Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 224) Fighting with the golden body, let's start!

Li Xiaochen, who was hiding his body, was dormant in the grass, quietly observing the situation of Tianlong Taoist Temple.As a bait, Dapeng must fully attract the attention of those golden masters.Otherwise, it would be very difficult for him to sneak into the Taoist temple.He had to wait until he succeeded in luring the enemy.

At this moment, someone patted him on the back.Li Xiaochen was so startled that he quickly turned around, seeing that it was Qin Yufei and Zhu Yueji, he was relieved.

Immediately, he asked angrily, "What are you doing here?"

Qin Yufei smiled and said, "Of course I'm here to support our husband."

With a straight face, Li Xiaochen reprimanded: "Nonsense! Do you know how many golden masters there are in Tianlong Taoist Temple? Don't come to meddle if you are pregnant. I can handle it myself!" [

Zhu Yueji said: "Of course we know how dangerous it is inside, that's why we came to help. We are more worried about you breaking in alone."

Li Xiaochen asked extremely displeased: "Jiang Mier must have told you?"

Qin Yufei was noncommittal, and asked with a smile: "There is one thing, I want to ask clearly. Since you overheard their conversation, you should know that if you don't save A Yao, her life will not be in danger. But you Why do you still insist on jumping into the pit they dug? Isn’t this a self-inflicted trap?”

Li Xiaochen's eyes flickered, and he said in a deep voice, "Because I don't believe in Jiang Junning!"

"Oh?" Zhu Yueji also became interested, "There seems to be something inside that we don't know about."

Seeing that the time for action had not yet come, Li Xiaochen took the time to explain to them: "Tang Yao's master, Mrs. Hui Yuan, came to Tianlong Taoist Temple for many days, but was not allowed to meet Tang Yao. The one who stopped her was Jiang Junning. Yu Fei , You know this person too. When Zixian met in the finals, he had a dark hand on me. If it weren't for my good fortune, I'm afraid I would have fallen into his hands. After that, I was lucky to get Yufei Your favor. You don't need to ask, Jiang Junning definitely hates me."

Qin Yufei nodded and said, "I understand your concerns. You are afraid that Ayao will suffer in his hands. Because she is also your woman. Jiang Junning can't use you to vent his anger, maybe he will attack Ayao. You Absolutely unreasonable. If Hui Yuan is with them, Jiang Junning has no reason not to let her visit Tang Yao. Unless there is something ulterior in this."

"Yufei, you and I are one husband and wife, and our hearts are connected. Among so many women, you understand me the most." Li Xiaochen took Qin Yufei's hand, his eyes softened a lot, "I'm really worried about Tang Yao's situation. So knowing that there is a trap waiting for me, I have to force my way into it."

After finishing speaking, Li Xiaochen turned to Zhu Yueji, and said again: "Yueji, since you are here, just wait here and meet me at any time. The two of you should take care of each other, don't force yourself. Especially Yufei, they are also here trying to catch you."

Zhu Yueji frowned and said, "I want to go up to the Tianlong Taoist Temple with you. You can't handle the situation inside you alone."

Li Xiaochen gently caressed Zhu Yueji's face, and suddenly hugged her into his arms: "Caiwei, I promise you, I will definitely come back alive. I still have a lot to say to you. Please stay here to meet me, okay?" ?”

When Zhu Yueji heard him say the name "Caiwei", she was so excited that she hugged her sweetheart: "You know everything?"

"I only know that you have been waiting for me for a long time. I only know that I cannot disappoint your affection. I only know that I cannot let you go on an adventure with me. Because I don't want to lose you." Li Xiaochen said on Zhu Yueji's pretty face After kissing her, he gave her to Qin Yufei, "Don't mess around. If you hurt my child, I will be angry."

Qin Yufei caught Zhu Yueji and nodded slowly.After practicing Yin Yang Qi Gui Jue to the highest level, she was able to personally understand Li Xiaochen's heart.As Li Xiaochen's wife and as a mother-to-be, she knew that she should give priority to protecting her children.Even if she is already a master of gold, she can't easily fight with others, so as not to move her fetus.

"Be careful." Qin Yufei stepped forward and gave Li Xiaochen an affectionate hug.

Seeing that he was determined to do so, Zhu Yueji had no choice but to come over obediently, and snuggled into his arms just like Qin Yufei.

After enjoying this short-lived warmth to the fullest, Li Xiaochen made up his mind and released the two beautiful wives from his arms.At this time, the roc in the sky had already spread its huge wings and slapped Tianlong Daoist with all its might!

If Peng's wings are spread out according to their original size, they can reach tens of thousands of miles.But in order not to be too noticeable, it shrunk its stature.Even so, the power of this pair of wings is not trivial.

After Dapeng flapped its wings, a violent hurricane immediately blew up on this mountain.Because the strength of the roc was too domineering and powerful, this shocking hurricane immediately rolled up sand, stones, grass and trees.The surrounding area was darkened by the strong wind, and the vibration continued. [

In just a few seconds, the entire mountain was shaking, and there was a faint tendency to be blown away by the wind.The walls of the Tianlong Taoist Temple had already been battered by the hurricane.The bricks and tiles of the houses inside were almost completely destroyed by the wind.In an instant, the Taoist temple had turned into an unsightly mess.Only the Zhenyao Temple remained intact and remained intact.

Those Taoist priests with relatively shallow cultivation had already been blown away by the wind.Even a master like Elder Qing Gu could barely stabilize his body.The huge wind pressure generated by the powerful hurricane actually prevented the true air pressure in the bodies of the golden masters to function normally.


