Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 28] You know too much

Jiang Mier tidied up her appearance a little and opened the door.

It was a middle-aged man in his 40s who knocked on the door.

The whole head is almost barren.Only the back of the head has some sparse hair.

Windy ears, drunken nose.Sharp-billed monkey cheeks, with a wretched expression.

A men's vest, a pair of knee-length shorts, and a pair of flip-flops.

He was shaking a tattered fan in his hand.

The middle-aged man did not expect that the one who came out to open the door would be a stunning beauty with a thousand charms.

He raised his eyebrows.A pair of small sneaky eyes rolled around Jiang Mi'er's body.

This melon-seeded face as bright as peaches and plums, this well-proportioned firm and crisp breasts, this willow waist that can't be grasped, this round and sexy hot buttocks, these short and well-fitting attractive legs, this is a wonderful workmanship. Delicate little feet, this tender white and delicate crystal jade skin...

Tsk tsk, saliva...

Upon closer inspection, if you take out any of her facial features, they are all top-notch in the world, and you can't find any faults.

What's even more rare is that after the combination of the five sense organs, they still conform to the golden ratio of "three courts and five eyes" and "four highs and three lows"!

After a little visual inspection, he found that the beauty in front of him had an astonishing head-to-body ratio of 1:9.

I didn't expect to see the legendary nine-headed body here!

Even the upper and lower body ratio is exactly 5:8, which is well-proportioned and coordinated, in line with the "golden section" law!

Shocked, only four words remained in the middle-aged man's mind - perfect!

In the more than 40 years he has traveled, he has also seen all kinds of beauties, big and small.

But no one can compare to this flawless super beauty in front of her!

The more the middle-aged man watched, the more excited he became, and the more he watched, the more agitated he became.All the raging desires in his heart were burning up.

He smirked and rubbed his chin.The greedy eyes with endless desires sucked Jiang Mier from head to toe.

He kept saying, "Excellent, haha, really excellent..."

Jiang Mier felt uncomfortable being stared at by him.Said: "We have paid the water and electricity bills. Please come back to collect them next month."

She pulled her hand to close the door.

The middle-aged man pushed with both hands, saving the chance to meet the beautiful woman.

"Miss, I don't collect water and electricity bills. My name is Wu Youyan, and I live in the yard of this old housing area. You can call me Kiss Little Yanyan or Bad Little Husband. I don't mind. Don't be shy, Even if you have the guts to call it yo."

Jiang Mier snorted, and asked, "Is there anything wrong with you?"

Hearing her question, Wu Youyan remembered his purpose.

Tonight, he had set up a couch on the roof of the old building to enjoy the cool air.

But the cloudy and starry night sky was suddenly overcast with thunder.

The breath of the divine weapon emanating from nowhere made all the hairs on his body stand on end.

After a little perception, Wu Youyan discovered that the source of this breath was in the old housing area.

I don't know which immortal cultivator is so bold and so ostentatious in a densely populated place.

He, who has always coveted the sharp weapon of magic weapon, has to join in the fun no matter what.

Maybe there are immortal cultivators fighting here.When they fight to the point of losing both sides, he will come behind him and get the magic weapon.

He thought happily in his heart, so he chased after him looking for his breath.Unexpectedly, this breath disappeared without a trace in an instant.

So he had to knock on doors, hoping to find some clues.

Walking to the corridor of this house, Wu Youyan vaguely heard a woman's cry.

He has also heard the groaning of various women because he has been practicing some unorthodox methods of harvesting yin and replenishing yang all the year round.

But no one has ever made such a heart-piercing scream.

There is a bit of weakness in the wild.There is a bit of pain in the lament.

Its degree of misery is no less than that of a woman's repeated screams during childbirth.

This voice of not playing cards according to the routine suddenly made Wu Youyan feel unprecedentedly excited.

He put the previous things behind him, just want to quickly find the owner of the call and get her.

When Xunsheng found this house, Wu Youyan was shocked.

That voice was actually made by such a beautiful and moving stunner!

His mind is not impure.To be able to misinterpret Jiang Mier's painful mourning sound into something else.

This is exactly: If there is shit in my heart, everyone is shit.If the mind is not correct, the lion's roar will also be a slap in the face.

Wu Youyan's face was full of obscenity, and he looked at Jiang Mi'er carefully again, and said with mixed truth: "Actually, I am a cultivator. I just watched the stars at night and observed the heart of heaven, and suddenly saw a sudden change in the situation. Obviously there are nine heavenly soldiers In this world. Now I see the fierce look on the young lady's face, and a catastrophe is imminent. I'm afraid I won't survive tonight."

