Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 215) Li Xiaochen's Golden Body

Qin Yufei in front of her returned to the appearance of a monster after being stabbed.The dream monster asked in shock and anger: "Why do you know that I am..."

Li Xiaochen pulled out the Flying Immortal Sword and said, "Because Xiaosha wasn't with me at all, and her whereabouts are still unknown. How could she make us snacks in the kitchen? I just tried a little bit, and you showed your flaws. But what , You do have some skills. Before I could detect it, you switched hands with the real Yufei. But I don’t know when you changed people.”

At this time, Qin Yufei's Yang God floated over here.After seeing Li Xiaochen, she asked vigilantly, "Are you real or fake?"

"Fake." Li Xiaochen watched the dream monster disappear before him, and withdrew the Flying Immortal Sword, "Oh, my dear, it seems that the same thing happened to you."

Qin Yufei said, "How do you know I'm real?"

"Does it need to be said? The Yufei of our family has a dusty temperament, glamorous and elegant. When staring at me, a pair of beautiful big eyes will always reveal gentle love intentionally or unintentionally. Even if the counterfeit can be turned into exactly the same as you Fairy looks without appearance, but she can't pretend that innate temperament and true feelings."

"Hmph, you know the real thing." Qin Yufei's mouth turned up slightly, and she took Li Xiaochen's arm, "Based on these, can you tell that I'm the real thing?"

Li Xiaochen thought about it for a while, and said, "One more thing. When we are alone, you always put on an expression that wants to be misunderstood by me. It's hard for me not to recognize you."

"I don't know~ You're slandering! And... who told you to say such nonsense?" Qin Yufei hadn't heard Li Xiaochen praise her for a long time.Hearing his praise suddenly just now, I was overjoyed.She wanted to hear a few more words of praise from Li Xiaochen.Who knew that this guy would start talking nonsense again as usual.

Li Xiaochen said with a smile: "Okay, let's confirm each other's authenticity now, right? Let's look again to see if there are any other dream monsters we missed."

The two walked around Father Lu's dream, but they didn't find any monsters again, so they came out.Back to reality, the two of them found that Lu Bingbing's father had woken up leisurely.

Lu Bingbing observed his father's expression in surprise.His eyes were no longer wandering.The whole person seems to be much more normal than before.Is it really good?

"Dad, do you remember who I am?" Lu Bingbing asked tentatively.

Father Lu nodded and said, "You are my daughter, how could I not remember? I feel like I had a very long dream. Many strange things happened in the dream. My mind is still a little confused..."

Li Xiaochen pulled Qin Yufei to stand in front of him, and said, "This is Li Xiaochen, director of the film department. This is my wife Qin Yufei. We heard the news about the legacy of the founder of the Xianlun School from Zen Master Miaoyin. Specially come to get the 'key' that can start the treasure."

"You..." Father Lu shook his head with panic all over his face, "No! You can't take the key away!"

Qin Yufei asked, "Could it be that the key is really in your body?"

Father Lu looked at the attending doctor and Lu Bingbing with embarrassment on his face, and said, "You go out first. I have something I want to talk to them alone."

The doctor in charge was surprised to see that Lu's father was no different from a normal person in an instant.But he still didn't quite believe in those babbling spells, and always wanted to give the patient a comprehensive examination.Standing in place for a moment, did not leave.

Lu Bingbing said with concern: "Father, you...are you really well?"

"I'm fine. You go out." Father Lu seemed a little impatient.

Lu Bingbing had to leave the ward with the attending doctor.

After confirming that no one was eavesdropping outside the door, Father Lu said to Chen and Fei, "To tell you the truth, the reason why I stole the keys privately more than 20 years ago, returned to the vulgar world, married a wife and had children, was indeed hidden. Before that, when I went down the mountain to buy things, I had a relationship with a woman by accident... Alas, I didn't expect that she would become pregnant. From then on, I started to marry Although it was an accident, I have to be responsible for her. Before I could make up my mind, I discovered that the unborn child had a heart problem. Even if she could give birth smoothly, she would not live long... ..."

Li Xiaochen said: "So you stole the key and exchanged Lu Bingbing's heart?"

Father Lu nodded with guilt on his face: "I am sorry for Master Miaoyin. But I really can't just watch my child die. If you want my life, you can take it at any time. But I beg you not to hurt me daughter."

Qin Yufei thought for a moment, then said: "In that case, we have to take Lu Bingbing back to Banzang Temple. Whether or not we can take her heart depends on whether Zen Master Miaoyin can unlock the power of Master Xianlun without harming her life." Treasure."

Father Lu hurriedly got out of bed and put on his shoes, and said, "I'll go with you to see Master."

Li Xiaochen couldn't bear it, and said to Qin Yufei: "If you have to use that heart to obtain Jiangu's cultivation, then I don't want it. After all, it is a human life. I don't want Lu Bingbing to lose it because of me." chance to live."

Qin Yufei said: "Go back and ask Zen Master Miaoyin first."

