Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 227) Living in a Bad Space

【Chapter 458】

Li Xiaochen immediately switched to the golden body mode, using the Feixian sword to block the aggressive Fengxia sword, and at the same time said to Mrs. Hua: "Stand back!"

Seeing that he was protecting her, Mrs. Hua smiled and obediently hid behind him. When Fengxia and Feixian collided violently, Li Xiaochen freed up his other hand and slapped Qin Yichuan with a powerful vajra hand.

Qin Yichuan, who was fully fired, was not afraid at all, and slapped the golden handprint with a powerful palm.The two phases collided, and each of them shook for a while, and took a few steps back.

"Don't be polite to this tyrant traitor, let's go together!" Jiang Junning gestured, except for the four great monks and Jiang Ming who maintained the golden barrier, the rest of the golden masters all entered the golden body state, and launched at Li Xiaochen Violent offensive. [

Faced with such an unfavorable situation, Li Xiaochen laughed loudly, pulled out the Feixian gourd, raised his head, and drank the water of merit stored in it for many days.There are four secret seals on the forehead and between the brows.Since the flying fairy sword technique caused substantial damage to the golden body, he withdrew it for the time being and used the flying fairy nine moves created by himself.

In the case of equal strength, the number of people will largely determine the outcome.In a head-to-head confrontation, no matter how strong Li Xiaochen was, he would be no match for four with two fists.So in the first form, he resorted to holding the handicap and guarding the handicap, drawing Tai Chi with both hands.This formula combined with the Fuxi seal of the Jiang family passed down by Jiang Mi'er, which has the power of four or two, can make up for the gap in number.

The first to attack was Luo Kui, the head of the Kunlun School, and Tianxuan, the head of the Shushan School.They are one left and one right, one yin and one yang, and they evolve into the trend of "two appearances".Liangyi gives birth to four images, and four images give birth to gossip.There are ever-changing traps in this.If Li Xiaochen was not paying attention, he would be entangled by them.

Luo Kui and Li Xiaochen had some karma when they were in Kunlun Mountain, and they intended to help him secretly, so they would not try their best.Master Tianxuan was rescued by Qin Yufei and Zhu Yueji to treat his disciple Xiao Yitian. Although Li Xiaochen originally caused his injury, after all, Fei and Ji treated him with great care and dedication, so naturally it was not easy to kill him.Therefore, the leaders of the two factions only wanted to capture Li Xiaochen alive without harming him.The tricks used are also mainly grappling.

It's just that when the two of them attacked, Li Xiaochen's one move was rudimentary, and with the help of Fu Xiyin, he melted away the "two instruments of heaven and earth", and immediately deciphered the last move of "birth of all things".Before they were surprised, the new head of the Tianshan School, Tang Yao's master Hui Yuan and the current head of the Jiang family, Jiang Junning, attacked together.

Flipping his hands, Li Xiaochen drew a big Taiji diagram, stirring and spreading out the immortal techniques they created one by one, as if he could accommodate all rivers.Everyone felt that their strength was like being trapped in a swamp, being sucked in by this huge Taiji diagram little by little, and they were all very surprised.At this moment, Qin Yichuan and Lin Yifei who had retrieved Huangxia went around and attacked Li Xiaochen from behind.

The Phoenix Shuangxia completely released into the form of a phoenix, wrapping the golden bodies of the two respectively, as if wearing a gorgeous coat of red flames.It was so powerful that it had already turned the surrounding mountains, rocks, vegetation into dust.

Li Xiaochen had been prepared for a long time, and quickly turned sideways, freeing his left hand, and drew another Tai Chi diagram, another move to hold the handicap.Qin Yichuan and his wife turned into a pair of phoenixes, drawing two bright lights in the dark night sky, and hitting the Taiji diagram heavily.The scorching fire-type celestial art emanated from their bodies like the scattered feathers of a phoenix, scorching the bright Tai Chi diagram.

Li Xiaochen's whole body was shaken, almost unable to withstand the powerful attacks of the two masters.But he will never drop the chain at a critical moment.He gritted his teeth fiercely, mobilized the true energy in his body, and insisted on accepting this golden body-level big move that was enough to burn the sky.

However, even though he managed to sustain the first collision between the two sides, he still felt overwhelmed by the various destructive fire-type immortal arts that continuously emanated from the two masters.The strength of Qin Yichuan and Lin Yifei's fairy attack lies in its full stamina, which is as intense and stimulating as the flames of vodka.

Li Xiaochen maximized the effect of Fuxi Yin, trying his best to dissolve their endless magic spells.

But Qin and Lin are different from other top cultivators.Their understanding of fairy art has reached a very high level.You don't need to pinch any instructions, and you can let the vitality-filled fairy art attack the target autonomously like an elf.And the attack power is amazing, just like the dead soldiers who go forward one after another, they have strong determination and will, and they will not give up until they burn the target.

With all his strength, Li Xiaochen managed to stabilize the situation a little.Then he used all his strength to forcefully move his left and right hands, and drew another circle.The golden body-level energy borne by both hands merged into one, and finally he forcibly kneaded it into a Tai Chi diagram with even more astonishing energy.

These golden masters were relieved of some strength and restrained, and had to move with Li Xiaochen's hands.Everyone only felt that there were many invisible silk-like forces in this Tai Chi diagram, growing rapidly along their arms, binding them so that they could not move.

