Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 228) Qin Yufei commits suicide

Jiang Mier and the others, who were on the back of the roc, were surprised to see Li Xiaochen's golden body destroyed. The four great monks of Banzang Temple have been born and practiced, and have never been well-known in China. Who would have thought that they would be so powerful?

They obviously didn't use all their strength in that move just now, otherwise Li Xiaochen would have survived. Li Xiaochen, who lost his golden body, now not only has to face the golden masters in the world of immortal cultivation in China, but also has to beware of the four great monks in this kind of situation. Under the circumstances, no one would think that Li Xiaochen had even the slightest chance of winning

Qin Yufei was concerned, but disregarded her own body and wanted to fly down to break the damned golden barrier. Zhu Yueji immediately pulled Qin Yufei back when she saw her move: "Don't be impulsive, you can't shake that barrier by yourself."

"But he has lost his golden body and is surrounded by enemies. I'm afraid he will..." Qin Yufei's face was full of anxiety and chaos.

Zhu Yueji is also very unwilling, but what can she do? Why doesn't she want to help Li Xiaochen out of trouble? It was only the three of them and Li Xiaochen who managed to make a more obvious crack in the golden barrier. Now Jiang Mier has tried her best. There is no way to provide any more support. She and Qin Yufei are both pregnant and should not act rashly.

She has lived the longest and is more calm than the other two wives of Li Xiaochen. The only thing she can do now is to stabilize Qin Yufei's emotions so that the child in her belly does not make a mistake, so as not to regret it for the rest of her life.

"Yufei, let's not be impatient. If we want to save people, we must calm down and discuss together to see if we can come up with a solution." Zhu Yueji looked at Jiang Mier as she spoke, "Mier, you are the smartest of the three of us, have you come up with anything good?" way"

Jiang Mier said weakly: "We are all old, weak, sick and disabled and temporarily useless. Now the only thing we can count on is this big roc under our feet."

Qin Yufei frowned and said, "With Dapeng's ability, it's hard to break through that barrier."

Zhu Yueji thought for a while and said, "Maybe we can let Pengfei go up to the sky and let us lead the thunder to try to split the golden barrier."

"I think it's more difficult or it won't be of much use." Jiang Mi'er frowned and thought hard, trying to think of a way to save Li Xiaochen, but the environment Li Xiaochen was facing was too dangerous and there was no time for her. After thinking about it for a while, she couldn't come up with any feasible plan.

For the first time in her life, Jiang Mier felt that she could do nothing. In the past, no matter what kind of situation she faced, she would always be able to make every effort to win in danger, but in the face of absolute strength, none of her strategies would be effective. Could it be that she really wanted to just watch Li? Was Xiao Chen captured by them?

The more she thought about it, the more upset she became. Jiang Mier also lost her composure and couldn't control herself, so anxious that she burst into tears.

"Mier, don't be too anxious, let's think about it carefully." Zhu Yueji hugged Jiang Mier tightly and comforted her with kind words. This is terrible. Qin Yufei, who has always been relatively calm, has lost her reason and the unpredictable Jiang Mier can do nothing. Is Li Xiaochen doomed to escape this disaster tonight?

Just when they were panicking like ants on a hot pot, Podojiu floated onto Dapeng's back with his unique sinister smile and said, "Do you want to save Tianmeng? I have an idea."

"Go away" Zhu Yueji screamed and wanted to strike

"Don't hurry to chase Miss Yueji... Oh, shouldn't I call you Caiwei?"

"If you don't leave, I will kill you until there is no dregs left"

"Oh, don't you want to witness the scene where Tianmeng was killed?"

Jiang Mier stared at Guijiu and shouted: "He won't be killed, even if he loses, he will only be captured. Don't be so alarmist and demagogic."

Onijiu smiled leisurely and said, "Ziya Yaoji, it's Fairy Xixia or Trisina... No matter what you call you, I think you should be the smartest woman. Think about it. The end result is only to miss and get captured, why are you so nervous? In fact, a thought has already been born in your heart... Yes, Tianmeng is facing the possibility of being killed, so you will be afraid, anxious and angry, and try to change the facts..."