Jiang Mier stared at the fan in his hand, her heart tightened: This fan hides immortal energy, obviously it is a magic weapon of the immortal family.Could it be that he is a cultivator hiding in the world?

Looking at Wu Youyan's face for a while, Jiang Mier felt a little relieved.

Judging from his complexion, he is probably a lustful person who does not know how to restrain his desires and is greedy for sex.

Maybe some tricks have been practiced through some crooked ways, but it violates the way of heaven and ethics, and will always suffer the consequences.

This kind of pustule is nothing to worry about.

Seeing that Jiang Mier didn't speak, Wu Youyan thought she was being bluffed, and felt amused: I didn't expect this stunning beauty to be so easy to deceive.It's like iq big zero.I had a great time tonight, lol.

It's a pity that Wu Youyan's wishful thinking was wrong.

Wanting to take advantage of the opportunity, he didn't know who the beauty in front of him was, so he rashly touched the female fox's ass.

The tiger's butt is still untouchable.Not to mention the cunning fox under the guise of Tiger's might?

Jiang Mi'er, who is as cunning as a ghost, doesn't know his little tricks?

Wu Youyan grabbed Jiang Mier's slender hand and said with a smile: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, my brother is here. I know there is a place to ward off evil spirits to avoid this disaster."

Jiang Mier pretended to be terrified and asked, "Am I really going to be in trouble tonight?"

Wu Youyan nodded solemnly: "If you hit a catastrophe, you can't escape death. Unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless you go to that evil place and stay for one night."

Jiang Mier struggled for a while, and asked, "Mr. Wu, where is the place to ward off evil spirits? Is it far from here?"

Wu Youyan shook his head and said: "It's not far away, it's at my house. My house has set up a formation to ward off evil spirits. Any monsters and ghosts will never come in. As long as you take shelter at my house for a while, you can escape this disaster."

Jiang Mier was full of suspicion: "You won't lie to me?"

Wu Youyan smiled and said: "I can see from the dark face on your face that you usually do a lot of good deeds. That's why I leaked the secret to you. Believe it or not, it's all up to you. I will take my leave."

"Hey—" Jiang Mier stopped Wu Youyan who didn't want to leave at all, "Mr. Wu stay. I'll go with you."

"Really?" Wu Youyan's eyes lit up, and the halazi almost spewed out.

Immediately he realized that he had lost his composure, quickly wiped off the saliva from the corner of his mouth, put on the appearance of an expert, and said: "You can trust my words, you are very wise, very good, very good..."

Jiang Mier smiled slightly: "Wait a minute. I'll call my husband, and we'll go there to evacuate together."

"Okay, I'll wait...wait, what did you say?" Wu Youyan shuddered, "You have a husband?"

"Yes." Jiang Mier nodded.

Wu Youyan was taken aback: Is this beauty a human-wife?

He subconsciously glanced at Jiang Mier's lower body.

Wu Youyan has always studied women.He took a quick look and immediately recognized it.

No, this is clearly the body of a virgin who has never been born before.Where did the husband come from?

But before she heard her screaming so loudly, she should have a lover without a husband.Otherwise, I can't justify it.

Humph, never mind.Even if she really has a girlfriend, I will still bring her home.

Wu Youyan rubbed his chin habitually: "This...isn't very good. Except for me who set up the formation, the evil spirit formation can only cover people with excessive evil spirits. Ordinary people may lose their lives if they enter. You are not afraid of your husband... "

Jiang Mier originally wanted to use this to make him quit.But Wu Youyan's lust is not dead, he does not retreat but advances, it is really shameless.

She chuckled, immediately adopted the second solution, and said, "That's good. Please trouble Mr. Wu to wait outside. I'll change my clothes later and go to your house."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Mier closed the door and left Wu Youyan outside.

The joy in Wu Youyan's heart.In this world, such beautiful and deceitful beauties are even rarer than pandas.

He paced up and down the corridor impatiently.My head is full of nasty thoughts.

But after waiting for more than half an hour, Wu Youyan didn't wait for Jiang Mier.

He murmured to himself: Doesn't it take so long to change clothes?Yes, beauties like to dress themselves up beautifully.Dressing up, of course, takes a lot of time.

Therefore, Wu Youyan continued to wait patiently.

