Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 86) Rescue Arrives

This sword is fast and fast.There was no sign before the move.In a fit of rage, Concubine Lin Yi wanted to kill Li Xiaochen on the spot in order to clear her name.

Seeing that it was difficult to parry and dodge, Li Xiaochen wanted to escape with the teleportation technique.Wait for the other party's anger to dissipate, and then make a fuss.

But this move was too fast, so fast that there wasn't even enough time to activate the teleportation technique.

This was also the worst situation Li Xiaochen had encountered since he cultivated immortality.The opponents in the past can't beat them, and they can use various escape techniques to escape.

What about now?Not even a chance to escape.His cultivation base is too far behind Lin Yifei, not at the same level at all.

But if he gave up running away and forcibly took Huang Xia's slashing attack, he would definitely have feces flying all over the place and his head would be in a different place.

In order to save his life, Li Xiaochen had no choice but to resort to his last trick of escape - the secret footwork of flying stars stepping on the moon.

Back when he was learning Flying Star Stepping on the Moon, Li Xiaochen heard from Jiang Mier that the secret footwork cannot be used in front of ordinary people.Because it belongs to fairy art.

What you are facing now is the head of the Lin family, so it doesn't matter if you use it.

Besides, even if the other party is not an immortal cultivator, facing this situation... Of course, life is the most important thing, so how can you care so much?

Lin Yifei slashed down with her sword, sweeping out a large area of ​​Huangxia True Flame.It was really aggressive and mighty.

This Huangxia True Flame is also known as the "Immortal Flame".Huangxia was originally cast with the soul of a phoenix bathed in fire for nine days.

Some people call the phoenix the phoenix reborn from the ashes.

The blazing plume of flame emitted by the Phoenix is ​​the Immortal Flame.

It can burn everything without burning the target that the lightsaber master wants to attack, and it will never go out.

Fortunately, Li Xiaochen cut his hair in time.Otherwise, it will be burned by the immortal fire until there is not even dregs left.

As soon as Lin Yifei's Huangxia sword was released, even the head of the Xianlun sect was afraid of it.With one move, in her eyes, Li Xiaochen was no different from a dead person.

In a blink of an eye, Huang Xia split Li Xiaochen's body easily.

Immortal flames quickly surrounded his body, frantically gnawing and swallowing.

In the blink of an eye, this "Li Xiaochen" disappeared out of thin air.Immortal Fire, which lost its target, also disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Concubine Lin Yi stared at the place where the other party disappeared: "This is... the secret footwork of flying stars stepping on the moon, Cicada Shadow?"

She turned her eyes and looked around for Li Xiaochen's figure.On the lakeside in the distance, Li Xiaochen, who took off his burning jacket, was muttering to himself: "It's so dangerous."

Cicada Shadow can create a near-physical phantom for the caster in a very short period of time, replacing the main body to accept attacks that cannot be dodged.

Before the other party notices, the main body flees away like a golden cicada shedding its shell.

But even so, his clothes were still stained with Huang Xia's immortal fire.

Lin Han, who watched the battle silently, was also in awe of the power of the Huangxia Sword, but he also admired Li Xiaochen's ability to escape from death with a wonderful method.

After all, with a cultivation base that has not yet established a foundation, it is very rare to be able to prevent Lin Yifei, the head of the Lin family who owns Huangxia, from getting a little bit of money.

Counting times in the entire world of cultivating immortals, I am afraid that no one can get out of such a disadvantage.

After several rounds of fighting, Lin Yifei not only failed to finish Li Xiaochen, but he even took the opportunity to eat tofu.

She was angry and dissatisfied, and she hated Li Xiaochen even more.

Holding a sword flower, Lin Yifei, who was even more angry, released more of Huangxia's power.The whole body turned into a red flame and flew towards Li Xiaochen.

This person's sword was like a meteorite piercing the sky, and it struck suddenly with the momentum of wind and fire.Wherever they passed, everything turned into a thousand-year-old sea of ​​flames.

