The area of ​​the lake is not large, but it only occupies an area of ​​one kilometer. Now that the lake is dry, it is covered with cracks, but not a single blade of grass grows.

Apparently this is where the black mud on the body of the Sealed Demon Immortal and the others was produced, but it dried up for some unknown reason, and such a fetish could never be found again.

In ancient times, too many supreme beings chose to proclaim themselves, wanting to avoid the decay of the universe, but they all had to go to death in the end, but these black mud can seal the origin of a powerful immortal without losing it. A rare fetish.

"This should be the Spirit Lake!"

Lin Xiao said plainly, there have always been rumors in the world that there is a place where the aura is so rich that it can be turned into a liquid, and then form a huge lake, called the Spirit Lake.

This kind of place is a treasure land of cultivation, but it is only a guess, no one has actually seen it, but now it clearly appears in front of Lin Xiao, but the lake has dried up, and there is no such thing as it used to be.

"What kind of power is it that can dry up the spirit lake? Or is this space, born in what period, that can make the spirit lake lose its spirituality?"

Lin Xiao was full of doubts in his heart, but he chased after the magic weapon and the fire spirit, followed the crack, and went straight to the center of the earth.

"Brother Lin, since the Linghu Lake was born here, there should be Jingshilian. When you walk underground, you should pay more attention. Such treasures are the key to us crossing the catastrophe and becoming immortals!"

Inside the Linglong Tower, Tian Ye carefully reminded him that his body was too large, even if he was shrunk, he would not be able to walk here, and now he could only pin his hopes on Lin Xiao.

"Jingshilian? Do you really dare to think that there are not many such things even in the fairy world? How can there be here?" Lin Xiao slapped a haha, Jingshilian is a legendary thing, even if it is a spirit lake , but it may not be able to give birth to such a fairy.

Just like many people said at the beginning, swallowing the guts of the fox can make you become a flying fairy, but in Lin Xiao's view today, that is a lie. If you don't reach a certain level, even if you really have such a fairy The medicine, I am afraid it will also be burst.

The so-called Flying Immortals are nothing but the fantasy of some lazy people. The road to cultivating immortals is difficult, and what is needed is perseverance step by step. Otherwise, even if the state is forcibly raised, the state of mind is not enough, and problems will still occur.

These huge cracks are all the same, but the three-pointed and two-edged knife has a clear goal. It seems that it has been in and out of this place before, and the speed is getting faster and faster. It even trembles with excitement as it is about to approach the center of the earth.

"At least when Yang Jian came here, the Linghu Lake had already dried up, otherwise this magic weapon would not know the way here, and it is even very possible that these cracks are the spiritual veins, and now that the aura has dissipated, it has become such a passage! "

Lin Xiao whispered, the universe is really too big, and many mysteries are hidden in some corners. If you want to really discover it, you need a chance, and now this spiritual lake should be buried by history for too long. If If it wasn't for this magic weapon, Lin Xiao couldn't find it either.


After flying for about an hour, Huo Ling showed an excited look, and smashed a pile of gravel away, revealing an underground world.

The ground here is also rolled up. Obviously, it has been dry for too long, and there is no drop of water stains. On the ground, there are small soil bags piled up there, densely packed, extending to the end of the underground world.

Obviously this is a mass grave, as soon as you step into it, you feel a chilly wind blowing on your face, which makes people's hair stand on end.

"Heavenly Soldier Ge Da!"

"Heavenly Soldier Li Xiu!"

Earthen stone monuments were piled up in front of the soil bag, and even after a long time, they still haven't been smoothed out, but these are all the heavenly soldiers from the heaven, and the immortals in people's eyes are all here Lonely, full of unwillingness.

"When the Heavenly Court collapsed, it turned out that the immortals might not be able to protect themselves. Who on earth collected their bones here?"

Lin Xiao whispered, but kept walking among these soil bags. The steles all represented the death of a heavenly soldier who used to be in the heavenly court. There are more than 3000 in this dense pile.

These celestial soldiers who were all-powerful in the ancient times ended like this at this moment, returning to a handful of loess, and the place they occupied was still a small grave, which filled Lin Xiao's heart with a sense of sadness.

At the end of these tombs, Lin Xiao saw a huge Taoist platform, on which a white bone knelt on the upper body, facing these tombs, it seemed to be full of repentance.

"Is it Yang Jian?"

Lin Xiao's heart was beating violently. This Erlang Xianshengzhenjun is the most well-known number one general in the Heavenly Court. He once split Aunt Taoshan, and once played the role of No.1 of the younger generation in the list of gods. Such a person , in the hearts of many teenagers, they are like idols.

Lin Xiao once also chased after the list of gods. He was full of longing for existences like Nezha and Erlang God. Now that he has embarked on the road of cultivating Taoism, although he is no longer in awe of immortals, he still regards these people as idols s things.

The pure white skeleton exudes majestic coercion. Even after ten thousand years, this skeleton still carries repentance, and at the same time, no one is allowed to defile it.

