Concubine Lin Yi also recruited Lin Han, sheathed the Huangxia sword and handed it to him for safekeeping, then moved to chase Qin Yufei.

Li Xiaochen also wanted to go over to have a look, and was about to walk away, but was also stopped by Lin Han.

"Mr. Li, please stop. It's better not to meddle in the Lin family's housework." Lin Han also took out a piece of clothing from the car and threw it to him, "Put it on."

Li Xiaochen put his clothes on, thinking that what he said was reasonable.I am indeed an outsider, so it is not easy to meddle in the affairs between their mother and daughter.

Although Xiaobi is employed, what to do in the future depends on the wishes of the employer.The termination of the transaction is also not excluded.

Anyway, he didn't get any benefits, so Li Xiaochen didn't care.

But even if that were the case, he would still go to the Zixian Association to prove what he desperately wanted to prove—fate is in his own hands.

Just thinking of Qin Yufei being involuntary, he couldn't help but sigh.People live in this world, there are always constraints of one kind or another.Although Qin Yufei, who came from a famous family, had no worries about food and clothing, how was she different from those women in ancient times who could not control their own destiny?

On the contrary, he, a grassroots commoner, lived a chic and comfortable life.

Since ancient times, women have suffered a lot.Good things are always pursued by many people.Once you become the target of everyone chasing, it means that you are in trouble.

This is true whether it is beauty, money and power.

Back then, Li Zicheng and Wu Sangui fought for Chen Yuanyuan.When later generations commented on this past event, they always put the hat of a confidante on Chen Yuanyuan's head.

It's not the beauty's fault to be beautiful.Men who can't resist the temptation of beauty also need to take responsibility.

There are many such incidents in history where one becomes a beauty in a fit of rage.

Qin Yufei, who looks more like a celestial being, may not be able to escape the rough fate of a beauty.But as a friend, Li Xiaochen didn't want to see her live so uncomfortable and in such pain.

He hoped that he could help her, get out of the predicament, and at least live happily every day.

Lin Han on the side also saw Li Xiaochen's silence and sad face, and thought he was worried about Qin Yufei.

Lin Han also said: "Don't worry, Miss Qin will be fine. But you really have to worry about yourself."

"Me?" The wandering Li Xiaochen opened his eyes slightly, "You mean, you guys won't let me go?"

Lin Hanzhi smiled and said: "If the master really wanted to kill you, how could he allow you to live until now? If the Huangxia sword were to be released, all the nearby university towns would surely be turned into ruins. But this is exactly the master's scruples. After all, immortal cultivators cannot casually escalate incidents and implicate innocent people. In a sense, this is also your luck."

Li Xiaochen frowned and said, "I don't quite understand what you said. I feel a little contradictory."

"Haha, I'm a bit incoherent. Actually, what I want to say is that through my observation, although the head of the family is very angry with you, she subconsciously doesn't want to take your life. Maybe even she didn't notice this. Probe step by step, measure your ability, she wants to see how far the man Miss Qin is looking for is different from my brother Lin Hanzhi."

Li Xiaochen wanted to ask a lot.But at the end, he couldn't help being surprised: "You said Lin Hanzhi is your brother?"

Lin Han also smiled slightly and said: "To be precise, they are sworn brothers. The Lin family has four elder families, which are Zhi, Hu, Zhe, Ye. Take me for example, I inherited the name of the elder, and the last name of the name is A word must be 'also'. And our generation is ranked by the word 'han', so my name is Lin Hanye."

Li Xiaochen heard what he said was interesting, and asked with a smile: "Is that not only Lin Hanzhi and Lin Hanye, but also Lin Hanhu and Lin Han?"

Lin Han also nodded with a smile: "Indeed. Not only our 'Ye' family, but the other three exist to protect the head of the Lin family."

Li Xiaochen asked more and more questions.He really wanted to gossip about why Lin Hanzhi and Qin Yufei were together, and also wanted to ask if the two of them were close relatives.

In addition to these, there is a litany of problems.

Everyone wants to ask, but I don't know which one to ask first.He only regretted that he had lost a few mouths and couldn't ask all the words at the same time.

At this time, Lin Han also said: "Anyone who wants to be with Miss Qin cannot escape the fate of being compared with Lin Hanzhi, just like NBA superstars are inevitably compared with the basketball god Jordan. Because among the younger generation, Lin Hanzhi is really outstanding. Even if he compares with the seniors with profound cultivation, he is not far behind."

Sighing slightly, Lin Han also showed envy, and said, "Even I envy him to death. He is handsome, well-educated, has a good personality, high cultivation, and is not short of money. A man who is almost perfect, even a man like me is tempted, let alone a girl?"

Li Xiaochen smiled self-deprecatingly: "Fortunately, he is no longer alive. Otherwise, we men would not be able to hold our heads up."

Lin Han also looked at him a little bit: "There is no need to feel inferior. You are also very good. In some respects, you are much better than Hanzhi."

Li Xiaochen was overjoyed, and pretended to be shy: "Biao Jiang Zi praised him. How embarrassing~"

Lin Han also suppressed his laughter, pulled Li Xiaochen's palm, looked at the palm prints, and said, "In my opinion, you have many advantages that Han Zhi can't match. For example, you dare to catch our leader with your bare hands. Chest. I admire your lust and boldness. Apart from this, you are cunning and like to be a rascal. You are cunning and dishonest. You are playful and feigning affection. You are naive and heartless. Childish and immature..."

"Are you sure these are all my strengths?" Li Xiaochen interrupted Lin Han angrily and amusedly.

Lin Han was also noncommittal, and said with a smile: "Your palm prints tell me so. Also, you are protruding and curved, graceful and graceful. Hanzhi's figure is not as good as yours."