After a while, there was a commotion downstairs.With crackling and chaotic steps, it seemed that many people were walking upstairs.

After a while, Wu Youyan saw a group of men in white coats rushing up.

At this moment, Jiang Mier just opened the door.

Wu Youyan was shocked when he saw it.

Jiang Mier's hair was all messed up, and there were bloodstains all over her body that seemed to be scratched.Several wounds were still bleeding.

"Miss, was it you who called just now?" When the group of people arrived, a man who looked like a doctor asked Jiang Mier.

Jiang Mier covered her face, sobbed and nodded.

The doctor turned to Wu Youyan and took a closer look: "Male, in his 40s, with wicked eyebrows, rosacea, and fanned ears... That's right."

Wu Youyan was taken aback: "What's right?"

The doctor asked seriously, "Sir, did you make this lady like this?"

Wu Youyan shook his head vigorously: "Of course not! I..."

"The answer is very ~ very good." The doctor said to an intern next to him: "Years of clinical experience have shown that delusional and insane psychopaths generally cannot remember that they have ever hurt someone."

Wu Youyan was furious, and scolded: "You're crazy!"

The doctor continued to talk to the interns: "See? Mental patients are usually very sensitive to the word 'psychopathy'. So when they hear similar words, they will subconsciously deny it and replace 'psychopathy' with 'psychopathy', They scolded us back. Those who do our business should be compassionate and benevolent, and don’t be as sick as patients.”

The intern listened carefully and kept taking notes with a pen.

The doctor added: "In fact, mental illness and neuropathy are two completely different diseases. Simply put, the former belongs to insanity and unconsciousness; the latter is a general term for nervous system diseases. You know, mental patients have IQ problems, Of course I can’t tell the difference between the two.”

Hearing that they identified him as a mentally ill person, Wu Youyan shouted angrily, "I'm not mentally ill! I'm here to find this young lady!"

"Oh, that's not bad. I didn't expect a mentally ill person to find a miss?" The doctor said to the assistant on the other side: "Write it down. This is a ** type case. Generally, a mentally ill patient will not say that he is looking for a 'miss'." .They usually say to find 'big sister'. The patient's consciousness is still quite clear. I think there is hope for a cure."

Wu Youyan was so angry that they stamped their feet.He waved his fan, trying to use magic tricks to shut them up.

He just raised his hand, but he didn't dare to slap it down.It is a taboo to use fairy art in front of ordinary people.

The doctor snapped his fingers.A group of people behind rushed forward and pushed Wu Youyan to the ground.

Wu Youyan is also a cultivator after all, and his strength is much stronger than ordinary people.

With a struggle, he pushed the group of people away from him.

"Small man, I can't see that you are still a manic patient." The doctor pulled out an electric prod and pointed at Wu Youyan, "Everyone go on it together!"

After receiving the order, the group of people took out electric batons one after another and shocked Wu Youyan.

Although Wu Youyan is a cultivator, he dare not violate the rules set by the Ministry of Shadows.

If you take action against them, if something goes wrong, you will be wanted by the film department for thousands of years.Not worth it!

In that moment of hesitation, dozens of electric batons hit him.

"Ah—" The screams continued.

The faint blue lightning kept flickering in the corridors that were not very bright.

The doctor walked up to Wu Youyan, who hadn't passed out, and was very surprised: "This patient can still stay awake? The spirit and will are really tenacious. As a reward, I will ask you one last question. Please answer carefully. We will decide whether to send you out based on your answer. You go to a mental hospital. Excuse me, what is one plus one?"

Wu Youyan shook his body uncontrollably, and said in a trembling voice: "Two..."

"Congratulations, the answer is absolutely correct!" The doctor stabbed Wu Youyan with an electric prod, "But you know too much."

Then, there was another crackling electric shock.

"Hahahaha..." Watching the group of warriors carry Wu Youyan away in a bag, Jiang Mier couldn't hold back any longer, she leaned against the door, laughing till she burst into tears.

Finally recovering, she wiped off the red paint on her body with a tissue, smiled and said to the doctor who stayed behind to deal with the aftermath: "Thank you for making a trip."

The doctor waved his hand modestly, and asked with a smile: "Our acting skills are not bad? Did I recite the lines you gave me wrong?"

Jiang Mier gave him an approving look, and said: "Every word is correct. You have performed very well. After you go back, thank Chairman Tang Yao for me. Of course, all comrades have worked hard."

The doctor was flattered, and cooperated with the military salute: "Serve Brother Achen!"

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