Qin Yufei and Zhu Yueji landed in time, dragged Elder Qing Gu away, away from Uesugi Koichi.

Asking Elder Qinggu to sit on the stool, Zhu Yueji said while healing him: "Relax and breathe, don't be lucky, otherwise the true energy will leak from your wound and aggravate the injury."

"You..." Elder Qing Gu looked at Zhu Yueji and Qin Yufei in surprise, "You guys still dare to appear in front of me, aren't you afraid of being arrested again?"

Qin Yufei didn't have time to talk to him, so after searching for Qin Yichuan in the crowd, she ran over immediately.At this time, Qin Yichuan was already lying on the temporary blanket.Since his bones are broken, it is not suitable to move in the short term.

"Dad!" Qin Yufei looked at her bruised father.Tears welled up in my eyes. [

She wiped away her tears and asked Lin Yifei who was treating Qin Yichuan next to her, "Mom, who hurt Dad?"

Concubine Lin Yi shook her head lightly, and said, "It's better not to meddle in other people's business. The opponent is not something you can handle."

"Then how is Dad's injury, is it important?" Qin Yufei looked at Qin Yichuan's painful expression worriedly, her heart was in a mess.

Concubine Lin Yi sighed: "At first I thought it was just the bones were broken. After careful inspection, I found that your father's tendons are also broken every inch. I can only maintain his life now. In the future, he may meeting……"

She originally wanted to say that Qin Yichuan would become a useless person.But in front of him and his daughter, he still couldn't say those words.Qin Yichuan, who had regained consciousness a little, moved his lips slightly when he heard the conversation between the two of them: "I think that I, Old Qin, have spent half my life thinking that I have cultivated pretty well. But after all, there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people. I lost face today. I will stay in the world of cultivating immortals in Shenzhou..."

"Old Qin, hold on!" Lin Yifei's eyes were also a little red, "Don't think about it, everything will be fine."

Qin Yichuan snorted self-deprecatingly: "I know my own situation best. The spinal cord was fatally injured, and I should have died a long time ago. It's just that you used the true essence to transform the emptiness into reality, and maintained the bones and meridians of my body for me. I was able to linger on. Concubine Yi, it is enough for me, Lao Qin, to have you and a daughter in my life. Now that I die, I will regret it..."

"Old Qin, stop talking. I won't let you die like this." Lin Yifei couldn't help but shed tears.

"No, maybe there is still a little regret..." Qin Yichuan rolled his eyes and looked at Qin Yufei, "I want to meet my good grandson..."

Qin Yufei came in a hurry this time, so she couldn't care less about bringing the child.But she had to satisfy her father's request no matter what.

"Dad, I'll go and bring the baby to you right now." Qin Yufei stood up and was about to fly to Dapeng's belly and bring the baby.

Qin Yichuan said, "Forget it, stop running around. Does the child have a name?"

Qin Yufei nodded, knelt beside Qin Yichuan, and said, "Yes, it was started by Ah Chen, named Qin Yi."

"Qin Yi?" Qin Yichuan rolled his eyes, "Why is the surname Qin?"

Qin Yufei said: "Dad, Ah Chen is not a rigid person. Dao can be said, very Dao. Name can be named, very name. For us cultivators, a name is just a symbol. It doesn't matter whether your surname is Qin or Li. What else is important?"

Qin Yichuan closed his eyes reassuringly, and said: "It can be seen that this kid really loves you... yes, really good. It's easy to ask for a price, and it's rare to have a lover. It's a pity that there are too many women around him. Dad is afraid that you will be hurt." Wronged……"

"My daughter is not wronged, not wronged at all. I am his only legal wife. Even if he marries other women in the future, I will still be the first lady, the first lady. The person he loves most in his heart is still me."

"Hey, we can't care so much about young people's affairs. As long as you feel happy, go with you." Qin Yichuan no longer had the prestige of the past, and his appearance was haggard.For the first time, he felt that he was tired, and he didn't want to take care of anything anymore, he just wanted to have a good rest.