"Cough, please pay attention to your wording, okay?" Li Xiaochen glared at him angrily, "Is protruding and curvy used to describe men? Besides, a man with big breasts and round buttocks is also considered an advantage." ?”

"No, your breasts are not big. Your buttocks are not round either. What protrudes from the front is the Adam's apple. What protrudes from the back is the head."

Li Xiaochen almost fell down when he heard this.Well, it turns out that this is the case with lordosis and back warping.

Lin Han also saw the disapproval on his face, so he explained: "Don't underestimate yourself. Anyway, it is also an S-shaped head and neck curve. Such a sexy back of the head and ecstasy's Adam's apple have only been produced for thousands of years. It makes people feel weird. Envy, envy, hate."

Li Xiaochen was so teased by him that he couldn't laugh or cry: "Then do you still want to come over and caress?"

Lin Han also smiled and asked back: "Are you sure a caress will satisfy you?"

"Okay, I was wrong, I shouldn't be discussing such nonsense with you." Li Xiaochen was defeated by him, "If there's nothing else, can I go?"

"Please." Lin Han also put away his smile, and gave him a meaningful sentence: "If you want to marry Miss Qin, you must surpass Lin Hanzhi."

On the way home, Li Xiaochen kept thinking, what counts as "surpassing"?In terms of cultivating immortals, in terms of appearance, or in terms of temperament?

In fact, there is one thing that a living person cannot surpass.The dead live forever in people's hearts.Because of supervisory factors, people will beautify it, which is very biased.

In the eyes of many people, Lin Hanzhi is perfect.Even though he may not be so perfect, after passing away, he has become perfect.

No one in the world can replace his deeply engraved image in people's minds.

However, why must surpass him and replace him?

No matter how good the imitation is, it will only make people remember Lin Hanzhi more.Besides, why did he have to marry Qin Yufei?

Not to mention whether it is worthy or not.Emotions require mutual consent.At least for now, he doesn't have any special thoughts about Qin Yufei.

After arriving home, Li Xiaochen realized that the two contracts that allowed him to become the president were gone!

He tried his best to recall for a while, and suddenly remembered that the contract was burned to ashes when he fought with Concubine Lin Yi.

"I'm asshole to you!" Li Xiaochen yelled, holding his head, "Don't you even give me the chance to make a lot of money!"

After thinking about it for a while, he felt that if it really didn't work, he had to go to Tao Qianyun to ask for a copy to sign.

But God knows what the other party will think of this matter?A person who lost his contract will manage the company well?Can the other party rest assured that the company will be handed over to him?

Then again, this is not a reliable thing in the first place.He, Li Xiaochen, had no experience at all.

Is it possible to take care of the company with a contract?

Forget it, wait for Jiang Mier to come back and discuss it with her.

Li Xiaochen returned to his room, meditated to gather energy, and did the basic homework of Taixuantian Qingdao to lay a solid foundation.

When it was dark, he finished his homework, and when he went downstairs, he saw Jiang Mier sitting on the sofa in the living room "setting the battlefield".

"When did you come back? You went to buy so many things?" Li Xiaochen rummaged and pried, making a mess of the clothes and snacks that Jiang Mier brought back.

"How about trying this one?" Jiang Mier took out a black corseted suit from her bag, compared it to Li Xiaochen, "Go and change it, let's see it through."

Li Xiaochen wondered: "Such fine clothes, quite expensive? Where did you get them? Did you buy them? Are you rich again?"

"You don't mind me." Jiang Mier gave him a sideways glance, "You must have a decent outfit when you go to the company. Can't you always look like a poor and lower-middle peasant?"

"What company to go to, how do you know I'm going to work for the company?"

Jiang Mier felt that she had slipped her words, and hurriedly made amends: "I... listened to what your dean said. Congratulations, you will soon be the president of Shanewei Shenzhou District."

Li Xiaochen nodded, not doubting him, thinking: It's better to know.Save me from repeating myself.

He sat next to Jiang Mier: "I really don't think this is very real. How can there be pies in the sky for no reason? Is there any trap in this? Jiang Mier, do you think I should sign a contract with them?" ?”

"Sign, why don't you sign? If you sign, you will make money. Don't you keep calling yourself poor? What a great opportunity."

Li Xiaochen thought for a moment: "Of course I want to make money. But... I don't understand. There are many people who are better than me in the world. The reason Tao Qianyun said doesn't quite convince me. What is she trying to do?" Idea? Is it because Shanewei has something tricky, owes a huge debt, and then asks me to be a dead ghost? Or something worse."

Jiang Mier deliberately guided: "Shaniewei is a regular company, how could such a thing happen? You are overthinking."

"I can't believe it just because it's a regular company. Have you ever seen a regular company choose a kid who doesn't know anything to be the president? Only people with a sick mind would do that."

"Who's out of his mind!" Jiang Mier patted Li Xiaochen angrily, "He made you the president out of good intentions. You still speak ill of him!"

Li Xiaochen looked at her inexplicably: "I'm not talking about you. Why are you so excited?"

"I... Oh, anyway, you must have been there anyway. You can learn from it. Shanewei has a mature team and works well. Many things can be decided without going through the president. The president of the Shenzhou District usually only needs to sign and stamp , and it’s over. Other things, naturally, the team will take care of you. It’s very easy.”

Li Xiaochen said clearly: "So it's a nominal position. Hey, Jiang Mier, how do you know so clearly?"

"I, I was afraid that you would be fooled, so I investigated beforehand... Why do you look at me with such weird eyes? You don't believe me?"

"No. Actually... I lost that contract."

"What!" Jiang Mier screamed and jumped up.

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