Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 84) The Art of Phantom Fire

Tang Yao, who was left behind by Li Xiaochen, watched him go away, then walked back to the dormitory with a sense of loss.

"Hey, beauty, would you mind going for a drink with me?" After walking a few steps, a middle-aged man in denim was leaning against a vertical lamp with a rose in his mouth, and the thief rushed towards him. Tang Yao bared a smile.

Tang Yao, whose mind is full of Li Xiaochen, is imagining the happy life after marrying him.

Just thinking about the lingering love between the two, Tang Yao, who was so shy, was suddenly called out like this, and was almost out of her wits with fright.

She covered Shengxia's pretty face, and when she saw that it was Melzac who was talking to her, she said angrily, "Dean, you scared me to death."

Melzac seemed to see through her small thoughts, and said with a smile, "Did you scare away all the ghosts in your heart?"

"Where is the ghost in my heart?" Tang Yao calmed Xiaolu's beating heartbeat and regained some sense, "You didn't come to me just for drinking?"

"Not exactly." Melzac delivered the rose to Tang Yao in a gentlemanly manner, "To be honest, I want to ask you for a favor. Before that, I want to tell you something that you will definitely be interested in." thing."

Tang Yao thanked him for the roses, and said with a slight smile, "How do you know that I will be interested?"

Melzach said: "Don't you want to know why Li Xiaochen has changed so much recently? Why did you inexplicably get angry with him in the classroom last time? Why didn't you even hit him with gun bullets? Why did Liu Rongwei's bomb Can't blow you up?"

These are indeed the questions that Tang Yao wants to get to the bottom of.But either he didn't have a chance to ask Li Xiaochen, or he just confused him after asking.

She was terribly curious about it.Hearing what Melzak said, Tang Yao couldn't help asking: "Can you give me the answer?"

"If you want to know, just follow me." Melzac didn't answer her right away, left this sentence, and walked outside the school gate.


Hearing that the other party claimed to be Qin Yufei's mother, Li Xiaochen by the lake couldn't help but stretch his face full of surprise.

He originally thought that Qin Yufei's mother's surname should be Qin, but he didn't expect her surname to be Lin.

Perhaps he was so impressed by the four great families in the Xiuxian world who separated their families by surname that he mistakenly thought that everyone in the Qin family should have the surname Qin.

But if this Concubine Lin Yi is Qin Yufei's mother, why is she the head of the Lin family?

What about Qin Yufei's father, Qin Yichuan?

A thought flashed in Li Xiaochen's mind, and he suddenly realized: You can't be obedient!Qin Yichuan is the head of the Qin family.Concubine Lin Yi is the head of the Lin family.So isn't Qin Yufei the jewel in the palm of the two masters, the golden branch and the jade leaf?

If she wants to inherit the family business in the future, will she be the head of the Qin family or the head of the Lin family?Could it be that the heads of the two families are both in charge?

If she can be the head of two families, and find a man who can also be Jiang and Zhu to marry her, wouldn't the child she gives birth be able to unify the four great families?

Can the four great families agree to this kind of centralization?

Li Xiaochen suddenly smiled.What are you worrying about?Someone has to worry about this.Besides, he is not a member of the four great families, so what is he doing with so many nosy affairs?

After exchanging polite words, Li Xiaochen asked the other party's purpose for coming to him.

Lin Yifei didn't speak any more.His gaze was like fire, staring straight into Li Xiaochen's eyes.

When the four eyes met, Li Xiaochen suddenly felt as if his eyeballs were being burned, and the pain was endless.

This burning sensation continued to escalate, as if it was going to burn his eyeballs into ashes.

Shocked, Li Xiaochen immediately mobilized his true energy to protect his eyes.But it was already too late.

What the burning eyes can see gradually becomes a bit chaotic.

For some reason, a raging red flame ignited in front of my eyes, igniting everything.

Whether it was the blue birds and white clouds in the sky, the green grass and fragrant flowers on the ground, or the blue water goldfish in the lake, they were all devoured by the monstrous flames that looked like demons from hell.

Even the sun that never goes out all year round is bitten by this weird and powerful fire.

Flames devoured flames, and it was hard to tell who was who.

There was a sound of metal colliding.Li Xiaochen was suddenly shackled by four extremely thick chains, unable to move his limbs.

He, who still hasn't figured out the current situation, has been chained to an execution platform.

The still elegant Concubine Lin Yifei emerged from the flames holding a sword, and walked slowly towards him.

The strange thing is, just like "passing through thousands of flowers, not a single leaf touches her body", there is no spark on her body.

That Ranran flame is like a slave in awe of her master, and she doesn't dare to offend Concubine Lin Yi in the slightest.Don't even touch half of the clothes.

Walking in front of Li Xiaochen, she raised her sword and stabbed him in the heart.

This sword stab was not particularly fast, nor was it particularly heavy, but it caused Li Xiaochen pain to the marrow.

He wanted to vent the unbearable torture by screaming.But after opening his mouth, he couldn't make a sound.The vocal cords and tongue were scorched by the fire.

After Lin Yifei's sword was inserted into Li Xiaochen's body, it burned his internal organs, flesh and fur.

This torture of burning a living person to death from the inside and outside, devastated Li Xiaochen so much that he couldn't bear to live.

