Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 351) Reinforcement Arrives

Just as the Three Kingdoms world of cultivating immortals was in a mess, the refining process of the Emperor Pill in Changbai Mountain was coming to an end.However, after many days of hard work, Li Xiaochen and others were exhausted.

Layers of radiant mist have appeared in Shennong Ding.The mist is on the edge of the mouth of the Shennong Ding and rotates around the center.Because the fog was too thick, no one knew exactly how many soon-to-refined Emperor Pills were in the cauldron.

In order to recharge their energy, everyone closed their eyes and rested their minds while transporting their true energy, preparing for the final sprint.At this time, Liu Rongwei and Jiang Mier suddenly opened their eyes, and looked at each other as if they had agreed in advance.

Jiang Mier nodded slightly to Liu Rongwei.The latter understood and began the final stage of large-scale injection of true essence.

Sensing that he was exerting strength, Li Xiaochen, Qin Yufei and Zhu Yueji all cooperated to inject a large amount of real energy.Jiang Mier saw that they were all moving, so she transmitted her true energy without hesitation.Under the action of four golden masters and a Qingxian, the Shennong Ding soon trembled and made a strange sound. [

After an unknown amount of time, suddenly, a brilliant ray of light shot out from the Shennong Cauldron and went straight up to the sky.After this ray of light rose to a certain height, it cut through the sky like a meteor, forming a gorgeous rainbow in the sky.The blue and white clouds are reflected by this beautiful glow into the most beautiful scenery in the world.

When the fog in Shennong Ding cleared, the five finally saw the Emperor Pill inside.It's two!

Li Xiaochen glanced at Zhu Yueji and Qin Yufei on the left and right, and shouted, "Grab it!"

The second daughter was about to make a move when Jiang Mier suddenly took out the Ziya sword, switched to a golden body state, swept the sword, and attacked them!

"Mier, you're crazy!" Qin Yufei and Zhu Yueji stepped back and looked at Jiang Mier in surprise.

Taking this opportunity, Li Xiaochen and Liu Rongwei each snatched an Emperor Pill.He didn't want Liu Rongwei to succeed, so he immediately raised his palm, and slapped him with a powerful vajra hand.Liu Rongwei had expected that Li Xiaochen would attack him, so he transformed into a golden body in an instant, dodging this move.

"Ziya Yaoji, you cover me!" Liu Rongwei turned around and was about to fly away.

Li Xiaochen was about to pursue him.Jiang Mier suddenly moved and stood in front of him.

"Jiang Mier, don't get in my way!" Li Xiaochen flew up.Jiang Mier also jumped up into the sky and slashed at him without thinking.The purple thunder rushed out with the sword, and it was about to hit Li Xiaochen in the blink of an eye.

"There's something wrong with you, Jiang Mi'er! You can't let Liu Rongwei get the Emperor Pill. After taking it, he will become a fairy immediately!" Li Xiaochen flashed a sword and chased after him desperately.

"I just want him to become a fairy!" Jiang Mier moved quickly, and stood in front of Li Xiaochen again.

Qin Yufei and Zhu Yueji disguised themselves as golden bodies one after another and came to Li Xiaochen's side.

"Don't worry about Jiang Mier. Get married and chase Liu Rongwei as soon as possible, and try to snatch the Emperor Pill!" With an order, Zhu Yueji and Qin Yufei flew to chase Liu Rongwei.When they flew past her, Jiang Mier quickly threw two special flying talisman seals made by Li Xiaochen, and stuck them on them respectively.

"Not good!" Li Xiaochen saw through Jiang Mier's plan, and immediately shot her with a powerful vajra hand.

Jiang Mier smiled slyly, fell down, and dodged his attack.At the same time, Guijiu and Suiyang also appeared beside Jiang Mier to deal with Li Xiaochen together.

"Stinky rascal, you can't catch up with Liu Rongwei." Jiang Mi'er giggled, made a teleportation tactic, and activated the teleportation talisman attached to Qin Yufei and Zhu Yueji.In an instant, two golden experts appeared on both sides of Li Xiaochen.

"Hey, this is..." Qin Yufei glanced around, "Are we back again? Looks like I got hit by the teleportation spell."

Li Xiaochen knew that although this time was not long, it was enough for the golden master to escape and hide.It's no use chasing any more.He glared at Jiang Mier and said, "Why are you helping Jiuyou again!"

"I like it!" Jiang Mier snorted twice, and suddenly her expression darkened, "Aunt Yun is gone. If I don't return to Jiuyou, I will be the leader of the fairy clan. So don't blame me for being against you." [

Without waiting for Li Xiaochen to speak, Suiyang said to Jiang Mier: "Ziya Yaoji, the mission has been completed. Let's go back."

Jiang Mier waved at Li Xiaochen and the others, and disappeared in place with Guijiu and Suiyang.Zhu Yueji approached Li Xiaochen and asked, "You have the Emperor Pill in your hand, right?"

Li Xiaochen spread out his palms.A golden Emperor Pill was reflected in the eyes of the two women.

"Fortunately, there is one at last." Qin Yufei breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Xiaochen shook his head and said, "I originally wanted to take the opportunity to snatch all the Emperor Pills and prevent Liu Rongwei from snatching them away. It's a pity that Jiang Mier was in collusion with him. It's hard to catch a golden master, so you have to pay attention to timing. Now you can say anything It's too late. Liu Rongwei will have a fairy body after eating the Emperor Pill. It's one step closer to the devil king's birth."

