When Li Xiaochen was sculpted into a golden body in Banzang Temple, Guijiu had already widely spread all kinds of unfavorable news about Li Xiaochen and others.The major sects in the world of cultivating immortals in Shenzhou were shocked to hear such important news, and they all called to inquire about the authenticity of the news.The movie department is already busy.

Jiang Mier, who stayed behind in Yinluo City, faintly felt that a storm was coming.Although she had secretly ordered Ge Zihao to "dispel the rumors" with all his strength, how could Yoyo's mouth be easily blocked?The immortal cultivators in Shenzhou not only asked the film department, but also threw these questions to the Qin and Lin families who were closely related to Li Xiaochen.

There is a magic pill buried in Qin Yufei's body that can explode at any time like a time bomb. The close contacts and ambiguous entanglement, the disciple of the ghost mother of the underworld had an affair with the head of the shadow department... A lot of news spread throughout the entire land of Shenzhou in just a few days.

This is undoubtedly the most explosive scandal in the history of the world of cultivating immortals in China.Qin Yichuan and Lin Yifei were shocked by this, but also, like the film department, were tired of dealing with the rumors spreading around.

The elders of the Xianlun Sect Elders' House can no longer sit idly by.When Li Xiaochen could not be contacted, they directly issued an order to Qin and Lin to find Li Xiaochen and related personnel in the shortest possible time.

Under heavy pressure, Qin Yichuan and his wife could only rush to the European-style duplex building in Yinluo City to find Li Xiaochen in person.Unexpectedly, as soon as they entered the house, they found Jiang Mier by accident.This made the two of them more certain that the rumors were groundless.

Before Li Xiaochen married Qin Yufei, they had privately heard that Jiang Mier had been in contact with Li Xiaochen for a while.Now that Xing Xing was caught at Li Xiaochen's house, what else is there to say?If Li Xiaochen really had nothing to do with the patriarch of the Immortal Monster Clan, how could Shizuka Shuiyue live here?

In rage, Qin Yichuan and Lin Yifei turned on their golden bodies one after another, intending to capture Jiang Mier.Jiang Mier, who knew that the matter was irreversible, had no choice but to transform into a golden body, and fled.

After seeing Jiang Mier's golden body, Qin Yichuan was even more furious.At her age, it is impossible to cultivate to the golden body level.This must be Li Xiaochen's distribution of the Dihuang Pill to Jiang Mier, allowing her to reach the golden body state.What a precious elixir is the Dihuang Pill, how can it be easily given to others?From this point of view, if Li Xiaochen hadn't had a close relationship with Jiang Mier, how could he be willing to give her the Dihuang Pill?

The rumors that the head of the shadow department had an ambiguous relationship with the patriarch of the Immortal Monster Clan has been confirmed.They also knew that Qin Yufei possessed the magic pill in her body.Then the rest must not go anywhere.

Thinking of Li Xiaochen being entangled with so many women besides his precious daughter, Qin Yichuan became furious.He attacked together with Concubine Lin Yi, wanting to quickly take down this demon girl from the Fairy Demon Clan.

Confronting two long-established golden masters at the same time is definitely not the best strategy.Jiang Mier naturally rushed out of the window, trying to escape with all her strength.It's just that she didn't fly very far before she met four golden monks from Banzang Temple.These four golden monks have been looking for a long time in Shenzhou these days, and finally touched this area.But she didn't want to meet Jiang Mier unexpectedly at this moment.

Without even thinking about it, Jiang Mier immediately changed her route and flew in another direction.She still can't beat the two golden bodies.Not to mention the six golden bodies?Fighting recklessly is purely courting death.

"Demon girl, die!" After reaching the deserted suburb, Qin Yichuan pulled out the Fengxia sword and swung it vigorously.

A huge crack split from the ground and stretched straight.From the bottomless black abyss under the crack, violent flames suddenly spewed out, soaring into the sky, forming an insurmountable red flame wall, blocking Jiang Mier's way.