Cultivating immortals, cultivating immortals for most of my life, what kind of tricks have I cultivated?The cycle of life and death cannot be escaped.Fame and profit are all tainted.When the deadline arrives, one gains. [

Apart from being ashamed, Qin Yichuan only sighed and sighed in his heart.

Just as the three members of the Qin family got together, Izumo Qianxue said to Shangshan Huangyi: "Teacher, that beautiful woman kneeling beside Qin Yichuan is Li Xiaochen's wife, Qin Yufei."

"Oh?" Uesugi turned his head slightly in surprise, and looked at Qin Yufei carefully.

Although she is already a mother, but because she is well cared for, her figure is not out of shape.Since she is already a young mother, she has an indescribably mature temperament.Beautiful appearance is also rare in the world.Even Uesugi Huangyi had to admit that Li Xiaochen was really blessed to be able to marry such a top man in the world.

In the world of male power, the strength of a man can be seen from the women around him.The stronger a man is, the more beautiful the women around him will be.After meeting Qin Yufei, Uesugi had reason to believe that Li Xiaochen was definitely a divine cultivator worthy of his fight.

He believed that a woman like Qin Yufei who looked like a frightened fairy would never marry a mediocre person.Because the more beautiful the beauty, the higher the standard for choosing a mate.Moreover, a woman who can stay by Li Xiaochen's side should be more or less capable.

Emperor Uesugi became interested in Qin Yufei, and suddenly called out to Elder Qinggu: "Hey, old man over there, how long do you have to rest? We haven't won yet. Finish this match with me first. "

Izumo Chiyuki translated the words.Zhu Yueji, who was treating Elder Qing Gu, said, "He won't be able to play for the time being."

Zhang Yuanren came over and bowed to Zhu Yueji: "I have met Uncle Yaosheng. I am Zhang Yuanren, the great disciple of the late head of Taiwei, and I am also the judge of this fight."

Zhu Yueji nodded and said, "Well, you go and tell that Japanese that this game is considered to be a loss for the world of immortal cultivation in China."

"This..." Zhang Yuanren knew that Elder Qing Gu was seriously injured, so he couldn't continue the fight.But in the second round, there was no way to proceed.In the first round of the fighting method, only Lin Yifei was left to advance smoothly.The rest are all from the Japanese cultivating world.And Concubine Lin Yichuan was saving Qin Yichuan.If you admit defeat now, it is tantamount to admitting that you can cultivate immortals.In the end, the Japanese cultivating world won a big victory.

"Is there any question?" Seeing that he was standing still, Zhu Yueji asked one more question.

Zhang Yuanren had no choice but to tell the truth about the situation.Zhu Yueji smiled and said: "If you lose, you lose. Your skills are not as good as others. Why can't you afford to lose? You admit it openly. You are all immortal cultivators, and you shouldn't be tied down by false names. Winning or losing is a common thing in military affairs. It's a matter of admitting defeat." It's not something to be ashamed of."

"Nephew understands." Zhang Yuanren went over to communicate with Izumo Qianxue, explaining the attitude of the world of cultivating immortals in Shenzhou.

Izumo Chiyuki went to talk to Uesugi Koichi again.This battle of immortality in the Three Kingdoms is tantamount to ending with a big victory in Japan's immortality.Uesugi Emperor was full of reluctance, and said to Izumo Qianxue: "This is so interesting! The two old men in South Korea refused to leave. The world of immortal cultivation in China is vulnerable. There is nothing to be proud of if you win. No, let them send the most powerful Characters come to fight with us!"

Izumo Qianxue said in embarrassment: "Teacher, I'm afraid this is a problem for the strong? Most of the masters of immortality in China are hermits. They don't set foot in the mundane world. They come and go freely. They may not be able to find them themselves."

Emperor Uesugi waved his hand: "Let them find it! If they can't find it, I will kill the people here first!"

