Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 33] I want you to talk about it!

When Li Xiaochen heard this, he knew that it was Jiang Mier who made trouble again.He smiled, noncommittal.

Tang Yao saw him smiling and didn't speak, and didn't ask any more questions.

The car stopped in front of a rather high-end Japanese restaurant.Tang Yao, whose heart was like a deer, bravely took Li Xiaochen's hand and walked in.

When the clerks of the restaurant saw a customer, they all bowed and saluted, and expressed their welcome in Japanese: "One la next Mochi (welcome)!"

Raising their heads, these shop assistants couldn't help being stunned.

Although the customers who came to the store on weekdays were all dignified customers who were well dressed, but most of those customers were the boss officials with a beer belly.

No matter what, he couldn't compare with this handsome and handsome guy in front of him.

Perhaps the rich and powerful president and politician is accompanied by a somewhat attractive and seductive mistress.

But those gorgeous heavy makeup and artificial fake breasts look tacky, how can they be compared with this beautiful beauty who is as bright as an autumn moon?

These two customers are like two bright pearls shining in the dark night. Once they enter the store, they are shining brightly and shining brightly.

Li Xiaochen was a little uncomfortable being seen by them, so he asked Tang Yao in a low voice: "Are we dressed too formally?"

"Don't forget the purpose of tonight. If you want Liu Rongwei to give up, you must first overwhelm him in terms of momentum."

Li Xiaochen smiled wryly, "I don't think he is the kind of person who gives up easily."

Tang Yao pursed her lips and smiled, and said, "It depends on your performance. If he doesn't give up, then you will be my boyfriend forever."

After finishing speaking, she hugged Li Xiaochen's arm even tighter, as if she was afraid that he would run away.

"Then don't I want to switch from part-time to full-time, from amateur to professional?"

"Being my full-time boyfriend, you still feel wronged, Young Master Li?"

Hearing Tang Yao's half-joking "confession" suddenly, Li Xiaochen was slightly astonished at first, and then immediately flashed a hint of joy.

Although this matter has long been known, but still secretly cool.

There are beautiful women who love themselves, and they have repeatedly stated that it is an affirmation of the charm of men.

Just like a girl who is pursued by a boy, even if the girl doesn't like the other person, she will still feel a little smug—the old lady has endured it for many years, made face pads with silicone for skin beautification, buttock augmentation and slimming to remove body odor, and finally a man is hooked!

Having said that, it's dark and cool, Li Xiaochen doesn't intend to show his inner thoughts.

As a mature man with a gentleman's demeanor, he must show his steady side to everyone without hesitation at any time.

Li Xiaochen pretended to cough twice, and said, "About this issue...well, I will seriously think about it. You know, recently there are beauties who write me love letters and confess their love to me. I am also very embarrassed. Blame it, just blame my strong and fascinating masculinity that is popular with thousands of beauties."

Tang Yao laughed uncontrollably, and squeezed his arm fiercely: "You are really thick-skinned. You are shameless and stinky, so you are stinky and shameless."

Li Xiaochen was pinched so hard that he almost cried out in pain.He lowered his voice and said, "So many people are watching. Give me some face, will you?"

The two fought with each other and entered the pre-booked spacious private room.

The waitress in kimono courteously offered tea and recipes, and even looked at Li Xiaochen a few more times with a smile.

Li Xiaochen doesn't know why people like to eat in foreign restaurants more and more recently.

Is it because you are tired of Chinese food and want to try something new, or is it because you like foreign food?

In any case, his exposure to Japanese food has become more and more frequent recently.

It's okay for Jiang Mier to cook Japanese food every day.It's rare to come out for dinner tonight, and I can't imagine it's Japanese food again.

Li Xiaochen called the waiter over and asked, "Do you have any other dishes here? Other than these, what kind of sushi?"

After hearing this, the waitress looked nervous and kept bowing and apologizing.

Words like "poor greeting" and "isn't it to your taste" kept flying out of her mouth.

Li Xiaochen quickly waved his hands and said with a smile, "I don't mean anything else. I just want to change the taste. If possible, I would like to try Indian pilaf."

The waitress thought about it.Although a little embarrassed, she still nodded.

Tang Yao smiled and shook her head.This Li Xiaochen can really make a fuss.When I came to a Japanese restaurant, I actually ordered Indian food.

"Well... I want this, this, this, this..." Li Xiaochen poked and clicked on the menu.

Seeing that he ordered too much, Tang Yao said, "Hey, can you finish eating so much?"

Li Xiaochen asked Tang Yao with a smile: "What do you want to eat? You're welcome, just order."

When Tang Yao thought of meeting Liu Rongwei later, she lost her appetite at all.

Li Xiaochen seemed to see through her mind, and asked, "When will Liu Rongwei arrive?"

Tang Yao looked at her watch and said, "We came early. There is still a while before the appointed time. If you are hungry, order and eat first."

Li Xiaochen hummed, and whispered something in the waitress' ear.The latter opened his eyes wide at first, then was taken aback for a moment, then blushed, bit his lip, and nodded in embarrassment.

After that, she also whispered in Li Xiaochen's ear for a while.Li Xiaochen smirked, and whispered something in his ear again, which made the waitress blush and ashamed.

