Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 83) The Lin family is in charge

Li Xiaochen, who had been watching the changes quietly, could not stop smiling wryly as he watched the flames of war spread to him.

"Hey, come down quickly. There are so many people watching." With a hot potato in his arms, Li Xiaochen felt extremely uncomfortable.

It was rare for Tang Yao to have such close contact with Li Xiaochen, how could she get off him obediently?

She was so playful, she simply continued to play tricks: "How can I do it? You are my Golden Diamond VIP annual customer. You haven't recharged others this month. You can get a [-]% discount for recharging today, and there are great gifts Send. I won’t treat you badly~”

As she said that, Tang Yao chirped, sucked Li Xiaochen's face like a superficial sip, and laughed like a naughty child playing a prank.

Suddenly being kissed by a beautiful woman, Li Xiaochen's heart beat faster and he felt even more embarrassed.

His face was flushed, he hugged Tang Yao down, with a straight face, he said: "Don't mess around."

Lang Langlang saw the two of them sitting on the same stool.In speech and demeanor, they are very intimate.Although he didn't believe that this young man could spend a billion dollars to keep a beautiful woman, but the facts were in front of him.

Not only did the beauty love him, but she also hugged and kissed him in public.

Why is Lang Langlang so jealous?

The beauty first humiliated him, and then ran to wink at and courteous the man.Doesn't this mean he's slapping him in the face?

He wanted to leave, but he flaunted his identity in public before.There are quite a few distinguished guests here.Just going away would only make them despise him.

How can you hold your head up in the industry in the future?

Just when he was at a loss, Tang Yao glanced at Lang Langlang again: "Why are you still here?"

Li Xiaochen knew that Tang Yao's family was in big business.And this Lang Langlang is also a businessman.

He didn't want Tang Yao to turn against each other because of these trivial matters.In the business world, if you want to get along well, you naturally have to make more friends and fewer enemies.

If you make the relationship stiff, don't you cut off your own money?

So Li Xiaochen dissuaded Tang Yao: "Don't make trouble anymore. You're embarrassing others, you know? It's almost time to stop."

Tang Yao leaned on him and said with a sweet smile, "I will do whatever you want me to do."

That well-behaved and obedient yet charming appearance made the men salivate like a fountain.A pair of colored Mimi's eyes stare like dead fish eyes.

The more Lang Langlang looked at them, the angrier he became, and the more he looked at them, the more he felt unreasonable.

Pointing at Li Xiaochen who "stolen" his prey, he said angrily, "Leave a name if you have the guts!"

Before Li Xiaochen could speak, Tang Yao signaled the dazed supervisor with her eyes: "Tell him who I am."

Hearing her order, the supervisor suddenly came to his senses, pulled Lang Langlang aside, and persuaded with a sad face: "Boss, you can't afford to mess with this person. She is the precious daughter of the chairman of the Tang Corporation in Yinluo City." ! And our store is owned by Tang Group."

"What, what?" Lang Langlang thought he had heard wrong.

In Yinluo City, who in the business world doesn't know the Tang Corporation's dominance?

These few days, Lang Langlang was negotiating a big deal with the Tang Corporation.If he had a falling out with them at this moment and made the other party determined to cancel the order, then he would lose at least several million.

Lang Langlang said suspiciously: "Your boss, Tang Zongtian, I've met him a few times. But his could it be such a coincidence that she met here and was taken care of by another man?"

The supervisor clapped his hands on his thighs: "Oh, how did I know about this?"

Lang Langlang turned his head, looked at Tang Yao who was joking with Li Xiaochen, and had a bad idea in his mind.

He walked out from the back door of the restaurant, got in the car he drove, took out his mobile phone, and made a call: "Hello? Mr. Tang, it's me, Xiao Lang. I'm sorry to disturb your precious time. I want to ask It's your business. I heard that Ling Ai..."


After a full meal, Li Xiaochen learned from Tang Yao that the store was originally opened by the Tang Group.

Only now did he understand why Tang Yao spoke so well here.Tang Yao had checked her words before, and saw that Li Xiaochen was not dissatisfied with her overly intimate behavior.

As long as you don't feel disgusted, it means that you have a chance to win his heart.

So, after paying by card, she boldly took Li Xiaochen's hand and walked out of the restaurant.

It has to be said that Tang Yao's performance really satisfied Li Xiaochen as a man.

But this action of holding hands on the street made him feel weird.

It's not that I don't want to further deepen my relationship with Tang Yao, but I'm afraid of being bumped into by acquaintances.Especially Jiang Mier and Qin Yufei.

Li Xiaochen always felt that even if something happened between him and Tang Yao, it should be sneaky.

It's better not to do something as ostentatious as holding hands.The last time she was "caught raped" on the sofa, Jiang Mier disappeared for a week.

What would happen if she caught her again?

Why are you afraid that others will find out?Could it be that he really regarded Tang Yao as a mistress and would never be seen again?

After thinking about it, Li Xiaochen didn't know why he had such a strange mentality.

