Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 223) Attacking Tianlong Taoist Temple!

Returning to the firewood room with the instant flying technique, Li Xiaochen relaxed his hands and feet in order not to disturb Cai Lao, and quietly fell asleep with Jiang Mier in his arms.But I couldn't help thinking about how to rescue Tang Yao.

With the strength of him and Jiang Mi'er alone, it was impossible to defeat the unprecedentedly powerful Tianlong Taoist Temple head-on.What's more difficult is that it is still unknown where Tang Yao was imprisoned by them.Judging from Jiang Junning's previous tone, they seemed to have a mysterious master who was in charge of watching Tang Yao.

Mrs. Hua made that excessive request again.It seems that she can't be counted on.But now, apart from Mrs. Hua, who is willing to provide Tang Yao with clues to him.

Can Qin Yichuan and Lin Yifei help him?In the face of big right and wrong, they will choose which side to stand on.If you can win the help of your father-in-law and mother-in-law, then you don't have to ask Mrs. Hua.

But no matter how he thought about it, Li Xiaochen felt that it was impossible for him to get support from them.If it's to save Qin Yufei, it's okay, [

"Don't think too much, go to bed early." Seeing Li Xiaochen tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep, Jiang Mier comforted her, "Tomorrow I will use the snow fog eyes to turn into water vapor and fly to Tianlong Taoist Temple to look for A Yao The place of detention. If I can meet her smoothly, I will try to draw a spell on her body. Even if the other party has many gold experts, you can transfer her to your side without any effort."

Li Xiaochen looked at Jiang Mier in surprise, and shouted, "Mier, so you have already figured out a countermeasure for me. This is really... thank you so much."

"Don't be too happy. This is just a preliminary plan. If I can't get to A Yao's side, I can't help it. Anyway, let me try it tomorrow. You have a good rest tonight and recharge your batteries. Don't Annoyed, okay?"

Li Xiaochen nodded quickly, and kissed Jiang Mier fiercely on the cheek a few times: "Mier, you and Yufei are indeed my good housemates. It's great to have you here. I love you so much."

"Stop feeling sick and sleep well." Jiang Mier covered him with a quilt.I also close my eyes and rest.

Early the next morning, Jiang Mier used the power of Xuewuyanzang to turn into water vapor and went up the mountain.Cai got old and didn't see her, so he didn't ask any more questions. He just called Li Xiaochen over to ask, "How much have you learned from what I taught you yesterday. Let's listen."

Li Xiaochen only said four words: "Be right."

Mr. Cai laughed and said, "You can be taught. But you haven't reached the highest level yet. It's wrong to be attached to 'yes'. It's wrong to be attached to ''. You don't care about both sides, so you can feel at ease."

Li Xiaochen thought about his words over and over for a while, before saying, "I understand the reasoning. But it's very difficult to implement it."

"It's useful once, and it's cheap once. You can do as much as you can. There are six realms in the dream, but there is nothing in the dream. When you truly understand the unity of all dharmas, no one can do anything to win you."

Li Xiaochen looked at Cai Lao in surprise, and asked solemnly: "Dare to ask who is the master?"

Mr. Cai shook his head and sighed with a smile: "It's a sign again, isn't it? All living beings are me, and I am all living beings. Heaven and earth have the same root as me, and all things have the same body as me. I'm just an old vegetable grower who has read too many Buddhist scriptures and Taoism books." , It’s just a few nonsense words. I don’t even remember my own name. You should study hard here. I’m going out to work.”

Li Xiaochen watched him go out to the field, thinking carefully about what the old Taoist said.If the golden body is the highest state of "being", then what is the pinnacle of "being".With Li Xiaochen's current cultivation alone, he is still far away from the world's enemies.But if he can reach the realm of "" in the mouth of the old Taoist, he will be able to travel across the world and fight against opponents again.

After thinking for a long time, Li Xiaochen walked to the kitchen, inadvertently picked up the kitchen knife on the cutting board, and suddenly realized.There is harmony, just like black and white, yin and yang, light and darkness...these are opposites, just like the two sides of a kitchen knife.They can be said to be different independent bodies, and some can be said to be a unified whole.Strictly speaking, it is neither independent nor unified.To use the words of Cai Lao, no one can tell what it is.

The realm of cultivating immortals seems to be the same.The reason why the golden body can become the pinnacle of "being" is that it is impeccable.Both the physical body and the primordial spirit have reached the state of perfection.If you continue to practice, you will have to set foot in the realm of immortals.This is a completely different realm from below the golden body level, and it is also the highest level of Taixuan Tian Qingdao.

Now that "you" has reached its peak, the next step should be "".First of all, we have to think from the opposite side of "being".The golden body can resist all physical attacks and fairy attacks.Then "" should be unable to withstand any physical attack and fairy attack.

At first glance, this state of affairs appears suspicious.But as the old saying goes, put it to death before it can be reborn.Everything returns to nothing. From this perspective, the inability to withstand any attack does not mean that one is weak.Pay the price of being unable to resist the attack, and attribute the opponent's attack to nothing.Isn't this exactly where the power of "" lies.

In this way, the realm of "" is different from the effect of the golden body.No, even stronger.There are still times when the golden body is broken.There are no dead ends in the realm.It can be said that the weak wins the strong, and the void wins the wonderful.

