Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 76] Sword and Immortal Jue!

Wu Youyan, who had already gained the upper hand, suddenly felt a burst of pure immortal energy emanating from Li Xiaochen's body, forming a strong sense of oppression.

It was as if a million angry lions were staring down at him proudly, making the visceral qi in his body suppressed and unable to function.

Wu Youyan, who was gradually feeling suffocated, took a few steps back to reduce the pressure on the lung lobes, allowing him to breathe heavily.

At the same time, he felt very bad: why did this kid suddenly become so imposing?

The rustling fallen leaves, rolled up by the cool autumn wind, fluttered in the air like colorful butterflies.

But as soon as he touched the murderous blade floating in the void, it was immediately torn in half.

Li Xiaochen took a breath of true energy, pointed an ancient sword in front of him with two fingers in the middle of his right hand, and waved it casually!

The ancient incantations engraved on the sword suddenly burst into golden light, shining the surrounding area with brilliance.

The ancient sword infused with spirituality is like an elite soldier who has been ordered by a general, flying out like an arrow and moving forward bravely.

In the dark sky, bright and breathtaking sword shadows appeared one after another. The ancient sword struck down from the upper right and directly hit Wu Youyan's side neck.

Faintly seeing the purple lightning appearing on the sword, he was afraid of being caught by Li Xiaochen's words, so he didn't dare to accept it forcefully, and stepped back. Li Xiaochen squeezed the sword control formula with the two fingers of his left hand, and pointed at Wu Youyan who was dodging in a panic. .

The rest of the ancient swords around him clanged and clanged, all rose to the top of Li Xiaochen's head, rotated to adjust the angle, and aimed at Wu Youyan with their sharp points.

Then it turned into streaks of bright white light, piercing through the void like meteors whose eternity lasted for an instant, piercing towards the target unstoppably.

"This really is the Yujian Zhuxian tactic!" Jiang Mier watched in disbelief as Li Xiaochen swung the Yujian freely to defeat the enemy, and was so shocked by this dazzling and gorgeous move that she forgot to keep her mouth shut.

Back then, the founding master of the Xianlun Sect traveled all over the world and was famous for his powerful and pleasing fairy sword moves.

Usually the moves that pursue good posture are often flashy.It strives to be practical to defeat the enemy but lacks aesthetic feeling.

However, Patriarch Xianlun studied heaven and man, and found a wonderful balance between these two opposing aspects.

His celestial skills have both majestic power to split the sky, and yet thrillingly gorgeous and elegant.

And one of the housekeeping skills of Patriarch Xianlun is this Jue of Yujian Zhuxian.

All subsequent masters of the past dynasties regarded Yujian Zhuxian Jue as the treasure of the town school.

If one can practice the Sword and Zhuxian Jue to the highest level, one can defeat ten thousand enemies, and just like his reputation, he can attack enemies with the sword and destroy demons and kill immortals.

When Jiang Mi was a child, she was fortunate enough to see the current head of the Xianlun School, Taiwei, who used the Yujian Zhuxian Jue, so she was able to recognize it on the spot.

But when Li Xiaochen used this move, it was as if he had practiced hard for decades, extremely proficient.

But how is this possible?Don't say he hasn't learned this stunt.Even if he really practiced Yujian Zhuxian Jue, with his current cultivation level, he would definitely not be able to use it.

This kind of exquisite trick of Yujian can only be cultivated if Taixuan Tian Qingdao has cultivated to the fourth level of driving things.

The more Jiang Mier thought about it, the more she felt that Li Xiaochen was not a beginner in cultivating immortals: Could it be that he has some secrets to hide from me?Is it about the secret hidden by Shenleiyan?This bad guy pretending to be stupid, you must ask him to understand later.

While she was pondering, Li Xiaochen's sword fighting with Wu Youyan was extremely fierce.

Wu Youyan, whose green skin was ferocious like a yaksha, was repeatedly caught in the net of floating lights and swords.But relying on his solid skin and bones, he fought unyieldingly and remained firm.

Li Xiaochen drove the lightsaber, attacking the vital points on Wu Youyan's body from all directions.Two more swords were separated and stabbed directly at his eyes.

