Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 1373) to register

The passion lingered all night, and the effect of the medicine gradually faded away at dawn.Li Xiaochen was so tired that he lay on the sofa, panting continuously.Zhu Yueji lay limp in Li Xiaochen's arms, panting constantly.The aftertaste has not yet fully passed.Her delicate body, which was dripping with sweat, would convulse slightly from time to time.

Zhu Yueji, who was so weak all over, couldn't remember how many times this was her first time.In this way, her first night was spent under the continuous impact of Li Xiaochen's torrential rain.Li Xiaochen seemed never to get tired, and was extremely vigorous.She, who has not been able to vent for a long time, has never felt such a hearty sense of satisfaction.It was also the first time for Li Xiaochen to be so carefree.Zhu Yueji's enchanting like a ripe red apple made him want nothing more.

The two stayed silent for a while.Li Xiaochen suddenly remembered something, and shouted: "No! How could I have made out with you all night! I just agreed to Yufei...I really deserve to die!"

"Do you regret it?" Zhu Yueji hooked his neck vigorously and asked tenderly.

Li Xiaochen sighed: "We shouldn't be like this. I have already promised Yufei that I will only marry her once in my life. You and I have had a good time together. But I can't give you a title..." [

"I don't need a title." Zhu Yueji interrupted him, "I...I won't cause you any trouble. If I can conceive a baby, I will go back to Xiandao where Zhu's family lives overseas to wait for delivery. Let Qin Yufei know."

Li Xiaochen felt guilty towards Zhu Yueji, so he softened his voice: "If you are really pregnant, how can I let you be wronged?"

Zhu Yueji said coquettishly: "If you don't let me be wronged, can you still marry me? You are the director of the film department, and you are not allowed to have negative scandals. Moreover, Mrs. Li must be appointed by Qin Yufei, who has a prominent family background. In this way With the help of Qin and Lin, you can revive the film department. So no matter how much I want to marry you, I can't hinder the development of the film department because of my own selfishness."

Li Xiaochen stared at Zhu Yueji for a long time, feeling that there was nothing he could do about the current situation, he could not help but hug her tightly, and comforted her: "I am not a person of affection. No matter what, I will try to make it up to you."

Zhu Yueji smiled charmingly, and said ambiguously in his ear: "The best compensation can love me like last night every night~"

Li Xiaochen smiled wryly, "Please forgive me. Speaking of which, how could we be so motivated last night? Even I was surprised by my staying power, as if I was drugged..."

"Prescribe the medicine!" Zhu Yueji and Li Xiaochen looked at each other and fell silent.Recalling last night's madness in detail, the two suspected that they had fallen into a trap.

Putting on their clothes, Li Xiaochen and Zhu Yueji carefully checked the wine they drank last night, the used cups and all the objects they touched.Eventually, they found an imperceptible residue on the rim of the glass.Zhu Yueji pondered for a moment, then said to Li Xiaochen: "We have really been plotted against. The other party used drugs to force us into heat, and they must have wanted to take pictures of us making out to make a big fuss. If the other party uploaded the video on the Internet or If it spreads in the world of immortal cultivation in Shenzhou, your reputation will be ruined. Or if the other party uses it as a threat to achieve a certain purpose, it will also give you a headache."

Li Xiaochen felt that his words made sense, and said, "Who do you think did it?"

Zhu Yueji shook her head and said, "It's hard to say. When you were in the Panshen Palace, you killed many people and offended many people. Whether it is the world of immortal cultivation in China or the world of immortal cultivation in Japan and South Korea, there are people who hate you to the bone. And there are also people who hate you. It is not impossible to retaliate against the Ministry of dissatisfaction. Furthermore, you are the head of the Ministry of Film, so you will inevitably fight against the Jiuyou tribe. It is not surprising that they will use this to deal with you. In addition, you are now a member of the Shenzhou The most popular celebrity in the world of cultivating immortals is about to marry Qin Yufei. I believe that there are not a few people who are jealous of you. Heh, from this point of view, you seem to have become a public enemy."

