Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 88) Preparing for Foundation Establishment

"Where did you get the contract?" Jiang Mier put her hands on her hips, glaring at Li Xiaochen angrily.

Li Xiaochen lowered his head, and muttered embarrassingly: "Burn it."

Jiang Mier, who was about to scold him a few words, laughed angrily when she heard this: "You're really good. Aunt Yun knows, she must be so angry. What's wrong with burning such a precious contract? You burn such a precious contract? Was it on purpose?"

"No, no." Li Xiaochen shook his head desperately, "It was accidentally burned."

Jiang Mier sighed sadly: "Do you know that there is Shane Wei's unique anti-counterfeiting mark on the contract. It took a lot of work to make it. You will have to wait for another copy." It's time."

"Anti-counterfeit mark?" Li Xiaochen laughed, "I've never heard that a contract must have an anti-counterfeit mark."

Jiang Mier said: "It was specially made to prevent others from pretending to be Shane Wei's employees and cheating everywhere."

"You know that too?" Li Xiaochen stared at Jiang Mier more suspiciously.

Jiang Mier avoided answering: "Go and talk to the other party, if you can get an agency agreement temporarily. But even if you agree, you can only be a temporary president until the official contract is signed."

Li Xiaochen's eyes lit up, he clapped his hands and said with a smile, "That's good. Be a temporary worker, you can leave at any time, and you don't have to bear too many responsibilities."

"It's worthless. I just wanted to avoid responsibility." Jiang Mier packed up her things and made a simple dinner.

The two ate together and began to enter a new practice.

Li Xiaochen, who has successfully congealed his pill, will face the crucial third level of Tai Xuan Tian Qing Dao - Foundation Establishment.

Building a foundation, as the name suggests, is to build a foundation.The practice of building a foundation can also be divided into two parts.

One is to stop leaks and make up for losses.

Essence and blood are the treasures of life.For those who cultivate immortals, males should prevent loss of sperm.Women prevent blood loss.

The second is to mobilize the essence and blood to turn into true qi, dredge the meridians, and repair the body.

The first two layers of Qi Gathering and Pill Condensation of Taixuan Tian Qingdao are precisely to recover the lost essence and blood energy and prepare for foundation establishment.

Before teaching the foundation building method, Jiang Mier first asked a question: "When you were conceived in the condensing period, did you notice that some of your meridians are broad and some are narrow?"

Li Xiaochen thought for a while, then nodded.

He remembered that this was the case.At that time, the primordial spirit ran wildly in the meridians, and indeed saw the narrow meridians that could not be drilled through.

Jiang Mier said: "This is the phenomenon caused by your meridians not being smooth. Unblocking the meridians is one of the compulsory courses for foundation establishment. However, the true energy required for foundation establishment is very large. Before formal foundation establishment, I want to teach you a set of "immortal rubbing belly method". After learning, practice once before getting up in the morning and before going to bed at night."

This set of immortal belly rubbing method is also called Yannian Jiuzhuan method.

During the Yongzheng period of the Qing Dynasty, there was a Taoist surnamed Fang in Yantai who was about a hundred years old.His strength is boundless, and his voice is like a bell.He is about seven feet tall and as strong as an ox.

Pushing his body is like pushing an iron tower, it is unshakable.Someone joked that to test his strength, he tied a long rope around his wrist.

Then let more than ten people pull the rope back hard together.The Taoist held hands.More than a dozen people were pulled over by him.

He can also hook two people with two fingers.

Hook it off the ground, Fang Daoren can run like flying.No one can catch up.

He often went to Tongzhou to buy cakes in a short period of time, and when he came back after walking for more than 40 miles, the cakes were still hot.

For this reason, everyone called him a fairy.

And this set of immortal belly rubbing method was passed down by this Taoist Fang.

It is based on the principles of "Book of Changes", conforms to the laws of transportation and transformation, and is ingeniously combined with yin and yang and has a sense of proportion.

It can not only strengthen the body, cure diseases and maintain health, but also increase the true energy, so that the immortals can benefit from it.

Although it does not belong to Tai Xuantian's kung fu of clearing the way, it can be used as an auxiliary to dredge the meridians and increase the true energy.

Li Xiaochen followed Jiang Mier to finish this set of eight-style immortal abdomen rubbing method, only to feel that most of them are simple methods of directing qi to the dantian.

Compared with Taixuan Tian Qingdao, it is more like a way to keep fit.

After teaching this set of belly rubbing methods, Jiang Mier said: "I told you before that Taixuan Tianqingdao practice is slightly different from other sects. It is mainly in the area before and after foundation establishment. Almost all sects , they all build the foundation first, then congeal the alchemy. Some other sects have fetal movement when they succeed in establishing the foundation. Taixuan Tianqingdao does the opposite, congeals the alchemy first, and then congeals the foundation. Our advantage lies in, The immortal fetus can be used to release more true energy to attack the blocked meridians in the body. The time to build a foundation will be shorter than other sects."

"Hmm, what then?" Li Xiaochen yawned.Compared with these theories, he prefers actual combat.

So at this time, it is unavoidable to be a little boring.

Jiang Mier looked at him fixedly, and asked seriously: "Tell me first, are you still a virgin?"

"Ah, ah?" Li Xiaochen's spirit was lifted by this question, "Does this have anything to do with Foundation Establishment?"

