Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 400) Re-chapter of the Ancient Immortal Realm


All the immortals above the Immortal Palace wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, each trembling and twitching, the atmosphere became very weird Caiyun and Liuyue were afraid that they would be punished and quickly retreated into the team to hide

"Tianmeng...Tianmeng" the Immortal Emperor was so angry that he put Tianmeng's name in his mouth repeatedly to vent his hatred. This kid is too dishonest. I told him that when he came last time. Who knows the situation in the ancient fairy world? He didn't take it seriously at all. The country was about to be ruined. He didn't know how to help him. Could it be that he still hated what happened back then?

No matter what, I have to pull Tianmeng over to do my best, or I'm afraid it will be over before he has a decisive battle with Bo Xun in the ancient fairy world

The Immortal Emperor made up his mind and immediately shouted: "The two fairies Caiyun and Liuyue listened to the order and quickly went down to the human world to find Tianmeng here. before"[

"Yes" Caiyun and Liuyue agreed and hurried away

The Immortal Emperor looked at their disappearing figures and was still angry: "Tianmeng, actually said that I am a bastard, I will not follow you this time because the Immortal Emperor still relies on you." Don't let me know that you are talking bad about me behind my back."

"The Immortal Emperor's situation is critical, I am willing to rush to the front line to withstand the attack of the demon army." The ancient Thunder God clasped his fist at the Immortal Emperor and went without waiting for his order

At this critical juncture, the Immortal Emperor ignored so many red tapes and said so many polite things, and let him do it himself. After scanning the immortals in the Immortal Palace, he suddenly felt that he was more like a loner

Back then, the Ancient Immortal Realm gathered many talented true immortals headed by Tianmeng. Later, with the fall of Tianmeng and the gradual encroachment of the demon army, the immortals who originally lived in the Ancient Immortal Realm ran away one after another. Faithful Immortal

It's a pity that loyalty does not mean superior ability. The urgent situation is in front of these guys, and none of them can share his worries. The slightly talented bird-beaked Thor is already fighting at the forefront. If Tianmeng can't be found, this catastrophe will only happen I'm afraid I can't escape

The sound of killing and shouting was getting closer and closer, the Immortal Emperor wandered anxiously in the hall, waiting for a while, but still did not see Caiyun and Liuyue returning, he was at a loss, so he gave an order: "Bring me my battle robe, I want to go to battle and kill myself. enemy"

"The Immortal Emperor can't do it!" All the immortals knelt down and stared at his big belly, and couldn't help persuading him, "The Immortal Emperor is a body of ten thousand gold. If you are careless, the ancient immortal world will be the leader of the dragons. Think twice, Immortal Emperor, we Could not do without your leadership"

The words on the scene sound good, but in fact they may not think so in their hearts. How can the immortal emperor's potbellied body be able to charge forward, and he is pampered and used to fighting, and has no combat experience. Life, besides, as he is on the front line, he will definitely become the target of public criticism. When the magic army sees him, it doesn't look like a fly seeing shit.

Once the Immortal Emperor dies, the ancient Immortal World will be completely finished. The soldiers on the front line will have no reason to continue fighting. They, lazy immortals, will also suffer, so in order to procrastinate for a while, I would like to persuade the Immortal Emperor not to be reckless.

The Immortal Emperor didn't know what they were thinking, but he thought that these immortals were sincere for him, so he couldn't help but wiped his tears and said movedly: "Adversity sees the truth, adversity sees the truth, I have seen the loyalty of all my lovers, and I will keep it in my heart. I will definitely reward you heavily for getting through the crisis.”

All the immortals sneered in their hearts: You can't even keep your own seat, so you want to reward us for worrying about yourself at this moment?

Just when the ancient fairyland fell into a desperate situation, Caiyun and Liuyue went down to the human world and flew to Li Xiaochen's house in Yinluo City by induction. They sensed that Li Xiaochen was inside the flying fairy gourd. Since then, Zhu Yueji and Zhu Lingsha have been closely guarding her

Caiyun and Liuyue couldn't care less. They flew directly to Zhu Yueji and explained the tasks entrusted by the Immortal Emperor. Finally, he added: "Please let us bring General Tianmeng back to the ancient fairyland. If we are a little later, we will be unable to return to heaven."

Zhu Yueji saw that they looked anxious and didn't seem to be fake, she thought about it and said, "He's in retreat now, I'm afraid he can't go up with you, and since the fairy world is in an emergency and he is forced to die, he won't be able to turn things around, right? War is a collective sport after all. Personal ability can play a certain role in it, but it cannot determine the outcome of the war, so I may have to say sorry to you..."

Caiyun hurriedly said: "Because of being in a dead place, General Tianmeng will be able to plan a double-brave and crown the fairy world. We can only rely on him. Why don't you take us to see him and clarify the matter? If General Tianmeng is unwilling to help then Let’s go back and have an explanation.”