She wrote something in a small notebook and asked, "What flavor do you want?"

Li Xiaochen thought for a while and said, "It smells like peach."

The waitress said "You are good or bad" in Japanese, and took notes.

"By the way, about that, I want a sexy, plump and full of charm, preferably one who has given birth to a child."

After the waitress covered her face and left, Tang Yao tugged at Li Xiaochen curiously, and asked, "What did you whisper to her just now?"

Li Xiaochen stretched out his index finger, pressed it to his lips, made a silence gesture, and said with a smile: "Temporary secret."

"Let's talk, why is that waiter blushing... Ah!" Tang Yao suddenly had a clear look, "Aren't you asking her if there is any special service here? You bastard!"

Li Xiaochen said with a smile: "If you think're right. I did ask her about the 'special service'."

Not long after, the Indian pilaf was served.

Li Xiaochen first looked at the basin of washing water with rose petals floating in it, then at Tang Yao: "You really don't eat?"

"Don't eat, I have no appetite."

"Then I'll treat you to some soup." After washing his hands, Li Xiaochen pushed the basin of washing water to Tang Yao's desk.

Tang Yao smiled, dipped her finger in water, and flicked it on Li Xiaochen's face.

Not to be outdone, Li Xiaochen dipped in the water and sprinkled it on her.

The two came and went, attacked and defended, and counterattacked each other.The action is getting bigger and bigger.In the end, they poured out the whole basin of water.

Li Xiaochen, whose face was covered with water, took off the petals stuck to his nose, and stared at Tang Yao dissatisfied.

Tang Yao wiped off the water droplets on her clothes with a paper towel, and stared back at him without giving an inch.

Just staring at each other, after a while, the two relaxed their facial nerves at the same time, looked at each other and smiled.

Just as Li Xiaochen was grabbing his meal and eating with relish, Liu Rongwei appeared in the private room with a cigar in his mouth.

He still looks like a dude.After seeing the astonishing Tang Yao, his eyes lit up, his lust aroused, and he wanted to push her down immediately, so he had a good time.

But when he caught a glimpse of Li Xiaochen who was working hard, Liu Rongwei smiled contemptuously and sat down opposite him.

In order to show her close relationship with Li Xiaochen, Tang Yao sat next to Li Xiaochen, and the little bird held his arm in a loving manner.

She said coldly to Liu Rongwei: "You are quite punctual today."

Liu Rongwei let out a puff of smoke, and said slowly, "Because you asked me out. I have to give you face."

"Very good. Then let's get straight to the point." Tang Yao gently leaned on Li Xiaochen, "I have a boyfriend. I hope you won't bother me again in the future."

"Him?" Liu Rongwei raised his right eyebrow and looked at Li Xiaochen one more time.

Last time he asked Zhao Shuai to bring some gangsters to trouble Li Xiaochen.As a result, he was teased and humiliated.

Liu Rongwei was thinking about how to kill this thorn in his side, but he didn't want him to come to his door on his own initiative.

It looks like he hasn't eaten in a few lifetimes, this poor boy is just a bumpkin and country bumpkin who has never seen the world.

Liu Rongwei looked a little more disdainful.He clasped his earwax with his little finger, and said, "Tang Yao, don't struggle anymore. It's okay if you have a boyfriend. I have no objection. But in the end, aren't you still mine?"

"Bah!" Tang Yao raised her eyebrows and said angrily, "Who is yours now!"

Liu Rongwei popped the earwax from under the nails of his little finger and said, "You should know. The reason why your father's business is so prosperous is all thanks to my father. I want to sleep with you. Dare your father say no?" ?”

"You!" Tang Yao was trembling with anger. If she hadn't been concerned about her father's position, she would have gone over to beat him up.

"I didn't force you to submit to take care of your self-esteem. You should also be more sensible. Don't be shameless." Liu Rongwei scratched his feet indecently, "It's the blessing you have cultivated in eight lifetimes to be fucked by me. You may be pregnant one day, and my father really wants me to marry you. At that time, won’t you turn a sparrow into a phoenix?”

"Liu Rongwei, shut up!" Tang Yao slammed the table, "If you dare to spray dung again, I will kill you!"

"Spicy enough, tasty enough, I just like your wild and savage energy."

Tang Yao stared at Liu Rongwei fiercely.Filled with rage, he was about to explode.She pinched Li Xiaochen's waist secretly, motioning him to speak up.

Li Xiaochen turned his head, looked at her in bewilderment, and thought: This is a line without me?Work harder to intensify the conflict between the enemy and ourselves.At that time, I will explode gorgeously again.This can perfectly highlight the glorious image of the tall and stalwart positive characters.

So, he lowered his head and continued to eat.

Tang Yao gritted her teeth secretly, pinching the flesh on his body with her nails, hating iron for being weak.

Li Xiaochen's waist hurt again, he sat up straight suddenly, opened his eyes wide, looked at Tang Yao, and shouted in his heart: "It hurts, okay?"

Tang Yao seemed to be able to read his eyes, pinched harder, and widened her eyes, yelling in her heart: You will die if you say a word!My old lady let you talk!say!say something!

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