Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 214) Past Chapter - The Key

While Jiangu was pondering, Zhaoxia decisively pulled Zhu Caiwei's soul out of her dying body, and said to her, "It's up to you to decide how to choose."

Zhu Caiwei looked back at her physical body, feeling at a loss for a while, not knowing what to do.Of course he hopes to stay with Jiangu.But in this primordial state, he can only be by his side like a ghost.Even if Yang Shen can be cultivated in the future and can be materialized, there is still a gap between him and a flesh and blood body.To truly become a human being, the only way is to take the physical body of others.But how could such an outrageous thing be done?

Perhaps the only way left is to look for those unformed babies who died in the womb, and after the souls of the other party have left, carry out a softer way of "seizing the fetus".In this way, the memory of the previous life can be preserved without causing harm to other souls.Like rebirth, live again, so that you can become a person of flesh and blood, and be with Jiangu again.

After Zhu Caiwei expressed her thoughts, Fairy Zhaoxia said: "Even if you win the fetus without harming others, it is too late. After more than ten or twenty years, Tianmeng will be three or forty years old. You can still stay together How many years? Life is short and fleeting. But I respect your wishes and hope to help you achieve this wish. It’s just that it’s not easy to choose the right fetus.”

Zhu Caiwei said resolutely: "No matter how difficult it is, I will be with him forever."

Fairy Zhaoxia was stunned: "Do you know whether to make wishes indiscriminately? For all sentient beings, the wishes made will definitely come true now and now."

Zhu Caiwei smiled and said, "It's even better if it's realized. I can be with Jiangu forever, why not?"

Fairy Zhaoxia sighed: "The ignorant are really fearless. Do you think that if you make the wish of 'being together forever and ever', you will be happy forever in the future? The karma of each sentient being is different. In this life, you will be reborn as a human being. In the next life, you might be an animal, a hungry ghost, etc. If Tianmeng is still a human being in the next life, but you are reincarnated as a pig because of your sinful karma. How should you unite?"

"This..." Zhu Caiwei was stunned for a moment.

Fairy Zhaoxia continued: "But because the power of your wish is still there, you will be inseparable. You will affect his marriage. He may also disrupt your future. Your souls will be entangled for generations , Maybe they will turn against each other. All artificiality is based on karma. You have no control over it. Do you think this is good for you and Tianmeng? Don't underestimate the "will power". This is a terrible thing. Don’t make a wish lightly. Remember.”

Zhu Caiwei stuck out her tongue: "Got it. Then I won't make this wish."

Fairy Zhaoxia nodded, handed a pair of battle armor to Jiangu, and said: "This is the Feixian suit worn by Tianmeng. I keep it all the time. Today's fate has come, and I can finally return it to you. Although you escaped danger today, But watch out for podophyllum. I'm leaving."

"Hey, that... Zhaoxia." Jian Gu stopped Fairy Zhaoxia, "Do you know a lot about my past life? Can you tell me about it?"

Fairy Zhaoxia shook her head: "I can't leave Liubrahma for too long. Otherwise, if the Demon King Bo Xun finds out, I'm afraid my life will be lost. I won't be able to complete your last plan."

As she spoke, she hesitated for a while, and then said: "Tianmeng, Xixia and Luojia miss you very much. If there is a destiny, we will meet again in the next life. At that time, I... I would like to be with you... Oh, I hope You can still remember your promise to us. Even if we wait another thousand years, we will still miss you in Six Brahma Heavens."

After finishing speaking, the morning glow turned into a beautiful aurora and floated into the sky.

Jian Gu watched Zhaoxia leave in a daze, with mixed feelings in his heart.He obviously doesn't remember all the past life, but he still sighs.That wonderful feeling made him feel unspeakably melancholy.

"Everyone is gone, what are you looking at!" Zhu Caiwei floated in front of Jiangu, pouted dissatisfiedly, "Did you fall in love with her after seeing her good-looking?"

Jian Gu came back to his senses and said, "No."

Zhu Caiwei scolded: "Lie! Do you think I can't see it? You are a stinky Taoist, and you still pretend to be a monk all day long."

When she heard the mention of Taoist priests, Jiangu's expression darkened, thinking of his master, he couldn't help feeling sad, and didn't speak for a long time.He opened the Feixian suit left by Fairy Zhaoxia and found a booklet in it.After reading it, the content in it surprised Jian Gu.

He should have no knowledge of this almost oracle bone inscription.But I don't know why, but I can understand the meaning of it.It records the fairy art of Tianmeng Shangxian.This set of tricks is surprisingly similar to the Taixuan Tian Qingdao he created himself.But Tianmeng's way of Taoism is much better than the Taixuan Tianqing Tao created by him.There is also a lot more content.

After reading it all the way, Jiangu felt that the Taoism recorded in this booklet was the complete version.And what he created himself is only a very small part.This made him have to wonder, is his previous life really the Tianmeng that Zhaoxia and Guijiu talked about?

At this moment, the screen suddenly freezes at this scene and never moves again.The next moment, Li Xiaochen and Qin Yufei found that the surrounding scene became pitch black, and they couldn't see anything.

"It seems that these are memory fragments, and it tells part of Jiangu's experience." Li Xiaochen held Qin Yufei tightly, "But where is the dream monster we are looking for?"

Qin Yufei stared blankly ahead, as if she hadn't heard his words, and sighed alone: ​​"From Tianmeng to Jiangu, and now to Li Xiaochen, it has taken tens of thousands of years. We have waited for so long before we finally have Today's 'fruit'. 'Love' is such a difficult word. I just don't know how long Caiwei will wait and suffer for you..."

