Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 357) Losing fighting skills without losing spirit

Tang Yao, who has recuperated for half a year, has basically recovered her vitality. {Free novel}She heard from Zhu Lingsha that Li Xiaochen had eaten the Emperor Pill and was practicing in seclusion.I just wanted to look at him from afar.Unexpectedly, this glance made him see something wrong with Li Xiaochen's expression.There was a black evil spirit on the whole face, which was very dangerous.

Tang Yao, who couldn't sit idly by, came to Li Xiaochen's body, and used the Buddhist techniques she had learned to dispel the haze for Li Xiaochen.The chanted scriptures and sentences were introduced into this inner world one by one, and turned into tangible golden Chinese characters, which descended from the sky.

When the evil body heard the Buddhist scriptures, its whole body ached.The whole body looks like it's going to fall apart.The golden words were connected into golden chains, binding the trembling evil body so that it could no longer attack Li Xiaochen.

Li Xiaochen then fell down on the ice and gasped for breath.If it weren't for these golden scripture chains appearing in time, I would really die.This evil body is really too powerful.I didn't notice it at first.After he exerted his full strength, Li Xiaochen had almost no room to fight back.It has to be said that the evil body, which has the upper hand in terms of experience and knowledge, is really capable.

After pulling out the black Flying Immortal Sword that pierced him, Li Xiaochen marked himself with the Flying Flying Curse, and then drew the Flying Flying Curse on the body of the evil body. [

"Since you and I are one, it should be like Tai Chi Yin and Yang." Li Xiaochen pinched the instant flying formula, "Now I will merge with you, and then separate your conscious body and evil thought body."

The evil body immediately understood Li Xiaochen's intentions, and shouted: "You bastard, you actually want to extract my knowledge and experience!"

"That's right, in this way, I have gained the memories and experience of my previous life, and I can restrain you. You will not be able to do strange things for the time being." After speaking, Li Xiaochen activated the teleportation technique, and the evil body Move onto yourself.

His whole body was as if it had been stained with ink, every inch of it turned black.The evil power made Li Xiaochen feel great pain.He frowned tightly, enduring the pain brought to him by the evil body, and used strong willpower to forcibly separate the consciousness body and the evil thought body in the evil body.

All kinds of memories from the previous life quickly flowed into Li Xiaochen's soul.At the same time, he used the Shurangama Mantra to wrap the body of evil thoughts, and then added several layers of barriers with Taoist techniques.The evil body screamed in pain, and was still dying before being completely sealed.

In the end, Li Xiaochen successfully obtained the memories, knowledge and experience of his previous life.Many strange yet familiar images flashed through his mind one after another.There are about Tianmeng, there are also about Jiangu, and there are many memories of reincarnation during the period.

When he returned to the real world, Li Xiaochen's head was so painful that it was about to explode.The memories of many lifetimes came flooding in like a flood, causing him great mental pressure.However, the medicinal effect of the Emperor Pill was also fully exerted, which made him rise to a new height.Coupled with Tianmeng's original strength pouring out continuously, Li Xiaochen's current cultivation level can be said to be unfathomable.

"Tang Yao!" Recovering a sliver of sanity, Li Xiaochen rushed out and grabbed Tang Yao who had left the house, dragged her back abruptly, and hugged her forcibly.

"Let me go!" Tang Yao blushed, trying to push him away, but was hugged even tighter, "I'm a monk now. Minister Li, do you still want to defile monks and nuns!"

Li Xiaochen had no choice but to let go of Tang Yao, but still grabbed her hand and said, "Thank you for saving me just now."

"No need. It's nothing, I want to go back to my room to rest." Tang Yao said coldly without looking at Li Xiaochen.

"Are you still brooding about the past?" Li Xiaochen grabbed Tang Yao's arm tightly, "I won't let you go this time. You are also the woman who took my first night away, so take some responsibility for me , okay? If you say you will become a monk, you will become a monk, and you haven't considered my feelings."

Tang Yao pouted dissatisfied with his nonsense: "You have so many beauties by your side, why are you pestering me?"

Li Xiaochen grinned: "You are playing petty temper. You are jealous, Yaoyao."

Tang Yao scowled and snorted coldly, "I didn't!"

Li Xiaochen said with a smile: "Return to the vulgar. You like Buddhism, you can be a layman, you don't have to become a monk. My relationship with you is not over yet. I still remember that you used to let me nourish you every day. Otherwise you It will wither. Come back, Tang Yao, Mier, Yufei, Yueji, Xiaosha, they are all looking forward to your stay. Everyone misses you very much."

Tang Yao shook her head: "I don't! What qualifications do you have to decide my life? How I will go in the future is my own business. I don't need anyone to influence me."

Li Xiaochen said: "Of course you can decide your own future. But no matter where you go, we will follow. Because you also have the right to decide our life. We will be with you for the rest of our lives. Even if you slip away, It can't hide from my teleportation technique either."

"You!" Tang Yao stomped her feet angrily, "Lai!" [

"I don't deny it." Li Xiaochen chuckled, "Have you visited the two children?"

Speaking of those two little dolls, Tang Yao couldn't help but smile: "I've seen them, they are fat and cute."