Seeing her attacks becoming more ferocious and terrifying each time, Li Xiaochen felt bitter in his heart and couldn't tell: If I continue to fight like this, I will really be doomed.Qin Yufei, Qin Yufei, why did your mother have such a violent temper?As soon as he came up, he chased me hard and beat me indiscriminately.The most wronged thing is that I don't know why she came to embarrass me.

Wanting to use some tricks, I recalled carefully, Jiang Mier really didn't teach him any tricks.

What he learned, except for Taixuan Tian Qingdao, who was both internal and external, most of them were the tricks of escaping and saving his life.

"That's right!" Li Xiaochen's heart moved, and he thought of a way.

After making a seal formula, he used the teleportation technique to move to the place where the throwing knife was thrown earlier, and Lin Yifei, who was already extremely fast, flew into the air.

For some reason, there is no one in this scenic area at this hour.

But that's okay.Just run to a crowded place, and Lin Yifei, who is chasing him, naturally dare not attack him with great fanfare.

The highest state of escaping is to escape until the other party loses his temper and run so that the other party cannot catch up.Subdue without fighting.

With an idea in mind, Li Xiaochen laughed, and headed towards the dormitory building.

Unexpectedly, he didn't take two steps, a divine fire descended from the sky like Mount Tai crushing the top, with the momentum of splitting the mountain and shaking the sea, it slashed in front of him.

The gusts of hot wind that seemed to be drying it to death forced Li Xiaochen to retreat.

The monstrous flames, like a perennially burning flaming mountain, blocked his way.The high flames soared straight into the sky, trying to burn up all the clouds in the sky.

"Are you too cruel? Don't give me a way out." Li Xiaochen angrily looked at Lin Yifei who was about to strike again with the sword.

There is no way to complain.Who told someone to have such a bug-level magic weapon?I only hate that the gm neglected his duty to pick up girls, and didn't come to block this cheating.

Seeing that the second flaming saber was about to strike from the Huangxia Sword, Li Xiaochen had no choice but to run in the opposite direction towards the lake.

It's just that no matter how fast he ran, it was not as fast as the fire created by Concubine Lin's sword falling.

The immortal fire that flew out from the phoenix glow, under the pull of the sword body, turned into a huge burning blade, and slashed on the lake with great momentum!

The lake full of water was split in half by Huang Xia from the middle, and couldn't stand the burning of the immortal fire, it turned into water vapor, evaporated and disappeared.

Li Xiaochen scanned the unreasonably huge flame from left to right, and then looked at the lake bed exposed due to the complete drying up of the lake.

He no longer knew what expression to use to express the shock in his heart at this moment.

Creatures like women, especially women with "heavy soldiers" in their hands, are too dangerous to offend casually.

"Yin thief, let's see where you are going to escape!" Concubine Lin Yi drew an insurmountable boundary line with the immortal fire, and then she carried the magic soldier Huang Xia and flew towards her murderously.

Just when the battle was about to reach the stage of intense heat, a icy frost with a faint blue light, rolling clouds and snow, floated between Li Xiaochen and Lin Yifei.

There was a clang, and the weapons intersected.Concubine Lin Yi, holding Huangxia in her hand, was forced to step back a few steps.

She stared at the ice-cold beauty guarding Li Xiaochen in surprise and displeasure, and said angrily, "Okay...very good, my daughter is getting older, her elbows are turned outward, and she is helping outsiders."

This beauty with an ice and snow temperament is holding a beautifully shaped fairy sword with a clear blue body and a beautiful shape.

The icy cold air continued to emit from the sword, cooling down the unbearably hot air in this area.

"Qin Yufei, why are you here?" Li Xiaochen breathed a sigh of relief when rescuers arrived.

"If I don't come again, you're going to become an African." Qin Yufei turned her head and glanced at him indifferently.Although the tone is still cold, there is a bit of ridicule in it.

Li Xiaochen clasped his fists, imitating the way of the ancients, and said with a smile: "Then thank you for the beauty."