Jiang Mier took out the Ziya sword, waved her hand to cut a gap in the red flame wall, and fled.Unexpectedly, she had just crossed over, and saw Concubine Lin Yi, who was holding the Huangxia sword, stabbing with all her strength.Four golden monks have also chased after them.They dispersed, surrounded Jiang Mier, and unleashed their powerful Vajra Hands, mercilessly patting Jiang Mier.

Jiang Mier, who was surrounded by enemies, gritted her teeth fiercely, and resorted to the secret footwork of flying stars stepping on the moon.cicada shadow.In the next instant, the six masters of gold saw Jiang Mier being torn to pieces by Huang Xia of the Great Vajra Hand and Lin Yifei.But Qin Yichuan quickly realized, pointed to the direction where Jiang Mier was flying away, and shouted: "That's the shadow of the Jiang family's cicada. The real body is over there!"

Jiang Mier, who couldn't get rid of them, used the flying talisman that Li Xiaochen prepared for her to escape when the six golden bodies hadn't completely caught up with her.She flickered and disappeared in place.Lin Yifei was so angry that she gritted her teeth and said, "That's a flying talisman. He really colluded with the witch, and even left this kind of thing to the witch!"

Qin Yichuan frowned furiously, and said in a deep voice: "Use all the hands to find them out as soon as possible!"

Lin Yifei also agreed: "If Fei'er is caught by other cultivators, she will definitely be executed as a monster. We must hide this news."

Qin Yichuan's gaze changed several times, and even his face became ugly.He sighed heavily: "I'm afraid the fire can't be covered with paper. I don't know who has such ulterior motives to put that stinky boy to death. Even Fei'er has been implicated. If this matter cannot be handled properly, other immortal cultivators from the Divine Land will die." Definitely won’t let it go.”

Concubine Lin Yi nodded and said: "Our son-in-law will also be classified as the Nine Nether Party. Many trumped-up charges may be added to him. At that time, we may have to exterminate our relatives... But this kind of thing, how can I Can you do it?"

Qin Yichuan glanced at Lin Yifei and asked, "Do you believe that kid is innocent?"

Concubine Lin Yi said: "I don't know the rest. But I think he shouldn't be in trouble with Jiuyou. He is the reincarnation of Tianmeng."

Qin Yichuan snorted: "I hope so. Otherwise, my father-in-law will only have..."

While they were talking, four golden monks came to the side.Xu Kong clasped his palms together and said: "Master Qin, Master Lin, we are the disciples of Abbot Miaoyin of Panzang Temple, and we have been looking for Lord Shuiyue for some time. The abbot wants us to take Master Shuiyue back to Banzang Temple with our own hands and imprison him forever. She. If you find Shuiyue Benefactor in the future, please hand her over to Banzang Monastery."

Whenever Jiang Mier was mentioned, Qin Yichuan became angry.He said displeasedly: "If the witch can survive under my hands, I will hand her over to you. There will always be accidents when the two sides fight. If you die, don't blame me."

Without waiting for the four monks to persuade, Xiao Bi came over and hurriedly said to Qin Yichuan and Lin Yifei: "Master, madam, the elders of the Xianlun Sect have notified the important figures in the world of immortal cultivation in Shenzhou to hold an emergency meeting. It has reached us!"

The faces of Qin and Lin, the two masters, became more and more serious.They said at the same time: "It seems that things have really become serious."

At this time, Kongkong suddenly heard the sound transmission from Banzang Temple thousands of miles away, and his face was shocked.He said a few words to the other three golden-bodied divine monks, and then said to Qin Yichuan and Lin Yifei: "A major incident happened in Banzang Temple. The rest of us must rush back. The two heads of the family will leave now."

Not long after, the four divine monks rushed back to Banzang Temple as quickly as possible. As soon as they entered the main hall, they saw the monks doing rituals.Kong Kong grabbed a young monk and asked.The little monk briefly described the situation, saying that the abbot had passed away.But a person named Zhu Yueji did not allow them to enter the room where the abbot passed away, and only allowed them to chant Buddha in the main hall.