Li Xiaochen laughed at himself, and said, "You reminded me. If the news reaches Yufei, I won't be able to take it anymore, so I'll walk away. Zhu...uh, Yueji, let's split up. You Responsible for using the film department's relationship to block related videos that may be uploaded to the Internet. However, all letters and packages sent to Qin and Lin must be carefully checked before being handed over to them. I will go back to deal with housework, and I hope it will not It's too late."

Back in the duplex building anxiously, Li Xiaochen was thinking about how to appease his mother, but unexpectedly met the person he was most afraid of seeing.

"Yu, Yuyuyu... Yufei!" Suddenly seeing Qin Yufei sitting in the living room talking with his mother, Li Xiaochen was so frightened that he almost bit his tongue.

Seeing him coming back, Qin Yufei walked over with a displeased expression, and asked, "I heard from my aunt that you didn't come back last night. Where did you go? Why didn't you come home tonight?"

The person Li Xiaochen was most afraid of seeing actually asked the question he was most afraid of answering.This made him a little unbearable.Lie, he always felt sorry for Qin Yufei.If you don't lie, the world will fall.If you keep silent, you will definitely be suspected.

"I was upset last night and went drinking." This is true.It's just that it's hard to say what happened after drinking.Li Xiaochen's answer like this is not deceiving her.The sense of guilt in my heart has also eased a lot.

"Going to drink again?" Qin Yufei leaned in front of him and sniffed, "Sure enough, it smells like wine."

Li Xiaochen tried his best to keep his expression, and said without showing any surprise, "You doubt me?"

"A man who is about to get married and doesn't return home at night, shouldn't he be suspicious?" Qin Yufei pinched a long hair from Li Xiaochen's body, "Whose hair is this? Don't tell me, it's your hair .”[

Damn it!That's Zhu Yueji's hair!Li Xiaochen secretly scolded himself for not doing things confidentially, forced himself to be calm, and replied, "How do I know who it is? It's not mine anyway."

The guilt that had been relieved by the lie suddenly became heavy again.

Qin Yufei sniffed Li Xiaochen carefully again, and said, "You still smell like a woman. Hmph, tell me the truth, what did you do last night?"

The evidence is so overwhelming that it cannot be refuted.Li Xiaochen turned his head quickly, thinking about the countermeasures.In fact, he didn't want to lie to Qin Yufei.But the situation is messy enough.In addition, he had just reassured Qin Yufei a few days ago that he would only be intimate with her in this life.Who would have wanted to be tricked by someone last night, and be confused with Zhu Yueji to death.Although this time it wasn't out of his original intention, and he himself was considered a happy victim, Li Xiaochen still felt ashamed of Qin Yufei.For a while, I was a little at a loss.

Fortunately, his brain has not completely shut down.After catching a glimpse of his own sister snickering, Li Xiaochen hurriedly gestured to her secretly, asking her to help out.

Brothers and sisters are brothers and sisters after all.When the elder brother was in trouble, the younger sister offered help without hesitation.Xiao Xiao went to Qin Yufei's side and lied for Li Xiaochen: "Sister-in-law, my brother's hair is mine. On the way he sent me and my mother back yesterday, I pestered him and asked him to go shopping with me. But he didn't want to. I jumped on him and scratched and bit. The hair probably fell on him at that time. As for the woman's scent, it should also pass from me."

After hearing this rebuttable "heartfelt words", Li Xiaochen was greatly moved, and quietly gave Xiaoxiao a thumbs up.