During the chat, he tried to withdraw his hand, but Tang Yao held it tightly.

Quietly tried several times, but failed to achieve the goal.Li Xiaochen was also afraid that if he moved too much, he would touch Tang Yao's sensitive nerves and cause her to be hurt.

Finally had no choice but to give up.

Seeing that he no longer struggled, Tang Yao thought that he had finally accepted such a relationship, and she was even more happy in her heart.

A girl's mood always changes faster than the weather.In the morning, she was still brooding over all the bad things Li Xiaochen had done to her.Forget about worrying at noon, laughing and laughing with this friend who makes her happy and worries her.

The two wandered around for a while before walking back to school.

Before entering the school gate, a well-dressed handsome guy stopped them: "If you want to disturb you two, my surname is Lin. May I ask if you are Li Xiaochen, Mr. Li?"

Seeing the other party looking directly at him, Li Xiaochen nodded wonderingly: "I am. What can I do for you?"

The handsome guy said politely, "My name is Lin."

"I know. You just said that."

"My boss would like to ask Mr. Li to speak for a while. I wonder if it's convenient for you now?"

"Your boss?" Li Xiaochen looked around, but didn't see anyone special, "Where is it?"

"Please come with me." Handsome Lin made a polite gesture of invitation, and as a guide, walked first.

Li Xiaochen pulled Tang Yao to follow him, muttering in his heart: He said his surname was Lin, and he repeated it.Could it be someone from the Lin family?Why did the people from Ke Lin's family look for me?I don't know them.Those who can be related should be the Qin family and the Jiang family.If they are really the Lin family among the four great cultivators, what's the matter with me?

Handsome Lin led them to the scenic area of ​​Mei's School of Management, suddenly stopped, turned around, and said, "My name is Lin, and my full name is Lin Hanye."

"Lin Han... also?" This is too similar, only one word away from Lin Hanzhi.Li Xiaochen was even more curious.

He couldn't help asking: "May I ask, who is Lin Hanzhi to you?"

Lin Han also smiled without answering, and turned to Tang Yao and said, "This beautiful lady, my boss only invited Mr. Li. Could you please stay here for a while?"

Tang Yao gave Li Xiaochen a questioning look.The latter nodded and said, "I can go alone."

"You really don't need me to accompany you?" Tang Yao reluctantly let go of his hand, and then, like an abandoned little daughter-in-law, she gripped the corner of his clothes mournfully.

Li Xiaochen pulled back his clothes and said with a smile, "Why don't you go back first. I'll go find you when I'm free."

After finishing speaking, he didn't dare to turn his head back, and didn't dare to stay any longer, and followed Lin Han to the Shenbi Lake in the school.

He was afraid that if he turned around, his heart would soften, and he was reluctant to leave.

Lin Han also took Li Xiaochen to a Maserati by the lake, and said respectfully and politely to the people in the car: "Mr. Li Xiaochen has arrived."

The people in the car hummed.Just when he had the tendency to get out of the car, Lin Han opened the door.

Walking out of the car was a beautiful and refined woman.Li Xiaochen observed a few times from her appearance, and thought that she was only in her twenties.

But after seeing Zhao Yazhi on the screen, an elegant woman like Zhao Yazhi who is like a thousand-year-old snake spirit, who can use "magic" to keep her face and deceive the masses, Li Xiaochen shouted "I don't believe in love anymore" just like many broken-up lovelorn women. "Like the boys, I no longer dare to judge a woman's age based on her appearance.

The reason for doubting her appearance is that this woman has a mature temperament that women in their twenties do not possess.

Based on years of research on women's positioning and the venomous vision honed over the past 21 years, Li Xiaochen, who has been looking at women since his mother's womb and has extremely rich clinical experience, can be almost 100% sure: this lady's appearance is the same as There are intriguing differences in age.

Maybe she, like Zhao Yazhi, has the legendary little-known palace secret recipe to keep herself beautiful.

Or maybe she has a unique secret technique that can slow down, slow down, slow down the aging of the physical body.

It is also possible that she has a similar experience with Edogawa Conan. In a young body, there lives a relatively young soul.

Every movement of this hand, every gesture of this lady is graceful and elegant. While leaving a few wisps of faint fragrance from the delicate body on the back seat of the fragrant car, the jade finger gently He stroked and took away a golden-red jade firefly sword.

The sword held in the lady's hand is engraved with a vermilion fire-bathed phoenix with a rooster's head, swallow's jaw, snake's neck, turtle's back and fish's tail.

This phoenix is ​​lifelike, quietly emitting a faint colorful streamer, as if it will come out of its sheath at any time and fly high.

Although Li Xiaochen's cultivation was not high at this time, he could still sense the fiery immortal energy emanating from the sword that couldn't be concealed.

Just when he was secretly marveling at this beautiful sword, the noble lady lightly opened her red lips: "My name is Lin Yifei. I am the current head of the Lin family and Qin Yufei's mother."

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