Even if a person trains all the muscles of the whole body to be rock-solid, there will still be weak points.For example, the eyes and eardrums cannot grow muscles.

Jiang Mier stabbed Wu Youyan in the eye before, but he restored it again.

But as long as he seized the opportunity and prevented him from having any chance to absorb blood essence, he could be permanently injured.

Wu Youyan couldn't understand his own weakness very well.He tilted his head to avoid the two flying swords.As for the others, there is no need to worry about it at all.

Just when Wu Youyan thought he was avoiding danger, Li Xiaochen yelled: "Break!"

A flying sword pierced through Changhong and turned into the most beautiful aurora in the world. At the moment when light and shadow intertwined, it pierced into Wu Youyan's body and came out through the bone!

Li Xiaochen's movement fluttered, and at the moment of deciding the outcome, he shuttled behind Wu Youyan.The right hand holds the bloody ancient sword that pierces the opponent.

While turning around, he slashed a sword diagonally upwards in a cool and sassy manner.

With a scream of "ah", Wu Youyan's entire Lihun arm was cut off immediately.

Amidst a burst of screams that pierced into the bone marrow, Li Xiaochen took advantage of the opportunity to step on the flying star stepping on the moon, turned his body to distance himself, took out the flying fairy gourd, and hurriedly said the spell to absorb the demon.

The more than 100 wronged souls in Li Hun's hands, together with the vast stars in Li Hun's hands, were collected into the gourd without falling to the ground.

Wu Youyan yelled, covered his wound, and stared at Li Xiaochen resentfully.

But now that he doesn't have Lihunshou, he doesn't have much chance of winning.Unwilling to take his life, Wu Youyan returned to his original human form, picked up his tattered treasure fan, and fled away.

Li Xiaochen was about to pursue and kill him with Yujian, but he heard the voice of a security guard shouting.

Gradually, the warm current all over the body returned to the Shenleiyan hidden in Dantian again.

Li Xiaochen, who had regained his sobriety, looked at the flying fairy gourd in his hand, and felt that his body was dancing as if he was sleepwalking just now.

As for whether it is really an illusion, he himself does not know.

At this moment, on the roof of an attic not far from Chen and Mi, there are two men standing.

A denim attire is none other than Melzak, the dean of the Mei School of Management.

The other is an older elder.He was wearing a purple luxurious Taoist robe embroidered with the 28 constellations of the stars.

The full head of gorgeous hair was gathered into a ball on the top of the head, and was bound by a finely carved hairpin.

Two long eyebrows hang down beside the cheekbones.The white beard grows from the edge of the lips to the front of the chest, with a kind-hearted, fairy-like appearance.

Melzach looked at the two people who were talking with the security guard, and said, "Master, after a thorough investigation, we have confirmed that the cowboy named Li Xiaochen is the reincarnation of Tianmeng Shangxian. The most precious god of our sect Lei Yanzang has recognized him and entered his body. There is no doubt about his identity."

The head of the Xianlun Sect gave a hum, and nodded slightly: "This matter is about the life and death of all living beings in the world. Our Xianlun Sect must do our best to help him return to the immortal class and save the common people."

"Follow the order of the head." Melzac bowed to the old man with a very respectful attitude.

Taiwei observed for a while, and said, "Minister Mei, the woman next to Shangxian Tianmeng seems to have an unusual background."

Melzak replied: "Her Chinese name is Jiang Mier. Japanese name is Shuiyue Shizuka. Her biological father is Jiang Ruoli, the former head of the Jiang family. Currently, in order to successfully inherit the position of the Jiang family, the implementation of Her own plan."

"No, that's not what I'm talking about. I saw her with fairy eyes, and it seemed that she also came from the heaven. It's just that it's hard to distinguish between good and evil. It's hard to predict good or bad if you stay with Shangxian Tianmeng."

Seeing their intimacy from afar, Melzac asked the head of the Xianlun faction for advice: "The head try to separate them?"