"Shall we have one too?" Li Xiaochen picked Tang Yao up with a smirk and rushed into the room.

Tang Yao was so frightened that she thumped wildly, and said angrily, "Let go of me! You scoundrel! I don't want to have children with you! I'm a monk. You can't..."

"You are just a female disciple who is practicing with hair. You haven't been formally shaved, so you are not considered a monk." Li Xiaochen pushed Tang Yao down on the bed, put his hand inside, and caressed her mellow body.

Tang Yao struggled desperately, but she was still panting coquettishly: "If you touch me again, I... I can't spare you!"

Li Xiaochen suddenly stopped, and laughed: "I have a more powerful technique. Do you want to try it?"

"Don't do this with me!" Tang Yao pushed Li Xiaochen away, blushing, "If you are a lady, you will make progress!"

Li Xiaochen said with a smile: "We all have the facts. Why are you ashamed?"

"No!" Tang Yao glared at him angrily.

Li Xiaochen said: "Speaking seriously, I know the reason why you joined the nunnery. In your previous life, Zhaoxia, you had feelings for me when I was still in the sky. But at that time, I failed you. In this life, I should You have paid off this debt of love. You have been devoted to me from the beginning to the present. The last thing I can't let you down is you. Stay by my side, okay?"

Tang Yao pouted: "Why do you let me stay, and I will stay?"

Li Xiaochen asked with a smile: "Then what do you want from me?"

"Ming Media is marrying and registering the marriage. And I have to get my father to agree. If he doesn't agree, I won't marry you."

"This..." This is a bit difficult.In order to marry Qin Yufei, Li Xiaochen offended Tang Yao's father.So far there is no word.Besides, he had already registered with Qin Yufei.Registering with Tang Yao is bigamy.Unless you change your nationality and get a nationality that allows you to marry multiple wives.

But after all, the most important thing is Tang Zongtian's consent.He can let his daughter work with another woman?

"Can't it be done? Don't want me to stay if you can't do it." Tang Yao stumped Li Xiaochen and showed a smug smile.

"I can give it a try." Li Xiaochen suddenly thought of a trick.Just as he was about to do something bad, the paper crane on the table moved, flapped its wings, and flew into his hand.

When he opened it, Li Xiaochen was shocked: "Oh no! How could I have forgotten such an important thing!"

Tang Yao leaned over curiously, and saw the situation of the fighting skills in the sword practice field of the Xianlun faction written on it, and couldn't help being surprised: "Yufei's father was seriously injured? Why is the situation so one-sided? These Japanese immortal practitioners are very powerful." .”

Li Xiaochen carefully read the message from Zhu Wei.I probably have a count in my heart.None of these are easy masters to deal with.Even the four monks of Banzang Temple lost.

If it was my former self, I would definitely not be able to handle it.But now he has fully absorbed the Emperor Pill, and obtained most of Tianmeng's power.Against those Japanese immortal cultivators, it is conservatively estimated that even if they are not victorious, they can at least remain undefeated. [

The question now is, how to break down one by one according to their respective characteristics?

Also, once he leaves the belly of the roc, there will be no masters above the level of golden body guarding here.After Liu Rongwei ate the Emperor Pill, his cultivation would definitely increase greatly.At that time, if he came to surprise Dapeng, the two unweaned children would definitely suffer.Regarding Jiuyou's actions, Li Xiaochen must also pay attention to it and take corresponding countermeasures.

After summoning Zhu Lingsha, Li Xiaochen whispered in her ear, telling her to act according to the plan.Then, he left Tang Yao here to protect the two children.

After everything was arranged properly, Li Xiaochen left Dapeng.

At the same time, the field of the sword practice field has been restored by the disciples of the Xianlun Sect using immortal techniques.The monk has won.Emperor Uesugi clapped his palms and laughed loudly: "Which other masters from China will come out to teach you?"

Izumo Chiyuki repeated these words three times in succession.Not a single immortal cultivator from China stood up to challenge.Seeing that she couldn't wait for Li Xiaochen to arrive, Qin Yufei gritted her teeth and prepared to go to the sword training ground.Zhu Yueji grabbed her in time and said, "Don't be impulsive, you can't beat them."

Qin Yufei sighed: "If you can't fight, you have to fight. You can't just stand aside and be ridiculed by the opponent because you are afraid of death, right? The world of immortality in China can lose in fighting skills, but it can't collapse mentally. Otherwise , we really lost outright.”

Hearing these words cheered me up.After hearing Qin Yufei's words, many immortal cultivators from Shenzhou who were demoralized couldn't help being awed.Under such circumstances, those who can go up without hesitation are indeed worthy of praise.When she was in Panshen Palace back then, Qin Yufei had shown her strong determination and will.

Looking at it now, she is worthy of being the wife of the former Minister of Film and Television, a woman who does not give way to a man.

Immediately, a cultivator from Shenzhou stood up and said to Qin Yufei, "Madam Li, you don't have to go up. Let me come first! In the realm of cultivating immortals in Shenzhou, you don't lose your spirit if you lose in a fight. Even if we fight to the last person, we must fight with spirit." Handed down!"

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