Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 376) Analyzing the Situation

Li Xiaochen almost used all his energy to find the Demon King Bo Xun.He even divided his own Yangshen into trillions, and conducted a blanket search on the land of Shenzhou.But after searching the entire continent, he couldn't find any trace of Bo Xun.The Great Demon King seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.At dawn the next day, he still couldn't find Bo Xun.

What's even more strange is that after this night, the whole of Shenzhou was surprisingly quiet, and nothing unusual happened.Everything was very peaceful and peaceful.I don't know what the hell Bo Xun is planning.

Li Xiaochen, who was thinking of another way, was preparing to divide the Yang God again and conduct a super detailed search.Zhang Yuanren brought several members of the film department to find him.

"Junior Brother Li, that's great, I can finally meet and talk to you. Your Yang God is flying too fast. We don't have time to communicate with you at all."

Seeing his nervous look, Li Xiaochen couldn't help asking, "Why do you want me?"

"Of course it's because of the rupture of the barrier in Shenzhou." Zhang Yuanren pointed to the crack in the sky, "This barrier, which can only be seen by cultivators who have cultivated the primordial spirit, cracked last night. But somehow, until today In the morning, it was repaired again. Brother Li, do you know what's going on?"

Li Xiaochen said, "It was probably an accident. Who knows."

Zhang Yuanren shook his head and said, "No, I guess this matter must have something to do with you. Now, don't hide it from me."

Li Xiaochen didn't intend to keep the matter under wraps, so he briefly told him about Bo Xun's related matters.After Zhang Yuanren heard this, he was shocked: "Why have I never heard of these things?"

"Perhaps these things were originally only known by the head of Taiwei and Melzak. They also spent some time trying to find me who was reincarnated as Tianmeng. Of course, this kind of confidential matter cannot be easily known to others. Now you know Now, just obediently go back to the Xianlun faction. You can’t help this time. Demon King Bo Xun is not something ordinary people can handle.”

Zhang Yuanren pondered for a while, and said: "To tell the truth, Junior Brother Li, I came to you this time under the order of Elder Qinggu. The elder said that as long as you are willing to repair the Divine Barrier, the Immortal Wheel Sect will welcome you back. You can also be the master."

Li Xiaochen sneered: "Elder Qinggu is really disgusting. How did he treat me back then? Now he's doing another thing. I won't be the head of some Lao Shizi. Now I'm just a person who betrayed the Divine Cultivation World, and It's just a traitor colluded with Jiuyou."

Zhang Yuanren said anxiously: "But you... you and Mrs. Zun have already repaired the Divine Barrier. This is the strongest evidence to prove that you are not a traitor."

Li Xiaochen said nonchalantly, "I don't know if I'm a traitor or not. Anyway, I don't have a good reputation. Repairing the barrier is just my job, and I don't need any rewards."

Zhang Yuanren is honest and simple, not good at persuading people.He knew that Li Xiaochen's temperament was not bad.It's just that when the incident happened suddenly, everyone regarded him as a bad guy.Now that time has passed, Li Xiaochen has just admitted that Qin Yufei used the magic circle of the devil and the power of the five eyes to repair the Divine Barrier.The facts are also in front of us.From now on, who would dare to say that he is not?

It's just that it is a big problem to persuade him to change his mind and return to the Xianlun sect.

Zhang Yuanren scratched his ears and cheeks, blushing with anxiety, afraid that Li Xiaochen would run away, so he had no choice but to persuade him indiscriminately: "Junior Brother Li, I have seen all over the world of cultivating immortals in Shenzhou, and I think you are the only one worthy to be the head of the Xianlun Sect. Madam Ling's parents were from Qin, Lin's two great families of cultivating immortals have a very close relationship with the world of cultivating immortals in Shenzhou. You can't bear to fight too hard with everyone? Besides, you killed the Tianshan faction and the Jiang family a while ago, and severely damaged the Shushan faction and Kunlun No matter how big the resentment is, it should be gone. You'd better think carefully about returning to the Xianlun faction."