Just when his whole body was burnt to the point that not even his bones were left, Li Xiaochen, who thought he was finished like this, suddenly saw Concubine Lin Yi, who was still indifferent, became as small as an ant.

No, not right!It's not that Concubine Lin Yi has become smaller, but that Li Xiaochen has become bigger!

Looking at his body which was more than ten times thicker than normal, Li Xiaochen became more and more confused.Wasn't it burned to death just now, why is there still a body?

Before he could figure it out, Concubine Lin Yi was divided into tens of thousands, scattered around his body.

Every Concubine Lin Yi held a sword and pierced into Li Xiaochen's huge body one after another.

The extremely hot and soul-piercing pain pierced through every pore of his body, pierced through every capillary, shredded every viscera, and finally penetrated his entire body.

It didn't take long for bright red blood to flow out from countless pores, but it was quickly dried by the fire.

Li Xiaochen had never experienced such domineering and cruel pain.He felt like he was in hell, let alone being slaughtered, and he couldn't die.

Enduring heart-wrenching torture every minute and every second, Li Xiaochen has lived in this world for tens of thousands of years.

Looking at the sun that was roasted by the prison fire, rising and setting with the passage of time, Li Xiaochen's spirit has completely collapsed.

No matter how strong his endurance was, he would not be able to accept this cruel and inhuman torture uninterruptedly for tens of thousands of years.

Just when Li Xiaochen fell into the abyss of endless pain of crime and punishment, the ancient Thunder God who was in the God Thunder Eye also sensed his situation.

The endless prairie in this space, at the moment Li Xiaochen's heart sank into despair, was set ablaze by the flying fire meteorites falling from the sky.

The ancient Thunder God suffered from being restrained by the Feixian Sword and the Zhenyao Zhenxie Formation, and could not escape.The beard and hair on the face were also black smoke billowing from the fire, and the smell of burning was everywhere.

"Tianmeng!" The ancient thunder god roared towards the sky, trying to wake up Li Xiaochen who had fainted for the first time, "Wake up quickly! Such trivial skills can do nothing for you!"

The fire in Shenleiyan's hiding place spread rapidly, and it burned to the body of the green umbrella mushroom in the blink of an eye.

The Ancient Thunder God called several times, but couldn't wake Li Xiaochen up.If this continues, not only will Li Xiaochen be finished, but he will also die along with him.

His skin and flesh were almost burnt until the outside was crispy and the inside was tender, he sighed heavily: "Forget it, I lost the original bet."

He clasped his hands together, got rid of distracting thoughts, and said in his mouth: "Sprinkle three thousand pure water from poplar branches, empty nature and eight virtues benefit people and heaven, prolong life and prosperity, eliminate crimes and eliminate guilt, and burn red lotuses with flames. Bodhisattva of Nanwu Cool Land Mahasa..."

After reading the song "Praise of Yang Zhi for Purifying Water", the world hidden in the eyes of Shenlei suddenly surged with wind and clouds.

The strong wind rolled up the dark clouds, and the sky was turned into thunder and lightning, and the sun and the moon were dark.

After a while, the dark clouds were so low that they almost touched the ground.There were several low-pitched thunderclaps, like a flying cloud dragon roaring.

On the gloomy sky, there was a torrential rain.

Like rain after a long drought, the land that has been burned to the point of deep ravines like a canyon is greedily sucking the nectar of clean water that sprinkles all over the ten directions and carries the Bodhisattva's endless compassion.

The crazy fire of burning, killing and looting did not burn out like the two sentences in historical texts that "wild fire is endless, and spring wind blows and regenerates" after encountering the divine water that can moisten all things and nourish all living beings.

On the contrary, they accept the love contained in the raindrops and die with the wind.

What's even more strange is that not long after the fires all over the world were extinguished, the plants that had been burnt to ashes were nourished by the clean water of poplar branches, and had the opportunity to grow again, growing lush and endless green flowers. .

Seeing that the momentum was controlled and the effect was amazing, the ancient Lei Shen was greatly surprised, and he recited the praise of Yang Zhi for water purification more sincerely.

This hymn containing immeasurable merit broke through the dimension of space and was passed on to Li Xiaochen in another world.

The brilliant flames all over the world, hearing these words of compassion and compassion, bowed their heads to the sky like devout disciples of the Buddha and Bodhisattvas.

In an instant, all the scorching fires turned into beautiful, holy, and brilliant red delicate lotus flowers, dancing gracefully, and falling down from the sky.

It really complied with the phrase "flame turns into red lotus" in the gatha!

Concubine Lin Yi, who held long swords, couldn't help but look up at the sky, admiring this unparalleled spectacle that was rare in a hundred years.

The fragrant and clean holy lotus sprinkled on Concubine Lin Yi with a unique fragrance that was not found in this world.

After touching their bodies, their petals bloomed with soft and pure light, diluting the opponent's nothingness.

Just after the last Concubine Lin Yi in this other world disappeared completely, Li Xiaochen also broke away from it and returned to the real world.

When everything was restored to its original state, the bloody images accumulated over tens of thousands of years remained in Li Xiaochen's mind.

His legs and feet were weak, and he knelt on one knee uncontrollably, panting like a cow.

"Huh?" Lin Han, who was watching the battle, also frowned, "You actually cracked the master's phantom fire technique."

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