Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 375) On the verge of defeat

The black lightning that fell from the sky fell to the earth, and rushed towards Liu Rongwei's body like crazy.After waiting for tens of millions of years, the long-cherished wish of invading the land of China is finally about to come true.Demon King Bo Xun had waited too long for this moment.To rule the ancient fairyland and China is his wish that cannot be obtained day and night.As long as you get this body, you can flex your muscles and rule the world!

At this critical moment, Li Xiaochen activated the teleportation technique and instantly moved to Qin Yufei's side.At this time, he had already put on a full set of Feixian suits, just like the Tianmeng Shangxian back then, with a heroic and majestic appearance.

In order to get the best opportunity before the demon king Bo Xun took Liu Rongwei's body, Li Xiaochen raised his fairy sword and slashed open the barrier protecting the center of the altar.Jiang Mier, who had already been ready to go, rushed out like an arrow, directly killing Liu Rongwei's body.

Li Xiaochen knew that he would not have time to swing his sword again, so he immediately used the teleportation technique to accurately and mistakenly teleport the Feixian Sword to Jiang Mier's hand.

In an instant, the black lightning had entered Liu Rongwei's body.Jiang Mier, who was already in front of her, transformed into a golden body, held the Feixian sword tightly, and used all the strength in her body to pierce the heart of Liu Rongwei's physical body at the fastest speed! [

This is the last strategy left by Tianmeng.

Tian Meng, who knew that the deadline had come, had long expected such a day.The shackles of the demon chain in Tiangang Town will always let the demon king Bo Xun break free.Once the Demon King regains his freedom, he will definitely pour out the magic soldiers of the Six Brahmas and invade the ancient fairyland on a large scale.The immortals living in that world must be humiliated by the magic army.With the Immortal Emperor's capable appearance, it is absolutely possible to withstand the millions of soldiers under the command of the Demon King.Unless there is another Tianmeng, the ancient fairyland will definitely not be able to hold on.

After conquering the ancient fairy world, the demon king Bo Xun is definitely not satisfied with the status quo, and is ambitious to rule the earth.Bo Xun's demon body is extremely powerful and will be corroded by the immortal energy floating in Shenzhou.To carry out unscrupulous activities in Shenzhou, one must have a body that can withstand the primordial spirit of the demon king.

Because the demon king's demon body is extremely strong and difficult to be completely eliminated, it is an impossible task for the later cultivators to directly destroy the demon king's primordial spirit.If you can't head-to-head, then you have to look for the weakness of the devil and wait for the opportunity to strike.

And the moment when the Demon King is weakest is when he enters into a suitable body and fuses with it.As long as you seize this once-in-a-lifetime moment, it is possible to kill the demon king Bo Xun.

The principle is also very simple.But all immortal cultivators who have cultivated the primordial spirit have one thing in common.It doesn't matter if the physical body is destroyed, as long as the primordial spirit is still there, it will be immortal.But before the body dies completely, if the primordial spirit cannot escape from the body, it will fall into the six realms of reincarnation and cannot be revived.Even if it is as powerful as the demon king Bo Xun, there is no exception.

Jiang Mier's sword grasped the timing accurately, so it can be said that it can be said to be picky.Liu Rongwei who was stabbed widened his eyes ferociously, staring at Jiang Mier who rushed up desperately.

"Mi'er, be careful!" Li Xiaochen saw that Liu Rongwei had the faint intention of making a move, and immediately slapped him with a powerful vajra hand.

Unexpectedly, before this golden handprint was photographed, black lightning flew out of Liu Rongwei's body, divided into several parts, and scattered in all directions.Seeing that the demon king Bo Xun is about to perish, who wants to fail in the end?

At the same time, Liu Rongwei's body suddenly raised his right hand, and slapped Jiang Mier's chest hard with lightning speed!