"Pointing Table"

On the stone platform, after brushing off the dust, three ancient characters could be seen clearly, the pen was like a snake, and the handwriting was full of domineering.

Undoubtedly, this place used to be one of the [-] heavenly soldiers in the heavenly court, but for some unknown reason, they were all buried here.


At this moment, the three-pointed two-edged knife rushed to the skeleton, and a soft light fell down, covering the skeleton, as if wearing a silver battle suit.


The dark wind howled, and for a moment it seemed that those heavenly soldiers appeared in the world again, and they were telling the sky their grievances.

"I don't know what kind of power they encountered?" Tian Ye walked out of the storage bag at this time, and his three-foot-high body pressed against the cave, and said casually.

The Demon Clan used to be one of the Nine Clans and retained a large amount of inheritance, but they don't know much about why the Heavenly Court collapsed in the first place.

"Yang Chan!"

At this time, Xu De did not know where, but turned out a jade tablet, but there were two characters written on it, representing the identity of this bone, and Lin Xiao was deeply relieved.

The crisis in ancient times was like the destruction of the earth back then. No one knew what happened, but it was shrouded in death in an instant. If a powerful existence like Yang Jian had died, Lin Xiao would definitely be panicked.

This Yang Chan and Lin Xiao have also heard of it. The protagonist in the story of the Lotus Lantern did not expect that the other party really existed, and even led a journey of heavenly soldiers, and was finally buried here.

"Master, why don't you move this platform out?" Xu De's eyes flickered. After wandering around the cave for too long, he finally turned his attention to the platform. After all, there is no treasure here. It can be seen that the only thing that can catch the eye is this general.

Lin Xiao rolled his eyes. He and Tianting really felt a little entangled. Back then, Sirius, Donghuang, and now the old man and Baiyi Xianjun, these seemed to be important figures in Tianting, but it was because of him It's all complicated.


Seeing that Lin Xiao didn't object, Xu De pointed out with a wave of his hand, and that point suddenly shrunk the platform down to the size of a palm, and he put it in his storage bag.

At the same time that Xu De collected some general platform, in the depths of the universe, on the huge Conferred God Platform, the golden ancient book roared again, but this time, the entire Conferred God Platform was trembling.

This scene looked extremely shocking, a huge planet vibrated in the distance, the surrounding stars and the attached meteorites suddenly appeared in chaos, falling down continuously, and the space here was suddenly unstable.

"call out!"

The red figure rushed out again, standing over ten feet tall beside the golden book, with one foot stepping out, endless dao patterns spread to the starry sky in the distance, instantly bringing peace here.

"There is a problem again!"

A sigh came from the vortex on the giant's body, and following the sound, a withered figure slowly walked out of the vortex. This person's hair had already fallen off, and his eye sockets were sunken, but his eyes However, it contains endless rules and is extremely powerful. It seems that just one glance can make the galaxy collapse.

These are the strongest forces preserved in the Heavenly Court, but now someone is finally able to get out, but they don't know whether it is good or bad for the newly recovered universe.

"Dark Immortal King, long time no see!"

At this moment, a laugh came from the illusory universe, but if one followed the sound, there was nothing there, but when one looked at it for a second time, there was a figure appearing abruptly In the universe, he took one step forward and landed on this altar of conferred gods.

This person is Sirius. Behind him, Linley stood there with a respectful face. His arm has recovered, and his aura is even more unpredictable, distorting the surrounding starlight, but now he doesn't know what The method was actually promoted to the realm of Dao Tribulation.

"Hmph! Sirius, you were ordered to restore the list of gods, but you have only come back now. It seems that the general platform has been taken away. What should you do for this matter?" The dark fairy king said with a gloomy face, his words It was reported that the one hundred and seven whirlpools behind him all chose to remain silent, obviously agreeing with the other party's statement.

"Hey! If the Conferred God List is really so easy to repair, why don't you do it yourself? Instead, come to me, Sirius?" In front of the golden book.


At this moment, there was a roar in the eyes of the giant, and a holy power came out from the right eye. It was a middle-aged man with red hair in a blue battle suit, His face was full of fortitude, and he walked out of the eye sockets one step at a time.

"I have seen the Great Sage!"

The faces of Tian Langzi and the Immortal King suddenly changed, and they didn't dare to be too arrogant. They respectfully bowed to the man, their faces full of reverence.

"You can restore the list of gods, and then the Taiben sage will find it himself!" The great sage in Tsing Yi said flatly, without looking at the two people, he took a step, and time seemed to be going backwards in the void, disappearing in an instant On the stage of conferring gods.

"Huh! The Great Sage Pingtian is still alive. It seems that the Heavenly Court has not yet come to an end!" The Dark Immortal King breathed a sigh of relief, with a look of relief on his face, but he didn't know that this time the Great Sage Pingtian The appearance of the saint has accelerated the collapse of the heaven.

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