
The immortal cultivator who spoke to Qin Yufei walked up to the sword practice field with his head held high. Susanoo from the Japanese immortal circle said to the others: "I will deal with it next."

The burly Susanoo stood in front of the opponent like a little giant. He held ten fists and swords as steadily as Mount Tai. Micro Pai..."

Hiss, before he could finish speaking, Susanoo raised his ten-fist sword and split him in half with lightning speed, blood splashed all over the ground immediately

"You don't need the registration number for miscellaneous fish, and I can't remember it even if you report it." Susanoo pointed to the Shenzhou immortal cultivator standing outside the field, "Let's go together" [

This crazy move immediately angered many people. Although they couldn't understand what the other party was saying, the disdainful tone and contemptuous demeanor made everyone understand what he meant.

From the beginning to the present, the Japanese immortal cultivators have completely defeated the Shenzhou immortal cultivators. The few golden masters who played on the field have not even won a game against the Japanese immortal cultivators. Everyone is suffocating a fire in their hearts, but they suffer from the disparity in strength between the enemy and us, so they have been forcing themselves. endure

Now seeing fellow Taoists from the world of immortal cultivation in Shenzhou being instantly killed, they rushed to the sword practice field screaming like explosives being detonated by a detonator. Everyone didn't care what the rules were, sacrificed their own magic weapons, and used their strongest fairy arts one after another. Saying hello to Susanoo, it turned into a gang fight

With a loud roar, Susano's body suddenly swelled and turned into an even bigger giant. Immortal arts of various colors bombarded his body like a guide, but Susano had already turned on the golden body mode to let these things happen. No matter how strong the celestial art is, it won't do anything to him

"Huh, it's a waste of effort." Susano looked at these tiny immortals in Shenzhou as if looking down on ants, and suddenly swung his ten-fist sword and chopped them to pieces. Those with relatively shallow cultivation were brutally murdered, and the gang fights turned into unilateral massacres for a while

Staring at the appalling situation, Zhu Yueji suddenly said, "I finally understand the intentions of the Japanese immortal cultivators. Back then in the Pantheon Palace, Li Xiaochen severely injured the younger generation of immortal cultivators in the Japanese and Korean immortal cultivators, causing the new forces of the two countries to suffer a severe blow. Now The Japanese cultivating world is retaliating against us. They want to massacre the new generation and the Mesozoic...even all the masters in the Shenzhou cultivating world."

Qin Yufei smiled wryly: "I happen to be the one who incited them to die."

Zhu Yueji comforted: "You are very right. Even if we don't want to be enemies with them, these Japanese cultivators will find excuses to start a war. Anyway, it is better to die than to fight with all your strength. Although defeat is glorious, as long as this spirit is still there, even if people lose the Divine Land One day, the world of cultivating immortals will still stick up."

Qin Yufei said with a serious face: "If we can't wait for Ah Chen in the end, we may have to go up and fight them to the death."

Zhu Yueji was afraid that Qin Yufei would rush up and immediately grabbed her arm and said, "Don't be impulsive and wait patiently. You and I are people who have children. If you don't think about yourself, you should also think about the children. The two little guys are not weaned yet." They would be so pitiful without their mother.”

Thinking of little Qin Yi who was still in her infancy, Qin Yufei's motherhood surged out, and now that she has a child, she can't be as scruples as before. After all, the child is the mother's heart, if it is not forced, who wants to be separated from their child forever

Zhu Yueji felt relieved when she saw the loving expression on her face, knowing that Qin Yufei couldn't let go of the child, at least Qin Yufei wouldn't be reckless because of a moment of anger, no matter what, she would keep Qin Yufei before Li Xiaochen arrived.

When the two of them were talking, more than half of the immortal cultivators from Shenzhou were killed or injured in the sword practice field. Except for some people with higher cultivation levels, there were only cowards who were too frightened by the opponent's vicious methods to fight recklessly.

The current scene is extremely chaotic

Heizi, who was sitting on the sidelines watching the battle, couldn't help but frowned and shook his head when he saw the bloody scene: "Brother, I think we should help those younger generations in the world of immortal cultivation in Shenzhou. Anyway, we also have a deep connection with Shenzhou."

Although Bai Zi was also moved with compassion, he had his own opinion: "We have seen a lot of big winds and waves. What is this small scene? And I think it means that the reason why the Japanese immortal cultivators came this time to kill the divine immortal cultivators. I heard that before Li Xiaochen defeated the new generation of Japan's cultivators one after another, making half of the younger generation cultivated by them useless. Uesugi Huangyi will definitely not be able to swallow this tone. "

Heizi understood what he said and stopped talking. This Uesugi Koichi has a heavy heart for revenge. If he and Baizi go out to help the Shenzhou Immortal Cultivation World, it will ruin the good deeds of the Japanese immortal cultivators. Then Uesugi Koichi will definitely point the finger at the Korean immortal cultivator Heizi It is impossible to stay in this world forever. Sooner or later, they will abandon their bodies like their predecessors and ascend to immortality. At that time, who will protect the Korean cultivating world?

