Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 77] What happened when I was 7 years old

When he was seven years old, Li Xiaochen met a little girl of his age in the Immortal Temple outside the village.

The girl's eyes are big and watery.The skin is white, tender and smooth.Very likable.But she doesn't like talking to people.

The little girl is always holding her grumbling stomach, hiding in the corner of the fairy temple, hugging herself into a ball.

Seeing how pitiful the little girl was, Li Xiaochen couldn't help feeling sorry for her, and wanted to get her something to eat.

The story begins here.

Li Xiaochen, who was still a child, ran desperately in the withered grass with a big bowl of hot food in his arms.These weeds grew outside the village, with tall stems and long leaves, covering him completely.

"Don't run!" There were a dozen villagers with hoes and sickles chasing after him in the distance.

Hearing their voices, Li Xiaochen ran desperately.

He knew very well that stealing must never be caught.Once he fell into the hands of those villagers, he would definitely be beaten to death.

Li Xiaochen's heart beat fast.This is the first time he has done such a sneaky thing.

It's just that he didn't expect to steal delicious food from that villager's house so easily.

In order to avoid being caught by the villagers, Li Xiaochen first ran to the east outside the village.When you are far enough away from them, go south and make a big circle to the Immortal Temple on the west side of the village.

Facing the setting sun, he let the afterglow that sprinkled the earth dye him a golden wheat color, and he finally ran to the finish line.

After vigilantly looking around and confirming that there was no ambush nearby, Li Xiaochen walked into the temple cautiously.

Few people come to this fairy temple.Only during the Chinese New Year, the villagers will respectfully offer incense and various foods in order to pray for the gods to bless the harvest in the coming year.

The temple has not been cleaned for a long time, and there are many spider webs and dust.

Li Xiaochen walked up to the little girl, turned his head and looked out a few times.No one was in sight, nor was there any screaming.

Only then did he take out the food in his arms and handed it to the little girl: "Eat quickly. I just got this."

The little girl who smelled the fragrance looked up at the innocent little boy, and slowly shook her head: "I'm not hungry."

As she spoke, she pushed the bowl of food back to Li Xiaochen.

"Really?" Li Xiaochen stretched his nose to the side of the bowl and took a deep breath, "It smells so good! If you don't eat it, then I will."

Seeing his intoxicated face, the little girl swallowed hard.

Saying I'm not hungry is a lie.She has not eaten for several days.Now I am too weak to walk, so I can only stay in this dilapidated small temple.

"It's delicious." Li Xiaochen grabbed a mouthful of rice with his hand, put it in his mouth, and continued to lure the little girl's appetite.

He chewed the rice, deliberately eating it with gusto, as if he had tasted the best delicacy in the world.

Seeing him eating so happily, the little girl secretly clenched her fists, trying to resist the temptation of appetite: "My mother said, you can't eat food from strangers."

"Then you'll be hungry." Li Xiaochen picked up a piece of shredded meat with his index finger and thumb, and swung it back and forth in front of the little girl's eyes. He said with a smile, "Do you want to eat, do you want to?"

"I don't want to!" The little girl turned her head away, not looking at the fragrant meat stick that made her move her index finger, and swallowed her saliva to relieve her hunger.

She hypnotized herself repeatedly in her heart: I ate a lot of delicious seafood.What I just swallowed was a deep-sea lobster.What I'm devouring now is Kobe beef.What you eat in your mouth is steamed hairy crab.Mouth stuffed full.Well, I can't eat it...

"It's really delicious. I'll show you if you don't believe me." Seeing that he was unmoved, Li Xiaochen threw the shredded pork into his mouth and tasted it carefully.

The little girl hypnotized herself for a while, not only was she not full, but even more hungry.She turned her head unbearably hungry, and looked pitifully at Li Xiaochen, who had a sly eyebrow.

She clutched her bulging stomach tightly, her brows were furrowed, and she almost fainted from hunger.

But the little girl was determined, gritted her teeth, and still did not accept the other party's charity.

Li Xiaochen took a few mouthfuls of rice and said vaguely: "My name is Li Xiaochen. Muzi Li, the carefree Xiao, the dust of the world. My mother hopes that I can be unrestrained and carefree in the world. What about you?" , how old are you, and what's your name?"

"I'm seven years old. My name is..." The little girl was about to say her name, but felt uncomfortable.

She pouted and stared at Li Xiaochen angrily: "Hmph, you are a bad person, you actually tried to trick me. I won't tell you, I won't tell you anything... Mmm! Mmmmmmm..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Xiaochen, who had put the food aside, had already pressed the little girl's cheeks with both hands, and squeezed her small mouth into an O shape.

Then he leaned forward and delivered the chewed meal to the little girl's mouth.

"Oh, you, you, you bit my tongue..." Li Xiaochen had just delivered the food, when the little girl's teeth bit his tongue.

With a crisp "snap", the little girl slapped him angrily, "Hooligan!"