"Take the Demon Suppressing Hall as the center and shrink the defensive circle!" Elder Qing Gu saw that the opponent was powerful and there was no need for his side to stick to the Tianlong Taoist Temple that had been reduced to rubble, so he immediately ordered and directed the dispatch.

The rest of the people waited for orders, shrunk their defenses, and surrounded the Demon Town Hall.The four gods and monks of Banzang Temple occupy the four directions of Suzaku, Xuanwu, Qinglong and Baihu respectively, forming a magic circle.Everyone folded their palms together and recited the Buddha's name.

Not long after, a huge hemispherical golden transparent barrier appeared out of thin air, covering Zhenyao Temple and the rest of the people.The enchantment is covered with various golden secret spells and mysterious patterns.Other golden bodies came over one after another, pressed their palms on them, injected real energy, and assisted the four monks to build the barrier.

The protective area of ​​this golden transparent enchantment is getting bigger and bigger, not long after, it has covered the entire mountain.No matter how much Dapeng flapped its wings, it couldn't break the thick barrier.The defense constructed by the joint efforts of more than a dozen golden experts is definitely not a joke.Even if it is as strong as Dapeng, it will be difficult to shake.

Jiang Mier, who was standing on Peng's back, immediately sent out a signal.Li Xiaochen took a few more glances at Fei and Ji, then flew into the air and landed beside Jiang Mier.Without further ado, he took out the Flying Immortal Sword, aimed at the huge indestructible barrier below and swung a sword!

Platinum sword energy roared out, like a comet crashing into the earth, blatantly hitting the golden barrier.The sword energy with the strongest physical attack constantly impacted this powerful barrier comparable to the ice armor of Yutian, and the outcome was evenly divided.

Li Xiaochen frowned, and called out, "Mi'er!"

Jiang Mier understood immediately, took out the Ziya Sword, concentrated all her strength on the sword, and swung the sword as well.The Ziya sword qi entangled by the cloud-piercing lightning roared out a deafening dragon chant, rushed towards the enchantment where the Feixian sword qi focused on attacking, and radiated with it, forming a dazzling purple-gold light.

The huge impact caused the entire mountain to shake violently.But it's a pity that the two entangled sword qi still couldn't break through the solid golden barrier.

At this time, Qin Yufei floated over, took out Xiaoxue Sword, and said to Li Xiaochen: "It seems that you need a little help. I only do support work for you. You don't blame me for being troublesome, do you?"

At this point, Li Xiaochen couldn't stop Qin Yufei, so he nodded.As long as she isn't in the front line fighting or getting attacked, that's fine.

Qin Yufei got the consent, mobilized the power of Xiao Xuejian, and swung the sword towards the golden barrier.The icy blue light shot out, as if it wanted to melt everything in the world, and merged with Feixian and Ziya's two sword qi, launching the strongest attack ever.

Under the combined onslaught of the three divine soldiers' sword qi, cracks finally appeared in the golden barrier.Qin Yichuan and Lin Yifei looked at each other and nodded in unison.They each took out two magical weapons, Fengxia and Huangxia.The airflow in the air immediately became hotter.

"Stinky boy, don't get complacent too early. Let me show you the strength of your father-in-law and mother-in-law!" Qin Yichuan took Lin Yifei out of the ranks of injecting true energy into the four monks, came to the side, and put the sword shape of Phoenix Shuangxia Dissolve it.

I saw two kinds of divine birds, phoenix and phoenix, flying out of the flames, soaring into the sky, and crashing into the place where the sword energy combined to attack.The originally colorful light became even more dazzling after adding the color of the red flame.The powerful energies of the two sides erupted with a loud bang in the fierce collision, shaking the valley and forests trembling.

The enchantment that originally had cracks was also able to take a breather because of the divine power of the Phoenix Shuangxia.In the blink of an eye, the rift healed.After all, the sword energy is only a part of the power of the divine weapon, and it cannot compete with the main body of the Phoenix Shuangxia.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Mier and Qin Yufei looked at each other tacitly, and turned their magic soldiers into thunderous purple lightning and pure snow flakes respectively, urging them to join the battle.

The golden enchantment created by more than a dozen gold masters is very close to the state of a golden body in terms of physical defense and magic defense, and it is definitely not easy to break.Coupled with the support of Phoenix Shuangxia, it is even more shocking.Even though Ziya and Xiaoxue are amazing soldiers, it is still very difficult to break through the other side's defense.

Seeing that there was nothing he could do, Li Xiaochen made a teleportation trick, trying to forcibly perform a space jump.But after several attempts, he still stood where he was, unable to move.It seems that if there is no gap in the golden barrier, the teleportation technique will not be able to bring him into the Demon Town Hall.

Now it's tricky.A dozen golden bodies are already so difficult to deal with.The unfathomable old Taoist priest in the Temple of Demon Suppression has yet to show up, let alone use a single move.It seems that if you don't use your full strength, you have no chance of winning at all. [

When the two sides were fighting fiercely, Podojima, who was on a certain mountain in the distance, showed excited eyes.He said to Liu Rongwei beside him: "Look carefully, this is the most interesting fight in the past century in the world of immortality in China. Both sides are masters of gold. And five of the seven great soldiers in the world of immortality They all appeared. It was just an appetizer just now. The real blood-pumping battle is about to come!"

No matter how gloomy and cold Liu Rongwei's personality is, he was also excited by this unprecedented duel.The lineups of both sides are so luxurious.Immortal art and Taoism are even more exquisite.Fighting together, sparks are sure to fly, and it will be brilliant.

With just a few people, can Li Xiaochen defeat the strong with the weak, and defeat the super strong team that gathered all the golden masters in the righteous way of the immortal cultivation world in China?Liu Rongwei can't wait to know the next battle situation.

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