Jiang Mi'er said solemnly: "Of course there is. Didn't you pay attention to it just now? Men are anti-lost. Who knows if you have secretly done some shameless things to drain your essence."

Speaking of this kind of topic, Li Xiaochen felt a little embarrassed.He shaved his face with his fingers: "Do I look like that kind of wretched person?"

"Hmph, wretched or not, you know it in your heart."

After hearing this, Li Xiaochen became unhappy: "Hey, Jiang Mier, don't accuse a good person. I have been with you for so long, and I have never done anything outrageous to you. And we are together every day, Supervising each other, how can I have time to do those shady things? Besides, even if I am a beast, I have ready-made ones right now. Why do I need to find others?"

Jiang Mier pursed her lips and snorted: "Come on. Last time you and Tang Yao were doing something nice on the sofa, and I bumped into you. I still remember this clearly."

"Didn't I explain it to you many times? It was an accident. Besides, I really didn't have anything to do with her..."

Jiang Mier said sourly: "Then who knows? It's just the two of you in the house. If you're alone, it's not surprising that something happened."

Li Xiaochen was helpless: "Okay, I can see it. Anyway, you firmly believe that I did those things with Tang Yao. Then I will admit it. I have done everything I should do with her. Ten months later, I'm going to be a father. Are you satisfied?"

Jiang Mier's eyes widened as she listened.She picked up the pillow on the sofa and threw it on Li Xiaochen's head with all her strength: "Not satisfied! You bad guy, your words are becoming more and more shameless! I've been treating you a little better recently, so you're going to be unscrupulous, aren't you?"

"You are the one who insisted on forcing me into prostitution. I just said what you wanted... Oh, don't hit me!" Li Xiaochen hid Jiang Mier's unrecognizable pillow and cried in his heart: Why are women so troublesome?To tell the truth, she insisted on distorting the facts.Telling a lie, she created violence for me again.It seems that next time we have to mix the truth with the hypothesis.

Jiang Mier hit Li Xiaochen's face with a pillow, and said angrily, "I'm just trying you. I didn't expect you to really have trouble with Tang Yao!"

Li Xiaochen covered his cheeks with his hands, and repeatedly defended: "No, absolutely nothing wrong! You trust me, okay?"

"Hmph, it's strange to believe you!" Although Jiang Mier was confronting Li Xiaochen, she kept laughing inwardly.

Two days ago, when Li Xiaochen's mother came and the three daughters got together, after "interrogating" Li Xiaochen that night, Jiang Mier also secretly communicated with Tang Yao.

Of course she knew the truth of it.Now Jiang Mier is just taking advantage of the situation and punishing him a little bit.

Anyway, Li Xiaochen's thick skin is forbidden to be beaten, and the pillow is soft, so it doesn't hurt to be beaten, and he doesn't have to pay money or taxes, so beating is not for nothing.

A few more strokes can also help promote blood circulation, tighten muscle lines, and shape a perfect body. It's too cheap for this bad guy.

Li Xiaochen was out of breath by Jiang Mier's indiscriminate bombardment.It didn't hurt much, but it was enough.

He fought back and grabbed the murder weapon in her hand: "Jiang Mier, don't be unreasonable and unreasonable, okay? Isn't this matter already over, why are you bringing it up now?"

Jiang Mier grabbed another pillow and beat Li Xiaochen violently: "I'm just being unreasonable. I'm just being unreasonable. I'll beat you up!"

"Stop hitting! If you hit again, I... I'll molest you!"

"Ha, you've finally been beaten to the point of telling the truth. Smelly rascal, I want to represent the vast number of women victims and the director of the Women's Federation of the Street Office, and by the way, represent the moon, and completely destroy you! Watch the beating!"

Li Xiaochen, who was abused by Jiang Mier, was angry and funny: Who is the hooligan?

After getting tired from the beating, Jiang Mier asked, "Say, are you a virgin after all?"

Li Xiaochen was afraid that this pillow would fall off again, so he quickly said, "Don't ask, it must be."

"It's useless to be a virgin. After puberty, you already have a leak. You still have to fill in the gap."

"Then why are you asking?"

Jiang Mier got down from him and sat down, and said with a smile: "Just question me. See if you have done anything unruly."

Li Xiaochen rolled his eyes because of her, and finally understood: "Jiang Mier, I'm convinced. If you seize the opportunity, just make fun of me."

Jiang Mier patted his thigh: "Get up, let's be serious. It's time to teach you how to build a foundation."

In order to complete the foundation building faster, Jiang Mier asked Li Xiaochen to block the essence on the one hand to prevent it from leaking out.On the other hand, the meridians need to be opened up.

Jiang Mier focused on explaining the system of meridians and the method of dredging them.

She also told Li Xiaochen before about the meridian structure of the human body, including twelve meridians, eight extra meridians, fifteen collaterals, twelve tendons, twelve meridians and twelve skin parts.

Different meridians have different pulse methods.Jiang Mier spoke more than a dozen kinds in one breath, which made Li Xiaochen dizzy.

Later, he had no choice but to write down carefully with a pen and paper, and draw pictures beside him.

After finishing writing, Jiang Mier will check it again.After confirming that it was correct, she said: "Next, you can build the foundation according to the method I said."

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