sky.

This is a strange man, with mysterious runes flowing in his golden pupils, and wisps of divine brilliance blending with each other. This is a kind of prohibition that does not belong to the plum blossom ban and the time ban, but it makes his body, remained immortal.

This person is not a human race, but a more powerful race. It only shows a head, but people dare not look directly at it. The position of its forehead is raised, which is like a precious mirror, emitting golden light The ray of light seems to have an illusory scene emerging from it.

"It's meaningless to go on like this, let's end it!"

The bewitching man opened his mouth slowly, his white teeth were full of aura, he didn't use his full strength just now, but now his forehead bone was glowing, and a destructive light rushed out from it, turning into a golden long sword, towards Lin Xiao The avatar was cut off.

"Dao Yuan Sword!"

The Fallen Heaven Immortal King let out an exclamation. At this moment, he did not have the slightest demeanor of a master, because this kind of swordsmanship is too special. It is rumored that the emperor of the monster clan created a powerful secret technique, which has the power to attack the world. Rare, it is said to catch up with the Nine Transformations.

What really shocked Fallen Heaven Immortal King was this person's identity. To be able to use this kind of pure secret technique, the other party's identity must be exceptionally prominent in the monster clan, otherwise he would not be able to touch such a secret technique, but it is such an existence , but was sealed, which made him yearn for how glorious the Nine Sects were.


This sword followed the path of the Tao, turning all energy into vitality, no way to dodge, no way to resist, under this sword, Lin Xiao's head was directly decapitated, and his physical body was rapidly melting.

At this moment, the Dao Yuan sword did not end because of this, but the moment Jian Guang cut through Lin Xiao's clone, he ran towards Lin Xiao's real body again, which was to kill two birds with one stone.


The Fantian Seal reappeared, and there was a slight tremor. Immediately, wisps of black divine light guarded Lin Xiao's body in the center, and even in its core area, a golden rune the size of a grain of rice emitted a dazzling light.

At the same time, in Lin Xiao's storage bag, Tian Ye, who had fallen into a deep sleep, suddenly opened his eyes following the change of the Heaven-shattering Seal, and with a roar from his throat, he took a step from the Linglong Pagoda. step forward.


A large amount of space was broken, and a tall giant of hundreds of feet walked out of the void step by step. His black hair was thick and splashed down like a waterfall as he danced.


For the first time, the strange man showed shock on his face. You must know that among the nine races, except the human race is still multiplying, the rest of the races are invisible. Now it is the demon race that meets the demon race. Such a chance is rare in the entire universe , not to mention the existence of two of the same royal family.

"Burning the sky!"

With the appearance of Tianye, he let out a roar, and outside his body, the demonic energy turned into black flames, quickly spread in the sky, and the sea of ​​flames spread, and it was about to kill the monster. The people of the clan are also shrouded in it.

This is also the supreme secret technique of the demons. Now that the two secret techniques of the imperial way collide, it is like a duel between two strong men of the royal way under the suppression of the realm. announced.


The Daoyuan sword shatters the void, and the heavens and the earth rise and fall where it passes. This is a kind of carrier of Dao, which contains strange Dao energy. Killing monks below immortals is like cutting grass.

But the burning fire is equally good, the flame scorches the three worlds, and nothing can tolerate it. At this moment, the Daoyuan sword is sucked into it, and the most intense confrontation is carried out. Either the burning sky fire will be extinguished, or the Daoyuan sword will be completely destroyed. refining into molten iron.

"That's right! The underage demons have sucked your blood, so they can make up for the troubles caused by the deity's escape this time. What a surprise!"

The strong man of the Yaozu sneered, his eyes full of evil, wanting to use the fields as blood food to make up for his life.

"To be able to refine the body of a monster strongman today is also a surprise for Lin!"

At this moment, Lin Xiao's eyes suddenly opened, his cold words echoed between the heaven and the earth, a strong aura erupted from his body, and at this moment, all spirits overflowed from his heavenly spirit cover.

Suzaku burns the sky, Xuanwu shakes the sea, Kunpeng soars to the sky, and all kinds of visions appear. This is the essence of the Taoism he smelted.

His master is extremely powerful, even more powerful than Vulcan, and his Taoist scriptures contain various powerful laws of true spirits, which are then gathered into a Taoist scripture. The meaning of the scriptures is very huge, which is a kind of Treat all spirits as a treasure of food.