That Tai Chi diagram is like a spider web.Li Xiaochen is the spider that weaves the spider's silk.Not long after, Li Xiaochen, relying on the power of the golden body and the power of the four secret seals, successfully turned the real power of the opponent into his own use.Holding the Tai Chi diagram with both hands, he threw it at the golden masters who couldn't break free for a while.

This Taiji diagram was like a huge spider web, which engulfed them all at once and stuck them to the golden barrier.

Liu Rongwei, who was watching the battle from a distance, had shock written all over his face at this moment: "Too, so powerful! One person fought against so many golden masters, and finally restrained them so that they could not escape. Li Xiaochen is not human at all!"

Guijiu snorted noncommittally, and said, "What is this? If the power of Tianmeng is fully awakened, dealing with a dozen or so golden masters is as easy as chopping melons and vegetables. But now it seems that he has not obtained all The power of Tianmeng. It stands to reason that he went to Banzang Temple to mold a golden body, so his strength should not be limited to this."

Guijiu's eyes flickered for a moment, then he suddenly looked at Qin Yufei who was on Dapeng's back, and suddenly said: "So that's it. Tianmeng, oh Tianmeng, you are so stupid! You have obtained the cultivation of Sword Valley, and you could have directly entered the realm of immortals. Realm. But after all, you are still a hero who can’t pass the beauty test. In order to create a golden body for her, you don’t hesitate to waste your own cultivation... Huh ha ha ha! Luo Jia must have sucked you very well!" [

Speaking of the last sentence, Guijiu was both happy and resentful.

Li Xiaochen temporarily restrained these golden experts, but he still couldn't escape from the golden barrier.So he turned to attack the four golden monks.


Since the enchantment is jointly maintained by the four of them, it's enough to make them work together to create the enchantment.As long as they disturb them, the enchantment will definitely become unstable.Jiang Mier and the others outside just need to seize the opportunity and create a large enough crack, and he will have a way to get out.

"Xu Huai!" Seeing Li Xiaochen approaching, Xu Kong immediately reacted, "Activate 'Cheng live in Bad Kong', from bad to empty!"

The four golden monks immediately put their left palms in front of their chests, keeping them unchanged, freeing up their right hands to make Buddhist mudras. "Cheng, live, bad, emptiness" requires the four of them to work together.Its meaning is just like its name.Every world, the earth, the solar system, the Milky Way, and even the worlds of all sizes go through four processes: becoming, living, decaying, and emptiness.

The formation period of the world, the residence period of life, the collapse period of the world, and finally the entire world disappears and returns to emptiness.

This move is extremely powerful, if fully used, it can destroy the world.This "Cheng, Live, Bad and Space" can be used in stages.For example, "from growing to living", that is a recovery-type spell full of vitality, which can revive all dead things and reunite the collapsed world.

From bad to empty, it does the opposite, decaying and destroying everything within a certain range.Li Xiaochen had just gotten a little closer to them, and he felt the power of this terrifying technique.Because he found that the clothes on his body were turning into ashes little by little.The hairs are also gradually turning into scraps.

Feeling bad, he immediately backed away to distance himself from the four monks.At this time, he noticed that the speed of body damage had slowed down.

Is it possible that these four golden bald donkeys can use this kind of magic to break the golden body?Suspicious Li Xiaochen stared at the four monks, not daring to be careless.

"Benefactor Li..." Xu Kong suddenly spoke to him, "The poor monk asked you, did you kill the abbot of this temple?"

Li Xiaochen was stunned for a moment, then said immediately: "Of course not. Zen Master Miaoyin has entered Nirvana by himself."

Kong Kong said: "Since that's the case, who took the abbot's heart? The abbot himself is nirvana, so why dig out his own heart?"

"He dug out the heart to save people..." Li Xiaochen was afraid of being misunderstood by them, so he briefly told the four of them on the spot.Finally, I added a sentence: "If you don't believe me, Lu Bingbing and his daughter can testify for me."

After the four monks heard this, they were all silent.However, Li Xiaochen discovered at this time that cracks appeared in his golden body.The surprise was no small matter.The four golden bald donkeys also have such terrible tricks that they can collapse the golden body that resists all physical attacks and magic attacks!

In fact, whether it is a cultivator, all things in the world, or even Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, they must abide by the laws and laws of the world.The reason why the body of dharmata is immortal is because it is what it is, and it is also in the "law".

No life can violate the law.Even if it is a golden body, it is absolutely impossible to be immortal.Because it is cultivated by the cultivator himself, and it is completely different from the original dharmakaya.

In the face of laws and regulations, everything must operate in accordance with it.This is like no matter how powerful a cultivator is, he can't change Newton's law.These laws and rules exist objectively and will not change because of the strength of the individual.

Cheng Zhu bad emptiness is just using some profound distance, within a certain range, to speed up the operation of the law, so that everything changes.Therefore, in the face of the law, the golden body can also inevitably "go from bad to empty".

Even though Li Xiaochen possessed the highly repairable Baicao Seal, the speed of repair could not keep up with the speed of Honkai.Not long after, Li Xiaochen's golden body was completely shattered, turning into a body of flesh and blood.

"Too powerful..." For the first time, Li Xiaochen felt that the strength of these golden monks was so abnormal.

He has no chance of winning in the face of "Cheng Zhu Bad Kong".Even the Tai Chi Diagram that captured the golden masters before has been broken.The situation that was originally favorable to him was reversed by the four monks. [

【Chapter 227】Cheng live bad space

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