Seeing that he was naked, Qin Yufei guessed that he must have been burned by the Huangxia Sword.

Hearing Li Xiaochen's words and jokes again, her jade face turned colder, and she said slightly annoyed: "Bah, you are always rude and harsh with your words, and you don't follow the rules. Who favors you?"

Li Xiaochen, who was picked out of words, quickly changed his words: "Okay, to be precise, it's rescue. Is this the head office?"

Only then did Qin Yufei nodded slightly, and turned to Concubine Lin and said, "Mom, why didn't you notify me in advance when you came?"

When she spoke, the blue light of the fairy sword in her hand flourished, spreading the chill more intensely and quickly.In an instant, all the lake water that was evaporated into water vapor by Huangxia before was restored to a liquid state.

Like a torrential rain, these water droplets crashed back into the lake.The crystal water splashed wet the lake.

What's even more strange is that the unquenchable immortal fire, if it encounters a nemesis, involuntarily flew from all directions to the fairy sword in Qin Yufei's hand, and extinguished the flame without falling to the ground.

Li Xiaochen, who was staring at the blue fairy sword, cried secretly: Oh my god, this is amazing.

"Hmph, you did a good job yourself!" Lin Yifei took out a few photos from her shirt and threw them to Qin Yufei.

Li Xiaochen looked curiously.It turned out that these were the photos of Qin Yufei "kissing" Li Xiaochen at the food festival last time.

"Oh—" Seeing the content of the photo, Li Xiaochen finally came to a realization.No wonder Concubine Lin Yi kept chasing him.

She must have thought that he, Li Xiaochen and Qin Yufei had so many thighs.

And Qin Yufei has always shown others with a pure, reserved and polite image.If this spreads in the world of cultivating immortals, it will definitely make her parents lose face.

But if Concubine Lin Yi wanted to kill him and preserve their family's reputation, why did she do it herself, and chose such a place that was not traveled by?

"Explain to me!" Mentioning this matter, Concubine Lin became furious, "If I hadn't seen this from your old man, I don't know how long I would have been fooled by you!"

Qin Yufei was not shaken by her mother's stern voice, and said indifferently, "There's nothing to explain. It's just like what you saw."

"You!" Concubine Lin was half-dead from her attitude, "Okay, very good... These photos of you are here to protest against us?"

"I just hope that I can have my own choices, instead of everything being arranged by you, and I can only be a puppet who can only be obedient." Qin Yufei spoke tepidly, but every word he uttered was like She stabbed her mother like a knife.

She also knew that she shouldn't talk to her mother like this.But if his attitude is not tough, he will be forced to marry sooner or later.

Concubine Lin Yi, who was shocked and angry, did not expect her daughter to speak so aggressively and contradict herself.

Pointing her sword at Li Xiaochen, she asked Qin Yufei: "Did this sinister instigate you to talk like this? You are getting smaller and smaller!"

Qin Yufei looked straight at Lin Yifei without giving an inch: "It's my own idea, it has nothing to do with him."

Concubine Lin Yi sneered again and again: "Okay, of course you can make your own choice. But at least you have to choose someone who can inherit the head of our family. This sinful thief has low moral character and shallow cultivation. How can he compare with Lin Hanzhi?" one of the toes?"

Suddenly hearing the word "Lin Hanzhi", Qin Yufei's heart was in turmoil.

She recalled the days when she was with Lin Hanzhi, and recalled the horrible appearance of him being beaten bloody by Sui Yang on their wedding night.

And the last words he said to her before he died...

For a moment, tears rolled in her eyes.

She lost her composure and shouted to Concubine Lin: "Don't compare him with others! He's gone, he died three years ago! No matter how good he is, he can't be alive! Why can't you understand me? ? Why do you have to force me so hard? Why do you insist on forcing me to marry, and always compare Hanzhi with other people? Do you think this is shopping for vegetables!"

Qin Yufei wiped her eyes, sheathed her sword, and left with tears.Only Concubine Lin Yi who stood there dumbfounded and Li Xiaochen who was speechless...

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