If this state can be applied to fighting skills, Li Xiaochen is sure to win even against a hundred gold masters. [

For the next day, Li Xiaochen stayed in the room, thinking about how to reach the realm.

In the evening, Jiang Mier returned to the farmhouse and brought back two pieces of news.


"I have good news and bad news. Which do you want to hear first?"

Li Xiaochen didn't even think about it, and said, "Listen to the good news first."

"The good news is that I know the exact location where Ayao was imprisoned."

"What about the bad news?"

"The bad news is I can't get in. Can't get in touch with her."

"...Then tell me more about the situation."

Jiang Mier took out a map drawn by herself.Explain to Li Xiaochen one by one: "Tianlong Taoist temple has a hall for suppressing demons. There is an old Taoist priest sitting in the hall. Under the futon where the old Taoist sits is the entrance to the organ where A Yao is detained. Every day, the old Taoist priest will bring her meals regularly. .In the outermost layer of Zhenyao Temple. There are Elder Qinggu of Xianlun Sect, Qin Yichuan and his wife, and Jiang Junning. The inner layer is occupied by the four great monks of Banzang Temple. The new head of Tianshan Sect. The head of Kunlun Sect Luo Kui .Shushan sect master Tianxuan Zhenren. And that old nun Huiyuan. They are distributed in the outermost layer of Tianlong Taoist temple. Waiting for your visit. This formation is very strong."

Li Xiaochen nodded and said: "It's amazing. It's like an iron wall. Layer after layer. The deeper you go, the stronger the guards. The reason why you can't see Tang Yao is probably because of that old Taoist priest. He Who the hell is it?"

Jiang Mier said: "I only heard people in Tianlong Taoist Temple call him Shizu. I don't know about the others. That person is quite powerful. His five senses are extremely sharp. Any troubles can't be hidden from him. I dare not get too close. In order not to be discovered by him... No. Or should I put it this way. In fact, he has already discovered my existence. But because I am not close to the Demon Town Hall. So he turned a blind eye. Closed a blind eye."

Li Xiaochen asked curiously: "Aside from him, didn't the others notice you?"

Jiang Mier shook her head.

"What a master." Li Xiaochen's face turned serious. "People at the level of the golden body can't find you. But the old Taoist priest found you. This shows that his cultivation base is definitely above the golden body. It must be very difficult to pass his level."

Jiang Mier agreed: "I think so. How about we go back and invite Yufei and Sister Yueji over. Let's attack together. The chances of winning are better. But I don't guarantee that we can win that unfathomable Old Taoist."

Li Xiaochen immediately vetoed the proposal: "It's not a matter of how many people there are. It's not difficult to infiltrate the Zhenyao Temple. The key is how to rescue Tang Yao. Besides, Yufei and the others are pregnant. I don't want to trouble the two golden men easily." Even if they come, they may not be able to deal with the old Taoist priest. On the contrary, it will increase their danger. But..."

Li Xiaochen whispered something in Jiang Mier's ear.Knocked repeatedly for a while.Jiang Mier agrees with his battle plan: "It's possible. But it's better for me to be the bait. You are the main attack. Try to pass the level of the old Taoist."

after.The two discussed a lot of the next two days.Made sufficient preparations.Li Xiaochen even developed an enhanced version of the Instant Flying Charm.Once the wearer is in a desperate situation.The instant flying talisman will be activated automatically.Send people to designated places.This was also for Jiang Mier's safety.

But three days is too short after all.Li Xiaochen didn't even have time to study the path leading to the realm of "" before, the final day has come.

After nightfall, Li Xiaochen, who had finished his preparations, came to the middle of the mountain to observe the situation in the night sky.The agreed time is running out.Li Xiaochen used vegetation to hide his whereabouts, tried to put himself in the best condition, and waited for Jiang Mier's feint.

At the same time, the interior of Tianlong Taoist Temple has also been properly arranged.All the gold masters are already in their own jurisdiction.Concubine Lin Yi looked at Lang Xing in the sky without worry, frowning.

"What can I see from the astrology?" Qin Yichuan came to her side at some time. [

Lin Yifei turned her head to look at her husband, and asked hesitantly: "If he really comes, should we let him go and let him save people."

Qin Yichuan said decisively: "No need. Once you meet that kid, you and I will attack him together, and we must not show mercy. The son-in-law of my old Qin family must have the courage to kill the Quartet. Three days ago, since he dared to speak out, he He should have the corresponding awareness. Only by defeating us can he have a chance to win against the senior in the Demon Suppressing Hall. Otherwise, it is better to be repelled by us and save a little life than to be killed."

Concubine Lin Yi laughed and said: "You are not frank. You care about our son-in-law, but you still talk hard."

"I didn't." Qin Yichuan blushed, "I just don't want that kid to embarrass our two families."

While the couple was talking, a bird's cry suddenly came from the sky.I saw a huge bird flying down from the sky.When lowered to a certain height, the big bird hovered over the Tianlong Taoist Temple.

"It's a legendary fetish. Kunpeng." The well-informed Qin Yichuan immediately saw the origin of this big bird, "Is this a feint attacking army? Hmph, the brat really has skills. Let me see how you break through Enter the impenetrable Tianlong Taoist temple."

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