When Kong Kong asked where they were, he was even more surprised.The place where the abbot passed away happened to be the room where the remains of Master Xianlun were hidden.The four golden monks immediately went over and broke into the door.I saw Li Xiaochen and others were inside.The entire room is covered with instant flying talismans.Zen Master Miaoyin sat down in lotus position, with his eyes closed tightly, he was already lifeless.The clothes on his left chest were torn, and there was a splash of blood.There is no heart, the inside is already empty.

Looking around again, there was no remains of the ancestor of the Xianlun Sect, Kong Kong glared at these people immediately, and shouted: "Minister Li, please explain the situation here immediately!"

Li Xiaochen was worried that they would still arrest Jiang Mier, so he immediately asked Qin Yufei and Zhu Yueji to protect Jiang Mier, Lu Bingbing, father and daughter and retreat.He blocked himself in front of the four golden monks and said, "Isn't this clear enough? Master has entered Nirvana by himself."

Kong Kong shouted angrily: "Nonsense! If the abbot entered Nirvana by himself, why was his heart stolen and the bones of Patriarch Xianlun disappeared?"

Li Xiaochen said: "Well, Master sacrificed himself for others and was willing to give his heart to others. As for the bones... I just take back what belongs to me. There is nothing wrong with that?"

Xu Cheng said in Kong Kong's ear: "He intentionally delays time so that Shuiyue Benefactor and others can escape. Maybe the real culprit is among those people."

"The real murderer?" Kong Kong was slightly taken aback, "You mean, the abbot didn't enter Nirvana by himself, but was killed by someone?"

Xu Cheng said: "There is indeed such a possibility, isn't it? We can't just rely on Minister Li's one-sided words to conclude that what he said is the truth. Besides, didn't you see it just now? Those involved are all with him. Those things that are spread in the market are not necessarily just speculation. Even if Minister Li said the truth, we still have to arrest Shuiyue Benefactor."

Kong Kong agreed with his statement, and said to Li Xiaochen: "Minister Li, whether what you said is true or not, we will not pursue it for the time being. But Master Shuiyue, we must catch her back. If you want to obstruct again, don't blame us You're welcome!"

Li Xiaochen smiled slightly, did not answer, jumped out of the window, and then activated the teleportation technique.The room covered with flying talismans, including everything inside, was instantly transferred to another place by Li Xiaochen.After succeeding, Li Xiaochen didn't stay any longer, and quickly caught up with Jiang Mier and the others.

Zhu Yueji said to him: "Our situation is not optimistic now. It is best to let the irrelevant people go first."

Li Xiaochen looked at Lu Bingbing and her father who were still awake, sent them to a nearby city, and then flew away.Jiang Mier said to him: "Your father-in-law and mother-in-law are looking for you. Adding those four obsessive Jin monks, I think it will be very difficult for us to be at peace. With Jin's ability as a master, we only need to separate the Yang gods." For tens of thousands of copies, it won't take long to search the entire Shenzhou. We must first find a hiding place, and then slowly discuss countermeasures."

Li Xiaochen nodded, and said guiltily to the girls, "It's all my fault, and I've hurt you."

Qin Yufei said: "What time is it, and you still say these out-of-the-ordinary words. There must be a cause and an effect. You show mercy everywhere, and it is normal to be exposed now. But we don't mean to blame you."

Jiang Mier smiled and said: "Yufei is right. Every woman who is with you is destined to be with you because of the previous life. Knowing the cause and effect, I can't blame you."

Zhu Yueji also agreed: "We are all grasshoppers on the same rope, there is no need to distinguish between you and me. The most important thing at the moment is, as Mier said, to find a hiding place that will not be discovered by others. The rest will come later. Say it again."

Li Xiaochen was about to speak, but suddenly heard a bird's whistling from far away.Looking as far as the eye can see, in the farther east, there is a roc flapping its wings and flying towards this side.

Qin Yufei also noticed this roc, and couldn't help saying happily: "There is nowhere to find it, and it's easy to get here. This roc appeared at the right time. Let's hide it in its stomach!"

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