After communicating his inner thoughts with his eyes, Li Xiaochen endured severe pain and persisted for a while, but finally succumbed to Tang Yao's clutches.

"Okay, I'm going to go to the bathroom..." He quickly stood up, just about to run away, but was pulled back by Tang Yao.

"Sit down!" Tang Yao gasped angrily, "Didn't you just say that you have something to say to Liu Rongwei?"

"Is there? I... ah! Take it easy! I, I, I, I... I remembered. I do have a few words that I want to say to Young Master Liu."

Li Xiaochen rubbed his waist covered with nail marks, walked to Liu Rongwei, and said: "According to international etiquette, I think we should shake hands with each other like the two leaders meeting to show friendship first, so as not to affect the people of the two countries." deep friendship."

Liu Rongwei sneered, stretched out his left hand, and thought: I want to see what tricks you can do.

Li Xiaochen took a deep breath, and said solemnly, "Do you know why Indians eat with their right hand?"

"It's a local custom."

"Not exactly. Because Indians use their left hand to wipe their ass. Pilaf would be dirty to eat. And they never use toilet paper to wipe their ass. I just happened to have a tuba too. If you don't mind, use it Shake my hand with your left hand."

After listening to him, Tang Yao snickered, covering her mouth and snickering.

Liu Rongwei snorted, retracted his left hand, and turned his head to one side.

Li Xiaochen took the initiative to shake him with the greasy hand that had grasped the Indian hand pilaf in a solemn and serious manner.

"What is in your hand!" Liu Rongwei felt a pain in his hand, as if being stuck by a needle, and quickly shook off his hand.

Looking down, it turned out to be rice grains and oil stains exuding the smell of green onion.There was also some blood on the palm.

Annoyed, he picked up the tissue and wiped it in disgust.One mouth kept yelling.

Li Xiaochen walked back to Tang Yao and sat down.The latter secretly gave a thumbs up to show encouragement.

"The thing is like this. My dear Yaoyao and I are going to get married soon. Your insulting words just now have seriously hurt her fragile and pure young heart. In broad daylight, you not only see I am nothing, and conspired to give me a green hat. This put the unbreakable friendship between you and me to an unprecedented test. In view of the above reasons, I would like to represent the people of the country and the Women's Federation to your overbearing Shameless bureaucratic spirit and practices, express strong condemnation and deep protest!"

"Do you want to sue me or what?" Liu Rongwei asked with a sneer.

"Sue you? Do you think I'm that stupid? I've seen too many second-generation men like you who are arrogant, disrespectful, and lawless. Legal weapons are useless against people like you. But I still advise you One sentence. You and I are both people with a head and a face, an Adam's apple and an ID card. If you don't let go of this arrogant attitude, you will regret it."

"It should be you who regret it, little turtle."

"Are you trying again?"

"You are a little turtle, a little turtle without an asshole! How about it, I just said, can you eat me?"

"You kind of say it again!"

"Little turtle, little turtle, little turtle! Don't say it once, even a thousand times, ten thousand times, I dare to say it!"

Li Xiaochen smiled and said: "It's really good. If you tell me, you just say it. You're as good as a puppy."

"You fucking kidding me!" Liu Rongwei was furious and was about to explode.

He was about to stand up, but for some reason, his legs were limp and weak, and he couldn't get up.

At this time, Li Xiaochen had already finished eating a plate of rice.Contentedly, he wiped his mouth and cleaned his hands.

"I will warn you one last time. Don't pester my Yaoyao in the future. Otherwise, you will definitely regret it more than today." After speaking, Li Xiaochen pulled Tang Yao and left.

Liu Rongwei panted heavily, and opened his mouth to scold, but suddenly felt his entire mouth was burning and swollen unbearably.

The heart seemed to be squeezed into the tongue, thumping, beating constantly, and swollen bit by bit.

It didn't take long for his bloodshot lips to swell rapidly, exactly like two fat, crispy and delicious red sausages.

From the gums to the roots of the teeth, and even the inner wall of the mouth, everything seemed to be roasted by the real fire of Samadhi.

Liu Rongwei rolled on the ground in pain.The wail from the mouth was worse than the cry of a sow when it was slaughtered.

Suddenly, there was a bang, and a group of shop assistants in different clothes rushed in with piles of bills and gathered around Liu Rongwei to collect the bills.

"Young Master Liu, my five hundred unagi sushi is still unfinished. Look..."

"Don't grab, don't grab! I'll go first, and mine first."

"My number is small, only 250 cases of beer. Let me settle first!"

"Then what about our hotel's Manchu banquet?"

Liu Rongwei's face was filled with inexplicable surprise, he shook his head desperately, and opened his mouth to speak.

Unexpectedly, when the words came to his mouth, they turned into babbling Martian language.No one could understand what he was saying.

But they guess that such a rich master is probably saying something like "don't worry, come one by one".