Jiang Mier wowed and spat out a mouthful of blood.The whole person flew upside down, slammed into the wall, and fell down.Li Xiaochen was frightened and angry, and hurried over to hug her.A black palm print struck her chest impressively, constantly corroding his flesh.

"It's the devil's poison!" Li Xiaochen's face was serious, and he blocked the meridians and acupuncture points around the palm print, and immediately expelled the devil's poison from her body.

The ghost socket in Liu Rongwei's body controlled his body, he slowly pulled out the Feixian sword that pierced his body with a smirk, and said to them: "Tianmeng, Tianmeng, you are so stupid. Do you think you can kill the king like this? The king just got into this body just symbolically. In fact, I am still the one who dominates Liu Rongwei. You can kill me at most. But the king is destined to rule the world... Heh, heh Ha ha ha ha!"

Li Xiaochen didn't know how the other party knew about this plan, he was secretly suspicious, and then heard Guijiu say: "Do you think your little trick can fool the king? , I have already learned about your tricks from the memories of Trisina and Luo Di. Do you think he will be unprepared? The flying fairy sword is only nailing my soul!"

"Even so, you can't use Liu Rongwei's body anymore." Li Xiaochen looked at the blood gushing out of Liu Rongwei's heart, knowing that the Feixian Sword Qi had destroyed all internal organs in the body just now.The primordial spirit of the demon king Bo Xun wandered outside and couldn't last for a few years.

"Hmph, do you think I will be unprepared?" Onijiu smirked and made a formula.Liu Rongwei's body turned into a dark corpse on the spot, and fell down.A puppet talisman was pasted on the back.The appearance of that corpse is definitely not Liu Rongwei.

Li Xiaochen was taken aback: "Is this Liu Rongwei a fake? That's true... Could it be that the Demon King Bo Xun has already..."

"When I was in contact with the king's primordial spirit just now, I have already told him where the real body is stored. Now the king must have occupied the real body of Liu Rongwei, hahahaha...Tianmeng, do you think now? Are you stupid?" Guijiu greeted Suiyang, stopped staying, and disappeared in place immediately.

Li Xiaochen held Jiang Mier, whose expression was distorted due to too much pain, in one hand, and picked up the Feixian Sword with the other, splitting the barrier that imprisoned Qin Yufei. [

"Yufei, you've been here for quite a while, you should know about this magic circle, right? Since it can pierce the barrier of the Divine Land, it can also repair the barrier. It's up to you then."

Qin Yufei frowned and looked at Jiang Mier, and said to Li Xiaochen, "What are you going to do now?"

Li Xiaochen replied with a hesitant expression: "I want to give Mier emergency treatment. Let's talk about Bo Xun later..."

At this moment, Qin Yufei saw deep weariness and exhaustion on Li Xiaochen's face.He seemed to have aged a lot in an instant.The originally bright eyes also dimmed a lot.This dazed look was not at all like the usual Li Xiaochen.

Why, why did he become like this?Is it just the guilt caused by Tianmeng's plan not succeeding?

No, Qin Yufei always felt that the reason why Li Xiaochen had no fighting spirit was more because of Jiang Mier.Li Xiaochen is not a person who doesn't care about others.At this time, rather than saving Jiang Mier, he should shoulder the responsibility to find the Demon King Bo Xun.

But he did not choose reason, but his own feelings.Qin Yufei suddenly felt jealous.Jiang Mier was only injured, and would not die immediately.But she was only injured, Li Xiaochen was so nervous about him, he even lost his fighting spirit, and only wanted to heal her injury.

She, Qin Yufei, had been injured so many times.Only that time in the Panshen Palace did Li Xiaochen lose control and run away.Now Jiang Mier was just invaded by the devil's poison, and Li Xiaochen turned into this ghostly appearance.In his heart, after all, Jiang Mier weighed heavily.

He thought that since he was like glue to him and had a lovely child, he should be the number one in his heart.Now it seems, alas...

Qin Yufei sighed and said, "You...don't forget what you should do most."