"Shut up." Qin Yufei didn't want to listen to him anymore, "Get out of here quickly, I don't want to see you again for half a second"

"It's really love, Luo Jia, how can I say that I spent a good time with you? Didn't you love me to death? Now that you have a new love, you want to drive away the old love. No matter how you treat me, my door is always open. You are open and you can fall into my arms anytime"

Onijiu happily admired the wonderful expressions of the three girls and continued: "... It seems that you are not very happy, do you want me to tell your sweetheart the truth in person... In fact, you have already given me your first night, but in order not to It hurt his heart, so you had that membrane repaired, and when you made out with him, you put on a jerky look on purpose to give him the illusion that you're still a virgin, but when it's hard for you, you're still. will reveal the truth of his own experience...”[

Zhu Yueji and Jiang Mier didn't want to listen to Guijiu's nonsense, but they didn't know what kind of spell this guy cast to attract them to listen.

What's worse is that after Guijiu finished speaking, both of them looked at Qin Yufei in surprise, and then they realized that their subconscious actions would hurt Qin Yufei, so they quickly withdrew their impolite gazes.


Jiang Mier looked at Qin Yufei firmly and said, "Yufei, we believe that you will stop listening to this eloquent bastard."

Zhu Yueji also echoed: "We are good sisters and will support you no matter what."

Onijiu laughed and floated to a higher position and said: "If that's the case, why did you look at her with that disdainful look just now? This shows that you have doubts in your heart. You are doubting her, but you are indeed very right to suspect it, I think." Tianmeng will have the same doubts when he hears the facts I stated, because he knows Luo Jia better than me. Why didn't Li Xiaochen touch that place before marriage? Because Luo Jia was afraid that she was a virgin If the fact is discovered by Li Xiaochen, then he will definitely suspect Lin Hanzhi, because a reserved and polite goddess like Qin Yufei will never mess with men, and only Lin Hanzhi..."

"Fifth Literature" is updated the fastest, and the whole text is hand-typed

"That's enough, stop talking." Qin Yufei, who was already a little mentally fragile, was defeated by Guijiu's words at this moment, and her psychological defense line was defeated. She couldn't stand still and almost fell off Dapeng's back. Fortunately, Jiang Mier and Zhu Yueji got her out in time. Pulled back to the center of the back

"Despicable villain" Jiang Mier only hated herself for using the magic spell after exhausting too much strength before, otherwise she would fly up and dismantle the ghost socket into pieces

"Hahaha Luojia, if you really feel ashamed, you won't be weak in your legs and feet. You and I didn't have sex on our wedding night, as the world has said. In fact, I was still alive as Lin Hanzhi in the morning of that night. It made you twitch all over hahahaha..."

"You..." Qin Yufei was about to speak but felt a burst of abdominal pain. She had to hug her stomach and tried her best to endure the pain.

"Yufei, you must keep calm," Zhu Yueji hurriedly persuaded her, fearing that her mind would become too chaotic and seriously affect the fetus.

Jiang Mier hurriedly covered her ears to prevent her from listening to Podojiu's bewitching words. At the same time, she said to Zhu Yueji: "I will take care of Sister Yueji here, go and kill that nonsense Podojiu."

Zhu Yueji nodded, turned on the golden body mode, and rushed forward, intending to kill this bastard who deceived the public, and she knew the tricks of the mouth

Back then when Zhu Yueji and Li Xiaochen watched Tianmeng's past together, she naturally knew that Immortal Liebai was a disgraceful person.

It's a pity that the ghost socket looks like a ghost and disappears in the same place in an instant, leaving Zhu Yueji empty-handed, looking around and finding the ghost socket, Zhu Yueji had to go back to Qin Yufei and said, "Don't worry, the ghost socket is gone."

Qin Yufei rubbed her painful stomach and said sadly, "Don't listen to his nonsense... I have... I, I have given Lin Hanzhi my first love. Chen is my only man, please believe me..."