These debt collectors were overjoyed and scrambled to get the money back as soon as possible.

The noisy scene has not subsided.A group of bloated sumo wrestlers in revealing clothes twisted hippopotamus hips, bucket waists, multi-layered bellies, spread their elephant legs, and swarmed beside Liu Rongwei.

"Young master, you are going to marry someone tonight~"

"I haven't received a guest for 15 years, eleven months and three days. Can you make room?"

"Don't be noisy! Whoever takes off his pants first will be able to accompany him tonight!"

Just as the crowd was chattering, the waitress whom Li Xiaochen had ordered before squeezed into the crowd.

She held a plate of golden, yellow and orange shit and put it next to Liu Rongwei: "This is your special 'golden grain meal'. As required, we specially selected for you a sexy bitch who has given birth to puppies. That bitch has been eating peaches from us for months. Its poop is clean. It still smells like peaches. Please enjoy it. Have a nice meal.”

Liu Rongwei pinched his nose, yelled, pointed to his mouth, waved his hands vigorously and shook his head.

But in the blink of an eye, he was submerged in the sea of ​​fat by the plump sumo wrestler.

Li Xiaochen packed a few of the most expensive and delicious dishes in this Japanese restaurant, and he didn't burst out laughing until he walked out side by side with Tang Yao.

Tang Yao, who had just heard Li Xiaochen finished the series of pre-arranged pranks, also laughed so noseless and eyeless.

She motioned to the driver who was waiting outside to drive back by herself, and then walked with Li Xiaochen on the deserted street.

Laughing until his stomach cramped, Li Xiaochen realized that he couldn't keep laughing.

He tried his best to restrain himself, but his body was still trembling, which made him uncomfortable.

After walking for a long time, Tang Yao said: "Why are you so bad. You used to be a very responsible person. I really didn't realize it. My stomach is full of bad water. Liu Rongwei must be so angry."

"Pfft ha ha ha..." As soon as Tang Yao spoke, Li Xiaochen couldn't hold back anymore and burst out laughing.

Tang Yao laughed for a while, supported him, and asked, "What's the matter with his mouth, why can't he speak?"

After a while, Li Xiaochen stopped laughing and said, "Before I came, I asked Jiang Mier for a strange herbal poisonous juice. As long as the poisonous juice enters the blood, Liu Rongwei will be dumb for a few days."

"Is there such a thing in the world?"

"The world is so big, there are so many wonders."

Tang Yao wiped off her smile, and suddenly became worried again: "You are so vicious to Liu Rongwei. He will definitely not let it go. Are you not afraid that he will retaliate against you?"

Li Xiaochen thought about it seriously, and said: "If I were the same as before, I would definitely not dare to do this. I am a clinkingly poor bachelor, of course I am afraid of messing with the second generation of rich and second generation officials. Even if I don't care How can I be, but there are old and young in the family, how can I drag them down?"

"Then you still..."

"Because of one person, she changed me unconsciously. She lives happily every day. Maybe she bears many unknown and heavy burdens on her body, but she never frowns and never gives up. Her self-confidence Her strength infected me. From her face, you can always see a bright smile and hope in life. She made me feel that as long as I work hard and keep working hard, I can realize my dreams and realize my self-worth. All the difficulties It will all work out in the end.”

Li Xiaochen sighed, and continued: "Maybe this kind of thinking is a bit naive and ridiculous. But isn't fate in one's own hands? Maybe there are many things in this society that we can't change. But I don't want to be a slave to fate. Because I am the master of my own destiny! I don’t want to be bound by the fate of the past, never again, never again!”

At the end, Li Xiaochen's tone became extremely firm.

Tang Yao stared blankly at the boy beside him.There is a wonderful power in his bright eyes that are as bright as stars.

It is a power that can revitalize the desolate land and promote the vigorous growth of life.

As long as you take a look, you will never forget it.As long as you take a look, you will be deeply fascinated by him.

His natural aura seemed to be able to melt into Tang Yao's heart, making her feel a burst of condensed and undissipated warmth like Mu Dongyang.

It was a very special feeling, and you couldn't help but want to believe him, believe him without doubt.

Tang Yao really wanted to know: what happened to him recently?

But when the words came to his lips, they turned into: "The person you're talking about... is Jiang Mier?"

Li Xiaochen nodded slowly.The look in the eyes suddenly became gentle and kind.

Staring at his moving pupils, Tang Yao didn't know what it was like: If he had the same expression when he thought of me, how wonderful it would be.

Both of them fell silent for a moment, strolling along the deserted street.

Li Xiaochen's ears moved suddenly, and he heard the sound of chaotic footsteps coming from a distance behind him.

There was an extremely bad malice in these voices, and they attacked the two of them aggressively!

-------------------------------------------------- ----------------Tweed, ticket, collection?

People shyly begged for love, haha!

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