Li Xiaochen covered his red face with slap marks, and smiled instead of anger: "I'm a hooligan. Eat obediently."

After finishing speaking, he threw the little girl to the ground, picked up the bowl of food, and stuffed it into her mouth.

At first, the little girl clenched her teeth tightly to prevent the food from entering her mouth.Li Xiaochen poked her under the armpit, making her giggle.

When the little girl opened her mouth, he forced the food in.

"...Bad guy, uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." The little girl's face was swollen like a frog's cheek, and she couldn't speak.

After putting all the bowl of food into the little girl's mouth, Li Xiaochen kissed her round cheek that was about to burst, and said with a laugh: "Hey, eat it all, I will love you .”

The little girl shed tears, and while crying and swallowing the food, she scolded Li Xiaochen bloody in her heart.

"When I don't eat, my mother always treats me like this, hehe." Li Xiaochen rubbed his nose with a smile, and took out two bells from his pocket, "I originally bought these for my sister. But I see that you are even poorer than me because of your tattered clothes. Alas, it is the job of a hero to be a chivalrous man, to help the world and save the people. I will give this to you."

Handing a bell to the little girl, Li Xiaochen said again: "If you are not convinced and think that I am playing a scoundrel on you today, when you grow up, you can use this bell to settle accounts with me at any time."

At this time, shouts from the villagers suddenly came from outside the temple.Li Xiaochen was startled, and ran to the temple gate to have a look, and there were a few villagers coming towards him in the distance.

He went back to the corner and said, "I'll go and lure them away. If you are full and strong, get out of here quickly. If you let them know that you ate that bowl of rice, your legs will definitely be broken."

After walking out of the Immortal Temple, Li Xiaochen yelled on purpose to expose his position.

After the villagers found him, Li Xiaochen made a grimace, pointed his butt at them, let out a ecstasy fart, and ran away.

The Immortal Temple also gradually moved away, shrinking into a small spot, and finally submerged in a piece of golden yellow.

The night wind blows by, startling waves of golden waves one after another, blowing away yellowed photos of secular childhood memories...


"It's over?" Jiang Mier, who was very interested in hearing it, shook Li Xiaochen's arm, "And then, did that little girl come to you? Or did you go to her? Strongly request the director to add more scenes."

Li Xiaochen shook his head and smiled, "It's been more than ten years, and there is no news. This kind of thing is not a big deal. I almost forgot."

Jiang Mier didn't take it seriously: "If you don't care, then why are you still wearing this bell? You roughly took away someone's first kiss! Tell yourself, are you a beast? You actually raped a loli. Seven years old It's that bad, hehe!"

Li Xiaochen blushed when she said it: "At that time, I just wanted to let her eat, and I didn't think about anything else. Besides, everyone is still young. Who cares about this?"

"Hey, let me ask you..." Jiang Mier with an ambiguous face sat over and bumped him with her arm, "If you were given a chance to choose between that little girl and me, would you Who will you choose?"

"Choose one?" Li Xiaochen squinted at her, "What do you mean? What do you choose? To be your wife?"

"Yeah, of course I was chosen to be the wife." Jiang Mier looked into Li Xiaochen's eyes expectantly, "Come on, do you choose me or her?"

Li Xiaochen, who was stared at by the strange eyes, shuddered, stroked the goosebumps that grew out: "You are sick, Jiang Mier. You are a girl, are you not ashamed at all? It's shameless to ask such a question in front of a man. And why should I choose between you?"

"Yo, are you still shy?" Jiang Mier patted him on the shoulder with a smile, "Needless to say, you will definitely choose me. A beautiful, gentle and considerate beauty like me has always been loved by everyone , The car sees the car. Sao Nian, if you don’t choose me, will there still be the laws of heaven and kings? If you don’t choose me, will you be worthy of the country and society’s years of careful cultivation of you? If you don’t choose me, you dare to call yourself the purest man on earth. Grandpa?"

"It's happening again." Li Xiaochen, who was not smiling, shook his head and fell asleep.

"Hey, you haven't said yet. Who will you choose?" Jiang Mier leaned over and tickled him again.

Li Xiaochen twisted his body to prevent her from touching the sensitive point, and said, "Don't you have the answers, why are you asking me?"

"I want to hear you tell me. Hurry up~"

Li Xiaochen drooped his eyelids: "It's over, can you let me have a good sleep?"

"Look at your performance."

"Then I will definitely choose that little girl. After all, she and I also had a passionate collision that made each other's heart beat. If she comes to me now, I must be responsible to her."

"Hmph, you lolicon! Tonight, I will represent that little loli to get back what you took advantage of back then!"

"Can someone else replace this matter? Have you obtained her consent? Hey, Jiang Mier, don't act recklessly! You can't use a lighter to burn my sexy leg hair! All the tough men are pointing at this The coquettish leg hair is alive! Hey, you really burn! I warn you very seriously, Jiang Mier! You are deliberately destroying the national first-class natural black forest! The leg hair is very angry, and the consequences are very serious! "

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