This is the legendary brother-sister relationship where blood is thicker than water!After all, this girl has grown up, is sensible, and will think about her brother.Except when she was a little ruthless when blackmailing him, this girl is really likable at other times.Li Xiaochen was so moved that he hugged his sister, and said emotionally: "Xiao Xiao, if it weren't for you, my brother would have suffered an injustice! Dou E's injustice, which cannot be cleared by jumping into the Atlantic Ocean, will be The biggest unjust case in the history of our country in the last 5000 years. If your sister-in-law is convicted, the whole world will be snowed in June and drought for three years! All children born today, in order to avenge me, will have a A birthmark in the shape of "grievance". The everlasting sun, which rises in the east and sets in the west, will never set again until my grievances are completely washed away! Fortunately, there are still many good people in the world. There is true love in the world! You are such a super beautiful girl with equal beauty and wisdom. For the sake of justice and peace, you succinctly and powerfully stated the truth that there is always only one. Your great achievements are comparable to Qin Emperor Hanwu. Your great achievements surpass Yao, Shun and Yu Tang. You Your status is higher than that of Nuwa Fuxi! My sister! My brother loves you to death! Come on, give me one!"

"Huh——it's disgusting! Your saliva stinks, go away!" Xiao Xiao avoided Li Xiaochen's mouth and gave him to Qin Yufei, "Sister-in-law, hurry up and go to work with my brother .It’s better to go earlier.”

Li Xiaochen turned to Qin Yufei and asked, "By the way, why are you here and what are you going to do?"

Qin Yufei said: "Father and mother don't allow me to see you for ten days. I escaped secretly. Let's go to register right away."

"Enter, register? Are you serious?" Li Xiaochen looked at Qin Yufei in surprise, and opened his mouth wide.

"Shouldn't you register your marriage?" Qin Yufei's face turned cold, "Or, you don't want to register with me?"

"Yes, of course I want to." Li Xiaochen brought the relevant documents, fearing that Qin Yufei would change his mind temporarily, he hurriedly urged her to go out.It is best to register in advance.Before she found out what happened last night, she got married first.When the time came to cook the raw rice, Qin Yufei would at most quarrel with him, so she wouldn't leave so soon, would she?

Since the household registrations of both of them were transferred to Yinluo City when they entered school, according to the procedure, the two first went to the household registration department of the school to take out their household registration cards.Then fill in the relevant forms and information, and finally go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to go through the registration procedures.

However, when they got outside the Civil Affairs Bureau, they saw couples lined up in long queues, all the way to the outside.Because there are so many registered people, every couple who comes to go through the formalities will get a number issued by the staff of the Civil Affairs Bureau.Register in the order of number.

"Why are there so many registered people?" Qin Yufei stepped anxiously, looking at the long queue in front of her, "If my parents find out that I'm missing, they will definitely come to look for me. At that time, We won't be able to register."

Li Xiaochen asked curiously: "Didn't your parents agree to our marriage? How could they object to our registration?"

Qin Yufei pouted and said, "It didn't happen that our two families had a fight last night. After going back yesterday, my father and mother seemed to be paying attention. They don't want us to get married very much. That's why I was so anxious Slip out and pull you to register."

Li Xiaochen couldn't help smiling: "If your parents don't agree, then even if we get married, they will interfere and force us to divorce."

Qin Yufei bit her lip, thought for a moment, and said with a blushing face, "Then...then after we register today, right, just...m. As long as I really become your woman, they won't be able to object even if they want to gone."

"You, what did you say you were going to have sex with me today?" Li Xiaochen wished he had heard it wrong. [

Qin Yufei nodded coquettishly, and said in a low voice, "Don't you really want to be mean to me? Today... just take advantage of you, a big pervert."

Li Xiaochen covered his face, wanting to cry.Being able to make out with such a beautiful and charming goddess is a happy event that many men cannot get when they are looking for a job.In normal times, he would definitely agree.But last night he fought Zhu Yueji for thousands of rounds.All stocks have been used up, it can be said that there is no food.In less than 24 hours, he had to pay Qin Yufei another ration.Isn't this killing people?

Once Qin Yufei found out that Li Xiaochen had no money left, with her intelligence, she would definitely suspect what happened last night.At that time, the paper really can't contain the fire.

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