Once Emperor Uesugi brings his men and horses to the world of cultivating immortals in South Korea, I'm afraid it will be ruined

Under the balance, Heizi can only bear with patience and wait for the development of the situation, only hoping that the world of cultivating immortals in Shenzhou can survive this catastrophe [

Not long after, the chaotic massacre scene gradually turned into dead silence. The immortal cultivators from Shenzhou were in a mess, and Susanoo killed all these masters by himself. Standing majestically in the center of the field like a god.

Such a large-scale bloodbath is a disaster that has never happened in the world of immortality in China for nearly a hundred years. The immortal cultivators who survived the massacre did not dare to step forward and hit stones with pebbles. The so-called unyielding spirit has also become an empty slogan.

Susanoo laughed wildly and shook his finger at the immortal cultivators in Shenzhou and said a few words in non-standard Chinese: "Immortal of Shenzhou"

Qin Yufei clenched her fists and glared coldly at Susano Zhu Yueji, who immediately moved in front of her to block her sight and said, "Calm down, Yufei, let's wait a little longer, maybe Achen will arrive soon."

"If I don't make a move, who else will make a move?" Qin Yufei looked at Zhu Yueji coldly

In fact, Zhu Yueji didn't want to fight with the Japanese immortal cultivators, but Qin Yufei was already dissatisfied with the Japanese immortal cultivators because of her father's relationship, and then Shenzhou Taoist was tortured and killed by Susano, right in front of their eyes. Who can swallow this breath?

It's just that Qin Yufei, who has always been calm, has already been impulsive. If she, Zhu Yueji, gets hot again, it will be even more chaotic. In order to calm Qin Yufei, Zhu Yueji had to divert her attention and said: "Didn't the four monks say that if the Japanese cultivators dared to They will never sit idly by if they move us, why do they make any movement at all?"

Qin Yufei immediately turned her head to look at the four divine monks at Banzang Temple, and saw that the four golden monks were all sitting cross-legged on the ground, motionless. Zhu Yueji, noticing something strange, walked over to each of them to check their breath and pulse, and she was shocked.

"What's the matter?" Qin Yufei also came here and called the four of them a few times, but they didn't see them agreeing to reach out and touch the pulse. The four monks were already out of breath.

"Who did it?" Qin Yufei angrily swept around the crowd

At this time, several small poisonous snakes suddenly sprang out of the mouths and noses of the four monks, twisted their bodies and rushed towards Zhu Yueji and Qin Yufei respectively. They reacted quickly and immediately turned into golden bodies while dodging away.

Unexpectedly, the speed of these poisonous snakes was unbelievably fast. Even though they had retreated a certain distance, they were still entangled by the poisonous snakes. Their sharp fangs bit the two of them, and they were able to bite the golden body to bleed.

Shocked, Qin and Zhu immediately killed the poisonous snake to force the poison, but the speed at which the poison spread was astonishingly fast. In the blink of an eye, they had already reached the heart. They tried their best to barely stop the poison from happening, but they couldn't fight normally. up

"It's another good thing Yamata no Orochi did." Zhang Yuanren frowned furiously. This Yamato no Orochi is really powerful. A mere poisonous snake can directly bite through the golden body with its teeth...

"Ah..." Zhang Yuanren was shocked and understood that the key point is that the golden master can resist physical attacks and magic attacks, but can't avoid poison.

This move is not incomprehensible! I think these Japanese immortal cultivators have already made targeted arrangements before Shenzhou. Now that Qin Yufei and Zhu Yueji are also injured, who can stop the Japanese immortal cultivators?

Zhang Yuanren sighed heavily and groaned in his heart: Junior Brother Li, if you don’t show up in the world of cultivating immortals in China, it will really be over. Although we have been sorry to you, for the sake of fellow Taoists in China, please make sure to rush over and help us now. You are the only one I can count on

When the Japanese cultivators were rampant, Liu Rongwei, who was in a hidden cave in Shenzhou, had already digested the Emperor Pill. Standing next to him, Guijiu and Suiyang showed evil smiles at the same time: "As expected, the Emperor Pill can make your cultivation base Elevating to such a level is evil and awe-inspiring."

Liu Rongwei, who was sitting cross-legged, slowly opened his eyes and smiled at Onojiu: "It feels great, I have been waiting for this day for a long time."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly raised his hand and grabbed Podojiu by the neck, pushing him heavily to the ground

A large crater was formed on the ground by the ghost socket. The whole cave was shaken. A group of bats were startled and flapped their wings and flew out of the cave.

Liu Rongwei smiled grimly and said to Guijiu: "At the beginning, you killed my whole family and forced me to stab my biological father to death. I have always remembered the hatred in my heart. I endured the humiliation and finally waited until today, you bastard, you will die for me."

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