Li Xiaochen sneered and said, "What's the difference if you don't go back or not? If Elder Qinggu really wanted to, he wouldn't let you come to me at this time. He just wanted me to repair the Divine Barrier for him, and he didn't mean it." You want to welcome me back. And I don't want to look at the faces of those elders again. Brother Zhang, I appreciate your kindness."

Zhang Yuanren didn't expect him to be thoughtful, and he actually hit Elder Qing Gu's intentions, and couldn't help but feel his face burning.The mouth also became duller.

"This... Junior Brother Li, Elder Qinggu is indeed... that's right. But... the world of immortal cultivation in Shenzhou really can't do without you. Last time in the battle of immortality in the Three Kingdoms, the talents of Shenzhou suffered heavy losses. Among the younger generations, you are the only one You stand alone. In the realm of cultivating immortals, even the seniors are not one-tenth as good as you. Without you to support the scene, the world of cultivating immortals in China will decline in the future."

Li Xiaochen said: "Isn't it true that the Japanese and Korean cultivating worlds have been seriously injured? Last time in the sword practice field, I have done my best. The strength of the three kingdoms' cultivating worlds tends to be balanced. No one dares to embarrass Shenzhou anymore. I think you should give up early Come on, don't waste your time talking about me."

Zhang Yuanren knew that he was stupid and could not persuade him, so he changed the subject: "At least let us work together and share some of the burden for you. You go back and recharge your batteries first. Our Xianlun faction will take out all the hands, Hurry up and look for the whereabouts of the demon king Bo Xun. As soon as there is news, I will inform you as soon as possible, okay?"

Li Xiaochen searched hard for Bo Xun but failed.He was also worried about Jiang Mier's injury.This proposal was indeed very exciting to him.Although he eliminated two sects one after another, he never moved the Xianlun sect.They were not badly wounded.There are also plenty of staff.Looking for Bo Xun, one more person, one more effort.He has no reason to refuse.

"Okay then, if you have Bo Xun's whereabouts, you must inform me as soon as possible." After speaking, Li Xiaochen flew to where Dapeng was. [

When she returned to Pengfu, the poison on Jiang Mier's body had been carefully removed by Zhu Yueji.Her big, agile eyes rolled around again.Li Xiaochen was naturally happy in his heart, sat next to Jiang Mier, put his arms around her and said, "Let me see if there are any scars left on your chest?"

"Stop!" Jiang Mier slapped Li Xiaochen's thug in time, "Tianmeng's plan seems to have failed. You will have a headache in the future. By the way, where is Bo Xun?"

Li Xiaochen told her the story, and then asked: "Mi'er, you are so smart, you must be able to guess where Bo Xun hid."

Jiang Mier thought for a while and said, "Do you know why Bo Xun didn't start a large-scale raid on Shenzhou immediately? I think he is very afraid of you. Bo Xun sent three witches to seduce you. Not only did he not drag you Don't hold back, but fell in love with you instead. The plan he set up did not complete as expected. You have regained Tianmeng's cultivation base, and even improved more than before. Bo Xun had to guard against you. So he didn't dare to show up. body."

After a pause, Jiang Mier continued: "Secondly, although Bo Xun has acquired a physical body, it should take some time to get used to it. Now he may not be able to exert [-]% of his strength. It is definitely not a good thing to fight head-on with you during this period. The best strategy. This is another reason for him to hide. Another reason is that Liu Brahma's magic army did not completely occupy the ancient fairyland and could not invade Shenzhou in time. But you asked Yufei to repair the Shenzhou barrier in time and blocked the magic army from attacking. The road to China. Bo Xun alone may not be enough to completely win China. This is why he disappeared temporarily."

Li Xiaochen nodded in agreement: "Your analysis is very good. But does it have anything to do with where Bo Xun hid?"

"It doesn't matter. You just split the Yang God and walked around the ground of Shenzhou. Have you looked for every stream and river in Shenzhou? Have you looked for every swamp and depression? Have you checked every animal's body?" In the body?"