"First thoroughly investigate Jiang Mier's past life, and then make any calculations." The head of the Xianlun Sect looked up at the stars in the sky and frowned, "The evil star is approaching, I think there will be a catastrophe in the sky soon. The evil spirit will force him to leave Yinluo City and go to the northwest. I hope the film department can give him proper support and help him get through this calamity. At the same time, Minister Mei also wants to introduce Tianmeng Shangxian into the Xianlun sect as soon as possible, and don't call the side sects wrong. his practice."

Melzac pressed down his cowboy hat, staring at Li Xiaochen who was laughing and talking with Jiang Mier, and remained silent.

After reporting the case, Jiang Mier and Li Xiaochen, who were invited to give a statement, didn't return home until very late.

Jiang Mier applied medicine to the wound on Li Xiaochen's chest, and blew it a few times carefully.After the wound was treated in this way, it was immediately cool and refreshing, and I no longer felt pain.

Li Xiaochen groaned comfortably: "Jiang Mier, what kind of medicine are you using?"

Jiang Mier smiled without answering, walked around behind Li Xiaochen, rubbed his shoulders and massaged him attentively: "Thank you for your hard work tonight."

Closing his eyes, enjoying Jiang Mier's service, Li Xiaochen sighed with a smile: "Jiang Mier, when you're not making fun of people, you're still quite likable."

"Then tell me, where did you learn the Jue of Yujian Zhuxian? Did Melzac teach you?" Jiang Mier pestered Li Xiaochen to ask about it.

"What trick? I haven't heard of it. You taught me everything I know, okay?"

"Then how did you do it just now? Huh, I don't believe it. You must have something to hide from me."

Li Xiaochen said with a smile: "Why should I hide it from you? I don't even know what's going on. By the way, what kind of trick is that powerful? Did I play handsome just now?"

"Hmph, it's so ugly, it's like a dance master." After finishing speaking, Jiang Mier insulted him a few more words to prevent him from getting carried away.

After that, she told Li Xiaochen about the majestic power of Yujianzhuxianjue, and asked again: "No one really taught you?"

"How many times have you asked? Really not. I'm sleepy and going to bed." Li Xiaochen yawned, stood up and went back to his room.

"No, no, no, I need to find out. Tell the truth quickly." Jiang Mier dragged him back to the sofa, her face full of reluctance.

Li Xiaochen was so sleepy that he couldn't open his eyes, he didn't have the energy to answer her again, so he collapsed on the sofa and fell asleep.

Jiang Mier pouted, and patted him: "Hmph, what an idiot...Huh? This is..."

Just as she was about to wake Li Xiaochen up, she suddenly saw an exquisitely crafted little bell on the keychain around his waist.

Although it looks a bit outdated, it is very eye-catching when it is dropped in the pile of unpretentious keys.

Jiang Mier really didn't pay much attention to the accessories on his keychain before.She untied the bell from Li Xiaochen's body, looked left and right.I was both happy and nervous for a while.

After pushing Li Xiaochen, Jiang Mier asked, "Hey, who gave you this little bell?"

Hearing the sound of the bell shaking in a daze, Li Xiaochen narrowed his eyes: "I bought that when I was seven years old."

"Oh? You wear it all the time?" Jiang Mier kept ringing the bell, making it make a pleasant sound.

Li Xiaochen let out a "huh" like a raving.

Jiang Mier squeezed out a sweet smile: "I have been wearing it for more than ten years since I was seven years old? Is there any special significance for such a long time?"

"Of course there is."

"Then get up quickly and tell me." Jiang Mier kneaded Li Xiaochen like breaking dough, "I want to hear the story of Ling Ding."

Li Xiaochen brushed Jiang Mier's hand away, frowned and said, "Stop making trouble. We'll talk about what's going on tomorrow. I'm really sleepy."

"No, I'm going to listen today. Can't you get up? If you don't get up, I'll slap you." Jiang Mier poked Li Xiaochen with a smirk, making him laugh constantly.

"Okay, I'll just tell you. You're too unreasonable if you don't even give me any sleep." Li Xiaochen reluctantly sat up from the sofa, but Jiang Mier laughed. : "Are you crazy or stupid to reason with women?"

Li Xiaochen glared at Jiang Mier, snatched the bell from her hand, and said, "These bells are a pair. I kept one. The other was given away."

"Short oil, I smell adultery. Tell me, did you give it to some pretty girl?"

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