Only at this moment did Lin Xiao truly understand that the extreme cultivator has only obtained part of the power of this Taoist scripture. Now he is truly called the extreme cultivator. In the future, his immortal journey will be Stepping forward on the bones of all spirits.

"This is?"

Lin Xiao's strange changes made all the monks present look terrified. Even the famous Fallen Heaven Immortal King in ancient times was terrified. Full of domineering.

In an uninhabited forest in the distance, there is an area where it has been raining continuously for two months. The rain is very strange, it is only about ten feet down, and there is always a sloppy old man in the rain deep sleep.

At the same time Lin Xiao woke up, the old man suddenly opened his eyes. It was the mysterious old man who stared at the image of Lei Hai in horror, and the corners of his mouth twitched, "Pan Gu Dao Sutra?"

There have always been rumors in the world of comprehension that Pangu, the great god who created the world, once left behind a Taoist scripture, which is the basis for Taoism to multiply in the future, but this is just a guess, and Taoism has never admitted it. Even the great god Pangu No one has used his supernatural powers.

This is a strange case in the world of comprehension. The Great God Pangu created an era of mythology, but left no descendants. This made many people puzzled, but no one had the ability to ask.

But now this mystery has been solved. The inheritance of the Great God Pangu has not been cut off, and his scriptures are still there, but they are not known to the world.


Lin Xiao stood up, and the bone dragon behind him had condensed into a blue dragon body, just like a blue sky dragon. With Lin Xiao's palm, he counterattacked and went up to the demon. Clan snaps.


Sparks flew everywhere, although Lin Xiao's palm hit the monster's body, it only left a white mark on the opponent's mud tire. There was no doubt about the strength of the opponent.


The battle continued, and the man from the Yaozu came out from the shock, the arrogance on his face was still the same, he gave up control of the Daoyuan sword, his hands kept chopping down like heavenly knives, every blow was absolutely amazing. Killing did not leave Lin Xiao a way out at all.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Lin Xiao, who has completed the condensed Immortal Mansion, has a more tyrannical body, constantly colliding with the opponent. Despite the speed of the opponent, he has long adapted to this fighting rhythm from the avatar, and can always avoid fatal blows at critical moments .

The battle is rapidly escalating. Obviously, this kind of Heavenly Destroyer cannot continue to appear indefinitely. A violent collision is being brewed. The Yaozu man is deducing the secret technique of the Yaozu, and Lin Xiao is also deducing the Tianbei Hand To the extreme, he believes that this kind of secret technique is not weaker than anyone else's secret technique.


Lin Xiao vomited blood, and in this collision, his body flew horizontally, and was swept by the hair of the demon clan, leaving a lot of scars on his body, and the purple blood flew like rain.


But the monster race was not having a good time. The mud tire outside its body cracked under this collision. With a crisp sound, a large number of black fragments fell off, revealing the white robe inside. It exudes a softness that makes women feel ashamed.

This demon clan is very superhuman, and his blood is infinitely close to that of the original demon emperor. Now, as the seal outside his body is broken, a terrifying dao pattern overflows from his body. The breath of the strong in the first step is like a powerful fairy.

"Brother Lin, retreat quickly! This guy's realm has at least reached Dao Tribulation, we can't fight against it!" Tian Ye stood on the sky, and when he moved his hands, the curse of the sky-shattering seal was controlled by him, overwhelmingly moving towards The fairy overwhelmed him.


Lei Hai exploded completely, and the surroundings melted into a void. This is a demon clan who had reached the realm of a fairy, and he has absolute suppression on Lin Xiao. Kill Lin Xiao.

"This is your courting death! This deity has restored the fighting power of ancient times, even he can fight!"

The Yaoxian opened his mouth coldly, but pointed his slender fingers towards the fallen fairy king, full of confidence. This is the arrogance that a king of the nine powerful clans should have. Even if he is sealed, he is still arrogance.

"What are you bragging about? You're just a Taoist slave, and you're not afraid of breaking the sky!" Xu De walked out with a wretched face, his face was full of disdain, but his body quietly hid in Lin Xiao's body. Behind him, it is obvious that he is not really not afraid.


This sentence undoubtedly hurt Yaoxian's weakness. With a loud roar, the stars on the sky were shaken down, and they went straight to Xu De and smashed them down.

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