Zhu Yueji asked puzzledly, "Why did Mier suddenly betray her?"

Qin Yufei thought about it and expressed her opinion: "I think Mier should have her own plan. She won't betray us easily again."

Li Xiaochen thought about it for a while, and suddenly understood the key point.He smiled confidently, and said: "Yufei is right. I probably already guessed Jiang Mier's purpose. Let's let her go. If Liu Rongwei wants to eat the Emperor Pill, let him eat it. The most important thing now is Make full use of this Emperor Pill in our hands. Who do you think is the most suitable person to take it?"

Qin Yufei and Zhu Yueji said in unison, "Of course it's you!"

Li Xiaochen said: "I'm already in the realm of a pure immortal. I'm not sure if I can enter the realm after taking the Emperor Pill. If I take it and there is no change, wouldn't it be a waste?"

Qin Yufei and Zhu Yueji looked at each other and said, "Even if we eat it and become immortals, we won't be able to compete with the Demon King Bo Xun in the future. So after taking the Emperor Pill, it will have little impact on the overall situation. But you are different. You It is the reincarnation of Tian Meng, possessing 'possibility'. The Emperor Pill is an uncertain factor for you. I don't know if eating it will increase your cultivation. But we can let you try."

Zhu Yueji nodded and said: "After all, none of us have ever tasted the Heavenly Emperor Pill. I dare not say it has any effect. But this elixir will never let your cultivation base go backwards. Even if it doesn't change, it's nothing. Just try it now."

Li Xiaochen looked at the two of them, and said with a smile: "Since that's the case, then I won't resign, and I will do my part. Let's go back to Dapeng's stomach first."

After the three of them entered Peng's belly, Li Xiaochen hadn't had time to swallow the Emperor Pill.Zhu Lingsha ran over in a hurry and said, "It's not good, brother Li! We just received an urgent letter from sister Zhu Wei. It said that the battle of immortality in the Three Kingdoms was one-sided. Those of us in the world of cultivating immortals in Shenzhou have been disabled!"

Li Xiaochen said with a smile: "If you beat the disabled, you will be disabled, does it have anything to do with me?"

"But...but..." Zhu Lingsha stomped her feet anxiously, "But Sister Zhu Wei said that she was seriously injured by Qin's family and Japanese cultivators, and she was dying!"

"What!" Li Xiaochen was startled and grabbed Zhu Lingsha's arm nervously, "You said my father-in-law was seriously injured?"

Qin Yufei was also full of surprise, grabbed Zhu Lingsha and asked, "Who the hell is it that can seriously injure my father?"

Zhu Lingsha took out the biography, and said timidly, "Who is it, Sister Zhu Wei didn't say in the letter. But the situation is really urgent."

Li Xiaochen took it over and took a look.His face became ugly.Qin Yufei was so anxious that she said to her husband, "I'm going to help Dad!"

"Calm down, Yufei, we have to calm down." Li Xiaochen pressed Qin Yufei's shoulders, "Think about it, our dad's cultivation is not only the best in the world of cultivating immortals in Shenzhou, but he is also among the best. ?Even he was beaten like that, which proves that the opponent is very strong. You may not be able to do better than him if you go. Blindly impulsive, you are looking for death!"

"Then what do you think we should do?" Qin Yufei was so anxious that the Sixth God Master wished she could fly to her father's side immediately. [

Li Xiaochen thought for a while, then said: "Well, you and Yue Ji rushed over to see the situation first. I ate the Emperor Pill and tried to absorb it as quickly as possible. Regardless of whether it is effective or not, after the absorption is over, go over Looking for you."

"Okay, let's do it like this!" Qin Yufei pulled Zhu Yueji and rushed to the Xianlun faction.

"Wait!" Li Xiaochen grabbed Qin Yufei, "You must not be impulsive, or impulsively confront Little Japan because of a moment of anger. I want to see you all well. No one is allowed to have any accidents!"

Zhu Yueji said: "With me here, I will watch over Yufei for you and prevent her from messing around. Don't worry."

"Please." Li Xiaochen knew that Zhu Yueji was relatively calm most of the time.Because of Qin Yichuan, Qin Yufei might lose her mind and act unwisely.Only Zhu Yueji has the ability to stop her.

After the two beauties left, Li Xiaochen returned to the room, opened his mouth, threw the Emperor Pill into his mouth and ate it.Before speeding up the absorption, he called Zhu Lingsha over and said, "During the six months I was away, didn't your sister Yufei go to Tianmu Mountain Villa? Get the 'thing' she brought back for me. I It will come in handy later."

And on the sword training ground of the Xianlun Sect, Elder Qing Gu had already been stabbed by Uesugi Koichi with a grass sword, bleeding profusely all over his body.

Although his golden body can be transformed into lava, but as long as he seizes the opportunity, the blade of grass can still injure him completely.It's just that before this, no one in the world of cultivating immortals in Shenzhou thought that the grass sword could break the golden body.

Seeing Elder Qinggu's embarrassed look, Uesugi Emperor said with a smile: "You are already at the end of your battle. I've had enough. This will finish you!"

"Stop!" Just when Uesugi was about to make a move, Qin Yufei and Zhu Yueji arrived in time and parachuted onto the sword training ground.

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