Destiny Immortal Way

Chapter 338 Fire Spirit Ancestral Land


A figure that was once powerful in ancient times was shattered, and the whole world fell into chaos. It was like the end of the world. A large number of mountain peaks fell, causing the world to ignite the flames of war.

This kind of thing has never happened since ancient times. After all, there are too many strong people gathered here. Unless the emperor is alive, no one can kill them at all. But now there are Dao slaves who rebelled and almost destroyed this place.

The Yaoxian is extremely powerful. Although it is only in the early stage of Dao Tribulation, its combat power is against the sky. It has obtained the important inheritance of the Demon Emperor. With the help of those powerful blood of true spirits, it sharpens itself and tries to keep the nine sects in its body. The imprint is erased.

Obviously, this is not the idea of ​​Linshi. This demon fairy should have been planning for a long time, and now it is finally implemented. It came up to kill the powerful creatures that have not yet awakened here, like a meat grinder, invincible.

The existence here may have been extremely powerful in ancient times, but now that the seal on the body is still there, it is impossible to fully wake up, because the realm that can be used is insufficient, and being attacked and killed by the demon fairy has become a foregone conclusion.

Lin Xiao followed the other party. He didn't think that the other party invited him in just to get angry, and there must be other intentions. After all, there are not many creatures here that he can really deal with.

"This place is very similar to the environment that Ziyi Supreme is in, which means that this is a real environment, just like when I was able to break into the dead zone of time and space, this place should be able to break through!"

Along the way, apart from collecting the blood that the demon fairy hadn't had time to absorb, Lin Xiao still understood the principle of this space.

Now he is no longer the little monk who understands, and even has some own insights on the rules of space, so it is not difficult to see the problem here. The so-called inheritance of the nine monks should actually be the most important seal. .

Lin Xiao had guessed this point when Xing Tian was out of trouble, but now it is only certified. Unless the owner of this space dies, it may be too difficult for the creatures in it to erase the mark.


The Yaoxian let out a roar, and a large number of mountain peaks collapsed directly. His blood-red hair danced in the wind like a gust of wind.

Although the demons strike first, this is not an ordinary area after all, each one is absolutely strong, and finally encountered strong enemies on the last three mountain peaks, but they were not able to push this place across.

It was a golden gold-eating ant, but its body was hundreds of feet high, its whole body shone with golden light, and the spirit energy between the heaven and the earth gathered crazily at the moment it moved, crushing the earth to pieces.

Although this family is not a true spirit, its defensive power is enviable even by the Xuanwu family. It is comparable to an immortal body. At this moment, it is confronting a demon, and the [-] pairs of wings on its back are as thin as cicada's wings. The same beheading.


Holding the daoyuan sword in his hand, the demon fairy slammed on the head of the gold-eating ant, but it was blown away. This gold-eating ant can swallow divine gold, and it is harder than all kinds of metals.


Black blood was spilled, and the demon spit blood. If you look carefully, you will find that there is some bright red in the blood, which means that this demon is no longer simply waking up, but is fully recovering its fighting power.

"Leave it to Lin!"

Lin Xiao spoke plainly to the fairy, and at the end of the last word of the words, he had already appeared in front of the gold-eating ant. Although he did not reach the level of a fairy, the creatures here were all when he crossed the catastrophe. It should be encountered, so there is no fear at all.

"Thank you!"

This was the first time that the Yaoxian spoke to Lin Xiao calmly, but he didn't feel slow in the slightest. He went straight to the two mountain peaks behind him, where there were also powerful opponents waiting for him.

Lin Xiao is fighting against the gold-eating ants. He has the gold-eating ants in his hands. Naturally, he understands the characteristics of this race very well, and he is especially afraid of fire. However, he has exactly two fire spirits in his hands. Even if the level is not enough, But it is enough to trap the opponent.


The fire dragon rushed out of the Hunyuan bell from the lame phoenix, but at the moment it appeared in this world, it wailed at the same time.

Lin Xiao has never encountered this kind of thing. After all, since he subdued the fire dragon, the other party has been very obedient, just like a child, but he has never had such sadness, and the lame phoenix has never had real wisdom. Birth, that kind of sadness is impossible to imitate.

"What's here?" Lin Xiao asked in surprise. The existence of the two fire spirits made the gold-eating ants dare not attempt to attack at all, and could only confront Lin Xiao. This also made Lin Xiao truly capable. Time to observe the opportunities here.

On the endless black land, there are cracks everywhere, which are as shocking as scars. Now it is even more because of the loss of those mountain peaks that Lin Xiao can look back at the area he walked through. This place is still full of desolation.


Huo Ling was like a sad child, bumping into Lin Xiao's body non-stop, making rumbles and reverberations in the space, his eyes full of pleading.