The three of them left the ward, briefly explained to Lu Bingbing, and then flew to Banzang Temple.Before entering the temple, they heard the solemn sound of chanting Buddha from Banzang Temple.When we came to the main hall, the monks of Banzang Temple were all chanting the Buddha's name.Looking at the formation, it seems that a major ceremony is being held.

Back in the room where the body of Patriarch Xianlun was kept, Li Xiaochen was surprised to see Zhu Yueji holding a still beating heart in her hand.Zen Master Miaoyin sat down cross-legged and passed away.Just a bloody patch on his left chest.Apparently the heart had just been dug out not long ago.

"Yue Ji, what are you doing!" Li Xiaochen pulled Qin Yufei back and protected Lu Bingbing and his daughter behind him.

Zhu Yueji said: "The master has already known through magical powers that Jiangu's heart is in Miss Lu's body. In order to let you obtain Jiangu's cultivation base without hurting her life, Zen Master Miaoyin decided to replace his heart with Miss Lu. .If you have no objections, I will perform the heart replacement operation myself."

Hearing these words, Father Lu immediately burst into tears, knelt in front of Zen Master Miaoyin, and cried bitterly: "Master! Disciple He Dehe Neng, actually asked you to give up your body in exchange for the life of your little girl."

But Zhu Yueji said very calmly: "It's not too late. While the heart is still alive and kicking, perform the operation immediately. Otherwise, it will be too late."

Li Xiaochen looked at Lu Bingbing hesitantly, and asked, "Do you agree with this method?"

Lu Bingbing clutched his chest nervously, and said in a trembling voice: "It all happened so suddenly. I wasn't mentally prepared. I..."

Before she could finish speaking, Zhu Yueji came over and slapped her unconscious, put her on the bed, and decisively underwent heart replacement surgery.Li Xiaochen and Qin Yufei stared blankly at each other, both admiring Zhu Yueji's decisive and merciless demeanor.While heart replacement can be intimidating, there's no other way to do it right now.

At the critical moment, Zen Master Miaoyin sacrificed himself for others, he is indeed a generation of eminent monks and great virtues.Li Xiaochen and Qin Yufei couldn't help but respectfully kowtowed a few times in front of Zen Master Miaoyin's body to show their gratitude.

Father Lu's grief had not yet dissipated, and seeing Zhu Yueji actually took out Lu Bingbing's heart, he couldn't help shouting: "Don't hurt my daughter's life!"

While performing the operation, Zhu Yueji said: "Don't worry, I am a medical expert who is proficient in all the medical skills of the Zhu family. I guarantee that your daughter will not die."

After a while, Zhu Yueji swiftly took out the heart from Lu Bingbing's chest cavity with a fairy technique, and handed it to Li Xiaochen: "Inlay this heart into the place where the heart is contained in Jiangu's body. Then put the bones one by one Pour it into a bowl and pound it into powder. After finishing, please ask Yufei to help, and apply the bowl full of golden liquid all over Ah Chen's body, don't let go of every corner."

Li Xiaochen snorted, followed the instructions, and put the heart into the remains.Dazzling golden light suddenly burst out from the purple gold body of the founder of Xianlun.The ragged clothes on his body were scattered everywhere.Then, the entire skeleton skeleton was scattered.One by one fell all over the place.

Qin Yufei took a big bowl, quickly threw the bones into it, and smashed them vigorously.The bone is crispy on the outside and can be smashed easily.A thick golden liquid flowed out from the bones, as bright as liquid gilt.After all the bones were pounded, the big bowl was filled with a golden viscous liquid.

"Take off your clothes." Qin Yufei also didn't care too much, directly grabbed the liquid with her hands, and wiped it on Li Xiaochen's body, "I'll only help you paint some normal places. You can paint the strange parts yourself."

Li Xiaochen laughed and said, "It's not like I haven't touched it before. We're both old and married, so why should we be ashamed?"

Qin Yufei's pretty face flushed, and she said angrily, "You're not serious. There are outsiders here."

Li Xiaochen put away the joke, and together with Qin Yufei, painted his body all over.There was some golden liquid left at the end.Qin Yufei simply picked up the bowl, and Wang Li Xiaochen fell on top of him, pouring it all over his head.Strange to say, these golden liquids seem to be full of life.They would automatically flow along Li Xiaochen's body and spread evenly on him.

After some painting, Li Xiaochen was golden from head to toe.These liquids gradually seeped into his limbs and bones through his pores, and began to take effect.Li Xiaochen only felt a powerful force flowing around his body.As if he had been reborn, his soul and body were reshaped in the process.Peiran's powerful power continuously flowed out from the depths of the primordial spirit.

Not long after, the four seals of Fuxi, Pangu, Xuanyuan and Baicao appeared on his forehead.The golden light is blooming all over the body, and the precious appearance is solemn, just like the Buddha statue on the Buddhist temple, which is admirable.

At the same time, Zhu Yueji, who had completed the heart replacement operation, turned her head to look at Li Xiaochen who was covered in gold, and said, "The golden body is done."

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