Li Xiaochen suddenly said: "You mean, Bo Xun has not invaded the real body of Liu Rongwei. In order to hide from me, his soul is hidden in an unknown place. God, if it is true as you said, He hid in that kind of place... I may not be able to find him even if I dig three feet into the ground."

"That's why I didn't answer your question at first. Because as long as Bo Xun wants to hide, no matter how powerful you are, you won't be able to find him. It's pointless to dwell on this question. Since you can't stop him from occupying Liu Rongwei's body, Then we should be fully prepared to deal with the devil. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze his purpose of hiding. Through my analysis just now, you should understand where Bo Xun's weaknesses are. As long as those factors are not eliminated, He will not appear in front of you rashly. And we can use this in turn to kill all the factors that are beneficial to Bo Xun. This is equivalent to cutting off his wings."

Li Xiaochen clapped his hands, and said with emotion: "Listening to your words is better than reading ten years of books! Mier, you really deserve to be my dog-headed military adviser, you can analyze the situation so thoroughly!"

Jiang Mier snorted, pouted her lips, and said dissatisfiedly: "A military division is a military division, don't add the word 'dog head'. I'm not a dog head."

"Oh, don't mind my words so much. I'm just praising you as Zhuge Zhuge. Fortunately, you are not my enemy. Otherwise, I'm afraid I will have a headache every day."

"Maybe." Jiang Mier chuckled, "You know that I have a heavenly magic talisman in my body. As long as Bo Xun wants to, he can control me at any time. Don't trust me so easily. Otherwise, you will suffer a lot. "

Li Xiaochen asked with a smile: "In your opinion, how should I deal with it now?"

"As for the job of searching for Bo Xun, you have handed it over to the Xianlun Sect. As long as they issue an order, most of the immortal cultivators from Shenzhou will join the search for Bo Xun. This is for sure. Although the Shenzhou enchantment It has been repaired, but who can guarantee that Bo Xun will not use his eyes to pierce the pick-up again? So you know how to do it? What's more, during this period, you have to continue to improve your self-cultivation. for."

Li Xiaochen said in surprise, "I've already reached the realm of a celestial being, how can I improve? I've already reached the top!"

"Yes, in terms of cultivating immortals, you are almost perfect and can be picky. But you can learn Buddhist techniques, both Buddhism and Taoism! Mastering the power of Buddhism, you will have more weapons. To deal with Bo Xun, you can There is a greater certainty. Are you right?"

"It seems that I should go to Banzang Temple in person."

"It's not necessary. All dharmas are sought from the self-nature. Climbing outside is not the Dharma. You hold the treasure mountain in your hand, why should you give up the near and seek the far, and seek infatuatedly?"

Li Xiaochen shook his head: "I don't understand what you mean."

Jiang Mier said: "You have the Feixian gourd. There is a gourd in the gourd. There is a Feixian Pavilion in the gourd. How many classics are hidden in the Feixian Pavilion, isn't it enough for you to learn?"

Li Xiaochen said with emotion: "Mi'er, I think having you is really a precious asset. It seems that everything can be easily solved in your hands. How high is your IQ?" [

Jiang Mier giggled and said, "Am I smart?"

"Yeah, much smarter than me."

"I put forward so many valuable opinions for you, shouldn't you reward me?"

"It should be rewarded well." Li Xiaochen smirked, turned over and pushed Jiang Mier down on the bed, and kissed her moist and luscious lips.

The two were entangled in limbs.Jiang Mier was made to gasp and coquettish by him, and she yelled coquettishly: "Smelly rascal, big villain, your skills are getting better and better... Huh, tell me the truth, how much did you do with Yufei... Um~ don't touch there ~"

Boom boom boom!At the critical moment, the sudden knock on the door frightened the two of them to stop quickly.The disheveled Jiang Mier drove Li Xiaochen away in a panic to fix her clothes.

The people outside coughed twice, and asked politely: "May I come in, Mier, Dust?"

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