"Teacher!" Izumo Qianxue wanted to persuade again.As soon as Uesugi Emperor raised his hand, he slapped her pink face.

"You bastard! Are you from the Japanese cultivating world?" Uesugi glared at Izumo Chiyuki angrily, "Why do you always speak for the Shenzhou cultivating world? Ever since you failed to challenge Li Xiaochen last time, I found out You are all wrong. Your personality has also changed a bit. What happened to you in Shenzhou? What made you lean towards Shenzhou? Where is your Dao heart!"

Izumo Qianxue covered her blushing face, so she had no choice but to turn around and communicate with Zhang Yuanren.

"Are you kidding me!" After hearing her report, Zhang Yuanren was so annoyed that he almost jumped up, "Our senior masters were beaten like this by you Japanese immortal cultivators. Now that we have surrendered, you still have more to say? Isn't this a bit deceptive? Too much!"

Izumo Chiyuki said apologetically: "I'm sorry, Mr. Referee, I personally don't want to embarrass you. It's just that my teacher insists on this. I can't help it." [

Zhang Yuanren saw her being slapped just now, guessing that what the beauty said was true, he shook his head again and again: "Where can we find a master to fight with you? Can't we admit defeat?"

Izumo Qianxue looked at Qin Yufei over there, and said to Zhang Yuanren: "Isn't Mrs. Li here? You can ask her to invite Minister Li over. My teacher is very interested in your Minister Li."

"Let's think about it." Zhang Yuanren didn't give her an answer, walked back to Zhu Yueji, and told her the requests of the Japanese immortal cultivators one by one.

Zhu Yueji lamented: "The guy who gets power and doesn't spare anyone. These Japanese immortal cultivators are simply militants. How about this, you immediately send someone to Banzang Temple and tell the four monks about the situation here. Be sure to tell the Japanese immortal cultivators Let me emphasize the attitude of the killer who intends to kill. The four monks are merciful and will definitely not stand idly by."

Zhang Yuanren nodded in agreement, and immediately sent two Xianlun disciples to Banzang Temple for help.After that, he came to Zhu Yueji again and said, "Master, what should we do next?"

Zhu Yueji smiled slightly: "What should we do? You should arrest Yufei and me now and force Li Xiaochen to show up. Then wait for the four divine monks to come and let them pin us down under Wuzhi Mountain together."

Zhang Yuanren said embarrassingly: "Master, don't make fun of me. I didn't participate in the arrest of you half a year ago. Why don't you...please ask Master to find Junior Brother Li and ask him to come over to hold the line?"

Zhu Yueji smiled mockingly and said, "Who was it that yearned to drive us all to extinction? Now why are you begging us instead?"

Elder Qing Gu, who had been resting his eyes with his eyes closed, said in an extremely displeased voice, "Yuan Ren, don't ask them! Even if we die, we don't want Li Xiaochen to help!"

Zhu Yueji snorted coldly: "If you have the ability, don't let me heal your wounds."

"You whore, you are a scum of the Xianlun sect!" Elder Qing Gu panted heavily, "As one of the three saints of Xianlun, you have completely disgraced our Xianlun sect! You You don't know your self-respect, and it's shameless to be with that traitor Li Xiaochen!"

Snapped!Zhu Yueji slapped Elder Qinggu on the cheek, and reprimanded: "You don't know anything, just gossip. Do you think I'm so rare to be the Three Saints of the Immortal Wheel? If it wasn't for Li Xiaochen who asked me and Yufei Hurry over here, I don't bother to talk to you guys who don't know what to do."

When the two were arguing, a blue light suddenly flashed across the sky.A Taoist priest carrying a magic weapon descended from the sky and landed in the middle of the sword practice field.

He quickly untied the Taoyun on his back, pointed at Emperor Uesugi and other Japanese immortal cultivators with his sword, and said: "Xiao Yitian, the chief disciple of the Shushan School, is here to greet all the fellow Taoists in the world of Japanese immortal cultivators under the order of his master. Ask for advice!"

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