Li Xiaochen went through the information he had so far, and suddenly said: "I always feel that Zhu Caiwei is Yue Ji. She once called me 'Sword Valley' when her life was hanging by a thread. I think she must know something .”

Qin Yufei said: "If this is the case, you can't let her down. From the time of Jiangu to the present, she has been waiting for you for at least one or two thousand years. Sigh...why does every girl who is related to you treat you like that? Infatuation? I didn’t really understand it until now. It turns out that love is only caused by past life and fate in this life. Oh, it’s the so-called destiny. It’s just that husband and wife have good fate and bad fate. Fortunately, you and I It's a good relationship. Otherwise, we would have to quarrel every day, and we wouldn't have a happy day."

Li Xiaochen said in surprise: "I thought you would say that I have a bad relationship with you."

Qin Yufei said with emotion: "Nie Yuan can be regarded as it. But I know so much, I look away. It seems that I am destined not to be able to monopolize you in this life. You romantic little pervert, you owe a debt of love." There are too many."

Li Xiaochen laughed dryly: "Let's find Meng Yao quickly."

Qin Yufei nodded, and searched in this world with Li Xiaochen for a long time, and suddenly stumbled into another scene by mistake.

This is a grand room.Lying on the bed was an old man with white beard and hair and a fairy-like demeanor.But his complexion was extremely bad, obviously his time was running out.Judging from his appearance, he should be the old Jiangu.Kneeling before the bed were three men and a woman.Zhu Caiwei's primordial spirit was floating beside the bed.

Jian Gu looked weakly at the four people kneeling down, and said: "For the teacher, the four eyes of Huanghuo, Xuewu, Feilian and Houtu were used to seal the four chiefs of the Jiuyou tribe in four different places. place. Each of you holds an eye treasure, and you must not let them fall into the wrong hands..."

At this time, an old monk suddenly pushed the door open, came to the bedside, observed Jian Gu's face, and said, "Amitabha! It seems that I have finally caught up."

"Miaoyin... my friend, before I die, I have something to ask..." Jian Gu held Master Miaoyin's hand and lowered his voice, "After I enter reincarnation, please place my body in Banzang Temple .When my reincarnation has cultivated to the Nine-Layer Thunder Tribulation Realm, you will give him this remains...Bo Xun will come to the world in the future, and with this cultivation, he can do something for all beings..."

Zen Master Miaoyin clasped his palms together and recited a Buddha, and said, "I will definitely do it for you."

"There is also Caiwei..." Jian Gu turned his head slowly, looking at Zhu Caiwei's primordial spirit, "I ask you to support the Xianlun faction in the future... I have not been able to marry you in this life. Wait for my reincarnation Afterwards, if you become an adult again, you can come to me. Jiangu promises you that you will never disappoint your heart..."

Zhu Caiwei said indifferently: "You can leave as you want, don't worry about many things. I don't need your promise either."

Jian Gu forced a smile, raised his right hand, inserted his kung fu into his left chest, and took out his heart alive.

"Master!" This sudden act of self-mutilation really scared the four disciples Jiang, Qin, Lin and Zhu who were kneeling in front of the bed.

Jiangu, whose face was getting paler, gave his heart to Zen Master Miaoyin, and said, "This is the 'key' to my cultivation...Keep it safe, don't let anyone take it away..."

Zen Master Miaoyin solemnly took over the beating heart.The Buddha's name was continuously recited in his mouth.Jian Gu closed his eyes reassuringly, and after instructing the four major disciples to listen carefully, he began to recite the entire Tai Xuan Tian Qing Dao.

After a long time, Jiangu's voice became smaller and smaller.Later, the sound was like a mosquito, almost inaudible.The founder of the Xianlun faction, who was as breathless as a breath, suddenly sat up cross-legged before dying.The skin of the whole body turned purple-gold.Then there was no more sound.

"Master." The four major disciples cried and wailed bitterly.

The screen freezes again.Li Xiaochen and Qin Yufei were startled at the same time.It turned out that the key that allowed Li Xiaochen to obtain the cultivation of the founder of Xianlun turned out to be his heart!

But Zen Master Miaoyin once told them that more than 20 years ago, a monk in Banzang Temple stole the key, went down the mountain and returned to vulgarity, married a wife and had children.Could it be that the heart of Lu Bingbing's father belongs to Patriarch Xianlun...

Li Xiaochen looked at Qin Yufei in confusion.The latter also hesitated and said nothing.After a long time, Li Xiaochen spoke first, "What do you think?"

Qin Yufei said, "You and I are thinking about the same thing."

Li Xiaochen asked: "Then what should we do? We can't take Papa Lu's heart away, can we?"

"This possibility is just our speculation, and it hasn't been confirmed yet. Maybe...the 'key' is not in Father Lu's possession."

"I hope Lu Bingbing's father didn't use that heart. Otherwise, I'd be in a real embarrassment."

"Don't think about it so much. We turned around in his dream, but we still couldn't find the dream monster. This is the most troublesome thing. Maybe there is no dream monster here. Let's leave first."

Li Xiaochen frowned slightly, and said, "Alright, Xiaosha made us some snacks in the kitchen. It's been a long time since I ate something she made, and I kind of miss it. After we go out, let's try it together, how about it?"

Qin Yufei smiled and said, "Okay, I also miss Xiaosha's craftsmanship..."

Pooh!Before Qin Yufei finished speaking, Li Xiaochen took out the Flying Immortal Sword and pierced into her body unexpectedly!

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