It's not the first day Zhu Yueji has known them. The two fairies are not from Bo Xun's side, and they can't possibly frame Li Xiaochen.

At this time, Li Xiaochen had already accumulated a lot of experience, and he was closing his eyes and begging for the Buddhist samadhi with extremely high concentration. Although Caiyun and Liuyue knew that he was going to prepare for the battle, but the situation was critical, they had no choice but to ask for help and convey the meaning of the Immortal Emperor to him.

Hearing someone talking suddenly, Li Xiaochen opened his eyes with some displeasure. Just as he was about to ask who bothered him, he saw two fairies after listening to their narration. Li Xiaochen sighed: "What kind of shit is this? Together, there are only a few days left in the decisive battle between me and Bo Xun, and many people will die if there is trouble.”[

"For the sake of your deep connection with the ancient fairy world, please help everyone." Caiyun and Liuyue knelt in front of Li Xiaochen and begged

Li Xiaochen's heart softened and he immediately let go: "Okay, I'll try to help as much as possible, but let me say first that I'm not a god, and I can't guarantee that the situation can be reversed. At best, I will do my best and obey the destiny."

When the two fairies heard that he promised to go back to the ancient fairyland to help, they both smiled and said, "Then let's leave immediately."

"I only set aside half of the Yangshen to go for a stroll and the remaining half will stay here to continue practicing." After finishing speaking, Li Xiaochen immediately divided the Yangshen into two. let others bother you

Because the Leaking Sky Stone was destroyed, Caiyun and Liuyue held the token of the ancient fairy world and cast the spell of returning to heaven to teleport Li Xiaochen to the fairy palace.

Immediately, the restless Immortal Emperor saw Tianmeng, ran over with a smile on his face, grabbed his hand and did not let go: "Tianmeng, I knew you would not be so affectionate, this time you really have to save us!"

Li Xiaochen shook off his hand and made a condition: "If I help you, you can't help me in vain. If you don't agree to a few requests, I will leave."

"Promise, promise" Immortal Emperor tightly hugged Li Xiaochen's arm and never let go, "As long as you are willing to make a move, I will promise you anything"

Li Xiaochen couldn't help laughing secretly when he saw the emperor's low voice and said: "First, I ask you to change the time unit length of the ancient fairy world, and at least it must be consistent with the time of the human world, do you understand what I mean? If it is a year, now it must be one day in the sky and one day on the ground, because I don’t want to help you here, after going back, tens of thousands of years have passed, and I still have to fight Bo Xun.”

"This..." Immortal Emperor scratched his head and cheeks, "This is really difficult for me. Distorting time and space is not an easy task, and I can't do it alone."

"Then goodbye." Li Xiaochen turned around and left

"Hey, everything is negotiable." The Immortal Emperor jumped over and hugged Li Xiaochen's thigh again, "I can call the remaining immortals from the ancient fairy world to perform forbidden magic spells and try to prolong the time, so it will be fine."

"That's about the same." Li Xiaochen stretched out two fingers to the Immortal Emperor, "Secondly, my son was broken by Bo Xun. You have to find a way to give him the most powerful body in the world."

The condition of "Cheng Cheng" is obviously much easier to handle than the first one, the Immortal Emperor naturally nodded in agreement in a hurry

"Third thing, you must have known by now that my three wives used to be Bo Xun's female demons, and the primordial spirit was implanted with heavenly magic talismans. Now I have a clone to take care of them, and I'm afraid that Bo Xun will take the opportunity to make trouble again. You know what? do it"

The Immortal Emperor nodded violently: "Leave it to me, and I will definitely arrange it properly. In addition, I will send people to give them the delicacies of the Immortal World every day to enjoy everything I can enjoy here, and I will try my best to give them."

Only then did Li Xiaochen pull up the Immortal Emperor in satisfaction and said, "I don't guarantee that I can turn defeat into victory, you have to be mentally prepared."

The Immortal Emperor laughed and said: "Tianmeng, you are really joking, who doesn't know that you are an ever-victorious general who is sure of victory and you can ask me so many things?"

Li Xiaochen changed his words without answering with a smile: "Get down to business first and give me a longer unit of time. If I can't do this, I can't help you."

"Okay." You Tianmeng was confident in the Immortal Emperor, and he immediately sent people to gather the immortals behind the ancient fairy world. The only way to prolong the unit time of this world is to use the forbidden technique passed down from generation to generation.

This kind of forbidden technique needs to consume a lot of immortal energy, and it can be done only by the immortal emperor. It must rely on the power of a large immortal array and all the immortals to launch the forbidden technique.

Li Xiaochen saw that the Immortal Emperor was busy and thought to himself: Sure enough, this old boy has a way to change the length of time per unit. I really came to the right place. If the time in the ancient fairyland passed slowly, maybe the battle against Bo Xun would be true. It’s possible to win. It’s best to have an hour in the fairy world for a thousand years, so I have enough time to prepare [

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