"Master, I feel the breath of my ancestors here"

Just when Lin Xiao was hesitating, words came from Huo Ling's consciousness, which shocked Lin Xiao unceasingly.

For a long time, he thought that Huo Ling was born naturally, without father and mother, but today he discovered that he was wrong, Huo Ling has its own inheritance, just like the dandelion, its next generation needs It will take a long time to reappear.

Fire Dragon has half a foot into the Immortal Realm, and his mind is no different from normal people at this moment, so his words may be true. This black time is very likely to be the ancestor of the Fire Spirit Clan. land.

Only at this moment did Lin Xiao notice that those mountain peaks were like volcanoes. He just didn’t know when these volcanoes had all died before they became what they are today, and the black soil is likely to be Volcanic ashes.

"Is this a volcanic group?" Lin Xiao was quite speechless. Now that he recalled the scene when he came in, this place is like a world of volcanoes, even if it is called the ancestral land of the fire spirit.

Lin Xiao even thought that if a fire spirit was born in each of these volcanoes, then in the eyes of the monks, the very scarce fire spirit would prosper in a certain period of time.


Just when Lin Xiao was thinking about this, the space inside his storage bag was suddenly shaken open by a roar, and he saw a three-pointed and two-edged knife that broke through the void and went straight to the distance.

This was the magic weapon that Lin Xiao snatched from Yang Yong's hands when he snatched Huo Ling, but he never used it, but he never thought about it. Now this magic weapon has rushed out of his own accord.


How could Lin Xiao let this magic weapon go away? With a loud shout, he held the magic weapon in his hand, no matter how much it struggled, it would be difficult to escape his control.


At this moment, the gold-eating ants finally caught Lin Xiao's gap, roared, and rushed up like a hill, and the wings on the back turned into 36 big knives, towards Lin Xiao behind Lin Xiao. The void cuts down.

Although the gold-eating ants are afraid of flames, the gold-eating ants that have reached the Dao Tribulation state can overcome this fear for a short time after living on this volcano for many years. The fear just now was just pretending to confuse Lin Xiao That's all.

"What a smart monster!" A sneer appeared on the corner of Lin Xiao's mouth, but the moment the gold-eating ant rushed out, the figure disappeared, and when it reappeared, it was less than ten feet away from the gold-eating ant, and a scarlet fairy sword was swept away. It took it out, and directly slashed down on the gold-eating ant.

This is the strongest trump card among all Lin Xiao's methods. He dare not use it when he is in the outside world, because he is afraid that he will attract the fairy king in white, and then he will start to flee again. Now it has become the best way to deal with the gold-eating ants. weapon.


Zhuxian Sword is a perfect imperial weapon, advocates killing, its sharpness is naturally not comparable to that of Daoyuan Sword, at this moment when the sword fell down, the gold-eating ant was split into two halves.


The moment its body was broken, the gold-eating ant's primordial spirit directly turned into a shooting star and fled away. It was able to cultivate into a fairy with the most ordinary gold-eating ants, and its natural intelligence was extraordinary. With a look of fear, how dare he continue to fight.


Lin Xiao laughed loudly, and waved his hand to take the 36 thin wings into his hands. This was an unexpected joy. If you practice it, this treasure will definitely become a good spirit treasure.


All of this happened too quickly. If there was no Zhuxian Sword, Lin Xiao might not be able to solve it so easily. At this moment, the magic weapon is still vibrating, trying to break free quickly.

At this time, Lin Xiao had already figured out some things. He had obtained the fire spirit from the Yang family by himself, so this must have been the place where Yang Jian had set foot. It is possible to have such spirituality, but he can't figure it out.

"Forget it! Follow along and have a look!"

Finally, Lin Xiao sighed softly, let go of the three-pointed two-edged knife, and followed directly.

The roar in the distance continued, and the demon fairy once again met a powerful opponent. His whole body was covered in mist, and he couldn't see through his body at all, but the color of the world changed, and the ground was shattered. From time to time, there would be blood. It is not clear whether it is the demon or the opponent.

Naturally, Lin Xiao had no interest in continuing to participate in this battle. He followed the magic weapon and flew past, but all he saw were some black pagodas.

These pagodas are very strange, and they are somewhat different from the Buddhist shrines in the Buddhist gate. All of them are depicted with flame-like patterns. It seems that there have been people or creatures living here, because such things cannot be formed naturally.

Flying hundreds of miles away, the sound of battles in the distance still came from time to time. Obviously this was a close battle. Regardless of the outcome, this small world will be destroyed, because in today's world, if you want to gather so many There are too many strong people, it is impossible.

Just a thousand miles away, a huge hole appeared on the ground, as if it was punched out by a person with a fist, and a huge lake was smashed out on the ground.


It wasn't until here that the three-pointed and two-edged knife stopped running, and quickly rushed towards the center of the lake, and the fire spirit also showed excitement, and rushed towards a huge crack in the lake.

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