Li Xiaochen nodded: "As long as Mi'er is safe, I will immediately go to Bo Xun to settle the score."

Qin Yufei was so sad that she stopped talking, and started to prepare for the reverse activation of the Demon King's magic circle to repair the broken Divine Barrier.

Before taking Jiang Mier away from here, Li Xiaochen took another look at Qin Yufei and said, "Yufei, the only thing I can rely on now is you. You are always considerate, considerate and tolerant of me. In my heart, you will always be my main palace. I will always love you..."

"It's, it's time, don't say such nasty words..." Qin Yufei turned around in a panic, not daring to look Li Xiaochen directly in the eyes, "I, I don't care if you are in the right palace or not. ..."

"Then don't put on such a jealous expression." Li Xiaochen chuckled, "But since you don't care anymore, then Mier, Tang Yao, Yueji and Xiaosha are all in the palace."

"You!" Qin Yufei turned around angrily, stared at the old and unscrupulous Li Xiaochen, and bit her lips, "No! I am your main wife, the only legal wife. There is only one wife in the main palace. !"

Li Xiaochen looked at Qin Yufei's angry and cute look with a smile, and said, "This is my Yufei. Don't be unhappy. After this catastrophe is over, I will be with you every day, and let you be the wife It deserves its name.”

"You're so shameless! Who wants to be with you every day..." Qin Yufei, who was pretty and blushing, pouted her small lips, and sent Li Xiaochen away, "Hurry up and find a place to treat Mi'er's wounds. It's not good if it takes too long. When the root cause of the disease falls, don't feel bad."

Li Xiaochen nodded slightly to her, hugged Jiang Mier tightly, and flew to where Dapeng was.

Qin Yufei looked at his disappearing figure in a daze, and murmured to herself: "You said so. But in your heart, I'm always inferior to Mi'er. Seeing how nervous you are, hum!"

After returning to Pengfu, Li Xiaochen hurriedly handed Jiang Mier over to Zhu Yueji's care, and solemnly instructed: "Cure Mier as soon as possible. She has been poisoned by the devil, and her condition is not very good."

Zhu Yueji looked at the black palm print on Jiang Mier's chest, and she was amazed: "Mier is a master of gold, even if she can't resist poison, she won't be beaten unconscious, right? Who did it?" [

"You should have noticed the change in the barrier of Shenzhou? The demon king Bo Xun has come to Shenzhou. This palm... well, anyway, you should heal her as soon as possible." Li Xiaochen distressedly smoothed Jiang Mier's scattered Hair, "I don't want anything to go wrong with her."

Seeing his worried look, Zhu Yueji couldn't help laughing, "If Yufei sees your expression, she will definitely be upset."

Li Xiaochen sighed: "She was already unhappy just now. But I don't have much to do. It was Mier who introduced me to the world of cultivating immortals. My relationship with her...I, how could I not care about her?"

Zhu Yueji took Li Xiaochen out of the room, and said, "Understood, Great Lover. You'd better go find your good friend Bo Xun. Otherwise, when he adjusts, Shenzhou will suffer."

"Brother Li, what happened?" Zhu Lingsha, who had been taking care of Qin Yi and Zhu Nijia, heard Li Xiaochen's voice next door, so she came to take a look.

"Bo Xun came into the world. It's all my fault that I thought things too simply and failed to seize the opportunity." Li Xiaochen frowned, "I have to stop Bo Xun! I will leave the child to your care, Xiao Sha .Don't let anything happen to them. I don't want a fire in the backyard at this critical moment. Do you know what I mean?"

Zhu Lingsha nodded vigorously: "I understand. Even if I try my best, I will not let others touch the children."

"Then I'll leave it to you, Xiaosha." Li Xiaochen kissed her lightly on the forehead, then strode forward to look for the Demon King Bo Xun.Zhu Lingsha watched him leave shyly, and murmured, "Brother Li, you must be safe."

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