Zhu Yueji nodded and said, "Yeah, we all believe in you, right, Mier?"

"For Yufei, we have always believed in you. Besides, it doesn't matter if it's not the first time It's important, anyway, you have been loyal to each other's bodies since you got married, and if you want to say sorry, only the stinky hooligans are sorry for you..."

"Mier" Zhu Yueji winked at Jiang Mier

"Ah, what I mean is... oh, the stinky rascal is actually very good, but it's a little tricky, but it's a solution, isn't it? Who made us all have a relationship with him in the past life, and the fate of the present life happened to be here... But we don't have the slightest The most important thing is that you don’t doubt your feelings for him.” Go around, Jiang Mier finally put her tongue around

Immediately she suddenly came to her senses and shouted: "Too bad we have been delayed by him so we have more time to think of ways to save people."

The three girls were so frightened that they looked towards the golden barrier, only to see that Li Xiaochen, who had lost his golden body protection, was using all kinds of fairy arts to deal with those golden masters in the world of immortal cultivation in China. The four secret seals had been exerted on him. With the greatest effect and the full use of the Feixian Nine Styles created by himself, he managed to maintain the unbeaten situation. Of course, this is when the four monks did not make a move

But at this moment, the three girls saw that nasty ghost appeared next to the golden barrier like a viper and hissed at Li Xiaochen.

For a moment, Li Xiaochen was a little absent-minded, revealing his flaws. The seasoned gold masters immediately seized his weakness and attacked Li Xiaochen fiercely, being forced to retreat one after another.

Seeing his slack eyes filled with tears, Qin Yufei bit her lips and felt that she was humiliated. She knew in her heart that Podojiu must have said those words to her husband, and Li Xiaochen's heart must have been shaken.

Guijiu said that Qin Yufei and Lin Hanzhi had been married for a long time, and described the wedding night more than three years ago in all kinds of ugly words, and it was hard for Li Xiaochen not to be affected

Psychologically, men have more or less virginity complexes. Although the morality of modern society is declining day by day, many people don’t care about these things, but that’s just superficial. Under the circumstances, most men will definitely marry virgins first

Recalling the first time after he and Qin Yufei got married, Li Xiaochen felt that his sweet wife was really shy at first, but then she was not framed and sloppy.

&p;n "Listening to Chao Pavilion" is the fastest update, the whole text is typed by hand bsp; no, no, no, it's just because of this that it makes sense. After remembering the previous life, those experiences and skills are naturally retained in her mind, and the girls will inevitably feel a little embarrassed for the first time. After contacting each other, they let go of each other psychologically. This is really normal. What is so strange

Besides, even Qin Yufei despises you, you're being pretentious, and she commits herself to you, is considerate and gentle to you, and obeys everything. Where can I find such a good woman?

Even if Qin Yufei really has something to do with Lin Hanzhi, Li Xiaochen thinks that the deep relationship between him and Qin Yufei is enough to overwhelm these insignificant things, not to mention he doesn't believe that Qin Yufei would pretend to be a virgin to deceive him

Because these chats came from Onijiu, and Onijiu is a villainous villain. Just looking at him bewitching the Immortal Emperor and causing Tianmeng to die on the battlefield, you know that this bastard is scheming and despicable.

Having figured this out, Li Xiaochen is determined not to listen to those provocative words from Podojiu again.

But Qin Yufei couldn't think about it. She reluctantly stood up and walked to the edge of Dapeng's back and shouted at Li Xiaochen: "Don't listen to Guijiu's nonsense, I swear that I will marry you with a clean body and never had a relationship with Lin Hanzhi. If you Still don't believe I'm willing to die to prove my innocence"

After speaking, Qin Yufei took out the dagger and wanted to stab her in the stomach

"No!" Li Xiaochen, Jiang Mier, Zhu Yueji, Qin Yichuan and Lin Yifei, the five of them turned pale in shock and shouted at the same time

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